module Distribution.Types.VersionInterval (
) where
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Distribution.Types.Version
import Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal
import qualified Prelude (foldr1)
asVersionIntervals :: VersionRange -> [VersionInterval]
asVersionIntervals = versionIntervals . toVersionIntervals
newtype VersionIntervals = VersionIntervals [VersionInterval]
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
versionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> [VersionInterval]
versionIntervals (VersionIntervals is) = is
type VersionInterval = (LowerBound, UpperBound)
data LowerBound = LowerBound Version !Bound deriving (Eq, Show)
data UpperBound = NoUpperBound | UpperBound Version !Bound deriving (Eq, Show)
data Bound = ExclusiveBound | InclusiveBound deriving (Eq, Show)
minLowerBound :: LowerBound
minLowerBound = LowerBound (mkVersion [0]) InclusiveBound
isVersion0 :: Version -> Bool
isVersion0 = (==) version0
instance Ord LowerBound where
LowerBound ver bound <= LowerBound ver' bound' = case compare ver ver' of
LT -> True
EQ -> not (bound == ExclusiveBound && bound' == InclusiveBound)
GT -> False
instance Ord UpperBound where
_ <= NoUpperBound = True
NoUpperBound <= UpperBound _ _ = False
UpperBound ver bound <= UpperBound ver' bound' = case compare ver ver' of
LT -> True
EQ -> not (bound == InclusiveBound && bound' == ExclusiveBound)
GT -> False
invariant :: VersionIntervals -> Bool
invariant (VersionIntervals intervals) = all validInterval intervals
&& all doesNotTouch' adjacentIntervals
doesNotTouch' :: (VersionInterval, VersionInterval) -> Bool
doesNotTouch' ((_,u), (l',_)) = doesNotTouch u l'
adjacentIntervals :: [(VersionInterval, VersionInterval)]
adjacentIntervals = case intervals of
[] -> []
(_:tl) -> zip intervals tl
checkInvariant :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
checkInvariant is = assert (invariant is) is
mkVersionIntervals :: [VersionInterval] -> VersionIntervals
mkVersionIntervals intervals
| invariant (VersionIntervals intervals) = VersionIntervals intervals
| otherwise
= checkInvariant
. foldl' (flip insertInterval) (VersionIntervals [])
. filter validInterval
$ intervals
insertInterval :: VersionInterval -> VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
insertInterval i is = unionVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals [i]) is
validInterval :: (LowerBound, UpperBound) -> Bool
validInterval i@(l, u) = validLower l && validUpper u && nonEmpty i
validLower (LowerBound v _) = validVersion v
validUpper NoUpperBound = True
validUpper (UpperBound v _) = validVersion v
nonEmpty :: VersionInterval -> Bool
nonEmpty (_, NoUpperBound ) = True
nonEmpty (LowerBound l lb, UpperBound u ub) =
(l < u) || (l == u && lb == InclusiveBound && ub == InclusiveBound)
doesNotTouch :: UpperBound -> LowerBound -> Bool
doesNotTouch NoUpperBound _ = False
doesNotTouch (UpperBound u ub) (LowerBound l lb) =
u < l
|| (u == l && ub == ExclusiveBound && lb == ExclusiveBound)
doesNotIntersect :: UpperBound -> LowerBound -> Bool
doesNotIntersect NoUpperBound _ = False
doesNotIntersect (UpperBound u ub) (LowerBound l lb) =
u < l
|| (u == l && not (ub == InclusiveBound && lb == InclusiveBound))
withinIntervals :: Version -> VersionIntervals -> Bool
withinIntervals v (VersionIntervals intervals) = any withinInterval intervals
withinInterval (lowerBound, upperBound) = withinLower lowerBound
&& withinUpper upperBound
withinLower (LowerBound v' ExclusiveBound) = v' < v
withinLower (LowerBound v' InclusiveBound) = v' <= v
withinUpper NoUpperBound = True
withinUpper (UpperBound v' ExclusiveBound) = v' > v
withinUpper (UpperBound v' InclusiveBound) = v' >= v
toVersionIntervals :: VersionRange -> VersionIntervals
toVersionIntervals = cataVersionRange alg where
alg (ThisVersionF v) = chkIvl (LowerBound v InclusiveBound, UpperBound v InclusiveBound)
alg (LaterVersionF v) = chkIvl (LowerBound v ExclusiveBound, NoUpperBound)
alg (OrLaterVersionF v) = chkIvl (LowerBound v InclusiveBound, NoUpperBound)
alg (EarlierVersionF v)
| isVersion0 v = VersionIntervals []
| otherwise = chkIvl (minLowerBound, UpperBound v ExclusiveBound)
alg (OrEarlierVersionF v) = chkIvl (minLowerBound, UpperBound v InclusiveBound)
alg (MajorBoundVersionF v) = chkIvl (LowerBound v InclusiveBound, UpperBound (majorUpperBound v) ExclusiveBound)
alg (UnionVersionRangesF v1 v2) = unionVersionIntervals v1 v2
alg (IntersectVersionRangesF v1 v2) = intersectVersionIntervals v1 v2
chkIvl interval = checkInvariant (VersionIntervals [interval])
fromVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionRange
fromVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals []) = noVersion
fromVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals intervals) =
Prelude.foldr1 unionVersionRanges [ interval l u | (l, u) <- intervals ]
interval (LowerBound v InclusiveBound)
(UpperBound v' InclusiveBound) | v == v'
= thisVersion v
interval l u = lowerBound l `intersectVersionRanges'` upperBound u
lowerBound (LowerBound v InclusiveBound)
| isVersion0 v = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (orLaterVersion v)
lowerBound (LowerBound v ExclusiveBound) = Just (laterVersion v)
upperBound NoUpperBound = Nothing
upperBound (UpperBound v InclusiveBound) = Just (orEarlierVersion v)
upperBound (UpperBound v ExclusiveBound) = Just (earlierVersion v)
intersectVersionRanges' Nothing Nothing = anyVersion
intersectVersionRanges' (Just vr) Nothing = vr
intersectVersionRanges' Nothing (Just vr) = vr
intersectVersionRanges' (Just vr) (Just vr') = intersectVersionRanges vr vr'
unionVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
-> VersionIntervals
unionVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals is0) (VersionIntervals is'0) =
checkInvariant (VersionIntervals (union is0 is'0))
union is [] = is
union [] is' = is'
union (i:is) (i':is') = case unionInterval i i' of
Left Nothing -> i : union is (i' :is')
Left (Just i'') -> union is (i'':is')
Right Nothing -> i' : union (i :is) is'
Right (Just i'') -> union (i'':is) is'
unionInterval :: VersionInterval -> VersionInterval
-> Either (Maybe VersionInterval) (Maybe VersionInterval)
unionInterval (lower , upper ) (lower', upper')
| upper `doesNotTouch` lower' = Left Nothing
| upper' `doesNotTouch` lower = Right Nothing
| upper <= upper' = lowerBound `seq`
Left (Just (lowerBound, upper'))
| otherwise = lowerBound `seq`
Right (Just (lowerBound, upper))
lowerBound = min lower lower'
intersectVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
-> VersionIntervals
intersectVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals is0) (VersionIntervals is'0) =
checkInvariant (VersionIntervals (intersect is0 is'0))
intersect _ [] = []
intersect [] _ = []
intersect (i:is) (i':is') = case intersectInterval i i' of
Left Nothing -> intersect is (i':is')
Left (Just i'') -> i'' : intersect is (i':is')
Right Nothing -> intersect (i:is) is'
Right (Just i'') -> i'' : intersect (i:is) is'
intersectInterval :: VersionInterval -> VersionInterval
-> Either (Maybe VersionInterval) (Maybe VersionInterval)
intersectInterval (lower , upper ) (lower', upper')
| upper `doesNotIntersect` lower' = Left Nothing
| upper' `doesNotIntersect` lower = Right Nothing
| upper <= upper' = lowerBound `seq`
Left (Just (lowerBound, upper))
| otherwise = lowerBound `seq`
Right (Just (lowerBound, upper'))
lowerBound = max lower lower'
invertVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals
-> VersionIntervals
invertVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals xs) =
case xs of
[] -> VersionIntervals [(noLowerBound, NoUpperBound)]
((lb, ub) : more) | lb == noLowerBound ->
VersionIntervals $ invertVersionIntervals' ub more
((lb, ub) : more) ->
VersionIntervals $ (noLowerBound, invertLowerBound lb)
: invertVersionIntervals' ub more
invertVersionIntervals' :: UpperBound
-> [(LowerBound, UpperBound)]
-> [(LowerBound, UpperBound)]
invertVersionIntervals' NoUpperBound [] = []
invertVersionIntervals' ub0 [] = [(invertUpperBound ub0, NoUpperBound)]
invertVersionIntervals' ub0 [(lb, NoUpperBound)] =
[(invertUpperBound ub0, invertLowerBound lb)]
invertVersionIntervals' ub0 ((lb, ub1) : more) =
(invertUpperBound ub0, invertLowerBound lb)
: invertVersionIntervals' ub1 more
invertLowerBound :: LowerBound -> UpperBound
invertLowerBound (LowerBound v b) = UpperBound v (invertBound b)
invertUpperBound :: UpperBound -> LowerBound
invertUpperBound (UpperBound v b) = LowerBound v (invertBound b)
invertUpperBound NoUpperBound = error "NoUpperBound: unexpected"
invertBound :: Bound -> Bound
invertBound ExclusiveBound = InclusiveBound
invertBound InclusiveBound = ExclusiveBound
noLowerBound :: LowerBound
noLowerBound = LowerBound (mkVersion [0]) InclusiveBound
relaxLastInterval :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
relaxLastInterval (VersionIntervals xs) = VersionIntervals (relaxLastInterval' xs)
relaxLastInterval' [] = []
relaxLastInterval' [(l,_)] = [(l, NoUpperBound)]
relaxLastInterval' (i:is) = i : relaxLastInterval' is
relaxHeadInterval :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
relaxHeadInterval (VersionIntervals xs) = VersionIntervals (relaxHeadInterval' xs)
relaxHeadInterval' [] = []
relaxHeadInterval' ((_,u):is) = (minLowerBound,u) : is