--Even if the optimizer could handle boxed arithmetic equally well, --this helps automatically check the sources to make sure that --it's only used in an appropriate pattern of efficiency. --(it also makes `let`s and `case`s stricter...) -- | Fast integers, characters and pointer types for use in many parts of GHC module FastTypes ( -- * FastInt FastInt, -- ** Getting in and out of FastInt _ILIT, iBox, iUnbox, -- ** Arithmetic on FastInt (+#), (-#), (*#), quotFastInt, negateFastInt, --quotRemFastInt is difficult because unboxed values can't --be tupled, but unboxed tuples aren't portable. Just use -- nuisance boxed quotRem and rely on optimization. (==#), (/=#), (<#), (<=#), (>=#), (>#), minFastInt, maxFastInt, --prefer to distinguish operations, not types, between --signed and unsigned. --left-shift is the same for 'signed' and 'unsigned' numbers shiftLFastInt, --right-shift isn't the same for negative numbers (ones with --the highest-order bit '1'). If you don't care because the --number you're shifting is always nonnegative, use the '_' version --which should just be the fastest one. shiftR_FastInt, --"L' = logical or unsigned shift; 'A' = arithmetic or signed shift shiftRLFastInt, shiftRAFastInt, bitAndFastInt, bitOrFastInt, --add more operations to this file as you need them -- * FastChar FastChar, -- ** Getting in and out of FastChar _CLIT, cBox, cUnbox, -- ** Operations on FastChar fastOrd, fastChr, eqFastChar, --note, fastChr is "unsafe"Chr: it doesn't check for --character values above the range of Unicode -- * FastPtr FastPtr, -- ** Getting in and out of FastPtr pBox, pUnbox, -- ** Casting FastPtrs castFastPtr ) where #include "HsVersions.h" #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) -- Import the beggars import ExtsCompat46 type FastInt = Int# --in case it's a macro, don't lexically feed an argument! --e.g. #define _ILIT(x) (x#) , #define _ILIT(x) (x :: FastInt) _ILIT = \(I# x) -> x --perhaps for accomodating caseless-leading-underscore treatment, --something like _iLIT or iLIT would be better? iBox x = I# x iUnbox (I# x) = x quotFastInt = quotInt# negateFastInt = negateInt# --I think uncheckedIShiftL# and uncheckedIShiftRL# are the same --as uncheckedShiftL# and uncheckedShiftRL# ... --should they be used? How new are they? --They existed as far back as GHC 6.0 at least... shiftLFastInt x y = uncheckedIShiftL# x y shiftR_FastInt x y = uncheckedIShiftRL# x y shiftRLFastInt x y = uncheckedIShiftRL# x y shiftRAFastInt x y = uncheckedIShiftRA# x y --{-# INLINE shiftLNonnegativeFastInt #-} --{-# INLINE shiftRNonnegativeFastInt #-} --shiftLNonnegativeFastInt n p = word2Int#((int2Word# n) `uncheckedShiftL#` p) --shiftRNonnegativeFastInt n p = word2Int#((int2Word# n) `uncheckedShiftRL#` p) bitAndFastInt x y = word2Int# (and# (int2Word# x) (int2Word# y)) bitOrFastInt x y = word2Int# (or# (int2Word# x) (int2Word# y)) type FastChar = Char# _CLIT = \(C# c) -> c cBox c = C# c cUnbox (C# c) = c fastOrd c = ord# c fastChr x = chr# x eqFastChar a b = eqChar# a b --note that the type-parameter doesn't provide any safety --when it's a synonym, but as long as we keep it compiling --with and without __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ defined, it's fine. type FastPtr a = Addr# pBox p = Ptr p pUnbox (Ptr p) = p castFastPtr p = p #else /* ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */ import Data.Char (ord, chr) import Data.Bits import Data.Word (Word) --is it a good idea to assume this exists too? --does anyone need shiftRLFastInt? (apparently yes.) import Foreign.Ptr type FastInt = Int _ILIT x = x iBox x = x iUnbox x = x (+#) = (+) (-#) = (-) (*#) = (*) quotFastInt = quot --quotRemFastInt = quotRem negateFastInt = negate (==#) = (==) (/=#) = (/=) (<#) = (<) (<=#) = (<=) (>=#) = (>=) (>#) = (>) shiftLFastInt = shiftL shiftR_FastInt = shiftR shiftRAFastInt = shiftR shiftRLFastInt n p = fromIntegral (shiftR (fromIntegral n :: Word) p) --shiftLFastInt n p = n * (2 ^ p) --assuming quot-Int is faster and the --same for nonnegative arguments than div-Int --shiftR_FastInt n p = n `quot` (2 ^ p) --shiftRAFastInt n p = n `div` (2 ^ p) --I couldn't figure out how to implement without Word nor Bits --shiftRLFastInt n p = fromIntegral ((fromIntegral n :: Word) `quot` (2 ^ (fromIntegral p :: Word))) bitAndFastInt = (.&.) bitOrFastInt = (.|.) type FastBool = Bool fastBool x = x isFastTrue x = x -- make sure these are as strict as the unboxed version, -- so that the performance characteristics match fastOr False False = False fastOr _ _ = True fastAnd True True = True fastAnd _ _ = False type FastChar = Char _CLIT c = c cBox c = c cUnbox c = c fastOrd = ord fastChr = chr --or unsafeChr if there was a standard location for it eqFastChar = (==) type FastPtr a = Ptr a pBox p = p pUnbox p = p castFastPtr = castPtr --These are among the type-signatures necessary for !ghc to compile -- but break ghc (can't give a signature for an import...) --Note that the comparisons actually do return Bools not FastBools. (+#), (-#), (*#) :: FastInt -> FastInt -> FastInt (==#), (/=#), (<#), (<=#), (>=#), (>#) :: FastInt -> FastInt -> Bool #endif /* ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */ minFastInt, maxFastInt :: FastInt -> FastInt -> FastInt minFastInt x y = if x <# y then x else y maxFastInt x y = if x <# y then y else x -- type-signatures will improve the non-ghc-specific versions -- and keep things accurate (and ABLE to compile!) _ILIT :: Int -> FastInt iBox :: FastInt -> Int iUnbox :: Int -> FastInt quotFastInt :: FastInt -> FastInt -> FastInt negateFastInt :: FastInt -> FastInt shiftLFastInt, shiftR_FastInt, shiftRAFastInt, shiftRLFastInt :: FastInt -> FastInt -> FastInt bitAndFastInt, bitOrFastInt :: FastInt -> FastInt -> FastInt _CLIT :: Char -> FastChar cBox :: FastChar -> Char cUnbox :: Char -> FastChar fastOrd :: FastChar -> FastInt fastChr :: FastInt -> FastChar eqFastChar :: FastChar -> FastChar -> Bool pBox :: FastPtr a -> Ptr a pUnbox :: Ptr a -> FastPtr a castFastPtr :: FastPtr a -> FastPtr b\end{code}