{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2005
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This defined parsers and partial pretty printers for the @.cabal@ format.

module Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (
    -- * Package descriptions

    -- ** Parsing

    -- ** Supplementary build information
    ) where

import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import           Control.Monad.State.Strict                   (StateT, execStateT)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class                    (lift)
import qualified Data.ByteString                              as BS
import           Data.List                                    (partition)
import qualified Distribution.Compat.Map.Strict               as Map
import           Distribution.FieldGrammar
import           Distribution.PackageDescription
import           Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar
import           Distribution.PackageDescription.Quirks       (patchQuirks)
import           Distribution.Parsec.Class                    (parsecCommaList, parsec, parsecToken)
import           Distribution.Parsec.Common
import           Distribution.Parsec.ConfVar                  (parseConditionConfVar)
import           Distribution.Parsec.Field                    (FieldName, getName)
import           Distribution.Parsec.LexerMonad               (LexWarning, toPWarning)
import           Distribution.Parsec.Parser
import           Distribution.Parsec.ParseResult
import           Distribution.Simple.Utils                    (die', fromUTF8BS, warn)
import           Distribution.Text                            (display)
import           Distribution.Types.CondTree
import           Distribution.Types.Dependency                (Dependency)
import           Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
import           Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
                 (UnqualComponentName, mkUnqualComponentName)
import           Distribution.Utils.Generic                   (breakMaybe, unfoldrM)
import           Distribution.Verbosity                       (Verbosity)
import           Distribution.Version
                 (LowerBound (..), Version, asVersionIntervals, mkVersion, orLaterVersion)
import           System.Directory                             (doesFileExist)

import           Distribution.Compat.Lens
import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens                 as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens as L
import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageDescription.Lens        as L

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parsing

-- | Helper combinator to do parsing plumbing for files.
-- Given a parser and a filename, return the parse of the file,
-- after checking if the file exists.
-- Argument order is chosen to encourage partial application.
    :: (BS.ByteString -> ParseResult a)  -- ^ File contents to final value parser
    -> Verbosity                         -- ^ Verbosity level
    -> FilePath                          -- ^ File to read
    -> IO a
readAndParseFile parser verbosity fpath = do
    exists <- doesFileExist fpath
    unless exists $
      die' verbosity $
        "Error Parsing: file \"" ++ fpath ++ "\" doesn't exist. Cannot continue."
    bs <- BS.readFile fpath
    let (warnings, errors, result) = runParseResult (parser bs)
    traverse_ (warn verbosity . showPWarning fpath) warnings
    traverse_ (warn verbosity . showPError fpath) errors
    case result of
        Nothing -> die' verbosity $ "Failing parsing \"" ++ fpath ++ "\"."
        Just x  -> return x

-- | Parse the given package file.
readGenericPackageDescription :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO GenericPackageDescription
readGenericPackageDescription = readAndParseFile parseGenericPackageDescription

-- | Parses the given file into a 'GenericPackageDescription'.
-- In Cabal 1.2 the syntax for package descriptions was changed to a format
-- with sections and possibly indented property descriptions.
parseGenericPackageDescription :: BS.ByteString -> ParseResult GenericPackageDescription
parseGenericPackageDescription bs = case readFields' bs' of
    Right (fs, lexWarnings) -> do
        when patched $
            parseWarning zeroPos PWTQuirkyCabalFile "Legacy cabal file"
        parseGenericPackageDescription' lexWarnings fs
    -- TODO: better marshalling of errors
    Left perr -> parseFatalFailure zeroPos (show perr)
    (patched, bs') = patchQuirks bs

-- | 'Maybe' variant of 'parseGenericPackageDescription'
parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe GenericPackageDescription
parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe =
    trdOf3 . runParseResult . parseGenericPackageDescription
    trdOf3 (_, _, x) = x

fieldlinesToBS :: [FieldLine ann] -> BS.ByteString
fieldlinesToBS = BS.intercalate "\n" . map (\(FieldLine _ bs) -> bs)

-- Monad in which sections are parsed
type SectionParser = StateT SectionS ParseResult

-- | State of section parser
data SectionS = SectionS
    { _stateGpd           :: !GenericPackageDescription
    , _stateCommonStanzas :: !(Map String CondTreeBuildInfo)

stateGpd :: Lens' SectionS GenericPackageDescription
stateGpd f (SectionS gpd cs) = (\x -> SectionS x cs) <$> f gpd
{-# INLINE stateGpd #-}

stateCommonStanzas :: Lens' SectionS (Map String CondTreeBuildInfo)
stateCommonStanzas f (SectionS gpd cs) = SectionS gpd <$> f cs
{-# INLINE stateCommonStanzas #-}

-- Note [Accumulating parser]
-- This parser has two "states":
-- * first we parse fields of PackageDescription
-- * then we parse sections (libraries, executables, etc)
    :: [LexWarning]
    -> [Field Position]
    -> ParseResult GenericPackageDescription
parseGenericPackageDescription' lexWarnings fs = do
    parseWarnings (fmap toPWarning lexWarnings)
    let (syntax, fs') = sectionizeFields fs

    -- PackageDescription
    let (fields, sectionFields) = takeFields fs'
    pd <- parseFieldGrammar fields packageDescriptionFieldGrammar
    maybeWarnCabalVersion syntax pd

    -- Sections
    let gpd = emptyGpd & L.packageDescription .~ pd

    -- parse sections
    view stateGpd <$> execStateT
        (goSections (specVersion pd) sectionFields)
        (SectionS gpd Map.empty)
    emptyGpd :: GenericPackageDescription
    emptyGpd = GenericPackageDescription emptyPackageDescription [] Nothing [] [] [] [] []

    newSyntaxVersion :: Version
    newSyntaxVersion = mkVersion [1, 2]

    maybeWarnCabalVersion :: Syntax -> PackageDescription -> ParseResult ()
    maybeWarnCabalVersion syntax pkg
      | syntax == NewSyntax && specVersion pkg < newSyntaxVersion
      = parseWarning (Position 0 0) PWTNewSyntax $
             "A package using section syntax must specify at least\n"
          ++ "'cabal-version: >= 1.2'."

    maybeWarnCabalVersion syntax pkg
      | syntax == OldSyntax && specVersion pkg >= newSyntaxVersion
      = parseWarning (Position 0 0) PWTOldSyntax $
             "A package using 'cabal-version: "
          ++ displaySpecVersion (specVersionRaw pkg)
          ++ "' must use section syntax. See the Cabal user guide for details."
        displaySpecVersion (Left version)       = display version
        displaySpecVersion (Right versionRange) =
          case asVersionIntervals versionRange of
            [] {- impossible -}           -> display versionRange
            ((LowerBound version _, _):_) -> display (orLaterVersion version)

    maybeWarnCabalVersion _ _ = return ()

    -- Sections
goSections :: Version -> [Field Position] -> SectionParser ()
goSections sv = traverse_ process
    hasElif = if sv >= mkVersion [2,1] then HasElif else NoElif

    -- Common stanzas are avaiable since cabal-version: 2.1
    hasCommonStanzas = sv >= mkVersion [2,1]

    process (Field (Name pos name) _) =
        lift $ parseWarning pos PWTTrailingFields $
            "Ignoring trailing fields after sections: " ++ show name
    process (Section name args secFields) =
        parseSection name args secFields

    snoc x xs = xs ++ [x]

    parseSection :: Name Position -> [SectionArg Position] -> [Field Position] -> SectionParser ()
    parseSection (Name pos name) args fields
        | not hasCommonStanzas, name == "common" = lift $ do
            parseWarning pos PWTUnknownSection $ "Ignoring section: common. You should set cabal-version: 2.2 or larger to use common stanzas."

        | name == "common" = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            name' <- lift $ parseCommonName pos args
            biTree <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas buildInfoFieldGrammar commonStanzas fields

            case Map.lookup name' commonStanzas of
                Nothing -> stateCommonStanzas .= Map.insert name' biTree commonStanzas
                Just _  -> lift $ parseFailure pos $
                    "Duplicate common stanza: " ++ name'

        | name == "library" && null args = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            lib <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas (libraryFieldGrammar Nothing) commonStanzas fields
            -- TODO: check that library is defined once
            stateGpd . L.condLibrary ?= lib

        -- Sublibraries
        -- TODO: check cabal-version
        | name == "library" = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            name' <- parseUnqualComponentName pos args
            lib   <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas (libraryFieldGrammar $ Just name') commonStanzas fields
            -- TODO check duplicate name here?
            stateGpd . L.condSubLibraries %= snoc (name', lib)

        -- TODO: check cabal-version
        | name == "foreign-library" = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            name' <- parseUnqualComponentName pos args
            flib  <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas (foreignLibFieldGrammar name') commonStanzas fields
            -- TODO check duplicate name here?
            stateGpd . L.condForeignLibs %= snoc (name', flib)

        | name == "executable" = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            name' <- parseUnqualComponentName pos args
            exe   <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas (executableFieldGrammar name') commonStanzas fields
            -- TODO check duplicate name here?
            stateGpd . L.condExecutables %= snoc (name', exe)

        | name == "test-suite" = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            name'      <- parseUnqualComponentName pos args
            testStanza <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas testSuiteFieldGrammar commonStanzas fields
            testSuite  <- lift $ traverse (validateTestSuite pos) testStanza
            -- TODO check duplicate name here?
            stateGpd . L.condTestSuites %= snoc (name', testSuite)

        | name == "benchmark" = do
            commonStanzas <- use stateCommonStanzas
            name'       <- parseUnqualComponentName pos args
            benchStanza <- lift $ parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas benchmarkFieldGrammar commonStanzas fields
            bench       <- lift $ traverse (validateBenchmark pos) benchStanza
            -- TODO check duplicate name here?
            stateGpd . L.condBenchmarks %= snoc (name', bench)

        | name == "flag" = do
            name'  <- parseName pos args
            name'' <- lift $ runFieldParser' pos parsec name' `recoverWith` mkFlagName ""
            flag   <- lift $ parseFields fields (flagFieldGrammar name'')
            -- Check default flag
            stateGpd . L.genPackageFlags %= snoc flag

        | name == "custom-setup" && null args = do
            sbi <- lift $ parseFields fields  (setupBInfoFieldGrammar False)
            stateGpd . L.packageDescription . L.setupBuildInfo ?= sbi

        | name == "source-repository" = do
            kind <- lift $ case args of
                [SecArgName spos secName] ->
                    runFieldParser' spos parsec (fromUTF8BS secName) `recoverWith` RepoHead
                [] -> do
                    parseFailure pos "'source-repository' requires exactly one argument"
                    pure RepoHead
                _ -> do
                    parseFailure pos $ "Invalid source-repository kind " ++ show args
                    pure RepoHead

            sr <- lift $ parseFields fields (sourceRepoFieldGrammar kind)
            stateGpd . L.packageDescription . L.sourceRepos %= snoc sr

        | otherwise = lift $
            parseWarning pos PWTUnknownSection $ "Ignoring section: " ++ show name

parseName :: Position -> [SectionArg Position] -> SectionParser String
-- TODO: use strict parser
parseName pos args = case args of
    [SecArgName _pos secName] ->
         pure $ fromUTF8BS secName
    [SecArgStr _pos secName] ->
         pure $ fromUTF8BS secName
    [] -> do
         lift $ parseFailure pos $ "name required"
         pure ""
    _ -> do
         -- TODO: pretty print args
         lift $ parseFailure pos $ "Invalid name " ++ show args
         pure ""

parseCommonName :: Position -> [SectionArg Position] -> ParseResult String
parseCommonName pos args = case args of
    [SecArgName _pos secName] ->
         pure $ fromUTF8BS secName
    [SecArgStr _pos secName] ->
         pure $ fromUTF8BS secName
    [] -> do
         parseFailure pos $ "name required"
         pure ""
    _ -> do
         -- TODO: pretty print args
         parseFailure pos $ "Invalid name " ++ show args
         pure ""

parseUnqualComponentName :: Position -> [SectionArg Position] -> SectionParser UnqualComponentName
parseUnqualComponentName pos args = mkUnqualComponentName <$> parseName pos args

-- | Parse a non-recursive list of fields.
    :: [Field Position] -- ^ fields to be parsed
    -> ParsecFieldGrammar' a
    -> ParseResult a
parseFields fields grammar = do
    let (fs0, ss) = partitionFields fields
    traverse_ (traverse_ warnInvalidSubsection) ss
    parseFieldGrammar fs0 grammar

warnInvalidSubsection :: Section Position -> ParseResult ()
warnInvalidSubsection (MkSection (Name pos name) _ _) =
    void (parseFailure pos $ "invalid subsection " ++ show name)

data HasElif = HasElif | NoElif
  deriving (Eq, Show)

    :: forall a c.
       HasElif                -- ^ accept @elif@
    -> ParsecFieldGrammar' a  -- ^ grammar
    -> (a -> c)               -- ^ condition extractor
    -> [Field Position]
    -> ParseResult (CondTree ConfVar c a)
parseCondTree hasElif grammar cond = go
    go fields = do
        let (fs, ss) = partitionFields fields
        x <- parseFieldGrammar fs grammar
        branches <- concat <$> traverse parseIfs ss
        return (CondNode x (cond x) branches) -- TODO: branches

    parseIfs :: [Section Position] -> ParseResult [CondBranch ConfVar c a]
    parseIfs [] = return []
    parseIfs (MkSection (Name _ name) test fields : sections) | name == "if" = do
        test' <- parseConditionConfVar test
        fields' <- go fields
        -- TODO: else
        (elseFields, sections') <- parseElseIfs sections
        return (CondBranch test' fields' elseFields : sections')
    parseIfs (MkSection (Name pos name) _ _ : sections) = do
        parseWarning pos PWTInvalidSubsection $ "invalid subsection " ++ show name
        parseIfs sections

        :: [Section Position]
        -> ParseResult (Maybe (CondTree ConfVar c a), [CondBranch ConfVar c a])
    parseElseIfs [] = return (Nothing, [])
    parseElseIfs (MkSection (Name pos name) args fields : sections) | name == "else" = do
        unless (null args) $
            parseFailure pos $ "`else` section has section arguments " ++ show args
        elseFields <- go fields
        sections' <- parseIfs sections
        return (Just elseFields, sections')

    parseElseIfs (MkSection (Name _ name) test fields : sections) | hasElif == HasElif, name == "elif" = do
        -- TODO: check cabal-version
        test' <- parseConditionConfVar test
        fields' <- go fields
        (elseFields, sections') <- parseElseIfs sections
        -- we parse an empty 'Fields', to get empty value for a node
        a <- parseFieldGrammar mempty grammar
        return (Just $ CondNode a (cond a) [CondBranch test' fields' elseFields], sections')

    parseElseIfs (MkSection (Name pos name) _ _ : sections) | name == "elif" = do
        parseWarning pos PWTInvalidSubsection $ "invalid subsection \"elif\". You should set cabal-version: 2.2 or larger to use elif-conditionals."
        (,) Nothing <$> parseIfs sections

    parseElseIfs sections = (,) Nothing <$> parseIfs sections

{- Note [Accumulating parser]

Note: Outdated a bit

In there parser, @'FieldDescr' a@ is transformed into @Map FieldName (a ->
FieldParser a)@.  The weird value is used because we accumulate structure of
@a@ by folding over the fields.  There are various reasons for that:

* Almost all fields are optional

* This is simple approach so declarative bi-directional format (parsing and
printing) of structure could be specified (list of @'FieldDescr' a@)

* There are surface syntax fields corresponding to single field in the file:
  @license-file@ and @license-files@

* This is quite safe approach.

When/if we re-implement the parser to support formatting preservging roundtrip
with new AST, this all need to be rewritten.

-- Common stanzas

-- $commonStanzas
-- [Note: Common stanzas]
-- In Cabal 2.2 we support simple common stanzas:
-- * Commons stanzas define 'BuildInfo'
-- * import "fields" can only occur at top of other stanzas (think: imports)
-- In particular __there aren't__
-- * implicit stanzas
-- * More specific common stanzas (executable, test-suite).
-- The approach uses the fact that 'BuildInfo' is a 'Monoid':
-- @
-- mergeCommonStanza' :: HasBuildInfo comp => BuildInfo -> comp -> comp
-- mergeCommonStanza' bi = over L.BuildInfo (bi <>)
-- @
-- Real 'mergeCommonStanza' is more complicated as we have to deal with
-- conditional trees.
-- The approach is simple, and have good properties:
-- * Common stanzas are parsed exactly once, even if not-used. Thus we report errors in them.
type CondTreeBuildInfo = CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] BuildInfo

-- | Create @a@ from 'BuildInfo'.
-- Law: @view buildInfo . fromBuildInfo = id@
class L.HasBuildInfo a => FromBuildInfo a where
    fromBuildInfo :: BuildInfo -> a

instance FromBuildInfo BuildInfo  where fromBuildInfo = id
instance FromBuildInfo Library    where fromBuildInfo bi = set L.buildInfo bi emptyLibrary
instance FromBuildInfo ForeignLib where fromBuildInfo bi = set L.buildInfo bi emptyForeignLib
instance FromBuildInfo Executable where fromBuildInfo bi = set L.buildInfo bi emptyExecutable

instance FromBuildInfo TestSuiteStanza where
    fromBuildInfo = TestSuiteStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing

instance FromBuildInfo BenchmarkStanza where
    fromBuildInfo = BenchmarkStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing

    :: forall a. FromBuildInfo a
    => HasElif                       -- ^ accept @elif@
    -> Bool                          -- ^ accept @import@
    -> ParsecFieldGrammar' a         -- ^ grammar
    -> Map String CondTreeBuildInfo  -- ^ common stanzas
    -> [Field Position]
    -> ParseResult (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a)
parseCondTreeWithCommonStanzas hasElif hasCommonStanzas grammar commonStanzas = goImports []
    -- parse leading imports
    -- not supported:
    goImports acc (Field (Name pos name) _ : fields) | name == "import", not hasCommonStanzas = do
        parseWarning pos PWTUnknownField "Unknown field: import. You should set cabal-version: 2.2 or larger to use common stanzas"
        goImports acc fields
    -- supported:
    goImports acc (Field (Name pos name) fls : fields) | name == "import" = do
        names <- runFieldParser pos (parsecCommaList parsecToken) fls
        names' <- for names $ \commonName ->
            case Map.lookup commonName commonStanzas of
                Nothing -> do
                    parseFailure pos $ "Undefined common stanza imported: " ++ commonName
                    pure Nothing
                Just commonTree ->
                    pure (Just commonTree)

        goImports (acc ++ catMaybes names') fields

    -- Go to parsing condTree after first non-import 'Field'.
    goImports acc fields = go acc fields

    -- parse actual CondTree
    go :: [CondTreeBuildInfo] -> [Field Position] -> ParseResult (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a)
    go bis fields = do
        x <- parseCondTree hasElif grammar (view L.targetBuildDepends) fields
        pure $ foldr mergeCommonStanza x bis

    :: forall a. FromBuildInfo a
    => CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] BuildInfo
    -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a
    -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a
mergeCommonStanza (CondNode bi _ bis) (CondNode x _ cs) =
    CondNode x' (x' ^. L.targetBuildDepends) cs'
    -- new value is old value with buildInfo field _prepended_.
    x' = x & L.buildInfo %~ (bi <>)

    -- tree components are appended together.
    cs' = map (fmap fromBuildInfo) bis ++ cs

-- Old syntax

-- TODO: move to own module

-- | "Sectionize" an old-style Cabal file.  A sectionized file has:
--  * all global fields at the beginning, followed by
--  * all flag declarations, followed by
--  * an optional library section, and an arbitrary number of executable
--    sections (in any order).
-- The current implementation just gathers all library-specific fields
-- in a library section and wraps all executable stanzas in an executable
-- section.
sectionizeFields :: [Field ann] -> (Syntax, [Field ann])
sectionizeFields fs = case classifyFields fs of
    Just fields -> (OldSyntax, convert fields)
    Nothing     -> (NewSyntax, fs)
    -- return 'Just' if all fields are simple fields
    classifyFields :: [Field ann] -> Maybe [(Name ann, [FieldLine ann])]
    classifyFields = traverse f
        f (Field name fieldlines) = Just (name, fieldlines)
        f _                      = Nothing

    trim = BS.dropWhile isSpace' . BS.reverse . BS.dropWhile isSpace' . BS.reverse
    isSpace' = (== 32)

    convert :: [(Name ann, [FieldLine ann])] -> [Field ann]
    convert fields =
        toField (name, ls) = Field name ls
        -- "build-depends" is a local field now.  To be backwards
        -- compatible, we still allow it as a global field in old-style
        -- package description files and translate it to a local field by
        -- adding it to every non-empty section
        (hdr0, exes0) = break ((=="executable") . getName . fst) fields
        (hdr, libfs0) = partition (not . (`elem` libFieldNames) . getName . fst) hdr0

        (deps, libfs) = partition ((== "build-depends") . getName . fst)

        exes = unfoldr toExe exes0
        toExe [] = Nothing
        toExe ((Name pos n, ls) : r)
          | n == "executable" =
              let (efs, r') = break ((== "executable") . getName . fst) r
              in Just (Section (Name pos "executable") [SecArgName pos $ trim $ fieldlinesToBS ls] (map toField $ deps ++ efs), r')
        toExe _ = error "unexpected input to 'toExe'"

        lib = case libfs of
            []                         -> []
            ((Name pos _,  _) : _) ->
                [Section (Name pos "library") [] (map toField $ deps ++ libfs)]

      in map toField hdr ++ lib ++ exes

-- | See 'sectionizeFields'.
data Syntax = OldSyntax | NewSyntax
    deriving (Eq, Show)

libFieldNames :: [FieldName]
libFieldNames = fieldGrammarKnownFieldList (libraryFieldGrammar Nothing)

-- Suplementary build information

readHookedBuildInfo :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO HookedBuildInfo
readHookedBuildInfo = readAndParseFile parseHookedBuildInfo

parseHookedBuildInfo :: BS.ByteString -> ParseResult HookedBuildInfo
parseHookedBuildInfo bs = case readFields' bs' of
    Right (fs, lexWarnings) -> do
        when patched $
            parseWarning zeroPos PWTQuirkyCabalFile "Legacy cabal file"
        parseHookedBuildInfo' lexWarnings fs
    -- TODO: better marshalling of errors
    Left perr -> parseFatalFailure zeroPos (show perr)
    (patched, bs') = patchQuirks bs

    :: [LexWarning]
    -> [Field Position]
    -> ParseResult HookedBuildInfo
parseHookedBuildInfo' lexWarnings fs = do
    parseWarnings (fmap toPWarning lexWarnings)
    (mLibFields, exes) <- stanzas fs
    mLib <- parseLib mLibFields
    biExes <- traverse parseExe exes
    return (mLib, biExes)
    parseLib :: Fields Position -> ParseResult (Maybe BuildInfo)
    parseLib fields
        | Map.null fields = pure Nothing
        | otherwise       = Just <$> parseFieldGrammar fields buildInfoFieldGrammar

    parseExe :: (UnqualComponentName, Fields Position) -> ParseResult (UnqualComponentName, BuildInfo)
    parseExe (n, fields) = do
        bi <- parseFieldGrammar fields buildInfoFieldGrammar
        pure (n, bi)

    stanzas :: [Field Position] -> ParseResult (Fields Position, [(UnqualComponentName, Fields Position)])
    stanzas fields = do
        let (hdr0, exes0) = breakMaybe isExecutableField fields
        hdr <- toFields hdr0
        exes <- unfoldrM (traverse toExe) exes0
        pure (hdr, exes)

    toFields :: [Field Position] -> ParseResult (Fields Position)
    toFields fields = do
        let (fields', ss) = partitionFields fields
        traverse_ (traverse_ warnInvalidSubsection) ss
        pure fields'

        :: ([FieldLine Position], [Field Position])
        -> ParseResult ((UnqualComponentName, Fields Position), Maybe ([FieldLine Position], [Field Position]))
    toExe (fss, fields) = do
        name <- runFieldParser zeroPos parsec fss
        let (hdr0, rest) = breakMaybe isExecutableField fields
        hdr <- toFields hdr0
        pure ((name, hdr), rest)

    isExecutableField (Field (Name _ name) fss)
        | name == "executable" = Just fss
        | otherwise            = Nothing
    isExecutableField _ = Nothing