:: AT [] ATop
-------------------- Main arity code ----------------------------
data ArityType = ATop [OneShotInfo] | ABot Arity
vanillaArityType :: ArityType
vanillaArityType = ATop []
exprEtaExpandArity :: DynFlags -> CoreExpr -> Arity
exprEtaExpandArity dflags e
= case (arityType env e) of
ATop oss -> length oss
ABot n -> n
env = AE { ae_bndrs = []
, ae_cheap_fn = mk_cheap_fn dflags isCheapApp
, ae_ped_bot = gopt Opt_PedanticBottoms dflags }
getBotArity :: ArityType -> Maybe Arity
getBotArity (ABot n) = Just n
getBotArity _ = Nothing
mk_cheap_fn :: DynFlags -> CheapAppFun -> CheapFun
mk_cheap_fn dflags cheap_app
| not (gopt Opt_DictsCheap dflags)
= \e _ -> exprIsCheap' cheap_app e
| otherwise
= \e mb_ty -> exprIsCheap' cheap_app e
|| case mb_ty of
Nothing -> False
Just ty -> isDictLikeTy ty
findRhsArity :: DynFlags -> Id -> CoreExpr -> Arity -> Arity
findRhsArity dflags bndr rhs old_arity
= go (rhsEtaExpandArity dflags init_cheap_app rhs)
init_cheap_app :: CheapAppFun
init_cheap_app fn n_val_args
| fn == bndr = True
| otherwise = isCheapApp fn n_val_args
go :: Arity -> Arity
go cur_arity
| cur_arity <= old_arity = cur_arity
| new_arity == cur_arity = cur_arity
| otherwise = ASSERT( new_arity < cur_arity )
#ifdef DEBUG
pprTrace "Exciting arity"
(vcat [ ppr bndr <+> ppr cur_arity <+> ppr new_arity
, ppr rhs])
go new_arity
new_arity = rhsEtaExpandArity dflags cheap_app rhs
cheap_app :: CheapAppFun
cheap_app fn n_val_args
| fn == bndr = n_val_args < cur_arity
| otherwise = isCheapApp fn n_val_args
rhsEtaExpandArity :: DynFlags -> CheapAppFun -> CoreExpr -> Arity
rhsEtaExpandArity dflags cheap_app e
= case (arityType env e) of
ATop (os:oss)
| isOneShotInfo os || has_lam e -> 1 + length oss
| otherwise -> 0
ATop [] -> 0
ABot n -> n
env = AE { ae_bndrs = []
, ae_cheap_fn = mk_cheap_fn dflags cheap_app
, ae_ped_bot = gopt Opt_PedanticBottoms dflags }
has_lam (Tick _ e) = has_lam e
has_lam (Lam b e) = isId b || has_lam e
has_lam _ = False
Note [Arity analysis]
The motivating example for arity analysis is this:
f = \x. let g = f (x+1)
in \y. ...g...
What arity does f have? Really it should have arity 2, but a naive
look at the RHS won't see that. You need a fixpoint analysis which
says it has arity "infinity" the first time round.
This example happens a lot; it first showed up in Andy Gill's thesis,
fifteen years ago! It also shows up in the code for 'rnf' on lists
in Trac #4138.
The analysis is easy to achieve because exprEtaExpandArity takes an
type CheapFun = CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Bool
used to decide if an expression is cheap enough to push inside a
lambda. And exprIsCheap' in turn takes an argument
type CheapAppFun = Id -> Int -> Bool
which tells when an application is cheap. This makes it easy to
write the analysis loop.
The analysis is cheap-and-cheerful because it doesn't deal with
mutual recursion. But the self-recursive case is the important one.
Note [Eta expanding through dictionaries]
If the experimental -fdicts-cheap flag is on, we eta-expand through
dictionary bindings. This improves arities. Thereby, it also
means that full laziness is less prone to floating out the
application of a function to its dictionary arguments, which
can thereby lose opportunities for fusion. Example:
foo :: Ord a => a -> ...
foo = /\a \(d:Ord a). let d' = ...d... in \(x:a). ....
-- So foo has arity 1
f = \x. foo dInt $ bar x
The (foo DInt) is floated out, and makes ineffective a RULE
foo (bar x) = ...
One could go further and make exprIsCheap reply True to any
dictionary-typed expression, but that's more work.
See Note [Dictionary-like types] in TcType.lhs for why we use
isDictLikeTy here rather than isDictTy
Note [Eta expanding thunks]
We don't eta-expand
* Trivial RHSs x = y
* PAPs x = map g
* Thunks f = case y of p -> \x -> blah
When we see
f = case y of p -> \x -> blah
should we eta-expand it? Well, if 'x' is a one-shot state token
then 'yes' because 'f' will only be applied once. But otherwise
we (conservatively) say no. My main reason is to avoid expanding
f = g d ==> f = \x. g d x
because that might in turn make g inline (if it has an inline pragma),
which we might not want. After all, INLINE pragmas say "inline only
when saturated" so we don't want to be too gung-ho about saturating!
arityLam :: Id -> ArityType -> ArityType
arityLam id (ATop as) = ATop (idOneShotInfo id : as)
arityLam _ (ABot n) = ABot (n+1)
floatIn :: Bool -> ArityType -> ArityType
floatIn _ (ABot n) = ABot n
floatIn True (ATop as) = ATop as
floatIn False (ATop as) = ATop (takeWhile isOneShotInfo as)
arityApp :: ArityType -> Bool -> ArityType
arityApp (ABot 0) _ = ABot 0
arityApp (ABot n) _ = ABot (n1)
arityApp (ATop []) _ = ATop []
arityApp (ATop (_:as)) cheap = floatIn cheap (ATop as)
andArityType :: ArityType -> ArityType -> ArityType
andArityType (ABot n1) (ABot n2)
= ABot (n1 `min` n2)
andArityType (ATop as) (ABot _) = ATop as
andArityType (ABot _) (ATop bs) = ATop bs
andArityType (ATop as) (ATop bs) = ATop (as `combine` bs)
combine (a:as) (b:bs) = (a `bestOneShot` b) : combine as bs
combine [] bs = takeWhile isOneShotInfo bs
combine as [] = takeWhile isOneShotInfo as
Note [Combining case branches]
go = \x. let z = go e0
go2 = \x. case x of
True -> z
False -> \s(one-shot). e1
in go2 x
We *really* want to eta-expand go and go2.
When combining the barnches of the case we have
ATop [] `andAT` ATop [OneShotLam]
and we want to get ATop [OneShotLam]. But if the inner
lambda wasn't one-shot we don't want to do this.
(We need a proper arity analysis to justify that.)
So we combine the best of the two branches, on the (slightly dodgy)
basis that if we know one branch is one-shot, then they all must be.
type CheapFun = CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Bool
data ArityEnv
= AE { ae_bndrs :: [Id]
, ae_cheap_fn :: CheapFun
, ae_ped_bot :: Bool
arityType :: ArityEnv -> CoreExpr -> ArityType
arityType env (Cast e co)
= case arityType env e of
ATop os -> ATop (take co_arity os)
ABot n -> ABot (n `min` co_arity)
co_arity = length (typeArity (pSnd (coercionKind co)))
arityType _ (Var v)
| strict_sig <- idStrictness v
, not $ isNopSig strict_sig
, (ds, res) <- splitStrictSig strict_sig
, let arity = length ds
= if isBotRes res then ABot arity
else ATop (take arity one_shots)
| otherwise
= ATop (take (idArity v) one_shots)
one_shots :: [OneShotInfo]
one_shots = typeArity (idType v)
arityType env (Lam x e)
| isId x = arityLam x (arityType env' e)
| otherwise = arityType env e
env' = env { ae_bndrs = x : ae_bndrs env }
arityType env (App fun (Type _))
= arityType env fun
arityType env (App fun arg )
= arityApp (arityType env' fun) (ae_cheap_fn env arg Nothing)
env' = env { ae_bndrs = case ae_bndrs env of
{ [] -> []; (_:xs) -> xs } }
arityType env (Case scrut _ _ alts)
| exprIsBottom scrut || null alts
= ABot 0
| otherwise
= case alts_type of
ABot n | n>0 -> ATop []
| otherwise -> ABot 0
ATop as | not (ae_ped_bot env)
, is_under scrut -> ATop as
| exprOkForSpeculation scrut -> ATop as
| otherwise -> ATop (takeWhile isOneShotInfo as)
is_under (Var f) = f `elem` ae_bndrs env
is_under (App f (Type {})) = is_under f
is_under (Cast f _) = is_under f
is_under _ = False
alts_type = foldr1 andArityType [arityType env rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
arityType env (Let b e)
= floatIn (cheap_bind b) (arityType env e)
cheap_bind (NonRec b e) = is_cheap (b,e)
cheap_bind (Rec prs) = all is_cheap prs
is_cheap (b,e) = ae_cheap_fn env e (Just (idType b))
arityType env (Tick t e)
| not (tickishIsCode t) = arityType env e
arityType _ _ = vanillaArityType
%* *
The main eta-expander
%* *
We go for:
f = \x1..xn -> N ==> f = \x1..xn y1..ym -> N y1..ym
(n >= 0)
where (in both cases)
* The xi can include type variables
* The yi are all value variables
* N is a NORMAL FORM (i.e. no redexes anywhere)
wanting a suitable number of extra args.
The biggest reason for doing this is for cases like
f = \x -> case x of
True -> \y -> e1
False -> \y -> e2
Here we want to get the lambdas together. A good example is the nofib
program fibheaps, which gets 25% more allocation if you don't do this
We may have to sandwich some coerces between the lambdas
to make the types work. exprEtaExpandArity looks through coerces
when computing arity; and etaExpand adds the coerces as necessary when
actually computing the expansion.
Note [No crap in eta-expanded code]
The eta expander is careful not to introduce "crap". In particular,
given a CoreExpr satisfying the 'CpeRhs' invariant (in CorePrep), it
returns a CoreExpr satisfying the same invariant. See Note [Eta
expansion and the CorePrep invariants] in CorePrep.
This means the eta-expander has to do a bit of on-the-fly
simplification but it's not too hard. The alernative, of relying on
a subsequent clean-up phase of the Simplifier to de-crapify the result,
means you can't really use it in CorePrep, which is painful.
Note [Eta expansion and SCCs]
Note that SCCs are not treated specially by etaExpand. If we have
etaExpand 2 (\x -> scc "foo" e)
= (\xy -> (scc "foo" e) y)
So the costs of evaluating 'e' (not 'e y') are attributed to "foo"
etaExpand :: Arity
-> CoreExpr
-> CoreExpr
etaExpand n orig_expr
= go n orig_expr
go 0 expr = expr
go n (Lam v body) | isTyVar v = Lam v (go n body)
| otherwise = Lam v (go (n1) body)
go n (Cast expr co) = Cast (go n expr) co
go n expr =
etaInfoAbs etas (etaInfoApp subst' expr etas)
in_scope = mkInScopeSet (exprFreeVars expr)
(in_scope', etas) = mkEtaWW n orig_expr in_scope (exprType expr)
subst' = mkEmptySubst in_scope'
data EtaInfo = EtaVar Var
| EtaCo Coercion
instance Outputable EtaInfo where
ppr (EtaVar v) = ptext (sLit "EtaVar") <+> ppr v
ppr (EtaCo co) = ptext (sLit "EtaCo") <+> ppr co
pushCoercion :: Coercion -> [EtaInfo] -> [EtaInfo]
pushCoercion co1 (EtaCo co2 : eis)
| isReflCo co = eis
| otherwise = EtaCo co : eis
co = co1 `mkTransCo` co2
pushCoercion co eis = EtaCo co : eis
etaInfoAbs :: [EtaInfo] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
etaInfoAbs [] expr = expr
etaInfoAbs (EtaVar v : eis) expr = Lam v (etaInfoAbs eis expr)
etaInfoAbs (EtaCo co : eis) expr = Cast (etaInfoAbs eis expr) (mkSymCo co)
etaInfoApp :: Subst -> CoreExpr -> [EtaInfo] -> CoreExpr
etaInfoApp subst (Lam v1 e) (EtaVar v2 : eis)
= etaInfoApp (CoreSubst.extendSubstWithVar subst v1 v2) e eis
etaInfoApp subst (Cast e co1) eis
= etaInfoApp subst e (pushCoercion co' eis)
co' = CoreSubst.substCo subst co1
etaInfoApp subst (Case e b ty alts) eis
= Case (subst_expr subst e) b1 (mk_alts_ty (CoreSubst.substTy subst ty) eis) alts'
(subst1, b1) = substBndr subst b
alts' = map subst_alt alts
subst_alt (con, bs, rhs) = (con, bs', etaInfoApp subst2 rhs eis)
(subst2,bs') = substBndrs subst1 bs
mk_alts_ty ty [] = ty
mk_alts_ty ty (EtaVar v : eis) = mk_alts_ty (applyTypeToArg ty (varToCoreExpr v)) eis
mk_alts_ty _ (EtaCo co : eis) = mk_alts_ty (pSnd (coercionKind co)) eis
etaInfoApp subst (Let b e) eis
= Let b' (etaInfoApp subst' e eis)
(subst', b') = subst_bind subst b
etaInfoApp subst (Tick t e) eis
= Tick (substTickish subst t) (etaInfoApp subst e eis)
etaInfoApp subst e eis
= go (subst_expr subst e) eis
go e [] = e
go e (EtaVar v : eis) = go (App e (varToCoreExpr v)) eis
go e (EtaCo co : eis) = go (Cast e co) eis
mkEtaWW :: Arity -> CoreExpr -> InScopeSet -> Type
-> (InScopeSet, [EtaInfo])
mkEtaWW orig_n orig_expr in_scope orig_ty
= go orig_n empty_subst orig_ty []
empty_subst = TvSubst in_scope emptyTvSubstEnv
go n subst ty eis
| n == 0
= (getTvInScope subst, reverse eis)
| Just (tv,ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty
, let (subst', tv') = Type.substTyVarBndr subst tv
= go n subst' ty' (EtaVar tv' : eis)
| Just (arg_ty, res_ty) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty
, let (subst', eta_id') = freshEtaId n subst arg_ty
= go (n1) subst' res_ty (EtaVar eta_id' : eis)
| Just (co, ty') <- topNormaliseNewType_maybe ty
go n subst ty' (EtaCo co : eis)
| otherwise
= WARN( True, (ppr orig_n <+> ppr orig_ty) $$ ppr orig_expr )
(getTvInScope subst, reverse eis)
subst_expr :: Subst -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
subst_expr = substExprSC (text "CoreArity:substExpr")
subst_bind :: Subst -> CoreBind -> (Subst, CoreBind)
subst_bind = substBindSC
freshEtaId :: Int -> TvSubst -> Type -> (TvSubst, Id)
freshEtaId n subst ty
= (subst', eta_id')
ty' = Type.substTy subst ty
eta_id' = uniqAway (getTvInScope subst) $
mkSysLocal (fsLit "eta") (mkBuiltinUnique n) ty'
subst' = extendTvInScope subst eta_id'