-- | Break Arrays in the IO monad
-- Entries in the array are Word sized Conceptually, a zero-indexed IOArray of
-- Bools, initially False.  They're represented as Words with 0==False, 1==True.
-- They're used to determine whether GHCI breakpoints are on or off.
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2007

module BreakArray
#ifdef GHCI
          (BA) -- constructor is exported only for ByteCodeGen
    , newBreakArray
#ifdef GHCI
    , getBreak
    , setBreakOn
    , setBreakOff
    , showBreakArray
    ) where

import DynFlags

#ifdef GHCI
import Control.Monad

import ExtsCompat46
import GHC.IO ( IO(..) )

data BreakArray = BA (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)

breakOff, breakOn :: Word
breakOn  = 1
breakOff = 0

showBreakArray :: DynFlags -> BreakArray -> IO ()
showBreakArray dflags array = do
    forM_ [0 .. (size dflags array - 1)] $ \i -> do
        val <- readBreakArray array i
        putStr $ ' ' : show val
    putStr "\n"

setBreakOn :: DynFlags -> BreakArray -> Int -> IO Bool
setBreakOn dflags array index
    | safeIndex dflags array index = do
          writeBreakArray array index breakOn
          return True
    | otherwise = return False

setBreakOff :: DynFlags -> BreakArray -> Int -> IO Bool
setBreakOff dflags array index
    | safeIndex dflags array index = do
          writeBreakArray array index breakOff
          return True
    | otherwise = return False

getBreak :: DynFlags -> BreakArray -> Int -> IO (Maybe Word)
getBreak dflags array index
    | safeIndex dflags array index = do
          val <- readBreakArray array index
          return $ Just val
    | otherwise = return Nothing

safeIndex :: DynFlags -> BreakArray -> Int -> Bool
safeIndex dflags array index = index < size dflags array && index >= 0

size :: DynFlags -> BreakArray -> Int
size dflags (BA array) = (I# (sizeofMutableByteArray# array)) `div` wORD_SIZE dflags

allocBA :: Int -> IO BreakArray
allocBA (I# sz) = IO $ \s1 ->
    case newByteArray# sz s1 of { (# s2, array #) -> (# s2, BA array #) }

-- create a new break array and initialise elements to zero
newBreakArray :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO BreakArray
newBreakArray dflags entries@(I# sz) = do
    BA array <- allocBA (entries * wORD_SIZE dflags)
    case breakOff of
        W# off -> do    -- Todo: there must be a better way to write zero as a Word!
            let loop n | n ==# sz = return ()
                       | otherwise = do
                             writeBA# array n off
                             loop (n +# 1#)
            loop 0#
    return $ BA array

writeBA# :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> Word# -> IO ()
writeBA# array i word = IO $ \s ->
    case writeWordArray# array i word s of { s -> (# s, () #) }

writeBreakArray :: BreakArray -> Int -> Word -> IO ()
writeBreakArray (BA array) (I# i) (W# word) = writeBA# array i word

readBA# :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> IO Word
readBA# array i = IO $ \s ->
    case readWordArray# array i s of { (# s, c #) -> (# s, W# c #) }

readBreakArray :: BreakArray -> Int -> IO Word
readBreakArray (BA array) (I# i) = readBA# array i

#else /* !GHCI */

-- stub implementation to make main/, etc., code happier.
-- IOArray and IOUArray are increasingly non-portable,
-- still don't have quite the same interface, and (for GHCI)
-- presumably have a different representation.
data BreakArray = Unspecified

newBreakArray :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO BreakArray
newBreakArray _ _ = return Unspecified

#endif /* GHCI */