module GHC.HsToCore.Quote( dsBracket ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.HsToCore.Expr ( dsExpr )
import GHC.HsToCore.Match.Literal
import GHC.HsToCore.Monad
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Name hiding( varName, tcName )
import GHC.Builtin.Names.TH
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.Core.Multiplicity ( pattern Many )
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Core.Make
import GHC.Core.Utils
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Unique
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import GHC.Core.Class
import GHC.Driver.Types ( MonadThings )
import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.HsToCore.Binds
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.ByteString ( unpack )
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Function
data MetaWrappers = MetaWrappers {
quoteWrapper :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
, monadWrapper :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
, metaTy :: Type -> Type
, _debugWrappers :: (HsWrapper, HsWrapper, Type)
mkMetaWrappers :: QuoteWrapper -> DsM MetaWrappers
mkMetaWrappers q@(QuoteWrapper quote_var_raw m_var) = do
let quote_var = Var quote_var_raw
quote_tc <- dsLookupTyCon quoteClassName
monad_tc <- dsLookupTyCon monadClassName
let Just cls = tyConClass_maybe quote_tc
Just monad_cls = tyConClass_maybe monad_tc
monad_sel = classSCSelId cls 0
tyvars = dataConUserTyVarBinders (classDataCon cls)
expected_ty = mkInvisForAllTys tyvars $
mkInvisFunTyMany (mkClassPred cls (mkTyVarTys (binderVars tyvars)))
(mkClassPred monad_cls (mkTyVarTys (binderVars tyvars)))
MASSERT2( idType monad_sel `eqType` expected_ty, ppr monad_sel $$ ppr expected_ty)
let m_ty = Type m_var
quoteWrapper = applyQuoteWrapper q
monadWrapper = mkWpEvApps [EvExpr $ mkCoreApps (Var monad_sel) [m_ty, quote_var]] <.>
mkWpTyApps [m_var]
tyWrapper t = mkAppTy m_var t
debug = (quoteWrapper, monadWrapper, m_var)
q_f <- dsHsWrapper quoteWrapper
m_f <- dsHsWrapper monadWrapper
return (MetaWrappers q_f m_f tyWrapper debug)
wrapName :: Name -> MetaM Type
wrapName n = do
t <- lookupType n
wrap_fn <- asks metaTy
return (wrap_fn t)
type MetaM a = ReaderT MetaWrappers DsM a
getPlatform :: MetaM Platform
getPlatform = targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
dsBracket :: Maybe QuoteWrapper
-> HsBracket GhcRn
-> [PendingTcSplice]
-> DsM CoreExpr
dsBracket wrap brack splices
= do_brack brack
runOverloaded act = do
mw <- mkMetaWrappers (expectJust "runOverloaded" wrap)
runReaderT (mapReaderT (dsExtendMetaEnv new_bit) act) mw
new_bit = mkNameEnv [(n, DsSplice (unLoc e))
| PendingTcSplice n e <- splices]
do_brack (VarBr _ _ n) = do { MkC e1 <- lookupOccDsM n ; return e1 }
do_brack (ExpBr _ e) = runOverloaded $ do { MkC e1 <- repLE e ; return e1 }
do_brack (PatBr _ p) = runOverloaded $ do { MkC p1 <- repTopP p ; return p1 }
do_brack (TypBr _ t) = runOverloaded $ do { MkC t1 <- repLTy t ; return t1 }
do_brack (DecBrG _ gp) = runOverloaded $ do { MkC ds1 <- repTopDs gp ; return ds1 }
do_brack (DecBrL {}) = panic "dsBracket: unexpected DecBrL"
do_brack (TExpBr _ e) = runOverloaded $ do { MkC e1 <- repLE e ; return e1 }
data M a
repTopP :: LPat GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repTopP pat = do { ss <- mkGenSyms (collectPatBinders pat)
; pat' <- addBinds ss (repLP pat)
; wrapGenSyms ss pat' }
repTopDs :: HsGroup GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M [TH.Dec]))
repTopDs group@(HsGroup { hs_valds = valds
, hs_splcds = splcds
, hs_tyclds = tyclds
, hs_derivds = derivds
, hs_fixds = fixds
, hs_defds = defds
, hs_fords = fords
, hs_warnds = warnds
, hs_annds = annds
, hs_ruleds = ruleds
, hs_docs = docs })
= do { let { bndrs = hsScopedTvBinders valds
++ hsGroupBinders group
++ hsPatSynSelectors valds
; instds = tyclds >>= group_instds } ;
ss <- mkGenSyms bndrs ;
decls <- addBinds ss (
do { val_ds <- rep_val_binds valds
; _ <- mapM no_splice splcds
; tycl_ds <- mapM repTyClD (tyClGroupTyClDecls tyclds)
; role_ds <- mapM repRoleD (concatMap group_roles tyclds)
; kisig_ds <- mapM repKiSigD (concatMap group_kisigs tyclds)
; inst_ds <- mapM repInstD instds
; deriv_ds <- mapM repStandaloneDerivD derivds
; fix_ds <- mapM repLFixD fixds
; _ <- mapM no_default_decl defds
; for_ds <- mapM repForD fords
; _ <- mapM no_warn (concatMap (wd_warnings . unLoc)
; ann_ds <- mapM repAnnD annds
; rule_ds <- mapM repRuleD (concatMap (rds_rules . unLoc)
; _ <- mapM no_doc docs
; return (de_loc $ sort_by_loc $
val_ds ++ catMaybes tycl_ds ++ role_ds
++ kisig_ds
++ (concat fix_ds)
++ inst_ds ++ rule_ds ++ for_ds
++ ann_ds ++ deriv_ds) }) ;
core_list <- repListM decTyConName return decls ;
dec_ty <- lookupType decTyConName ;
q_decs <- repSequenceM dec_ty core_list ;
wrapGenSyms ss q_decs
no_splice (L loc _)
= notHandledL loc "Splices within declaration brackets" empty
no_default_decl (L loc decl)
= notHandledL loc "Default declarations" (ppr decl)
no_warn :: LWarnDecl GhcRn -> MetaM a
no_warn (L loc (Warning _ thing _))
= notHandledL loc "WARNING and DEPRECATION pragmas" $
text "Pragma for declaration of" <+> ppr thing
no_doc (L loc _)
= notHandledL loc "Haddock documentation" empty
hsScopedTvBinders :: HsValBinds GhcRn -> [Name]
hsScopedTvBinders binds
= concatMap get_scoped_tvs sigs
sigs = case binds of
ValBinds _ _ sigs -> sigs
XValBindsLR (NValBinds _ sigs) -> sigs
get_scoped_tvs :: LSig GhcRn -> [Name]
get_scoped_tvs (L _ signature)
| TypeSig _ _ sig <- signature
= get_scoped_tvs_from_sig (hswc_body sig)
| ClassOpSig _ _ _ sig <- signature
= get_scoped_tvs_from_sig sig
| PatSynSig _ _ sig <- signature
= get_scoped_tvs_from_sig sig
| otherwise
= []
get_scoped_tvs_from_sig :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> [Name]
get_scoped_tvs_from_sig sig
| HsIB { hsib_ext = implicit_vars
, hsib_body = hs_ty } <- sig
, (explicit_vars, _) <- splitLHsForAllTyInvis hs_ty
= implicit_vars ++ hsLTyVarNames explicit_vars
repTyClD :: LTyClDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (Maybe (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec)))
repTyClD (L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = fam })) = liftM Just $
repFamilyDecl (L loc fam)
repTyClD (L loc (SynDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tvs, tcdRhs = rhs }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc
; dec <- addTyClTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
repSynDecl tc1 bndrs rhs
; return (Just (loc, dec)) }
repTyClD (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc
, tcdTyVars = tvs
, tcdDataDefn = defn }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc
; dec <- addTyClTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
repDataDefn tc1 (Left bndrs) defn
; return (Just (loc, dec)) }
repTyClD (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLName = cls,
tcdTyVars = tvs, tcdFDs = fds,
tcdSigs = sigs, tcdMeths = meth_binds,
tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = atds }))
= do { cls1 <- lookupLOcc cls
; dec <- addQTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
do { cxt1 <- repLContext cxt
; (ss, sigs_binds) <- rep_meth_sigs_binds sigs meth_binds
; fds1 <- repLFunDeps fds
; ats1 <- repFamilyDecls ats
; atds1 <- mapM (repAssocTyFamDefaultD . unLoc) atds
; decls1 <- repListM decTyConName return (ats1 ++ atds1 ++ sigs_binds)
; decls2 <- repClass cxt1 cls1 bndrs fds1 decls1
; wrapGenSyms ss decls2 }
; return $ Just (loc, dec)
repRoleD :: LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repRoleD (L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ tycon roles))
= do { tycon1 <- lookupLOcc tycon
; roles1 <- mapM repRole roles
; roles2 <- coreList roleTyConName roles1
; dec <- repRoleAnnotD tycon1 roles2
; return (loc, dec) }
repKiSigD :: LStandaloneKindSig GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repKiSigD (L loc kisig) =
case kisig of
StandaloneKindSig _ v ki -> rep_ty_sig kiSigDName loc ki v
repDataDefn :: Core TH.Name
-> Either (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))])
(Core (Maybe [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]), Core (M TH.Type))
-> HsDataDefn GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repDataDefn tc opts
(HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_ctxt = cxt, dd_kindSig = ksig
, dd_cons = cons, dd_derivs = mb_derivs })
= do { cxt1 <- repLContext cxt
; derivs1 <- repDerivs mb_derivs
; case (new_or_data, cons) of
(NewType, [con]) -> do { con' <- repC con
; ksig' <- repMaybeLTy ksig
; repNewtype cxt1 tc opts ksig' con'
derivs1 }
(NewType, _) -> lift $ failWithDs (text "Multiple constructors for newtype:"
<+> pprQuotedList
(getConNames $ unLoc $ head cons))
(DataType, _) -> do { ksig' <- repMaybeLTy ksig
; consL <- mapM repC cons
; cons1 <- coreListM conTyConName consL
; repData cxt1 tc opts ksig' cons1
derivs1 }
repSynDecl :: Core TH.Name -> Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]
-> LHsType GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repSynDecl tc bndrs ty
= do { ty1 <- repLTy ty
; repTySyn tc bndrs ty1 }
repFamilyDecl :: LFamilyDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repFamilyDecl decl@(L loc (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info
, fdLName = tc
, fdTyVars = tvs
, fdResultSig = L _ resultSig
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc
; let mkHsQTvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr () GhcRn] -> LHsQTyVars GhcRn
mkHsQTvs tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = []
, hsq_explicit = tvs }
resTyVar = case resultSig of
TyVarSig _ bndr -> mkHsQTvs [bndr]
_ -> mkHsQTvs []
; dec <- addTyClTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
addTyClTyVarBinds resTyVar $ \_ ->
case info of
ClosedTypeFamily Nothing ->
notHandled "abstract closed type family" (ppr decl)
ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns) ->
do { eqns1 <- mapM (repTyFamEqn . unLoc) eqns
; eqns2 <- coreListM tySynEqnTyConName eqns1
; result <- repFamilyResultSig resultSig
; inj <- repInjectivityAnn injectivity
; repClosedFamilyD tc1 bndrs result inj eqns2 }
OpenTypeFamily ->
do { result <- repFamilyResultSig resultSig
; inj <- repInjectivityAnn injectivity
; repOpenFamilyD tc1 bndrs result inj }
DataFamily ->
do { kind <- repFamilyResultSigToMaybeKind resultSig
; repDataFamilyD tc1 bndrs kind }
; return (loc, dec)
repFamilyResultSig :: FamilyResultSig GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.FamilyResultSig))
repFamilyResultSig (NoSig _) = repNoSig
repFamilyResultSig (KindSig _ ki) = do { ki' <- repLTy ki
; repKindSig ki' }
repFamilyResultSig (TyVarSig _ bndr) = do { bndr' <- repTyVarBndr bndr
; repTyVarSig bndr' }
repFamilyResultSigToMaybeKind :: FamilyResultSig GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (Maybe (M TH.Kind)))
repFamilyResultSigToMaybeKind (NoSig _) =
do { coreNothingM kindTyConName }
repFamilyResultSigToMaybeKind (KindSig _ ki) =
do { coreJustM kindTyConName =<< repLTy ki }
repFamilyResultSigToMaybeKind TyVarSig{} =
panic "repFamilyResultSigToMaybeKind: unexpected TyVarSig"
repInjectivityAnn :: Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn)
-> MetaM (Core (Maybe TH.InjectivityAnn))
repInjectivityAnn Nothing =
do { coreNothing injAnnTyConName }
repInjectivityAnn (Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs))) =
do { lhs' <- lookupBinder (unLoc lhs)
; rhs1 <- mapM (lookupBinder . unLoc) rhs
; rhs2 <- coreList nameTyConName rhs1
; injAnn <- rep2_nw injectivityAnnName [unC lhs', unC rhs2]
; coreJust injAnnTyConName injAnn }
repFamilyDecls :: [LFamilyDecl GhcRn] -> MetaM [Core (M TH.Dec)]
repFamilyDecls fds = liftM de_loc (mapM repFamilyDecl fds)
repAssocTyFamDefaultD :: TyFamDefltDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repAssocTyFamDefaultD = repTyFamInstD
repLFunDeps :: [LHsFunDep GhcRn] -> MetaM (Core [TH.FunDep])
repLFunDeps fds = repList funDepTyConName repLFunDep fds
repLFunDep :: LHsFunDep GhcRn -> MetaM (Core TH.FunDep)
repLFunDep (L _ (xs, ys))
= do xs' <- repList nameTyConName (lookupBinder . unLoc) xs
ys' <- repList nameTyConName (lookupBinder . unLoc) ys
repFunDep xs' ys'
repInstD :: LInstDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repInstD (L loc (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = fi_decl }))
= do { dec <- repTyFamInstD fi_decl
; return (loc, dec) }
repInstD (L loc (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi_decl }))
= do { dec <- repDataFamInstD fi_decl
; return (loc, dec) }
repInstD (L loc (ClsInstD { cid_inst = cls_decl }))
= do { dec <- repClsInstD cls_decl
; return (loc, dec) }
repClsInstD :: ClsInstDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
, cid_sigs = sigs, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_datafam_insts = adts
, cid_overlap_mode = overlap
= addSimpleTyVarBinds tvs $
do { cxt1 <- repLContext cxt
; inst_ty1 <- repLTy inst_ty
; (ss, sigs_binds) <- rep_meth_sigs_binds sigs binds
; ats1 <- mapM (repTyFamInstD . unLoc) ats
; adts1 <- mapM (repDataFamInstD . unLoc) adts
; decls1 <- coreListM decTyConName (ats1 ++ adts1 ++ sigs_binds)
; rOver <- repOverlap (fmap unLoc overlap)
; decls2 <- repInst rOver cxt1 inst_ty1 decls1
; wrapGenSyms ss decls2 }
(tvs, cxt, inst_ty) = splitLHsInstDeclTy ty
repStandaloneDerivD :: LDerivDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repStandaloneDerivD (L loc (DerivDecl { deriv_strategy = strat
, deriv_type = ty }))
= do { dec <- repDerivStrategy strat $ \strat' ->
addSimpleTyVarBinds tvs $
do { cxt' <- repLContext cxt
; inst_ty' <- repLTy inst_ty
; repDeriv strat' cxt' inst_ty' }
; return (loc, dec) }
(tvs, cxt, inst_ty) = splitLHsInstDeclTy (dropWildCards ty)
repTyFamInstD :: TyFamInstDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repTyFamInstD (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
= do { eqn1 <- repTyFamEqn eqn
; repTySynInst eqn1 }
repTyFamEqn :: TyFamInstEqn GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.TySynEqn))
repTyFamEqn (HsIB { hsib_ext = var_names
, hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc_name
, feqn_bndrs = mb_bndrs
, feqn_pats = tys
, feqn_fixity = fixity
, feqn_rhs = rhs }})
= do { tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name
; let hs_tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = var_names
, hsq_explicit = fromMaybe [] mb_bndrs }
; addTyClTyVarBinds hs_tvs $ \ _ ->
do { mb_bndrs1 <- repMaybeListM tyVarBndrUnitTyConName
; tys1 <- case fixity of
Prefix -> repTyArgs (repNamedTyCon tc) tys
Infix -> do { (HsValArg t1: HsValArg t2: args) <- checkTys tys
; t1' <- repLTy t1
; t2' <- repLTy t2
; repTyArgs (repTInfix t1' tc t2') args }
; rhs1 <- repLTy rhs
; repTySynEqn mb_bndrs1 tys1 rhs1 } }
where checkTys :: [LHsTypeArg GhcRn] -> MetaM [LHsTypeArg GhcRn]
checkTys tys@(HsValArg _:HsValArg _:_) = return tys
checkTys _ = panic "repTyFamEqn:checkTys"
repTyArgs :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type)) -> [LHsTypeArg GhcRn] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTyArgs f [] = f
repTyArgs f (HsValArg ty : as) = do { f' <- f
; ty' <- repLTy ty
; repTyArgs (repTapp f' ty') as }
repTyArgs f (HsTypeArg _ ki : as) = do { f' <- f
; ki' <- repLTy ki
; repTyArgs (repTappKind f' ki') as }
repTyArgs f (HsArgPar _ : as) = repTyArgs f as
repDataFamInstD :: DataFamInstDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn =
(HsIB { hsib_ext = var_names
, hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc_name
, feqn_bndrs = mb_bndrs
, feqn_pats = tys
, feqn_fixity = fixity
, feqn_rhs = defn }})})
= do { tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name
; let hs_tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = var_names
, hsq_explicit = fromMaybe [] mb_bndrs }
; addTyClTyVarBinds hs_tvs $ \ _ ->
do { mb_bndrs1 <- repMaybeListM tyVarBndrUnitTyConName
; tys1 <- case fixity of
Prefix -> repTyArgs (repNamedTyCon tc) tys
Infix -> do { (HsValArg t1: HsValArg t2: args) <- checkTys tys
; t1' <- repLTy t1
; t2' <- repLTy t2
; repTyArgs (repTInfix t1' tc t2') args }
; repDataDefn tc (Right (mb_bndrs1, tys1)) defn } }
where checkTys :: [LHsTypeArg GhcRn] -> MetaM [LHsTypeArg GhcRn]
checkTys tys@(HsValArg _: HsValArg _: _) = return tys
checkTys _ = panic "repDataFamInstD:checkTys"
repForD :: Located (ForeignDecl GhcRn) -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repForD (L loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = typ
, fd_fi = CImport (L _ cc)
(L _ s) mch cis _ }))
= do MkC name' <- lookupLOcc name
MkC typ' <- repHsSigType typ
MkC cc' <- repCCallConv cc
MkC s' <- repSafety s
cis' <- conv_cimportspec cis
MkC str <- coreStringLit (static ++ chStr ++ cis')
dec <- rep2 forImpDName [cc', s', str, name', typ']
return (loc, dec)
conv_cimportspec (CLabel cls)
= notHandled "Foreign label" (doubleQuotes (ppr cls))
conv_cimportspec (CFunction DynamicTarget) = return "dynamic"
conv_cimportspec (CFunction (StaticTarget _ fs _ True))
= return (unpackFS fs)
conv_cimportspec (CFunction (StaticTarget _ _ _ False))
= panic "conv_cimportspec: values not supported yet"
conv_cimportspec CWrapper = return "wrapper"
raw_cconv = cc == PrimCallConv || cc == JavaScriptCallConv
static = case cis of
CFunction (StaticTarget _ _ _ _) | not raw_cconv -> "static "
_ -> ""
chStr = case mch of
Just (Header _ h) | not raw_cconv -> unpackFS h ++ " "
_ -> ""
repForD decl@(L _ ForeignExport{}) = notHandled "Foreign export" (ppr decl)
repCCallConv :: CCallConv -> MetaM (Core TH.Callconv)
repCCallConv CCallConv = rep2_nw cCallName []
repCCallConv StdCallConv = rep2_nw stdCallName []
repCCallConv CApiConv = rep2_nw cApiCallName []
repCCallConv PrimCallConv = rep2_nw primCallName []
repCCallConv JavaScriptCallConv = rep2_nw javaScriptCallName []
repSafety :: Safety -> MetaM (Core TH.Safety)
repSafety PlayRisky = rep2_nw unsafeName []
repSafety PlayInterruptible = rep2_nw interruptibleName []
repSafety PlaySafe = rep2_nw safeName []
repLFixD :: LFixitySig GhcRn -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
repLFixD (L loc fix_sig) = rep_fix_d loc fix_sig
rep_fix_d :: SrcSpan -> FixitySig GhcRn -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_fix_d loc (FixitySig _ names (Fixity _ prec dir))
= do { MkC prec' <- coreIntLit prec
; let rep_fn = case dir of
InfixL -> infixLDName
InfixR -> infixRDName
InfixN -> infixNDName
; let do_one name
= do { MkC name' <- lookupLOcc name
; dec <- rep2 rep_fn [prec', name']
; return (loc,dec) }
; mapM do_one names }
repRuleD :: LRuleDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repRuleD (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n
, rd_act = act
, rd_tyvs = ty_bndrs
, rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs
, rd_lhs = lhs
, rd_rhs = rhs }))
= do { rule <- addHsTyVarBinds (fromMaybe [] ty_bndrs) $ \ ex_bndrs ->
do { let tm_bndr_names = concatMap ruleBndrNames tm_bndrs
; ss <- mkGenSyms tm_bndr_names
; rule <- addBinds ss $
do { elt_ty <- wrapName tyVarBndrUnitTyConName
; ty_bndrs' <- return $ case ty_bndrs of
Nothing -> coreNothing' (mkListTy elt_ty)
Just _ -> coreJust' (mkListTy elt_ty) ex_bndrs
; tm_bndrs' <- repListM ruleBndrTyConName
; n' <- coreStringLit $ unpackFS $ snd $ unLoc n
; act' <- repPhases act
; lhs' <- repLE lhs
; rhs' <- repLE rhs
; repPragRule n' ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs' lhs' rhs' act' }
; wrapGenSyms ss rule }
; return (loc, rule) }
ruleBndrNames :: LRuleBndr GhcRn -> [Name]
ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndr _ n)) = [unLoc n]
ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ n sig))
| HsPS { hsps_ext = HsPSRn { hsps_imp_tvs = vars }} <- sig
= unLoc n : vars
repRuleBndr :: LRuleBndr GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.RuleBndr))
repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndr _ n))
= do { MkC n' <- lookupLBinder n
; rep2 ruleVarName [n'] }
repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ n sig))
= do { MkC n' <- lookupLBinder n
; MkC ty' <- repLTy (hsPatSigType sig)
; rep2 typedRuleVarName [n', ty'] }
repAnnD :: LAnnDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
repAnnD (L loc (HsAnnotation _ _ ann_prov (L _ exp)))
= do { target <- repAnnProv ann_prov
; exp' <- repE exp
; dec <- repPragAnn target exp'
; return (loc, dec) }
repAnnProv :: AnnProvenance Name -> MetaM (Core TH.AnnTarget)
repAnnProv (ValueAnnProvenance (L _ n))
= do { MkC n' <- lift $ globalVar n
; rep2_nw valueAnnotationName [ n' ] }
repAnnProv (TypeAnnProvenance (L _ n))
= do { MkC n' <- lift $ globalVar n
; rep2_nw typeAnnotationName [ n' ] }
repAnnProv ModuleAnnProvenance
= rep2_nw moduleAnnotationName []
repC :: LConDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Con))
repC (L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
, con_forall = (L _ False)
, con_mb_cxt = Nothing
, con_args = args }))
= repDataCon con args
repC (L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
, con_forall = L _ is_existential
, con_ex_tvs = con_tvs
, con_mb_cxt = mcxt
, con_args = args }))
= do { addHsTyVarBinds con_tvs $ \ ex_bndrs ->
do { c' <- repDataCon con args
; ctxt' <- repMbContext mcxt
; if not is_existential && isNothing mcxt
then return c'
else rep2 forallCName ([unC ex_bndrs, unC ctxt', unC c'])
repC (L _ (ConDeclGADT { con_g_ext = imp_tvs
, con_names = cons
, con_qvars = exp_tvs
, con_mb_cxt = mcxt
, con_args = args
, con_res_ty = res_ty }))
| null imp_tvs && null exp_tvs
, Nothing <- mcxt
= repGadtDataCons cons args res_ty
| otherwise
= addTyVarBinds exp_tvs imp_tvs $ \ ex_bndrs ->
do { c' <- repGadtDataCons cons args res_ty
; ctxt' <- repMbContext mcxt
; if null exp_tvs && isNothing mcxt
then return c'
else rep2 forallCName ([unC ex_bndrs, unC ctxt', unC c']) }
repMbContext :: Maybe (LHsContext GhcRn) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Cxt))
repMbContext Nothing = repContext []
repMbContext (Just (L _ cxt)) = repContext cxt
repSrcUnpackedness :: SrcUnpackedness -> MetaM (Core (M TH.SourceUnpackedness))
repSrcUnpackedness SrcUnpack = rep2 sourceUnpackName []
repSrcUnpackedness SrcNoUnpack = rep2 sourceNoUnpackName []
repSrcUnpackedness NoSrcUnpack = rep2 noSourceUnpackednessName []
repSrcStrictness :: SrcStrictness -> MetaM (Core (M TH.SourceStrictness))
repSrcStrictness SrcLazy = rep2 sourceLazyName []
repSrcStrictness SrcStrict = rep2 sourceStrictName []
repSrcStrictness NoSrcStrict = rep2 noSourceStrictnessName []
repBangTy :: LBangType GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.BangType))
repBangTy ty = do
MkC u <- repSrcUnpackedness su'
MkC s <- repSrcStrictness ss'
MkC b <- rep2 bangName [u, s]
MkC t <- repLTy ty'
rep2 bangTypeName [b, t]
(su', ss', ty') = case unLoc ty of
HsBangTy _ (HsSrcBang _ su ss) ty -> (su, ss, ty)
_ -> (NoSrcUnpack, NoSrcStrict, ty)
repDerivs :: HsDeriving GhcRn -> MetaM (Core [M TH.DerivClause])
repDerivs (L _ clauses)
= repListM derivClauseTyConName repDerivClause clauses
repDerivClause :: LHsDerivingClause GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.DerivClause))
repDerivClause (L _ (HsDerivingClause
{ deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
, deriv_clause_tys = L _ dct }))
= repDerivStrategy dcs $ \(MkC dcs') ->
do MkC dct' <- repListM typeTyConName (rep_deriv_ty . hsSigType) dct
rep2 derivClauseName [dcs',dct']
rep_deriv_ty :: LHsType GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
rep_deriv_ty ty = repLTy ty
rep_meth_sigs_binds :: [LSig GhcRn] -> LHsBinds GhcRn
-> MetaM ([GenSymBind], [Core (M TH.Dec)])
rep_meth_sigs_binds sigs binds
= do { let tvs = concatMap get_scoped_tvs sigs
; ss <- mkGenSyms tvs
; sigs1 <- addBinds ss $ rep_sigs sigs
; binds1 <- addBinds ss $ rep_binds binds
; return (ss, de_loc (sort_by_loc (sigs1 ++ binds1))) }
rep_sigs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_sigs = concatMapM rep_sig
rep_sig :: LSig GhcRn -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_sig (L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
= mapM (rep_wc_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
rep_sig (L loc (PatSynSig _ nms ty))
= mapM (rep_patsyn_ty_sig loc ty) nms
rep_sig (L loc (ClassOpSig _ is_deflt nms ty))
| is_deflt = mapM (rep_ty_sig defaultSigDName loc ty) nms
| otherwise = mapM (rep_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
rep_sig d@(L _ (IdSig {})) = pprPanic "rep_sig IdSig" (ppr d)
rep_sig (L loc (FixSig _ fix_sig)) = rep_fix_d loc fix_sig
rep_sig (L loc (InlineSig _ nm ispec))= rep_inline nm ispec loc
rep_sig (L loc (SpecSig _ nm tys ispec))
= concatMapM (\t -> rep_specialise nm t ispec loc) tys
rep_sig (L loc (SpecInstSig _ _ ty)) = rep_specialiseInst ty loc
rep_sig (L _ (MinimalSig {})) = notHandled "MINIMAL pragmas" empty
rep_sig (L _ (SCCFunSig {})) = notHandled "SCC pragmas" empty
rep_sig (L loc (CompleteMatchSig _ _st cls mty))
= rep_complete_sig cls mty loc
rep_ty_sig_tvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr Specificity GhcRn]
-> MetaM (Core [M TH.TyVarBndrSpec])
rep_ty_sig_tvs explicit_tvs
= let rep_in_scope_tv tv = do { name <- lookupBinder (hsLTyVarName tv)
; repTyVarBndrWithKind tv name } in
repListM tyVarBndrSpecTyConName rep_in_scope_tv
rep_ty_sig :: Name -> SrcSpan -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> Located Name
-> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
rep_ty_sig mk_sig loc sig_ty nm
= do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
; ty1 <- rep_ty_sig' sig_ty
; sig <- repProto mk_sig nm1 ty1
; return (loc, sig) }
rep_ty_sig' :: LHsSigType GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
rep_ty_sig' sig_ty
| HsIB { hsib_body = hs_ty } <- sig_ty
, (explicit_tvs, ctxt, ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis hs_ty
= do { th_explicit_tvs <- rep_ty_sig_tvs explicit_tvs
; th_ctxt <- repLContext ctxt
; th_ty <- repLTy ty
; if null explicit_tvs && null (unLoc ctxt)
then return th_ty
else repTForall th_explicit_tvs th_ctxt th_ty }
rep_patsyn_ty_sig :: SrcSpan -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> Located Name
-> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
rep_patsyn_ty_sig loc sig_ty nm
| HsIB { hsib_body = hs_ty } <- sig_ty
, (univs, reqs, exis, provs, ty) <- splitLHsPatSynTy hs_ty
= do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
; th_univs <- rep_ty_sig_tvs univs
; th_exis <- rep_ty_sig_tvs exis
; th_reqs <- repLContext reqs
; th_provs <- repLContext provs
; th_ty <- repLTy ty
; ty1 <- repTForall th_univs th_reqs =<<
repTForall th_exis th_provs th_ty
; sig <- repProto patSynSigDName nm1 ty1
; return (loc, sig) }
rep_wc_ty_sig :: Name -> SrcSpan -> LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> Located Name
-> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
rep_wc_ty_sig mk_sig loc sig_ty nm
= rep_ty_sig mk_sig loc (hswc_body sig_ty) nm
rep_inline :: Located Name
-> InlinePragma
-> SrcSpan
-> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_inline nm ispec loc
= do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
; inline <- repInline $ inl_inline ispec
; rm <- repRuleMatch $ inl_rule ispec
; phases <- repPhases $ inl_act ispec
; pragma <- repPragInl nm1 inline rm phases
; return [(loc, pragma)]
rep_specialise :: Located Name -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> InlinePragma
-> SrcSpan
-> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_specialise nm ty ispec loc
= do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
; ty1 <- repHsSigType ty
; phases <- repPhases $ inl_act ispec
; let inline = inl_inline ispec
; pragma <- if noUserInlineSpec inline
repPragSpec nm1 ty1 phases
do { inline1 <- repInline inline
; repPragSpecInl nm1 ty1 inline1 phases }
; return [(loc, pragma)]
rep_specialiseInst :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> SrcSpan
-> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_specialiseInst ty loc
= do { ty1 <- repHsSigType ty
; pragma <- repPragSpecInst ty1
; return [(loc, pragma)] }
repInline :: InlineSpec -> MetaM (Core TH.Inline)
repInline NoInline = dataCon noInlineDataConName
repInline Inline = dataCon inlineDataConName
repInline Inlinable = dataCon inlinableDataConName
repInline NoUserInline = notHandled "NOUSERINLINE" empty
repRuleMatch :: RuleMatchInfo -> MetaM (Core TH.RuleMatch)
repRuleMatch ConLike = dataCon conLikeDataConName
repRuleMatch FunLike = dataCon funLikeDataConName
repPhases :: Activation -> MetaM (Core TH.Phases)
repPhases (ActiveBefore _ i) = do { MkC arg <- coreIntLit i
; dataCon' beforePhaseDataConName [arg] }
repPhases (ActiveAfter _ i) = do { MkC arg <- coreIntLit i
; dataCon' fromPhaseDataConName [arg] }
repPhases _ = dataCon allPhasesDataConName
rep_complete_sig :: Located [Located Name]
-> Maybe (Located Name)
-> SrcSpan
-> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_complete_sig (L _ cls) mty loc
= do { mty' <- repMaybe nameTyConName lookupLOcc mty
; cls' <- repList nameTyConName lookupLOcc cls
; sig <- repPragComplete cls' mty'
; return [(loc, sig)] }
class RepTV flag flag' | flag -> flag' where
tyVarBndrName :: Name
repPlainTV :: Core TH.Name -> flag -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.TyVarBndr flag')))
repKindedTV :: Core TH.Name -> flag -> Core (M TH.Kind)
-> MetaM (Core (M (TH.TyVarBndr flag')))
instance RepTV () () where
tyVarBndrName = tyVarBndrUnitTyConName
repPlainTV (MkC nm) () = rep2 plainTVName [nm]
repKindedTV (MkC nm) () (MkC ki) = rep2 kindedTVName [nm, ki]
instance RepTV Specificity TH.Specificity where
tyVarBndrName = tyVarBndrSpecTyConName
repPlainTV (MkC nm) spec = do { (MkC spec') <- rep_flag spec
; rep2 plainInvisTVName [nm, spec'] }
repKindedTV (MkC nm) spec (MkC ki) = do { (MkC spec') <- rep_flag spec
; rep2 kindedInvisTVName [nm, spec', ki] }
rep_flag :: Specificity -> MetaM (Core TH.Specificity)
rep_flag SpecifiedSpec = rep2_nw specifiedSpecName []
rep_flag InferredSpec = rep2_nw inferredSpecName []
addSimpleTyVarBinds :: [Name]
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
addSimpleTyVarBinds names thing_inside
= do { fresh_names <- mkGenSyms names
; term <- addBinds fresh_names thing_inside
; wrapGenSyms fresh_names term }
addHsTyVarBinds :: forall flag flag' a. RepTV flag flag'
=> [LHsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn]
-> (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr flag'))] -> MetaM (Core (M a)))
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
addHsTyVarBinds exp_tvs thing_inside
= do { fresh_exp_names <- mkGenSyms (hsLTyVarNames exp_tvs)
; term <- addBinds fresh_exp_names $
do { kbs <- repListM (tyVarBndrName @flag @flag') mk_tv_bndr
(exp_tvs `zip` fresh_exp_names)
; thing_inside kbs }
; wrapGenSyms fresh_exp_names term }
mk_tv_bndr (tv, (_,v)) = repTyVarBndrWithKind tv (coreVar v)
addQTyVarBinds :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn
-> (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))] -> MetaM (Core (M a)))
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
addQTyVarBinds (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = imp_tvs
, hsq_explicit = exp_tvs })
= addTyVarBinds exp_tvs imp_tvs thing_inside
addTyVarBinds :: RepTV flag flag'
=> [LHsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn]
-> [Name]
-> (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr flag'))] -> MetaM (Core (M a)))
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
addTyVarBinds exp_tvs imp_tvs thing_inside
= addSimpleTyVarBinds imp_tvs $
addHsTyVarBinds exp_tvs $
addTyClTyVarBinds :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn
-> (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))] -> MetaM (Core (M a)))
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
addTyClTyVarBinds tvs m
= do { let tv_names = hsAllLTyVarNames tvs
; env <- lift $ dsGetMetaEnv
; freshNames <- mkGenSyms (filterOut (`elemNameEnv` env) tv_names)
; term <- addBinds freshNames $
do { kbs <- repListM tyVarBndrUnitTyConName mk_tv_bndr
(hsQTvExplicit tvs)
; m kbs }
; wrapGenSyms freshNames term }
mk_tv_bndr :: LHsTyVarBndr () GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.TyVarBndr ())))
mk_tv_bndr tv = do { v <- lookupBinder (hsLTyVarName tv)
; repTyVarBndrWithKind tv v }
repTyVarBndrWithKind :: RepTV flag flag' => LHsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn
-> Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.TyVarBndr flag')))
repTyVarBndrWithKind (L _ (UserTyVar _ fl _)) nm
= repPlainTV nm fl
repTyVarBndrWithKind (L _ (KindedTyVar _ fl _ ki)) nm
= do { ki' <- repLTy ki
; repKindedTV nm fl ki' }
repTyVarBndr :: RepTV flag flag'
=> LHsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.TyVarBndr flag')))
repTyVarBndr (L _ (UserTyVar _ fl (L _ nm)) )
= do { nm' <- lookupBinder nm
; repPlainTV nm' fl }
repTyVarBndr (L _ (KindedTyVar _ fl (L _ nm) ki))
= do { nm' <- lookupBinder nm
; ki' <- repLTy ki
; repKindedTV nm' fl ki' }
repLContext :: LHsContext GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Cxt))
repLContext ctxt = repContext (unLoc ctxt)
repContext :: HsContext GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Cxt))
repContext ctxt = do preds <- repListM typeTyConName repLTy ctxt
repCtxt preds
repHsSigType :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repHsSigType (HsIB { hsib_ext = implicit_tvs
, hsib_body = body })
| (explicit_tvs, ctxt, ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis body
= addSimpleTyVarBinds implicit_tvs $
addHsTyVarBinds explicit_tvs $ \ th_explicit_tvs ->
do { th_ctxt <- repLContext ctxt
; th_ty <- repLTy ty
; if null explicit_tvs && null (unLoc ctxt)
then return th_ty
else repTForall th_explicit_tvs th_ctxt th_ty }
repLTys :: [LHsType GhcRn] -> MetaM [Core (M TH.Type)]
repLTys tys = mapM repLTy tys
repLTy :: LHsType GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repLTy ty = repTy (unLoc ty)
repForallT :: HsType GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repForallT ty
| (tvs, ctxt, tau) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis (noLoc ty)
= addHsTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
do { ctxt1 <- repLContext ctxt
; tau1 <- repLTy tau
; repTForall bndrs ctxt1 tau1
repTy :: HsType GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTy ty@(HsForAllTy { hst_tele = tele, hst_body = body }) =
case tele of
HsForAllInvis{} -> repForallT ty
HsForAllVis { hsf_vis_bndrs = tvs } ->
addHsTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
do body1 <- repLTy body
repTForallVis bndrs body1
repTy ty@(HsQualTy {}) = repForallT ty
repTy (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ n))
| isLiftedTypeKindTyConName n = repTStar
| n `hasKey` constraintKindTyConKey = repTConstraint
| n `hasKey` unrestrictedFunTyConKey = repArrowTyCon
| n `hasKey` funTyConKey = repMulArrowTyCon
| isTvOcc occ = do tv1 <- lookupOcc n
repTvar tv1
| isDataOcc occ = do tc1 <- lookupOcc n
repPromotedDataCon tc1
| n == eqTyConName = repTequality
| otherwise = do tc1 <- lookupOcc n
repNamedTyCon tc1
occ = nameOccName n
repTy (HsAppTy _ f a) = do
f1 <- repLTy f
a1 <- repLTy a
repTapp f1 a1
repTy (HsAppKindTy _ ty ki) = do
ty1 <- repLTy ty
ki1 <- repLTy ki
repTappKind ty1 ki1
repTy (HsFunTy _ w f a) | isUnrestricted w = do
f1 <- repLTy f
a1 <- repLTy a
tcon <- repArrowTyCon
repTapps tcon [f1, a1]
repTy (HsFunTy _ w f a) = do w1 <- repLTy (arrowToHsType w)
f1 <- repLTy f
a1 <- repLTy a
tcon <- repMulArrowTyCon
repTapps tcon [w1, f1, a1]
repTy (HsListTy _ t) = do
t1 <- repLTy t
tcon <- repListTyCon
repTapp tcon t1
repTy (HsTupleTy _ HsUnboxedTuple tys) = do
tys1 <- repLTys tys
tcon <- repUnboxedTupleTyCon (length tys)
repTapps tcon tys1
repTy (HsTupleTy _ _ tys) = do tys1 <- repLTys tys
tcon <- repTupleTyCon (length tys)
repTapps tcon tys1
repTy (HsSumTy _ tys) = do tys1 <- repLTys tys
tcon <- repUnboxedSumTyCon (length tys)
repTapps tcon tys1
repTy (HsOpTy _ ty1 n ty2) = repLTy ((nlHsTyVar (unLoc n) `nlHsAppTy` ty1)
`nlHsAppTy` ty2)
repTy (HsParTy _ t) = repLTy t
repTy (HsStarTy _ _) = repTStar
repTy (HsKindSig _ t k) = do
t1 <- repLTy t
k1 <- repLTy k
repTSig t1 k1
repTy (HsSpliceTy _ splice) = repSplice splice
repTy (HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys) = do
tys1 <- repLTys tys
repTPromotedList tys1
repTy (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) = do
tys1 <- repLTys tys
tcon <- repPromotedTupleTyCon (length tys)
repTapps tcon tys1
repTy (HsTyLit _ lit) = do
lit' <- repTyLit lit
repTLit lit'
repTy (HsWildCardTy _) = repTWildCard
repTy (HsIParamTy _ n t) = do
n' <- rep_implicit_param_name (unLoc n)
t' <- repLTy t
repTImplicitParam n' t'
repTy ty = notHandled "Exotic form of type" (ppr ty)
repTyLit :: HsTyLit -> MetaM (Core (M TH.TyLit))
repTyLit (HsNumTy _ i) = rep2 numTyLitName [mkIntegerExpr i]
repTyLit (HsStrTy _ s) = do { s' <- mkStringExprFS s
; rep2 strTyLitName [s']
repMaybeLTy :: Maybe (LHsKind GhcRn)
-> MetaM (Core (Maybe (M TH.Type)))
repMaybeLTy m = do
k_ty <- wrapName kindTyConName
repMaybeT k_ty repLTy m
repRole :: Located (Maybe Role) -> MetaM (Core TH.Role)
repRole (L _ (Just Nominal)) = rep2_nw nominalRName []
repRole (L _ (Just Representational)) = rep2_nw representationalRName []
repRole (L _ (Just Phantom)) = rep2_nw phantomRName []
repRole (L _ Nothing) = rep2_nw inferRName []
repSplice :: HsSplice GhcRn -> MetaM (Core a)
repSplice (HsTypedSplice _ _ n _) = rep_splice n
repSplice (HsUntypedSplice _ _ n _) = rep_splice n
repSplice (HsQuasiQuote _ n _ _ _) = rep_splice n
repSplice e@(HsSpliced {}) = pprPanic "repSplice" (ppr e)
rep_splice :: Name -> MetaM (Core a)
rep_splice splice_name
= do { mb_val <- lift $ dsLookupMetaEnv splice_name
; case mb_val of
Just (DsSplice e) -> do { e' <- lift $ dsExpr e
; return (MkC e') }
_ -> pprPanic "HsSplice" (ppr splice_name) }
repLEs :: [LHsExpr GhcRn] -> MetaM (Core [(M TH.Exp)])
repLEs es = repListM expTyConName repLE es
repLE :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repLE (L loc e) = mapReaderT (putSrcSpanDs loc) (repE e)
repE :: HsExpr GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repE (HsVar _ (L _ x)) =
do { mb_val <- lift $ dsLookupMetaEnv x
; case mb_val of
Nothing -> do { str <- lift $ globalVar x
; repVarOrCon x str }
Just (DsBound y) -> repVarOrCon x (coreVar y)
Just (DsSplice e) -> do { e' <- lift $ dsExpr e
; return (MkC e') } }
repE (HsIPVar _ n) = rep_implicit_param_name n >>= repImplicitParamVar
repE (HsOverLabel _ _ s) = repOverLabel s
repE e@(HsRecFld _ f) = case f of
Unambiguous x _ -> repE (HsVar noExtField (noLoc x))
Ambiguous{} -> notHandled "Ambiguous record selectors" (ppr e)
repE (HsOverLit _ l) = do { a <- repOverloadedLiteral l; repLit a }
repE (HsLit _ l) = do { a <- repLiteral l; repLit a }
repE (HsLam _ (MG { mg_alts = (L _ [m]) })) = repLambda m
repE (HsLamCase _ (MG { mg_alts = (L _ ms) }))
= do { ms' <- mapM repMatchTup ms
; core_ms <- coreListM matchTyConName ms'
; repLamCase core_ms }
repE (HsApp _ x y) = do {a <- repLE x; b <- repLE y; repApp a b}
repE (HsAppType _ e t) = do { a <- repLE e
; s <- repLTy (hswc_body t)
; repAppType a s }
repE (OpApp _ e1 op e2) =
do { arg1 <- repLE e1;
arg2 <- repLE e2;
the_op <- repLE op ;
repInfixApp arg1 the_op arg2 }
repE (NegApp _ x _) = do
a <- repLE x
negateVar <- lookupOcc negateName >>= repVar
negateVar `repApp` a
repE (HsPar _ x) = repLE x
repE (SectionL _ x y) = do { a <- repLE x; b <- repLE y; repSectionL a b }
repE (SectionR _ x y) = do { a <- repLE x; b <- repLE y; repSectionR a b }
repE (HsCase _ e (MG { mg_alts = (L _ ms) }))
= do { arg <- repLE e
; ms2 <- mapM repMatchTup ms
; core_ms2 <- coreListM matchTyConName ms2
; repCaseE arg core_ms2 }
repE (HsIf _ x y z) = do
a <- repLE x
b <- repLE y
c <- repLE z
repCond a b c
repE (HsMultiIf _ alts)
= do { (binds, alts') <- liftM unzip $ mapM repLGRHS alts
; expr' <- repMultiIf (nonEmptyCoreList alts')
; wrapGenSyms (concat binds) expr' }
repE (HsLet _ (L _ bs) e) = do { (ss,ds) <- repBinds bs
; e2 <- addBinds ss (repLE e)
; z <- repLetE ds e2
; wrapGenSyms ss z }
repE e@(HsDo _ ctxt (L _ sts))
| Just maybeModuleName <- case ctxt of
{ DoExpr m -> Just m; GhciStmtCtxt -> Just Nothing; _ -> Nothing }
= do { (ss,zs) <- repLSts sts;
e' <- repDoE maybeModuleName (nonEmptyCoreList zs);
wrapGenSyms ss e' }
| ListComp <- ctxt
= do { (ss,zs) <- repLSts sts;
e' <- repComp (nonEmptyCoreList zs);
wrapGenSyms ss e' }
| MDoExpr maybeModuleName <- ctxt
= do { (ss,zs) <- repLSts sts;
e' <- repMDoE maybeModuleName (nonEmptyCoreList zs);
wrapGenSyms ss e' }
| otherwise
= notHandled "monad comprehension and [: :]" (ppr e)
repE (ExplicitList _ _ es) = do { xs <- repLEs es; repListExp xs }
repE (ExplicitTuple _ es boxity) =
let tupArgToCoreExp :: LHsTupArg GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (Maybe (M TH.Exp)))
tupArgToCoreExp (L _ a)
| (Present _ e) <- a = do { e' <- repLE e
; coreJustM expTyConName e' }
| otherwise = coreNothingM expTyConName
in do { args <- mapM tupArgToCoreExp es
; expTy <- wrapName expTyConName
; let maybeExpQTy = mkTyConApp maybeTyCon [expTy]
listArg = coreList' maybeExpQTy args
; if isBoxed boxity
then repTup listArg
else repUnboxedTup listArg }
repE (ExplicitSum _ alt arity e)
= do { e1 <- repLE e
; repUnboxedSum e1 alt arity }
repE (RecordCon { rcon_con_name = c, rcon_flds = flds })
= do { x <- lookupLOcc c;
fs <- repFields flds;
repRecCon x fs }
repE (RecordUpd { rupd_expr = e, rupd_flds = flds })
= do { x <- repLE e;
fs <- repUpdFields flds;
repRecUpd x fs }
repE (ExprWithTySig _ e wc_ty)
= addSimpleTyVarBinds (get_scoped_tvs_from_sig sig_ty) $
do { e1 <- repLE e
; t1 <- rep_ty_sig' sig_ty
; repSigExp e1 t1 }
sig_ty = dropWildCards wc_ty
repE (ArithSeq _ _ aseq) =
case aseq of
From e -> do { ds1 <- repLE e; repFrom ds1 }
FromThen e1 e2 -> do
ds1 <- repLE e1
ds2 <- repLE e2
repFromThen ds1 ds2
FromTo e1 e2 -> do
ds1 <- repLE e1
ds2 <- repLE e2
repFromTo ds1 ds2
FromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> do
ds1 <- repLE e1
ds2 <- repLE e2
ds3 <- repLE e3
repFromThenTo ds1 ds2 ds3
repE (HsSpliceE _ splice) = repSplice splice
repE (HsStatic _ e) = repLE e >>= rep2 staticEName . (:[]) . unC
repE (HsUnboundVar _ uv) = do
occ <- occNameLit uv
sname <- repNameS occ
repUnboundVar sname
repE (XExpr (HsExpanded _ b)) = repE b
repE e@(HsPragE _ HsPragSCC {} _) = notHandled "Cost centres" (ppr e)
repE e@(HsPragE _ HsPragTick {} _) = notHandled "Tick Pragma" (ppr e)
repE e = notHandled "Expression form" (ppr e)
repMatchTup :: LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Match))
repMatchTup (L _ (Match { m_pats = [p]
, m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) })) =
do { ss1 <- mkGenSyms (collectPatBinders p)
; addBinds ss1 $ do {
; p1 <- repLP p
; (ss2,ds) <- repBinds wheres
; addBinds ss2 $ do {
; gs <- repGuards guards
; match <- repMatch p1 gs ds
; wrapGenSyms (ss1++ss2) match }}}
repMatchTup _ = panic "repMatchTup: case alt with more than one arg"
repClauseTup :: LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Clause))
repClauseTup (L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
, m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) })) =
do { ss1 <- mkGenSyms (collectPatsBinders ps)
; addBinds ss1 $ do {
ps1 <- repLPs ps
; (ss2,ds) <- repBinds wheres
; addBinds ss2 $ do {
gs <- repGuards guards
; clause <- repClause ps1 gs ds
; wrapGenSyms (ss1++ss2) clause }}}
repGuards :: [LGRHS GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Body))
repGuards [L _ (GRHS _ [] e)]
= do {a <- repLE e; repNormal a }
repGuards other
= do { zs <- mapM repLGRHS other
; let (xs, ys) = unzip zs
; gd <- repGuarded (nonEmptyCoreList ys)
; wrapGenSyms (concat xs) gd }
repLGRHS :: LGRHS GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> MetaM ([GenSymBind], (Core (M (TH.Guard, TH.Exp))))
repLGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ [L _ (BodyStmt _ e1 _ _)] e2))
= do { guarded <- repLNormalGE e1 e2
; return ([], guarded) }
repLGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ ss rhs))
= do { (gs, ss') <- repLSts ss
; rhs' <- addBinds gs $ repLE rhs
; guarded <- repPatGE (nonEmptyCoreList ss') rhs'
; return (gs, guarded) }
repFields :: HsRecordBinds GhcRn -> MetaM (Core [M TH.FieldExp])
repFields (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds })
= repListM fieldExpTyConName rep_fld flds
rep_fld :: LHsRecField GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.FieldExp))
rep_fld (L _ fld) = do { fn <- lookupLOcc (hsRecFieldSel fld)
; e <- repLE (hsRecFieldArg fld)
; repFieldExp fn e }
repUpdFields :: [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> MetaM (Core [M TH.FieldExp])
repUpdFields = repListM fieldExpTyConName rep_fld
rep_fld :: LHsRecUpdField GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.FieldExp))
rep_fld (L l fld) = case unLoc (hsRecFieldLbl fld) of
Unambiguous sel_name _ -> do { fn <- lookupLOcc (L l sel_name)
; e <- repLE (hsRecFieldArg fld)
; repFieldExp fn e }
Ambiguous{} -> notHandled "Ambiguous record updates" (ppr fld)
repLSts :: [LStmt GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> MetaM ([GenSymBind], [Core (M TH.Stmt)])
repLSts stmts = repSts (map unLoc stmts)
repSts :: [Stmt GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> MetaM ([GenSymBind], [Core (M TH.Stmt)])
repSts (BindStmt _ p e : ss) =
do { e2 <- repLE e
; ss1 <- mkGenSyms (collectPatBinders p)
; addBinds ss1 $ do {
; p1 <- repLP p;
; (ss2,zs) <- repSts ss
; z <- repBindSt p1 e2
; return (ss1++ss2, z : zs) }}
repSts (LetStmt _ (L _ bs) : ss) =
do { (ss1,ds) <- repBinds bs
; z <- repLetSt ds
; (ss2,zs) <- addBinds ss1 (repSts ss)
; return (ss1++ss2, z : zs) }
repSts (BodyStmt _ e _ _ : ss) =
do { e2 <- repLE e
; z <- repNoBindSt e2
; (ss2,zs) <- repSts ss
; return (ss2, z : zs) }
repSts (ParStmt _ stmt_blocks _ _ : ss) =
do { (ss_s, stmt_blocks1) <- mapAndUnzipM rep_stmt_block stmt_blocks
; let stmt_blocks2 = nonEmptyCoreList stmt_blocks1
ss1 = concat ss_s
; z <- repParSt stmt_blocks2
; (ss2, zs) <- addBinds ss1 (repSts ss)
; return (ss1++ss2, z : zs) }
rep_stmt_block :: ParStmtBlock GhcRn GhcRn
-> MetaM ([GenSymBind], Core [(M TH.Stmt)])
rep_stmt_block (ParStmtBlock _ stmts _ _) =
do { (ss1, zs) <- repSts (map unLoc stmts)
; zs1 <- coreListM stmtTyConName zs
; return (ss1, zs1) }
repSts [LastStmt _ e _ _]
= do { e2 <- repLE e
; z <- repNoBindSt e2
; return ([], [z]) }
repSts (stmt@RecStmt{} : ss)
= do { let binders = collectLStmtsBinders (recS_stmts stmt)
; ss1 <- mkGenSyms binders
; (ss1_other,rss) <- addBinds ss1 $ repSts (map unLoc (recS_stmts stmt))
; MASSERT(sort ss1 == sort ss1_other)
; z <- repRecSt (nonEmptyCoreList rss)
; (ss2,zs) <- addBinds ss1 (repSts ss)
; return (ss1++ss2, z : zs) }
repSts [] = return ([],[])
repSts other = notHandled "Exotic statement" (ppr other)
repBinds :: HsLocalBinds GhcRn -> MetaM ([GenSymBind], Core [(M TH.Dec)])
repBinds (EmptyLocalBinds _)
= do { core_list <- coreListM decTyConName []
; return ([], core_list) }
repBinds (HsIPBinds _ (IPBinds _ decs))
= do { ips <- mapM rep_implicit_param_bind decs
; core_list <- coreListM decTyConName
(de_loc (sort_by_loc ips))
; return ([], core_list)
repBinds (HsValBinds _ decs)
= do { let { bndrs = hsScopedTvBinders decs ++ collectHsValBinders decs }
; ss <- mkGenSyms bndrs
; prs <- addBinds ss (rep_val_binds decs)
; core_list <- coreListM decTyConName
(de_loc (sort_by_loc prs))
; return (ss, core_list) }
rep_implicit_param_bind :: LIPBind GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
rep_implicit_param_bind (L loc (IPBind _ ename (L _ rhs)))
= do { name <- case ename of
Left (L _ n) -> rep_implicit_param_name n
Right _ ->
panic "rep_implicit_param_bind: post typechecking"
; rhs' <- repE rhs
; ipb <- repImplicitParamBind name rhs'
; return (loc, ipb) }
rep_implicit_param_name :: HsIPName -> MetaM (Core String)
rep_implicit_param_name (HsIPName name) = coreStringLit (unpackFS name)
rep_val_binds :: HsValBinds GhcRn -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_val_binds (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds sigs))
= do { core1 <- rep_binds (unionManyBags (map snd binds))
; core2 <- rep_sigs sigs
; return (core1 ++ core2) }
rep_val_binds (ValBinds _ _ _)
= panic "rep_val_binds: ValBinds"
rep_binds :: LHsBinds GhcRn -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
rep_binds = mapM rep_bind . bagToList
rep_bind :: LHsBind GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
rep_bind (L loc (FunBind
{ fun_id = fn,
fun_matches = MG { mg_alts
= (L _ [L _ (Match
{ m_pats = []
, m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) }
)]) } }))
= do { (ss,wherecore) <- repBinds wheres
; guardcore <- addBinds ss (repGuards guards)
; fn' <- lookupLBinder fn
; p <- repPvar fn'
; ans <- repVal p guardcore wherecore
; ans' <- wrapGenSyms ss ans
; return (loc, ans') }
rep_bind (L loc (FunBind { fun_id = fn
, fun_matches = MG { mg_alts = L _ ms } }))
= do { ms1 <- mapM repClauseTup ms
; fn' <- lookupLBinder fn
; ans <- repFun fn' (nonEmptyCoreList ms1)
; return (loc, ans) }
rep_bind (L loc (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat
, pat_rhs = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) }))
= do { patcore <- repLP pat
; (ss,wherecore) <- repBinds wheres
; guardcore <- addBinds ss (repGuards guards)
; ans <- repVal patcore guardcore wherecore
; ans' <- wrapGenSyms ss ans
; return (loc, ans') }
rep_bind (L _ (VarBind { var_id = v, var_rhs = e}))
= do { v' <- lookupBinder v
; e2 <- repLE e
; x <- repNormal e2
; patcore <- repPvar v'
; empty_decls <- coreListM decTyConName []
; ans <- repVal patcore x empty_decls
; return (srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc v), ans) }
rep_bind (L _ (AbsBinds {})) = panic "rep_bind: AbsBinds"
rep_bind (L loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = syn
, psb_args = args
, psb_def = pat
, psb_dir = dir })))
= do { syn' <- lookupLBinder syn
; dir' <- repPatSynDir dir
; ss <- mkGenArgSyms args
; patSynD' <- addBinds ss (
do { args' <- repPatSynArgs args
; pat' <- repLP pat
; repPatSynD syn' args' dir' pat' })
; patSynD'' <- wrapGenArgSyms args ss patSynD'
; return (loc, patSynD'') }
mkGenArgSyms :: HsPatSynDetails (Located Name) -> MetaM [GenSymBind]
mkGenArgSyms (PrefixCon args) = mkGenSyms (map unLoc args)
mkGenArgSyms (InfixCon arg1 arg2) = mkGenSyms [unLoc arg1, unLoc arg2]
mkGenArgSyms (RecCon fields)
= do { let pats = map (unLoc . recordPatSynPatVar) fields
sels = map (unLoc . recordPatSynSelectorId) fields
; ss <- mkGenSyms sels
; return $ replaceNames (zip sels pats) ss }
replaceNames selsPats genSyms
= [ (pat, id) | (sel, id) <- genSyms, (sel', pat) <- selsPats
, sel == sel' ]
wrapGenArgSyms :: HsPatSynDetails (Located Name)
-> [GenSymBind] -> Core (M TH.Dec) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
wrapGenArgSyms (RecCon _) _ dec = return dec
wrapGenArgSyms _ ss dec = wrapGenSyms ss dec
repPatSynD :: Core TH.Name
-> Core (M TH.PatSynArgs)
-> Core (M TH.PatSynDir)
-> Core (M TH.Pat)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPatSynD (MkC syn) (MkC args) (MkC dir) (MkC pat)
= rep2 patSynDName [syn, args, dir, pat]
repPatSynArgs :: HsPatSynDetails (Located Name) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.PatSynArgs))
repPatSynArgs (PrefixCon args)
= do { args' <- repList nameTyConName lookupLOcc args
; repPrefixPatSynArgs args' }
repPatSynArgs (InfixCon arg1 arg2)
= do { arg1' <- lookupLOcc arg1
; arg2' <- lookupLOcc arg2
; repInfixPatSynArgs arg1' arg2' }
repPatSynArgs (RecCon fields)
= do { sels' <- repList nameTyConName lookupLOcc sels
; repRecordPatSynArgs sels' }
where sels = map recordPatSynSelectorId fields
repPrefixPatSynArgs :: Core [TH.Name] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.PatSynArgs))
repPrefixPatSynArgs (MkC nms) = rep2 prefixPatSynName [nms]
repInfixPatSynArgs :: Core TH.Name -> Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.PatSynArgs))
repInfixPatSynArgs (MkC nm1) (MkC nm2) = rep2 infixPatSynName [nm1, nm2]
repRecordPatSynArgs :: Core [TH.Name]
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.PatSynArgs))
repRecordPatSynArgs (MkC sels) = rep2 recordPatSynName [sels]
repPatSynDir :: HsPatSynDir GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.PatSynDir))
repPatSynDir Unidirectional = rep2 unidirPatSynName []
repPatSynDir ImplicitBidirectional = rep2 implBidirPatSynName []
repPatSynDir (ExplicitBidirectional (MG { mg_alts = (L _ clauses) }))
= do { clauses' <- mapM repClauseTup clauses
; repExplBidirPatSynDir (nonEmptyCoreList clauses') }
repExplBidirPatSynDir :: Core [(M TH.Clause)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.PatSynDir))
repExplBidirPatSynDir (MkC cls) = rep2 explBidirPatSynName [cls]
repLambda :: LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repLambda (L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
, m_grhss = GRHSs _ [L _ (GRHS _ [] e)]
(L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)) } ))
= do { let bndrs = collectPatsBinders ps ;
; ss <- mkGenSyms bndrs
; lam <- addBinds ss (
do { xs <- repLPs ps; body <- repLE e; repLam xs body })
; wrapGenSyms ss lam }
repLambda (L _ m) = notHandled "Guarded lambdas" (pprMatch m)
repLPs :: [LPat GhcRn] -> MetaM (Core [(M TH.Pat)])
repLPs ps = repListM patTyConName repLP ps
repLP :: LPat GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repLP p = repP (unLoc p)
repP :: Pat GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repP (WildPat _) = repPwild
repP (LitPat _ l) = do { l2 <- repLiteral l; repPlit l2 }
repP (VarPat _ x) = do { x' <- lookupBinder (unLoc x); repPvar x' }
repP (LazyPat _ p) = do { p1 <- repLP p; repPtilde p1 }
repP (BangPat _ p) = do { p1 <- repLP p; repPbang p1 }
repP (AsPat _ x p) = do { x' <- lookupLBinder x; p1 <- repLP p
; repPaspat x' p1 }
repP (ParPat _ p) = repLP p
repP (ListPat Nothing ps) = do { qs <- repLPs ps; repPlist qs }
repP (ListPat (Just (SyntaxExprRn e)) ps) = do { p <- repP (ListPat Nothing ps)
; e' <- repE e
; repPview e' p}
repP (ListPat _ ps) = pprPanic "repP missing SyntaxExprRn" (ppr ps)
repP (TuplePat _ ps boxed)
| isBoxed boxed = do { qs <- repLPs ps; repPtup qs }
| otherwise = do { qs <- repLPs ps; repPunboxedTup qs }
repP (SumPat _ p alt arity) = do { p1 <- repLP p
; repPunboxedSum p1 alt arity }
repP (ConPat NoExtField dc details)
= do { con_str <- lookupLOcc dc
; case details of
PrefixCon ps -> do { qs <- repLPs ps; repPcon con_str qs }
RecCon rec -> do { fps <- repListM fieldPatTyConName rep_fld (rec_flds rec)
; repPrec con_str fps }
InfixCon p1 p2 -> do { p1' <- repLP p1;
p2' <- repLP p2;
repPinfix p1' con_str p2' }
rep_fld :: LHsRecField GhcRn (LPat GhcRn) -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.Name, TH.Pat)))
rep_fld (L _ fld) = do { MkC v <- lookupLOcc (hsRecFieldSel fld)
; MkC p <- repLP (hsRecFieldArg fld)
; rep2 fieldPatName [v,p] }
repP (NPat _ (L _ l) Nothing _) = do { a <- repOverloadedLiteral l
; repPlit a }
repP (ViewPat _ e p) = do { e' <- repLE e; p' <- repLP p; repPview e' p' }
repP p@(NPat _ _ (Just _) _) = notHandled "Negative overloaded patterns" (ppr p)
repP (SigPat _ p t) = do { p' <- repLP p
; t' <- repLTy (hsPatSigType t)
; repPsig p' t' }
repP (SplicePat _ splice) = repSplice splice
repP other = notHandled "Exotic pattern" (ppr other)
sort_by_loc :: [(SrcSpan, a)] -> [(SrcSpan, a)]
sort_by_loc = sortBy (SrcLoc.leftmost_smallest `on` fst)
de_loc :: [(a, b)] -> [b]
de_loc = map snd
type GenSymBind = (Name, Id)
mkGenSyms :: [Name] -> MetaM [GenSymBind]
mkGenSyms ns = do { var_ty <- lookupType nameTyConName
; return [(nm, mkLocalId (localiseName nm) Many var_ty) | nm <- ns] }
addBinds :: [GenSymBind] -> MetaM a -> MetaM a
addBinds bs m = mapReaderT (dsExtendMetaEnv (mkNameEnv [(n,DsBound id) | (n,id) <- bs])) m
lookupLBinder :: Located Name -> MetaM (Core TH.Name)
lookupLBinder n = lookupBinder (unLoc n)
lookupBinder :: Name -> MetaM (Core TH.Name)
lookupBinder = lookupOcc
lookupLOcc :: Located Name -> MetaM (Core TH.Name)
lookupLOcc n = lookupOcc (unLoc n)
lookupOcc :: Name -> MetaM (Core TH.Name)
lookupOcc = lift . lookupOccDsM
lookupOccDsM :: Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
lookupOccDsM n
= do { mb_val <- dsLookupMetaEnv n ;
case mb_val of
Nothing -> globalVar n
Just (DsBound x) -> return (coreVar x)
Just (DsSplice _) -> pprPanic "repE:lookupOcc" (ppr n)
globalVar :: Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
globalVar name
| isExternalName name
= do { MkC mod <- coreStringLit name_mod
; MkC pkg <- coreStringLit name_pkg
; MkC occ <- nameLit name
; rep2_nwDsM mk_varg [pkg,mod,occ] }
| otherwise
= do { MkC occ <- nameLit name
; MkC uni <- coreIntegerLit (toInteger $ getKey (getUnique name))
; rep2_nwDsM mkNameLName [occ,uni] }
mod = ASSERT( isExternalName name) nameModule name
name_mod = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
name_pkg = unitString (moduleUnit mod)
name_occ = nameOccName name
mk_varg | isDataOcc name_occ = mkNameG_dName
| isVarOcc name_occ = mkNameG_vName
| isTcOcc name_occ = mkNameG_tcName
| otherwise = pprPanic "GHC.HsToCore.Quote.globalVar" (ppr name)
lookupType :: Name
-> MetaM Type
lookupType tc_name = do { tc <- lift $ dsLookupTyCon tc_name ;
return (mkTyConApp tc []) }
wrapGenSyms :: [GenSymBind]
-> Core (M a) -> MetaM (Core (M a))
wrapGenSyms binds body@(MkC b)
= do { var_ty <- lookupType nameTyConName
; go var_ty binds }
(_, elt_ty) = tcSplitAppTy (exprType b)
go _ [] = return body
go var_ty ((name,id) : binds)
= do { MkC body' <- go var_ty binds
; lit_str <- lift $ nameLit name
; gensym_app <- repGensym lit_str
; repBindM var_ty elt_ty
gensym_app (MkC (Lam id body')) }
nameLit :: Name -> DsM (Core String)
nameLit n = coreStringLit (occNameString (nameOccName n))
occNameLit :: OccName -> MetaM (Core String)
occNameLit name = coreStringLit (occNameString name)
newtype Core a = MkC CoreExpr
unC :: Core a -> CoreExpr
unC (MkC x) = x
type family NotM a where
NotM (M _) = TypeError ('Text ("rep2_nw must not produce something of overloaded type"))
NotM _other = (() :: Constraint)
rep2M :: Name -> [CoreExpr] -> MetaM (Core (M a))
rep2 :: Name -> [CoreExpr] -> MetaM (Core (M a))
rep2_nw :: NotM a => Name -> [CoreExpr] -> MetaM (Core a)
rep2_nwDsM :: NotM a => Name -> [CoreExpr] -> DsM (Core a)
rep2 = rep2X lift (asks quoteWrapper)
rep2M = rep2X lift (asks monadWrapper)
rep2_nw n xs = lift (rep2_nwDsM n xs)
rep2_nwDsM = rep2X id (return id)
rep2X :: Monad m => (forall z . DsM z -> m z)
-> m (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
-> Name
-> [ CoreExpr ]
-> m (Core a)
rep2X lift_dsm get_wrap n xs = do
{ rep_id <- lift_dsm $ dsLookupGlobalId n
; wrap <- get_wrap
; return (MkC $ (foldl' App (wrap (Var rep_id)) xs)) }
dataCon' :: Name -> [CoreExpr] -> MetaM (Core a)
dataCon' n args = do { id <- lift $ dsLookupDataCon n
; return $ MkC $ mkCoreConApps id args }
dataCon :: Name -> MetaM (Core a)
dataCon n = dataCon' n []
repPlit :: Core TH.Lit -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPlit (MkC l) = rep2 litPName [l]
repPvar :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPvar (MkC s) = rep2 varPName [s]
repPtup :: Core [(M TH.Pat)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPtup (MkC ps) = rep2 tupPName [ps]
repPunboxedTup :: Core [(M TH.Pat)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPunboxedTup (MkC ps) = rep2 unboxedTupPName [ps]
repPunboxedSum :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> TH.SumAlt -> TH.SumArity -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPunboxedSum (MkC p) alt arity
= do { platform <- getPlatform
; rep2 unboxedSumPName [ p
, mkIntExprInt platform alt
, mkIntExprInt platform arity ] }
repPcon :: Core TH.Name -> Core [(M TH.Pat)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPcon (MkC s) (MkC ps) = rep2 conPName [s, ps]
repPrec :: Core TH.Name -> Core [M (TH.Name, TH.Pat)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPrec (MkC c) (MkC rps) = rep2 recPName [c,rps]
repPinfix :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Pat) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPinfix (MkC p1) (MkC n) (MkC p2) = rep2 infixPName [p1, n, p2]
repPtilde :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPtilde (MkC p) = rep2 tildePName [p]
repPbang :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPbang (MkC p) = rep2 bangPName [p]
repPaspat :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Pat) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPaspat (MkC s) (MkC p) = rep2 asPName [s, p]
repPwild :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPwild = rep2 wildPName []
repPlist :: Core [(M TH.Pat)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPlist (MkC ps) = rep2 listPName [ps]
repPview :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Pat) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPview (MkC e) (MkC p) = rep2 viewPName [e,p]
repPsig :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Pat))
repPsig (MkC p) (MkC t) = rep2 sigPName [p, t]
repVarOrCon :: Name -> Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repVarOrCon vc str | isDataOcc (nameOccName vc) = repCon str
| otherwise = repVar str
repVar :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repVar (MkC s) = rep2 varEName [s]
repCon :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repCon (MkC s) = rep2 conEName [s]
repLit :: Core TH.Lit -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repLit (MkC c) = rep2 litEName [c]
repApp :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repApp (MkC x) (MkC y) = rep2 appEName [x,y]
repAppType :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repAppType (MkC x) (MkC y) = rep2 appTypeEName [x,y]
repLam :: Core [(M TH.Pat)] -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repLam (MkC ps) (MkC e) = rep2 lamEName [ps, e]
repLamCase :: Core [(M TH.Match)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repLamCase (MkC ms) = rep2 lamCaseEName [ms]
repTup :: Core [Maybe (M TH.Exp)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repTup (MkC es) = rep2 tupEName [es]
repUnboxedTup :: Core [Maybe (M TH.Exp)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repUnboxedTup (MkC es) = rep2 unboxedTupEName [es]
repUnboxedSum :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> TH.SumAlt -> TH.SumArity -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repUnboxedSum (MkC e) alt arity
= do { platform <- getPlatform
; rep2 unboxedSumEName [ e
, mkIntExprInt platform alt
, mkIntExprInt platform arity ] }
repCond :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repCond (MkC x) (MkC y) (MkC z) = rep2 condEName [x,y,z]
repMultiIf :: Core [M (TH.Guard, TH.Exp)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repMultiIf (MkC alts) = rep2 multiIfEName [alts]
repLetE :: Core [(M TH.Dec)] -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repLetE (MkC ds) (MkC e) = rep2 letEName [ds, e]
repCaseE :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core [(M TH.Match)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repCaseE (MkC e) (MkC ms) = rep2 caseEName [e, ms]
repDoE :: Maybe ModuleName -> Core [(M TH.Stmt)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repDoE = repDoBlock doEName
repMDoE :: Maybe ModuleName -> Core [(M TH.Stmt)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repMDoE = repDoBlock mdoEName
repDoBlock :: Name -> Maybe ModuleName -> Core [(M TH.Stmt)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repDoBlock doName maybeModName (MkC ss) = do
MkC coreModName <- coreModNameM
rep2 doName [coreModName, ss]
coreModNameM :: MetaM (Core (Maybe TH.ModName))
coreModNameM = case maybeModName of
Just m -> do
MkC s <- coreStringLit (moduleNameString m)
mName <- rep2_nw mkModNameName [s]
coreJust modNameTyConName mName
_ -> coreNothing modNameTyConName
repComp :: Core [(M TH.Stmt)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repComp (MkC ss) = rep2 compEName [ss]
repListExp :: Core [(M TH.Exp)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repListExp (MkC es) = rep2 listEName [es]
repSigExp :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repSigExp (MkC e) (MkC t) = rep2 sigEName [e,t]
repRecCon :: Core TH.Name -> Core [M TH.FieldExp]-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repRecCon (MkC c) (MkC fs) = rep2 recConEName [c,fs]
repRecUpd :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core [M TH.FieldExp] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repRecUpd (MkC e) (MkC fs) = rep2 recUpdEName [e,fs]
repFieldExp :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.FieldExp))
repFieldExp (MkC n) (MkC x) = rep2 fieldExpName [n,x]
repInfixApp :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repInfixApp (MkC x) (MkC y) (MkC z) = rep2 infixAppName [x,y,z]
repSectionL :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repSectionL (MkC x) (MkC y) = rep2 sectionLName [x,y]
repSectionR :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repSectionR (MkC x) (MkC y) = rep2 sectionRName [x,y]
repImplicitParamVar :: Core String -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repImplicitParamVar (MkC x) = rep2 implicitParamVarEName [x]
repGuarded :: Core [M (TH.Guard, TH.Exp)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Body))
repGuarded (MkC pairs) = rep2 guardedBName [pairs]
repNormal :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Body))
repNormal (MkC e) = rep2 normalBName [e]
repLNormalGE :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> LHsExpr GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M (TH.Guard, TH.Exp)))
repLNormalGE g e = do g' <- repLE g
e' <- repLE e
repNormalGE g' e'
repNormalGE :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.Guard, TH.Exp)))
repNormalGE (MkC g) (MkC e) = rep2 normalGEName [g, e]
repPatGE :: Core [(M TH.Stmt)] -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M (TH.Guard, TH.Exp)))
repPatGE (MkC ss) (MkC e) = rep2 patGEName [ss, e]
repBindSt :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Stmt))
repBindSt (MkC p) (MkC e) = rep2 bindSName [p,e]
repLetSt :: Core [(M TH.Dec)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Stmt))
repLetSt (MkC ds) = rep2 letSName [ds]
repNoBindSt :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Stmt))
repNoBindSt (MkC e) = rep2 noBindSName [e]
repParSt :: Core [[(M TH.Stmt)]] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Stmt))
repParSt (MkC sss) = rep2 parSName [sss]
repRecSt :: Core [(M TH.Stmt)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Stmt))
repRecSt (MkC ss) = rep2 recSName [ss]
repFrom :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repFrom (MkC x) = rep2 fromEName [x]
repFromThen :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repFromThen (MkC x) (MkC y) = rep2 fromThenEName [x,y]
repFromTo :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repFromTo (MkC x) (MkC y) = rep2 fromToEName [x,y]
repFromThenTo :: Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repFromThenTo (MkC x) (MkC y) (MkC z) = rep2 fromThenToEName [x,y,z]
repMatch :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> Core (M TH.Body) -> Core [(M TH.Dec)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Match))
repMatch (MkC p) (MkC bod) (MkC ds) = rep2 matchName [p, bod, ds]
repClause :: Core [(M TH.Pat)] -> Core (M TH.Body) -> Core [(M TH.Dec)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Clause))
repClause (MkC ps) (MkC bod) (MkC ds) = rep2 clauseName [ps, bod, ds]
repVal :: Core (M TH.Pat) -> Core (M TH.Body) -> Core [(M TH.Dec)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repVal (MkC p) (MkC b) (MkC ds) = rep2 valDName [p, b, ds]
repFun :: Core TH.Name -> Core [(M TH.Clause)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repFun (MkC nm) (MkC b) = rep2 funDName [nm, b]
repData :: Core (M TH.Cxt) -> Core TH.Name
-> Either (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))])
(Core (Maybe [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]), Core (M TH.Type))
-> Core (Maybe (M TH.Kind)) -> Core [(M TH.Con)] -> Core [M TH.DerivClause]
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repData (MkC cxt) (MkC nm) (Left (MkC tvs)) (MkC ksig) (MkC cons) (MkC derivs)
= rep2 dataDName [cxt, nm, tvs, ksig, cons, derivs]
repData (MkC cxt) (MkC _) (Right (MkC mb_bndrs, MkC ty)) (MkC ksig) (MkC cons)
(MkC derivs)
= rep2 dataInstDName [cxt, mb_bndrs, ty, ksig, cons, derivs]
repNewtype :: Core (M TH.Cxt) -> Core TH.Name
-> Either (Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))])
(Core (Maybe [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]), Core (M TH.Type))
-> Core (Maybe (M TH.Kind)) -> Core (M TH.Con) -> Core [M TH.DerivClause]
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repNewtype (MkC cxt) (MkC nm) (Left (MkC tvs)) (MkC ksig) (MkC con)
(MkC derivs)
= rep2 newtypeDName [cxt, nm, tvs, ksig, con, derivs]
repNewtype (MkC cxt) (MkC _) (Right (MkC mb_bndrs, MkC ty)) (MkC ksig) (MkC con)
(MkC derivs)
= rep2 newtypeInstDName [cxt, mb_bndrs, ty, ksig, con, derivs]
repTySyn :: Core TH.Name -> Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]
-> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repTySyn (MkC nm) (MkC tvs) (MkC rhs)
= rep2 tySynDName [nm, tvs, rhs]
repInst :: Core (Maybe TH.Overlap) ->
Core (M TH.Cxt) -> Core (M TH.Type) -> Core [(M TH.Dec)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repInst (MkC o) (MkC cxt) (MkC ty) (MkC ds) = rep2 instanceWithOverlapDName
[o, cxt, ty, ds]
repDerivStrategy :: Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcRn)
-> (Core (Maybe (M TH.DerivStrategy)) -> MetaM (Core (M a)))
-> MetaM (Core (M a))
repDerivStrategy mds thing_inside =
case mds of
Nothing -> thing_inside =<< nothing
Just ds ->
case unLoc ds of
StockStrategy -> thing_inside =<< just =<< repStockStrategy
AnyclassStrategy -> thing_inside =<< just =<< repAnyclassStrategy
NewtypeStrategy -> thing_inside =<< just =<< repNewtypeStrategy
ViaStrategy ty -> addSimpleTyVarBinds (get_scoped_tvs_from_sig ty) $
do ty' <- rep_ty_sig' ty
via_strat <- repViaStrategy ty'
m_via_strat <- just via_strat
thing_inside m_via_strat
nothing = coreNothingM derivStrategyTyConName
just = coreJustM derivStrategyTyConName
repStockStrategy :: MetaM (Core (M TH.DerivStrategy))
repStockStrategy = rep2 stockStrategyName []
repAnyclassStrategy :: MetaM (Core (M TH.DerivStrategy))
repAnyclassStrategy = rep2 anyclassStrategyName []
repNewtypeStrategy :: MetaM (Core (M TH.DerivStrategy))
repNewtypeStrategy = rep2 newtypeStrategyName []
repViaStrategy :: Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.DerivStrategy))
repViaStrategy (MkC t) = rep2 viaStrategyName [t]
repOverlap :: Maybe OverlapMode -> MetaM (Core (Maybe TH.Overlap))
repOverlap mb =
case mb of
Nothing -> nothing
Just o ->
case o of
NoOverlap _ -> nothing
Overlappable _ -> just =<< dataCon overlappableDataConName
Overlapping _ -> just =<< dataCon overlappingDataConName
Overlaps _ -> just =<< dataCon overlapsDataConName
Incoherent _ -> just =<< dataCon incoherentDataConName
nothing = coreNothing overlapTyConName
just = coreJust overlapTyConName
repClass :: Core (M TH.Cxt) -> Core TH.Name -> Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]
-> Core [TH.FunDep] -> Core [(M TH.Dec)]
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repClass (MkC cxt) (MkC cls) (MkC tvs) (MkC fds) (MkC ds)
= rep2 classDName [cxt, cls, tvs, fds, ds]
repDeriv :: Core (Maybe (M TH.DerivStrategy))
-> Core (M TH.Cxt) -> Core (M TH.Type)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repDeriv (MkC ds) (MkC cxt) (MkC ty)
= rep2 standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName [ds, cxt, ty]
repPragInl :: Core TH.Name -> Core TH.Inline -> Core TH.RuleMatch
-> Core TH.Phases -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragInl (MkC nm) (MkC inline) (MkC rm) (MkC phases)
= rep2 pragInlDName [nm, inline, rm, phases]
repPragSpec :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type) -> Core TH.Phases
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragSpec (MkC nm) (MkC ty) (MkC phases)
= rep2 pragSpecDName [nm, ty, phases]
repPragSpecInl :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type) -> Core TH.Inline
-> Core TH.Phases -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragSpecInl (MkC nm) (MkC ty) (MkC inline) (MkC phases)
= rep2 pragSpecInlDName [nm, ty, inline, phases]
repPragSpecInst :: Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragSpecInst (MkC ty) = rep2 pragSpecInstDName [ty]
repPragComplete :: Core [TH.Name] -> Core (Maybe TH.Name) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragComplete (MkC cls) (MkC mty) = rep2 pragCompleteDName [cls, mty]
repPragRule :: Core String -> Core (Maybe [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))])
-> Core [(M TH.RuleBndr)] -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> Core (M TH.Exp)
-> Core TH.Phases -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragRule (MkC nm) (MkC ty_bndrs) (MkC tm_bndrs) (MkC lhs) (MkC rhs) (MkC phases)
= rep2 pragRuleDName [nm, ty_bndrs, tm_bndrs, lhs, rhs, phases]
repPragAnn :: Core TH.AnnTarget -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repPragAnn (MkC targ) (MkC e) = rep2 pragAnnDName [targ, e]
repTySynInst :: Core (M TH.TySynEqn) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repTySynInst (MkC eqn)
= rep2 tySynInstDName [eqn]
repDataFamilyD :: Core TH.Name -> Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]
-> Core (Maybe (M TH.Kind)) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repDataFamilyD (MkC nm) (MkC tvs) (MkC kind)
= rep2 dataFamilyDName [nm, tvs, kind]
repOpenFamilyD :: Core TH.Name
-> Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]
-> Core (M TH.FamilyResultSig)
-> Core (Maybe TH.InjectivityAnn)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repOpenFamilyD (MkC nm) (MkC tvs) (MkC result) (MkC inj)
= rep2 openTypeFamilyDName [nm, tvs, result, inj]
repClosedFamilyD :: Core TH.Name
-> Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]
-> Core (M TH.FamilyResultSig)
-> Core (Maybe TH.InjectivityAnn)
-> Core [(M TH.TySynEqn)]
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repClosedFamilyD (MkC nm) (MkC tvs) (MkC res) (MkC inj) (MkC eqns)
= rep2 closedTypeFamilyDName [nm, tvs, res, inj, eqns]
repTySynEqn :: Core (Maybe [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))]) ->
Core (M TH.Type) -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.TySynEqn))
repTySynEqn (MkC mb_bndrs) (MkC lhs) (MkC rhs)
= rep2 tySynEqnName [mb_bndrs, lhs, rhs]
repRoleAnnotD :: Core TH.Name -> Core [TH.Role] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repRoleAnnotD (MkC n) (MkC roles) = rep2 roleAnnotDName [n, roles]
repFunDep :: Core [TH.Name] -> Core [TH.Name] -> MetaM (Core TH.FunDep)
repFunDep (MkC xs) (MkC ys) = rep2_nw funDepName [xs, ys]
repProto :: Name -> Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repProto mk_sig (MkC s) (MkC ty) = rep2 mk_sig [s, ty]
repImplicitParamBind :: Core String -> Core (M TH.Exp) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
repImplicitParamBind (MkC n) (MkC e) = rep2 implicitParamBindDName [n, e]
repCtxt :: Core [(M TH.Pred)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Cxt))
repCtxt (MkC tys) = rep2 cxtName [tys]
repDataCon :: Located Name
-> HsConDeclDetails GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Con))
repDataCon con details
= do con' <- lookupLOcc con
repConstr details Nothing [con']
repGadtDataCons :: [Located Name]
-> HsConDeclDetails GhcRn
-> LHsType GhcRn
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Con))
repGadtDataCons cons details res_ty
= do cons' <- mapM lookupLOcc cons
repConstr details (Just res_ty) cons'
repConstr :: HsConDeclDetails GhcRn
-> Maybe (LHsType GhcRn)
-> [Core TH.Name]
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Con))
repConstr (PrefixCon ps) Nothing [con]
= do arg_tys <- repListM bangTypeTyConName repBangTy (map hsScaledThing ps)
rep2 normalCName [unC con, unC arg_tys]
repConstr (PrefixCon ps) (Just res_ty) cons
= do arg_tys <- repListM bangTypeTyConName repBangTy (map hsScaledThing ps)
res_ty' <- repLTy res_ty
rep2 gadtCName [ unC (nonEmptyCoreList cons), unC arg_tys, unC res_ty']
repConstr (RecCon ips) resTy cons
= do args <- concatMapM rep_ip (unLoc ips)
arg_vtys <- coreListM varBangTypeTyConName args
case resTy of
Nothing -> rep2 recCName [unC (head cons), unC arg_vtys]
Just res_ty -> do
res_ty' <- repLTy res_ty
rep2 recGadtCName [unC (nonEmptyCoreList cons), unC arg_vtys,
unC res_ty']
rep_ip (L _ ip) = mapM (rep_one_ip (cd_fld_type ip)) (cd_fld_names ip)
rep_one_ip :: LBangType GhcRn -> LFieldOcc GhcRn -> MetaM (Core (M TH.VarBangType))
rep_one_ip t n = do { MkC v <- lookupOcc (extFieldOcc $ unLoc n)
; MkC ty <- repBangTy t
; rep2 varBangTypeName [v,ty] }
repConstr (InfixCon st1 st2) Nothing [con]
= do arg1 <- repBangTy (hsScaledThing st1)
arg2 <- repBangTy (hsScaledThing st2)
rep2 infixCName [unC arg1, unC con, unC arg2]
repConstr (InfixCon {}) (Just _) _ =
panic "repConstr: infix GADT constructor should be in a PrefixCon"
repConstr _ _ _ =
panic "repConstr: invariant violated"
repTForall :: Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr TH.Specificity))] -> Core (M TH.Cxt) -> Core (M TH.Type)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTForall (MkC tvars) (MkC ctxt) (MkC ty)
= rep2 forallTName [tvars, ctxt, ty]
repTForallVis :: Core [(M (TH.TyVarBndr ()))] -> Core (M TH.Type)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTForallVis (MkC tvars) (MkC ty) = rep2 forallVisTName [tvars, ty]
repTvar :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTvar (MkC s) = rep2 varTName [s]
repTapp :: Core (M TH.Type) -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTapp (MkC t1) (MkC t2) = rep2 appTName [t1, t2]
repTappKind :: Core (M TH.Type) -> Core (M TH.Kind) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTappKind (MkC ty) (MkC ki) = rep2 appKindTName [ty,ki]
repTapps :: Core (M TH.Type) -> [Core (M TH.Type)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTapps f [] = return f
repTapps f (t:ts) = do { f1 <- repTapp f t; repTapps f1 ts }
repTSig :: Core (M TH.Type) -> Core (M TH.Kind) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTSig (MkC ty) (MkC ki) = rep2 sigTName [ty, ki]
repTequality :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTequality = rep2 equalityTName []
repTPromotedList :: [Core (M TH.Type)] -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTPromotedList [] = repPromotedNilTyCon
repTPromotedList (t:ts) = do { tcon <- repPromotedConsTyCon
; f <- repTapp tcon t
; t' <- repTPromotedList ts
; repTapp f t'
repTLit :: Core (M TH.TyLit) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTLit (MkC lit) = rep2 litTName [lit]
repTWildCard :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTWildCard = rep2 wildCardTName []
repTImplicitParam :: Core String -> Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTImplicitParam (MkC n) (MkC e) = rep2 implicitParamTName [n, e]
repTStar :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTStar = rep2 starKName []
repTConstraint :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTConstraint = rep2 constraintKName []
repNamedTyCon :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repNamedTyCon (MkC s) = rep2 conTName [s]
repTInfix :: Core (M TH.Type) -> Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type)
-> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTInfix (MkC t1) (MkC name) (MkC t2) = rep2 infixTName [t1,name,t2]
repTupleTyCon :: Int -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repTupleTyCon i = do platform <- getPlatform
rep2 tupleTName [mkIntExprInt platform i]
repUnboxedTupleTyCon :: Int -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repUnboxedTupleTyCon i = do platform <- getPlatform
rep2 unboxedTupleTName [mkIntExprInt platform i]
repUnboxedSumTyCon :: TH.SumArity -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repUnboxedSumTyCon arity = do platform <- getPlatform
rep2 unboxedSumTName [mkIntExprInt platform arity]
repArrowTyCon :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repArrowTyCon = rep2 arrowTName []
repMulArrowTyCon :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repMulArrowTyCon = rep2 mulArrowTName []
repListTyCon :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repListTyCon = rep2 listTName []
repPromotedDataCon :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repPromotedDataCon (MkC s) = rep2 promotedTName [s]
repPromotedTupleTyCon :: Int -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repPromotedTupleTyCon i = do platform <- getPlatform
rep2 promotedTupleTName [mkIntExprInt platform i]
repPromotedNilTyCon :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repPromotedNilTyCon = rep2 promotedNilTName []
repPromotedConsTyCon :: MetaM (Core (M TH.Type))
repPromotedConsTyCon = rep2 promotedConsTName []
repNoSig :: MetaM (Core (M TH.FamilyResultSig))
repNoSig = rep2 noSigName []
repKindSig :: Core (M TH.Kind) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.FamilyResultSig))
repKindSig (MkC ki) = rep2 kindSigName [ki]
repTyVarSig :: Core (M (TH.TyVarBndr ())) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.FamilyResultSig))
repTyVarSig (MkC bndr) = rep2 tyVarSigName [bndr]
repLiteral :: HsLit GhcRn -> MetaM (Core TH.Lit)
repLiteral (HsStringPrim _ bs)
= do platform <- getPlatform
word8_ty <- lookupType word8TyConName
let w8s = unpack bs
w8s_expr = map (\w8 -> mkCoreConApps word8DataCon
[mkWordLit platform (toInteger w8)]) w8s
rep2_nw stringPrimLName [mkListExpr word8_ty w8s_expr]
repLiteral lit
= do lit' <- case lit of
HsIntPrim _ i -> mk_integer i
HsWordPrim _ w -> mk_integer w
HsInt _ i -> mk_integer (il_value i)
HsFloatPrim _ r -> mk_rational r
HsDoublePrim _ r -> mk_rational r
HsCharPrim _ c -> mk_char c
_ -> return lit
lit_expr <- lift $ dsLit lit'
case mb_lit_name of
Just lit_name -> rep2_nw lit_name [lit_expr]
Nothing -> notHandled "Exotic literal" (ppr lit)
mb_lit_name = case lit of
HsInteger _ _ _ -> Just integerLName
HsInt _ _ -> Just integerLName
HsIntPrim _ _ -> Just intPrimLName
HsWordPrim _ _ -> Just wordPrimLName
HsFloatPrim _ _ -> Just floatPrimLName
HsDoublePrim _ _ -> Just doublePrimLName
HsChar _ _ -> Just charLName
HsCharPrim _ _ -> Just charPrimLName
HsString _ _ -> Just stringLName
HsRat _ _ _ -> Just rationalLName
_ -> Nothing
mk_integer :: Integer -> MetaM (HsLit GhcRn)
mk_integer i = return $ HsInteger NoSourceText i integerTy
mk_rational :: FractionalLit -> MetaM (HsLit GhcRn)
mk_rational r = do rat_ty <- lookupType rationalTyConName
return $ HsRat noExtField r rat_ty
mk_string :: FastString -> MetaM (HsLit GhcRn)
mk_string s = return $ HsString NoSourceText s
mk_char :: Char -> MetaM (HsLit GhcRn)
mk_char c = return $ HsChar NoSourceText c
repOverloadedLiteral :: HsOverLit GhcRn -> MetaM (Core TH.Lit)
repOverloadedLiteral (OverLit { ol_val = val})
= do { lit <- mk_lit val; repLiteral lit }
mk_lit :: OverLitVal -> MetaM (HsLit GhcRn)
mk_lit (HsIntegral i) = mk_integer (il_value i)
mk_lit (HsFractional f) = mk_rational f
mk_lit (HsIsString _ s) = mk_string s
repNameS :: Core String -> MetaM (Core TH.Name)
repNameS (MkC name) = rep2_nw mkNameSName [name]
repGensym :: Core String -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Name))
repGensym (MkC lit_str) = rep2 newNameName [lit_str]
repBindM :: Type -> Type
-> Core (M a) -> Core (a -> M b) -> MetaM (Core (M b))
repBindM ty_a ty_b (MkC x) (MkC y)
= rep2M bindMName [Type ty_a, Type ty_b, x, y]
repSequenceM :: Type -> Core [M a] -> MetaM (Core (M [a]))
repSequenceM ty_a (MkC list)
= rep2M sequenceQName [Type ty_a, list]
repUnboundVar :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repUnboundVar (MkC name) = rep2 unboundVarEName [name]
repOverLabel :: FastString -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Exp))
repOverLabel fs = do
(MkC s) <- coreStringLit $ unpackFS fs
rep2 labelEName [s]
repList :: Name -> (a -> MetaM (Core b))
-> [a] -> MetaM (Core [b])
repList tc_name f args
= do { args1 <- mapM f args
; coreList tc_name args1 }
repListM :: Name -> (a -> MetaM (Core b))
-> [a] -> MetaM (Core [b])
repListM tc_name f args
= do { ty <- wrapName tc_name
; args1 <- mapM f args
; return $ coreList' ty args1 }
coreListM :: Name -> [Core a] -> MetaM (Core [a])
coreListM tc as = repListM tc return as
coreList :: Name
-> [Core a] -> MetaM (Core [a])
coreList tc_name es
= do { elt_ty <- lookupType tc_name; return (coreList' elt_ty es) }
coreList' :: Type
-> [Core a] -> Core [a]
coreList' elt_ty es = MkC (mkListExpr elt_ty (map unC es ))
nonEmptyCoreList :: [Core a] -> Core [a]
nonEmptyCoreList [] = panic "coreList: empty argument"
nonEmptyCoreList xs@(MkC x:_) = MkC (mkListExpr (exprType x) (map unC xs))
coreStringLit :: MonadThings m => String -> m (Core String)
coreStringLit s = do { z <- mkStringExpr s; return(MkC z) }
repMaybe :: Name -> (a -> MetaM (Core b))
-> Maybe a -> MetaM (Core (Maybe b))
repMaybe tc_name f m = do
t <- lookupType tc_name
repMaybeT t f m
repMaybeT :: Type -> (a -> MetaM (Core b))
-> Maybe a -> MetaM (Core (Maybe b))
repMaybeT ty _ Nothing = return $ coreNothing' ty
repMaybeT ty f (Just es) = coreJust' ty <$> f es
coreNothing :: Name
-> MetaM (Core (Maybe a))
coreNothing tc_name =
do { elt_ty <- lookupType tc_name; return (coreNothing' elt_ty) }
coreNothingM :: Name -> MetaM (Core (Maybe a))
coreNothingM tc_name =
do { elt_ty <- wrapName tc_name; return (coreNothing' elt_ty) }
coreNothing' :: Type
-> Core (Maybe a)
coreNothing' elt_ty = MkC (mkNothingExpr elt_ty)
coreJust :: Name
-> Core a -> MetaM (Core (Maybe a))
coreJust tc_name es
= do { elt_ty <- lookupType tc_name; return (coreJust' elt_ty es) }
coreJustM :: Name -> Core a -> MetaM (Core (Maybe a))
coreJustM tc_name es = do { elt_ty <- wrapName tc_name; return (coreJust' elt_ty es) }
coreJust' :: Type
-> Core a -> Core (Maybe a)
coreJust' elt_ty es = MkC (mkJustExpr elt_ty (unC es))
repMaybeListM :: Name -> (a -> MetaM (Core b))
-> Maybe [a] -> MetaM (Core (Maybe [b]))
repMaybeListM tc_name f xs = do
elt_ty <- wrapName tc_name
repMaybeListT elt_ty f xs
repMaybeListT :: Type -> (a -> MetaM (Core b))
-> Maybe [a] -> MetaM (Core (Maybe [b]))
repMaybeListT elt_ty _ Nothing = coreNothingList elt_ty
repMaybeListT elt_ty f (Just args)
= do { args1 <- mapM f args
; return $ coreJust' (mkListTy elt_ty) (coreList' elt_ty args1) }
coreNothingList :: Type -> MetaM (Core (Maybe [a]))
coreNothingList elt_ty = return $ coreNothing' (mkListTy elt_ty)
coreIntLit :: Int -> MetaM (Core Int)
coreIntLit i = do platform <- getPlatform
return (MkC (mkIntExprInt platform i))
coreIntegerLit :: MonadThings m => Integer -> m (Core Integer)
coreIntegerLit i = pure (MkC (mkIntegerExpr i))
coreVar :: Id -> Core TH.Name
coreVar id = MkC (Var id)
notHandledL :: SrcSpan -> String -> SDoc -> MetaM a
notHandledL loc what doc
| isGoodSrcSpan loc
= mapReaderT (putSrcSpanDs loc) $ notHandled what doc
| otherwise
= notHandled what doc
notHandled :: String -> SDoc -> MetaM a
notHandled what doc = lift $ failWithDs msg
msg = hang (text what <+> text "not (yet) handled by Template Haskell")
2 doc