{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
#include "HsConfigure.h"
-- #hide
module Data.Time.Clock.Scale
	-- * Universal Time
	-- | Time as measured by the earth.

	-- * Absolute intervals
        secondsToDiffTime, picosecondsToDiffTime
) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Typeable
#if LANGUAGE_Rank2Types
import Data.Data

-- | The Modified Julian Date is the day with the fraction of the day, measured from UT midnight.
-- It's used to represent UT1, which is time as measured by the earth's rotation, adjusted for various wobbles.
newtype UniversalTime = ModJulianDate {getModJulianDate :: Rational} deriving (Eq,Ord
#if LANGUAGE_DeriveDataTypeable
#if LANGUAGE_Rank2Types
    ,Data, Typeable

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance NFData UniversalTime where
	rnf (ModJulianDate a) = rnf a

-- | This is a length of time, as measured by a clock.
-- Conversion functions will treat it as seconds.
-- It has a precision of 10^-12 s.
newtype DiffTime = MkDiffTime Pico deriving (Eq,Ord
#if LANGUAGE_DeriveDataTypeable
#if LANGUAGE_Rank2Types
#if HAS_DataPico
    ,Data, Typeable

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance NFData DiffTime -- FIXME: Data.Fixed had no NFData instances yet at time of writing

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance Enum DiffTime where
	succ (MkDiffTime a) = MkDiffTime (succ a)
	pred (MkDiffTime a) = MkDiffTime (pred a)
	toEnum = MkDiffTime . toEnum
	fromEnum (MkDiffTime a) = fromEnum a
	enumFrom (MkDiffTime a) = fmap MkDiffTime (enumFrom a)
	enumFromThen (MkDiffTime a) (MkDiffTime b) = fmap MkDiffTime (enumFromThen a b)
	enumFromTo (MkDiffTime a) (MkDiffTime b) = fmap MkDiffTime (enumFromTo a b)
	enumFromThenTo (MkDiffTime a) (MkDiffTime b) (MkDiffTime c) = fmap MkDiffTime (enumFromThenTo a b c)

instance Show DiffTime where
	show (MkDiffTime t) = (showFixed True t) ++ "s"

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance Num DiffTime where
	(MkDiffTime a) + (MkDiffTime b) = MkDiffTime (a + b)
	(MkDiffTime a) - (MkDiffTime b) = MkDiffTime (a - b)
	(MkDiffTime a) * (MkDiffTime b) = MkDiffTime (a * b)
	negate (MkDiffTime a) = MkDiffTime (negate a)
	abs (MkDiffTime a) = MkDiffTime (abs a)
	signum (MkDiffTime a) = MkDiffTime (signum a)
	fromInteger i = MkDiffTime (fromInteger i)

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance Real DiffTime where
	toRational (MkDiffTime a) = toRational a

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance Fractional DiffTime where
	(MkDiffTime a) / (MkDiffTime b) = MkDiffTime (a / b)
	recip (MkDiffTime a) = MkDiffTime (recip a)
	fromRational r = MkDiffTime (fromRational r)

-- necessary because H98 doesn't have "cunning newtype" derivation
instance RealFrac DiffTime where
    properFraction (MkDiffTime a) = let (b',a') = properFraction a in (b',MkDiffTime a')
    truncate (MkDiffTime a) = truncate a
    round (MkDiffTime a) = round a
    ceiling (MkDiffTime a) = ceiling a
    floor (MkDiffTime a) = floor a

-- | Create a 'DiffTime' which represents an integral number of seconds.
secondsToDiffTime :: Integer -> DiffTime
secondsToDiffTime = fromInteger

-- | Create a 'DiffTime' from a number of picoseconds.
picosecondsToDiffTime :: Integer -> DiffTime
picosecondsToDiffTime x = fromRational (x % 1000000000000)

"realToFrac/DiffTime->Pico"              realToFrac = \ (MkDiffTime ps) -> ps
"realToFrac/Pico->DiffTime"              realToFrac = MkDiffTime