module GHC.Iface.Ext.Debug where
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Utils
import GHC.Types.Name
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.List ( sortOn )
type Diff a = a -> a -> [SDoc]
diffFile :: Diff HieFile
diffFile = diffAsts eqDiff `on` (getAsts . hie_asts)
diffAsts :: (Outputable a, Eq a, Ord a) => Diff a -> Diff (M.Map FastString (HieAST a))
diffAsts f = diffList (diffAst f) `on` M.elems
diffAst :: (Outputable a, Eq a,Ord a) => Diff a -> Diff (HieAST a)
diffAst diffType (Node info1 span1 xs1) (Node info2 span2 xs2) =
infoDiff ++ spanDiff ++ diffList (diffAst diffType) xs1 xs2
| span1 /= span2 = [hsep ["Spans", ppr span1, "and", ppr span2, "differ"]]
| otherwise = []
infoDiff' i1 i2
= (diffList eqDiff `on` (S.toAscList . nodeAnnotations)) i1 i2
++ (diffList diffType `on` nodeType) i1 i2
++ (diffIdents `on` nodeIdentifiers) i1 i2
sinfoDiff = diffList (\(k1,a) (k2,b) -> eqDiff k1 k2 ++ infoDiff' a b) `on` (M.toList . getSourcedNodeInfo)
infoDiff = case sinfoDiff info1 info2 of
[] -> []
xs -> xs ++ [vcat ["In Node:",ppr (sourcedNodeIdents info1,span1)
, "and", ppr (sourcedNodeIdents info2,span2)
, "While comparing"
, ppr (normalizeIdents $ sourcedNodeIdents info1), "and"
, ppr (normalizeIdents $ sourcedNodeIdents info2)
diffIdents a b = (diffList diffIdent `on` normalizeIdents) a b
diffIdent (a,b) (c,d) = diffName a c
++ eqDiff b d
diffName (Right a) (Right b) = case (a,b) of
(ExternalName m o _, ExternalName m' o' _) -> eqDiff (m,o) (m',o')
(LocalName o _, ExternalName _ o' _) -> eqDiff o o'
_ -> eqDiff a b
diffName a b = eqDiff a b
type DiffIdent = Either ModuleName HieName
normalizeIdents :: Ord a => NodeIdentifiers a -> [(DiffIdent,IdentifierDetails a)]
normalizeIdents = sortOn go . map (first toHieName) . M.toList
first f (a,b) = (fmap f a, b)
go (a,b) = (hieNameOcc <$> a,identInfo b,identType b)
diffList :: Diff a -> Diff [a]
diffList f xs ys
| length xs == length ys = concat $ zipWith f xs ys
| otherwise = ["length of lists doesn't match"]
eqDiff :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a
eqDiff a b
| a == b = []
| otherwise = [hsep [ppr a, "and", ppr b, "do not match"]]
validAst :: HieAST a -> Either SDoc ()
validAst (Node _ span children) = do
checkContainment children
checkSorted children
mapM_ validAst children
checkSorted [] = return ()
checkSorted [_] = return ()
checkSorted (x:y:xs)
| nodeSpan x `leftOf` nodeSpan y = checkSorted (y:xs)
| otherwise = Left $ hsep
[ ppr $ nodeSpan x
, "is not to the left of"
, ppr $ nodeSpan y
checkContainment [] = return ()
checkContainment (x:xs)
| span `containsSpan` (nodeSpan x) = checkContainment xs
| otherwise = Left $ hsep
[ ppr $ span
, "does not contain"
, ppr $ nodeSpan x
validateScopes :: Module -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> [SDoc]
validateScopes mod asts = validScopes ++ validEvs
refMap = generateReferencesMap asts
evs = M.keys
$ M.filter (any isEvidenceContext . concatMap (S.toList . identInfo . snd)) refMap
validEvs = do
i@(Right ev) <- evs
case M.lookup i refMap of
Nothing -> ["Impossible, ev"<+> ppr ev <+> "not found in refmap" ]
Just refs
| nameIsLocalOrFrom mod ev
, not (any isEvidenceBind . concatMap (S.toList . identInfo . snd) $ refs)
-> ["Evidence var" <+> ppr ev <+> "not bound in refmap"]
| otherwise -> []
validScopes = M.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> valid k a ++ b) [] refMap
valid (Left _) _ = []
valid (Right n) refs = concatMap inScope refs
mapRef = foldMap getScopeFromContext . identInfo . snd
scopes = case foldMap mapRef refs of
Just xs -> xs
Nothing -> []
inScope (sp, dets)
| (definedInAsts asts n || (any isEvidenceContext (identInfo dets)))
&& any isOccurrence (identInfo dets)
= case scopes of
[] | nameIsLocalOrFrom mod n
, ( not (isDerivedOccName $ nameOccName n)
|| any isEvidenceContext (identInfo dets))
-> return $ hsep $
[ "Locally defined Name", ppr n,pprDefinedAt n , "at position", ppr sp
, "Doesn't have a calculated scope: ", ppr scopes]
| otherwise -> []
_ -> if any (`scopeContainsSpan` sp) scopes
then []
else return $ hsep $
[ "Name", ppr n, pprDefinedAt n, "at position", ppr sp
, "doesn't occur in calculated scope", ppr scopes]
| otherwise = []