module GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.FreeRegs (

#include "HsVersions.h"


import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Platform.Reg
import GHC.Platform.Reg.Class

import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Platform

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The free register set
-- This needs to be *efficient*
-- Here's an inefficient 'executable specification' of the FreeRegs data type:
--      type FreeRegs = [RegNo]
--      noFreeRegs = 0
--      releaseReg n f = if n `elem` f then f else (n : f)
--      initFreeRegs = allocatableRegs
--      getFreeRegs cls f = filter ( (==cls) . regClass . RealReg ) f
--      allocateReg f r = filter (/= r) f

import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.PPC    as PPC
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.SPARC  as SPARC
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.X86    as X86
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear.X86_64 as X86_64

import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Instr   as PPC.Instr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Instr as SPARC.Instr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.Instr   as X86.Instr

class Show freeRegs => FR freeRegs where
    frAllocateReg :: Platform -> RealReg -> freeRegs -> freeRegs
    frGetFreeRegs :: Platform -> RegClass -> freeRegs -> [RealReg]
    frInitFreeRegs :: Platform -> freeRegs
    frReleaseReg :: Platform -> RealReg -> freeRegs -> freeRegs

instance FR X86.FreeRegs where
    frAllocateReg  = \_ -> X86.allocateReg
    frGetFreeRegs  = X86.getFreeRegs
    frInitFreeRegs = X86.initFreeRegs
    frReleaseReg   = \_ -> X86.releaseReg

instance FR X86_64.FreeRegs where
    frAllocateReg  = \_ -> X86_64.allocateReg
    frGetFreeRegs  = X86_64.getFreeRegs
    frInitFreeRegs = X86_64.initFreeRegs
    frReleaseReg   = \_ -> X86_64.releaseReg

instance FR PPC.FreeRegs where
    frAllocateReg  = \_ -> PPC.allocateReg
    frGetFreeRegs  = \_ -> PPC.getFreeRegs
    frInitFreeRegs = PPC.initFreeRegs
    frReleaseReg   = \_ -> PPC.releaseReg

instance FR SPARC.FreeRegs where
    frAllocateReg  = SPARC.allocateReg
    frGetFreeRegs  = \_ -> SPARC.getFreeRegs
    frInitFreeRegs = SPARC.initFreeRegs
    frReleaseReg   = SPARC.releaseReg

maxSpillSlots :: NCGConfig -> Int
maxSpillSlots config = case platformArch (ncgPlatform config) of
   ArchX86       -> X86.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
   ArchX86_64    -> X86.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
   ArchPPC       -> PPC.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
   ArchS390X     -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchS390X"
   ArchSPARC     -> SPARC.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
   ArchSPARC64   -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchSPARC64"
   ArchARM _ _ _ -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchARM"
   ArchARM64     -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchARM64"
   ArchPPC_64 _  -> PPC.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
   ArchAlpha     -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchAlpha"
   ArchMipseb    -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchMipseb"
   ArchMipsel    -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchMipsel"
   ArchJavaScript-> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchJavaScript"
   ArchUnknown   -> panic "maxSpillSlots ArchUnknown"