% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006-2012
module Kind (
SuperKind, Kind, typeKind,
anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind, constraintKind,
mkArrowKind, mkArrowKinds,
anyKindTyCon, liftedTypeKindTyCon, openTypeKindTyCon,
unliftedTypeKindTyCon, constraintKindTyCon,
superKind, superKindTyCon,
pprKind, pprParendKind,
kindAppResult, synTyConResKind,
splitKindFunTys, splitKindFunTysN, splitKindFunTy_maybe,
isLiftedTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind, isOpenTypeKind,
isConstraintKind, isConstraintOrLiftedKind, returnsConstraintKind,
isKind, isKindVar,
isSuperKind, isSuperKindTyCon,
isLiftedTypeKindCon, isConstraintKindCon,
isAnyKind, isAnyKindCon,
okArrowArgKind, okArrowResultKind,
isSubOpenTypeKind, isSubOpenTypeKindKey,
isSubKind, isSubKindCon,
tcIsSubKind, tcIsSubKindCon,
defaultKind, defaultKind_maybe,
kiVarsOfKind, kiVarsOfKinds
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Type ( typeKind, substKiWith, eqKind )
import TypeRep
import TysPrim
import TyCon
import VarSet
import PrelNames
import Outputable
import Maybes( orElse )
import Util
%* *
Functions over Kinds
%* *
Note [Kind Constraint and kind *]
The kind Constraint is the kind of classes and other type constraints.
The special thing about types of kind Constraint is that
* They are displayed with double arrow:
f :: Ord a => a -> a
* They are implicitly instantiated at call sites; so the type inference
engine inserts an extra argument of type (Ord a) at every call site
to f.
However, once type inference is over, there is *no* distinction between
Constraint and *. Indeed we can have coercions between the two. Consider
class C a where
op :: a -> a
For this single-method class we may generate a newtype, which in turn
generates an axiom witnessing
Ord a ~ (a -> a)
so on the left we have Constraint, and on the right we have *.
See Trac #7451.
Bottom line: although '*' and 'Constraint' are distinct TyCons, with
distinct uniques, they are treated as equal at all times except
during type inference. Hence cmpTc treats them as equal.
kindFunResult :: Kind -> KindOrType -> Kind
kindFunResult (FunTy _ res) _ = res
kindFunResult (ForAllTy kv res) arg = substKiWith [kv] [arg] res
kindFunResult k _ = pprPanic "kindFunResult" (ppr k)
kindAppResult :: Kind -> [Type] -> Kind
kindAppResult k [] = k
kindAppResult k (a:as) = kindAppResult (kindFunResult k a) as
splitKindFunTys :: Kind -> ([Kind],Kind)
splitKindFunTys (FunTy a r) = case splitKindFunTys r of
(as, k) -> (a:as, k)
splitKindFunTys k = ([], k)
splitKindFunTy_maybe :: Kind -> Maybe (Kind,Kind)
splitKindFunTy_maybe (FunTy a r) = Just (a,r)
splitKindFunTy_maybe _ = Nothing
splitKindFunTysN :: Int -> Kind -> ([Kind],Kind)
splitKindFunTysN 0 k = ([], k)
splitKindFunTysN n (FunTy a r) = case splitKindFunTysN (n1) r of
(as, k) -> (a:as, k)
splitKindFunTysN n k = pprPanic "splitKindFunTysN" (ppr n <+> ppr k)
synTyConResKind :: TyCon -> Kind
synTyConResKind tycon = kindAppResult (tyConKind tycon) (map mkTyVarTy (tyConTyVars tycon))
isOpenTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind,
isConstraintKind, isAnyKind, isConstraintOrLiftedKind :: Kind -> Bool
isOpenTypeKindCon, isUnliftedTypeKindCon,
isSubOpenTypeKindCon, isConstraintKindCon,
isLiftedTypeKindCon, isAnyKindCon, isSuperKindTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isLiftedTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == liftedTypeKindTyConKey
isAnyKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == anyKindTyConKey
isOpenTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == openTypeKindTyConKey
isUnliftedTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == unliftedTypeKindTyConKey
isConstraintKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == constraintKindTyConKey
isSuperKindTyCon tc = tyConUnique tc == superKindTyConKey
isAnyKind (TyConApp tc _) = isAnyKindCon tc
isAnyKind _ = False
isOpenTypeKind (TyConApp tc _) = isOpenTypeKindCon tc
isOpenTypeKind _ = False
isUnliftedTypeKind (TyConApp tc _) = isUnliftedTypeKindCon tc
isUnliftedTypeKind _ = False
isConstraintKind (TyConApp tc _) = isConstraintKindCon tc
isConstraintKind _ = False
isConstraintOrLiftedKind (TyConApp tc _)
= isConstraintKindCon tc || isLiftedTypeKindCon tc
isConstraintOrLiftedKind _ = False
returnsConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
returnsConstraintKind (ForAllTy _ k) = returnsConstraintKind k
returnsConstraintKind (FunTy _ k) = returnsConstraintKind k
returnsConstraintKind (TyConApp tc _) = isConstraintKindCon tc
returnsConstraintKind _ = False
okArrowArgKindCon, okArrowResultKindCon :: TyCon -> Bool
okArrowArgKindCon = isSubOpenTypeKindCon
okArrowResultKindCon = isSubOpenTypeKindCon
okArrowArgKind, okArrowResultKind :: Kind -> Bool
okArrowArgKind (TyConApp kc []) = okArrowArgKindCon kc
okArrowArgKind _ = False
okArrowResultKind (TyConApp kc []) = okArrowResultKindCon kc
okArrowResultKind _ = False
isSubOpenTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isSubOpenTypeKind (TyConApp kc []) = isSubOpenTypeKindCon kc
isSubOpenTypeKind _ = False
isSubOpenTypeKindCon kc = isSubOpenTypeKindKey (tyConUnique kc)
isSubOpenTypeKindKey :: Unique -> Bool
isSubOpenTypeKindKey uniq
= uniq == openTypeKindTyConKey
|| uniq == unliftedTypeKindTyConKey
|| uniq == liftedTypeKindTyConKey
|| uniq == constraintKindTyConKey
isKind :: Kind -> Bool
isKind k = isSuperKind (typeKind k)
isSubKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
isSubKind k1@(TyConApp kc1 k1s) k2@(TyConApp kc2 k2s)
| isPromotedTyCon kc1 || isPromotedTyCon kc2
= eqKind k1 k2
| otherwise
= ASSERT2( null k1s && null k2s, ppr k1 <+> ppr k2 )
kc1 `isSubKindCon` kc2
isSubKind k1 k2 = eqKind k1 k2
isSubKindCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool
isSubKindCon kc1 kc2
| kc1 == kc2 = True
| isOpenTypeKindCon kc2 = isSubOpenTypeKindCon kc1
| isConstraintKindCon kc1 = isLiftedTypeKindCon kc2
| isLiftedTypeKindCon kc1 = isConstraintKindCon kc2
| otherwise = False
tcIsSubKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
tcIsSubKind k1 k2
| isConstraintKind k1 = isConstraintKind k2
| isConstraintKind k2 = isConstraintKind k1
| otherwise = isSubKind k1 k2
tcIsSubKindCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool
tcIsSubKindCon kc1 kc2
| isConstraintKindCon kc1 = isConstraintKindCon kc2
| isConstraintKindCon kc2 = isConstraintKindCon kc1
| otherwise = isSubKindCon kc1 kc2
defaultKind :: Kind -> Kind
defaultKind_maybe :: Kind -> Maybe Kind
defaultKind_maybe (TyConApp kc _args)
| isOpenTypeKindCon kc = ASSERT( null _args ) Just liftedTypeKind
defaultKind_maybe _ = Nothing
defaultKind k = defaultKind_maybe k `orElse` k
kiVarsOfKind :: Kind -> VarSet
kiVarsOfKind = tyVarsOfType
kiVarsOfKinds :: [Kind] -> VarSet
kiVarsOfKinds = tyVarsOfTypes