Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell software

Safe HaskellNone




configure :: Verbosity -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO (Compiler, Maybe Platform, ProgramConfiguration)

getInstalledPackages :: Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO InstalledPackageIndex

Given a package DB stack, return all installed packages.

getPackageDBContents :: Verbosity -> PackageDB -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO InstalledPackageIndex

Given a single package DB, return all installed packages.

startInterpreter :: Verbosity -> ProgramConfiguration -> Compiler -> Platform -> PackageDBStack -> IO ()

Start a REPL without loading any source files.



:: Verbosity 
-> LocalBuildInfo 
-> FilePath

install location

-> FilePath

install location for dynamic libraries

-> FilePath

Build location

-> PackageDescription 
-> Library 
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo 
-> IO () 

Install for ghc, .hi, .a and, if --with-ghci given, .o



:: Verbosity 
-> LocalBuildInfo 
-> InstallDirs FilePath

Where to copy the files to

-> FilePath

Build location

-> (FilePath, FilePath)

Executable (prefix,suffix)

-> PackageDescription 
-> Executable 
-> IO () 

getLibDir :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO FilePath

isDynamic :: Compiler -> Bool

getGlobalPackageDB :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO FilePath

Return the FilePath to the global GHC package database.

runCmd :: ProgramConfiguration -> FilePath -> (FilePath, FilePath, [String])

Get the JavaScript file name and command and arguments to run a program compiled by GHCJS the exe should be the base program name without exe extension