module Data.Complex
, realPart
, imagPart
, mkPolar
, cis
, polar
, magnitude
, phase
, conjugate
) where
import GHC.Base (Applicative (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
import GHC.Float (Floating(..))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Foreign (Storable, castPtr, peek, poke, pokeElemOff, peekElemOff, sizeOf,
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix(..))
import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip(..))
infix 6 :+
data Complex a
= !a :+ !a
deriving ( Eq
, Show
, Read
, Data
, Generic
, Generic1
, Functor
, Foldable
, Traversable
realPart :: Complex a -> a
realPart (x :+ _) = x
imagPart :: Complex a -> a
imagPart (_ :+ y) = y
conjugate :: Num a => Complex a -> Complex a
conjugate (x:+y) = x :+ (y)
mkPolar :: Floating a => a -> a -> Complex a
mkPolar r theta = r * cos theta :+ r * sin theta
cis :: Floating a => a -> Complex a
cis theta = cos theta :+ sin theta
polar :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> (a,a)
polar z = (magnitude z, phase z)
magnitude :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
magnitude (x:+y) = scaleFloat k
(sqrt (sqr (scaleFloat mk x) + sqr (scaleFloat mk y)))
where k = max (exponent x) (exponent y)
mk = k
sqr z = z * z
phase :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
phase (0 :+ 0) = 0
phase (x:+y) = atan2 y x
instance (RealFloat a) => Num (Complex a) where
(x:+y) + (x':+y') = (x+x') :+ (y+y')
(x:+y) (x':+y') = (xx') :+ (yy')
(x:+y) * (x':+y') = (x*x'y*y') :+ (x*y'+y*x')
negate (x:+y) = negate x :+ negate y
abs z = magnitude z :+ 0
signum (0:+0) = 0
signum z@(x:+y) = x/r :+ y/r where r = magnitude z
fromInteger n = fromInteger n :+ 0
instance (RealFloat a) => Fractional (Complex a) where
(x:+y) / (x':+y') = (x*x''+y*y'') / d :+ (y*x''x*y'') / d
where x'' = scaleFloat k x'
y'' = scaleFloat k y'
k = max (exponent x') (exponent y')
d = x'*x'' + y'*y''
fromRational a = fromRational a :+ 0
instance (RealFloat a) => Floating (Complex a) where
pi = pi :+ 0
exp (x:+y) = expx * cos y :+ expx * sin y
where expx = exp x
log z = log (magnitude z) :+ phase z
x ** y = case (x,y) of
(_ , (0:+0)) -> 1 :+ 0
((0:+0), (exp_re:+_)) -> case compare exp_re 0 of
GT -> 0 :+ 0
LT -> inf :+ 0
EQ -> nan :+ nan
((re:+im), (exp_re:+_))
| (isInfinite re || isInfinite im) -> case compare exp_re 0 of
GT -> inf :+ 0
LT -> 0 :+ 0
EQ -> nan :+ nan
| otherwise -> exp (log x * y)
inf = 1/0
nan = 0/0
sqrt (0:+0) = 0
sqrt z@(x:+y) = u :+ (if y < 0 then v else v)
where (u,v) = if x < 0 then (v',u') else (u',v')
v' = abs y / (u'*2)
u' = sqrt ((magnitude z + abs x) / 2)
sin (x:+y) = sin x * cosh y :+ cos x * sinh y
cos (x:+y) = cos x * cosh y :+ ( sin x * sinh y)
tan (x:+y) = (sinx*coshy:+cosx*sinhy)/(cosx*coshy:+(sinx*sinhy))
where sinx = sin x
cosx = cos x
sinhy = sinh y
coshy = cosh y
sinh (x:+y) = cos y * sinh x :+ sin y * cosh x
cosh (x:+y) = cos y * cosh x :+ sin y * sinh x
tanh (x:+y) = (cosy*sinhx:+siny*coshx)/(cosy*coshx:+siny*sinhx)
where siny = sin y
cosy = cos y
sinhx = sinh x
coshx = cosh x
asin z@(x:+y) = y':+(x')
where (x':+y') = log (((y):+x) + sqrt (1 z*z))
acos z = y'':+(x'')
where (x'':+y'') = log (z + ((y'):+x'))
(x':+y') = sqrt (1 z*z)
atan z@(x:+y) = y':+(x')
where (x':+y') = log (((1y):+x) / sqrt (1+z*z))
asinh z = log (z + sqrt (1+z*z))
acosh z = log (z + (sqrt $ z+1) * (sqrt $ z1))
atanh z = 0.5 * log ((1.0+z) / (1.0z))
log1p x@(a :+ b)
| abs a < 0.5 && abs b < 0.5
, u <- 2*a + a*a + b*b = log1p (u/(1 + sqrt(u+1))) :+ atan2 (1 + a) b
| otherwise = log (1 + x)
expm1 x@(a :+ b)
| a*a + b*b < 1
, u <- expm1 a
, v <- sin (b/2)
, w <- 2*v*v = (u*w + u + w) :+ (u+1)*sin b
| otherwise = exp x 1
instance Storable a => Storable (Complex a) where
sizeOf a = 2 * sizeOf (realPart a)
alignment a = alignment (realPart a)
peek p = do
q <- return $ castPtr p
r <- peek q
i <- peekElemOff q 1
return (r :+ i)
poke p (r :+ i) = do
q <-return $ (castPtr p)
poke q r
pokeElemOff q 1 i
instance Applicative Complex where
pure a = a :+ a
f :+ g <*> a :+ b = f a :+ g b
liftA2 f (x :+ y) (a :+ b) = f x a :+ f y b
instance Monad Complex where
a :+ b >>= f = realPart (f a) :+ imagPart (f b)
instance MonadZip Complex where
mzipWith = liftA2
instance MonadFix Complex where
mfix f = (let a :+ _ = f a in a) :+ (let _ :+ a = f a in a)