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Test that GHC seems to be working

The way to do this is, of course, to compile and run this program (in a file `Main.hs'):

main = putStr "Hello, world!\n"

First, give yourself a convenient way to execute the driver script `ghc/driver/ghc', perhaps something like...

% ln -s /local/src/ghc-x.xx/ghc/driver/ghc ~/bin/alpha/ghc
% rehash

Compile the program, using the `-v' (verbose) flag to verify that libraries, etc., are being found properly:

% ghc -v -o hello Main.hs

Now run it:

% ./hello
Hello, world!

Some simple-but-profitable tests are to compile and run the notorious `nfib' program, using different numeric types. Start with `nfib :: Int -> Int', and then try `Integer', `Float', `Double', `Rational' and maybe `Complex Float'. Code for this is distributed in `ghc/misc/examples/nfib/'.

For more information on how to "drive" GHC, either do `ghc -help' or consult the User's Guide (distributed in `ghc/docs/users_guide').

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