module CmmCommonBlockElim
( elimCommonBlocks
import BlockId
import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import CmmContFlowOpt
import Prelude hiding (iterate, succ, unzip, zip)
import Hoopl hiding (ChangeFlag)
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Word
import Outputable
import UniqFM
my_trace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
my_trace = if False then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
elimCommonBlocks :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
elimCommonBlocks g = replaceLabels env g
env = iterate hashed_blocks mapEmpty
hashed_blocks = map (\b -> (hash_block b, b)) $ postorderDfs g
iterate :: [(HashCode,CmmBlock)] -> BlockEnv BlockId -> BlockEnv BlockId
iterate blocks subst =
case foldl common_block (False, emptyUFM, subst) blocks of
(changed, _, subst)
| changed -> iterate blocks subst
| otherwise -> subst
type State = (ChangeFlag, UniqFM [CmmBlock], BlockEnv BlockId)
type ChangeFlag = Bool
type HashCode = Int
common_block :: State -> (HashCode, CmmBlock) -> State
common_block (old_change, bmap, subst) (hash, b) =
case lookupUFM bmap hash of
Just bs -> case (List.find (eqBlockBodyWith (eqBid subst) b) bs,
mapLookup bid subst) of
(Just b', Nothing) -> addSubst b'
(Just b', Just b'') | entryLabel b' /= b'' -> addSubst b'
| otherwise -> (old_change, bmap, subst)
_ -> (old_change, addToUFM bmap hash (b : bs), subst)
Nothing -> (old_change, addToUFM bmap hash [b], subst)
where bid = entryLabel b
addSubst b' = my_trace "found new common block" (ppr bid <> char '=' <> ppr (entryLabel b')) $
(True, bmap, mapInsert bid (entryLabel b') subst)
hash_block :: CmmBlock -> HashCode
hash_block block =
fromIntegral (foldBlockNodesB3 (hash_fst, hash_mid, hash_lst) block (0 :: Word32) .&. (0x7fffffff :: Word32))
where hash_fst _ h = h
hash_mid m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
hash_lst m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
hash_node :: CmmNode O x -> Word32
hash_node (CmmComment _) = 0
hash_node (CmmAssign r e) = hash_reg r + hash_e e
hash_node (CmmStore e e') = hash_e e + hash_e e'
hash_node (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ as) = hash_tgt t + hash_list hash_e as
hash_node (CmmBranch _) = 23
hash_node (CmmCondBranch p _ _) = hash_e p
hash_node (CmmCall e _ _ _ _ _) = hash_e e
hash_node (CmmForeignCall t _ _ _ _ _ _) = hash_tgt t
hash_node (CmmSwitch e _) = hash_e e
hash_reg :: CmmReg -> Word32
hash_reg (CmmLocal _) = 117
hash_reg (CmmGlobal _) = 19
hash_e :: CmmExpr -> Word32
hash_e (CmmLit l) = hash_lit l
hash_e (CmmLoad e _) = 67 + hash_e e
hash_e (CmmReg r) = hash_reg r
hash_e (CmmMachOp _ es) = hash_list hash_e es
hash_e (CmmRegOff r i) = hash_reg r + cvt i
hash_e (CmmStackSlot _ _) = 13
hash_lit :: CmmLit -> Word32
hash_lit (CmmInt i _) = fromInteger i
hash_lit (CmmFloat r _) = truncate r
hash_lit (CmmVec ls) = hash_list hash_lit ls
hash_lit (CmmLabel _) = 119
hash_lit (CmmLabelOff _ i) = cvt $ 199 + i
hash_lit (CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ i) = cvt $ 299 + i
hash_lit (CmmBlock _) = 191
hash_lit (CmmHighStackMark) = cvt 313
hash_tgt (ForeignTarget e _) = hash_e e
hash_tgt (PrimTarget _) = 31
hash_list f = foldl (\z x -> f x + z) (0::Word32)
cvt = fromInteger . toInteger
eqBid :: BlockEnv BlockId -> BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool
eqBid subst bid bid' = lookupBid subst bid == lookupBid subst bid'
lookupBid :: BlockEnv BlockId -> BlockId -> BlockId
lookupBid subst bid = case mapLookup bid subst of
Just bid -> lookupBid subst bid
Nothing -> bid
eqMiddleWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool)
-> CmmNode O O -> CmmNode O O -> Bool
eqMiddleWith _ (CmmComment _) (CmmComment _) = True
eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmAssign r1 e1) (CmmAssign r2 e2)
= r1 == r2 && eqExprWith eqBid e1 e2
eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmStore l1 r1) (CmmStore l2 r2)
= eqExprWith eqBid l1 l2 && eqExprWith eqBid r1 r2
eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t1 r1 a1)
(CmmUnsafeForeignCall t2 r2 a2)
= t1 == t2 && r1 == r2 && and (zipWith (eqExprWith eqBid) a1 a2)
eqMiddleWith _ _ _ = False
eqExprWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool)
-> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Bool
eqExprWith eqBid = eq
CmmLit l1 `eq` CmmLit l2 = eqLit l1 l2
CmmLoad e1 _ `eq` CmmLoad e2 _ = e1 `eq` e2
CmmReg r1 `eq` CmmReg r2 = r1==r2
CmmRegOff r1 i1 `eq` CmmRegOff r2 i2 = r1==r2 && i1==i2
CmmMachOp op1 es1 `eq` CmmMachOp op2 es2 = op1==op2 && es1 `eqs` es2
CmmStackSlot a1 i1 `eq` CmmStackSlot a2 i2 = eqArea a1 a2 && i1==i2
_e1 `eq` _e2 = False
xs `eqs` ys = and (zipWith eq xs ys)
eqLit (CmmBlock id1) (CmmBlock id2) = eqBid id1 id2
eqLit l1 l2 = l1 == l2
eqArea Old Old = True
eqArea (Young id1) (Young id2) = eqBid id1 id2
eqArea _ _ = False
eqBlockBodyWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock -> Bool
eqBlockBodyWith eqBid block block'
= and (zipWith (eqMiddleWith eqBid) (blockToList m) (blockToList m')) &&
eqLastWith eqBid l l'
where (_,m,l) = blockSplit block
(_,m',l') = blockSplit block'
eqLastWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C -> Bool
eqLastWith eqBid (CmmBranch bid1) (CmmBranch bid2) = eqBid bid1 bid2
eqLastWith eqBid (CmmCondBranch c1 t1 f1) (CmmCondBranch c2 t2 f2) =
c1 == c2 && eqBid t1 t2 && eqBid f1 f2
eqLastWith eqBid (CmmCall t1 c1 g1 a1 r1 u1) (CmmCall t2 c2 g2 a2 r2 u2) =
t1 == t2 && eqMaybeWith eqBid c1 c2 && a1 == a2 && r1 == r2 && u1 == u2 && g1 == g2
eqLastWith eqBid (CmmSwitch e1 bs1) (CmmSwitch e2 bs2) =
e1 == e2 && eqListWith (eqMaybeWith eqBid) bs1 bs2
eqLastWith _ _ _ = False
eqListWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> Bool
eqListWith eltEq es es' = all (uncurry eltEq) ( es es')
eqMaybeWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Bool
eqMaybeWith eltEq (Just e) (Just e') = eltEq e e'
eqMaybeWith _ Nothing Nothing = True
eqMaybeWith _ _ _ = False