module Distribution.PackageDescription.Check (
) where
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (sort, group, isPrefixOf)
import Control.Monad
( filterM, liftM )
import qualified System.Directory as System
( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist )
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
( flattenPackageDescription )
import Distribution.Compiler
( CompilerFlavor(..) )
import Distribution.System
( OS(..), Arch(..) )
import Distribution.License
( License(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( cabalVersion, intercalate )
import Distribution.Version
( Version(..), withinRange )
import Distribution.Package
( PackageName(PackageName), packageName, packageVersion )
import Distribution.Text
( display, simpleParse )
import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension(..))
import System.FilePath
( (</>), takeExtension, isRelative, isAbsolute
, splitDirectories, splitPath )
import System.FilePath.Windows as FilePath.Windows
( isValid )
data PackageCheck =
PackageBuildImpossible { explanation :: String }
| PackageBuildWarning { explanation :: String }
| PackageDistSuspicious { explanation :: String }
| PackageDistInexcusable { explanation :: String }
instance Show PackageCheck where
show notice = explanation notice
check :: Bool -> PackageCheck -> Maybe PackageCheck
check False _ = Nothing
check True pc = Just pc
checkPackage :: GenericPackageDescription
-> Maybe PackageDescription
-> [PackageCheck]
checkPackage gpkg mpkg =
checkConfiguredPackage pkg
++ checkConditionals gpkg
pkg = fromMaybe (flattenPackageDescription gpkg) mpkg
checkConfiguredPackage :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkConfiguredPackage pkg =
checkSanity pkg
++ checkFields pkg
++ checkLicense pkg
++ checkSourceRepos pkg
++ checkGhcOptions pkg
++ checkCCOptions pkg
++ checkPaths pkg
checkSanity :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkSanity pkg =
catMaybes [
check (null . (\(PackageName n) -> n) . packageName $ pkg) $
PackageBuildImpossible "No 'name' field."
, check (null . versionBranch . packageVersion $ pkg) $
PackageBuildImpossible "No 'version' field."
, check (null (executables pkg) && isNothing (library pkg)) $
"No executables and no library found. Nothing to do."
++ maybe [] checkLibrary (library pkg)
++ concatMap checkExecutable (executables pkg)
++ catMaybes [
check (not $ cabalVersion `withinRange` requiredCabalVersion) $
PackageBuildImpossible $
"This package requires Cabal version: "
++ display requiredCabalVersion
where requiredCabalVersion = descCabalVersion pkg
checkLibrary :: Library -> [PackageCheck]
checkLibrary lib =
catMaybes [
check (not (null moduleDuplicates)) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"Duplicate modules in library: " ++ commaSep moduleDuplicates
where moduleDuplicates = [ display module_
| let modules = exposedModules lib
++ otherModules (libBuildInfo lib)
, (module_:_:_) <- group (sort modules) ]
checkExecutable :: Executable -> [PackageCheck]
checkExecutable exe =
catMaybes [
check (null (modulePath exe)) $
PackageBuildImpossible $
"No 'Main-Is' field found for executable " ++ exeName exe
, check (not (null (modulePath exe))
&& takeExtension (modulePath exe) `notElem` [".hs", ".lhs"]) $
PackageBuildImpossible $
"The 'Main-Is' field must specify a '.hs' or '.lhs' file "
++ "(even if it is generated by a preprocessor)."
, check (not (null moduleDuplicates)) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"Duplicate modules in executable '" ++ exeName exe ++ "': "
++ commaSep moduleDuplicates
where moduleDuplicates = [ display module_
| let modules = otherModules (buildInfo exe)
, (module_:_:_) <- group (sort modules) ]
checkFields :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkFields pkg =
catMaybes [
check (not . FilePath.Windows.isValid . display . packageName $ pkg) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"Unfortunately, the package name '" ++ display (packageName pkg)
++ "' is one of the reserved system file names on Windows. Many tools "
++ "need to convert package names to file names so using this name "
++ "would cause problems."
, check (isNothing (buildType pkg)) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"No 'build-type' specified. If you do not need a custom Setup.hs or "
++ "./configure script then use 'build-type: Simple'."
, case buildType pkg of
Just (UnknownBuildType unknown) -> Just $
PackageBuildWarning $
quote unknown ++ " is not a known 'build-type'. "
++ "The known build types are: "
++ intercalate ", " (map display knownBuildTypes)
_ -> Nothing
, check (not (null unknownCompilers)) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"Unknown compiler " ++ intercalate ", " (map quote unknownCompilers)
++ " in 'tested-with' field."
, check (not (null unknownExtensions)) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"Unknown extensions: " ++ intercalate ", " unknownExtensions
, check (null (category pkg)) $
PackageDistSuspicious "No 'category' field."
, check (null (maintainer pkg)) $
PackageDistSuspicious "No 'maintainer' field."
, check (null (synopsis pkg) && null (description pkg)) $
PackageDistInexcusable $ "No 'synopsis' or 'description' field."
, check (null (description pkg) && not (null (synopsis pkg))) $
PackageDistSuspicious "No 'description' field."
, check (null (synopsis pkg) && not (null (description pkg))) $
PackageDistSuspicious "No 'synopsis' field."
, check (length (synopsis pkg) >= 80) $
"The 'synopsis' field is rather long (max 80 chars is recommended)."
unknownCompilers = [ name | (OtherCompiler name, _) <- testedWith pkg ]
unknownExtensions = [ name | bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, UnknownExtension name <- extensions bi ]
checkLicense :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkLicense pkg =
catMaybes [
check (license pkg == AllRightsReserved) $
"The 'license' field is missing or specified as AllRightsReserved."
, case license pkg of
UnknownLicense l -> Just $
PackageBuildWarning $
quote ("license: " ++ l) ++ " is not a recognised license."
_ -> Nothing
, check (license pkg == BSD4) $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"Using 'license: BSD4' is almost always a misunderstanding. 'BSD4' "
++ "refers to the old 4-clause BSD license with the advertising "
++ "clause. 'BSD3' refers the new 3-clause BSD license."
, check (license pkg `notElem` [AllRightsReserved, PublicDomain]
&& null (licenseFile pkg)) $
PackageDistSuspicious "A 'license-file' is not specified."
checkSourceRepos :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkSourceRepos pkg =
catMaybes $ concat [[
case repoKind repo of
RepoKindUnknown kind -> Just $ PackageDistInexcusable $
quote kind ++ " is not a recognised kind of source-repository. "
++ "The repo kind is usually 'head' or 'this'"
_ -> Nothing
, check (repoType repo == Nothing) $
"The source-repository 'type' is a required field."
, check (repoLocation repo == Nothing) $
"The source-repository 'location' is a required field."
, check (repoType repo == Just CVS && repoModule repo == Nothing) $
"For a CVS source-repository, the 'module' is a required field."
, check (repoKind repo == RepoThis && repoTag repo == Nothing) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"For the 'this' kind of source-repository, the 'tag' is a required "
++ "field. It should specify the tag corresponding to this version "
++ "or release of the package."
, check (maybe False System.FilePath.isAbsolute (repoSubdir repo)) $
"The 'subdir' field of a source-repository must be a relative path."
| repo <- sourceRepos pkg ]
checkGhcOptions :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkGhcOptions pkg =
catMaybes [
check has_WerrorWall $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -Wall -Werror' makes the package very easy to "
++ "break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often "
++ "add new warnings. Use just 'ghc-options: -Wall' instead."
, check (not has_WerrorWall && has_Werror) $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -Werror' makes the package easy to "
++ "break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often "
++ "add new warnings."
, checkFlags ["-fasm"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -fasm' is unnecessary and breaks on all "
++ "arches except for x86, x86-64 and ppc."
, checkFlags ["-fvia-C"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -fvia-C' is usually unnecessary. If your package "
++ "needs -via-C for correctness rather than performance then it "
++ "is using the FFI incorrectly and will probably not work with GHC "
++ "6.10 or later."
, checkFlags ["-fhpc"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -fhpc' is not appropriate for a distributed package."
, check (any ("-d" `isPrefixOf`) all_ghc_options) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -d*' debug flags are not appropriate for a distributed package."
, checkFlags ["-prof"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -prof' is not needed. Use the --enable-library-profiling configure flag."
, checkFlags ["-o"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -o' is not allowed. The output files are named automatically."
, checkFlags ["-hide-package"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -hide-package' is never needed. Cabal hides all packages."
, checkFlags ["--make"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: --make' is never needed. Cabal uses this automatically."
, checkFlags ["-main-is"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -main-is' is not portable."
, checkFlags ["-O0", "-Onot"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -O0' is not needed. Use the --disable-optimization configure flag."
, checkFlags [ "-O", "-O1"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -O' is not needed. Cabal automatically adds the '-O' flag. "
++ "Setting it yourself interferes with the --disable-optimization flag."
, checkFlags ["-O2"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -O2' is rarely needed. Check that it is giving a real benefit "
++ "and not just imposing longer compile times on your users."
, checkFlags ["-split-objs"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -split-objs' is not needed. Use the --enable-split-objs configure flag."
, checkFlags ["-optl-Wl,-s", "-optl-s"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -optl-Wl,-s' is not needed and is not portable to all"
++ " operating systems. Cabal 1.4 and later automatically strip"
++ " executables. Cabal also has a flag --disable-executable-stripping"
++ " which is necessary when building packages for some Linux"
++ " distributions and using '-optl-Wl,-s' prevents that from working."
, checkFlags ["-fglasgow-exts"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"Instead of 'ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts' it is preferable to use the 'extensions' field."
, check ("-threaded" `elem` lib_ghc_options) $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -threaded' has no effect for libraries. It should "
++ "only be used for executables."
, checkAlternatives "ghc-options" "extensions"
[ (flag, display extension) | flag <- all_ghc_options
, Just extension <- [ghcExtension flag] ]
, checkAlternatives "ghc-options" "extensions"
[ (flag, extension) | flag@('-':'X':extension) <- all_ghc_options
, case simpleParse extension of
Just (UnknownExtension _) -> True
Just ext -> ext `elem` compatExtensions
|| not (Version [1,1,6] []
`withinRange` descCabalVersion pkg)
Nothing -> False ]
, checkAlternatives "ghc-options" "cpp-options" $
[ (flag, flag) | flag@('-':'D':_) <- all_ghc_options ]
++ [ (flag, flag) | flag@('-':'U':_) <- all_ghc_options ]
, checkAlternatives "ghc-options" "include-dirs"
[ (flag, dir) | flag@('-':'I':dir) <- all_ghc_options ]
, checkAlternatives "ghc-options" "extra-libraries"
[ (flag, lib) | flag@('-':'l':lib) <- all_ghc_options ]
, checkAlternatives "ghc-options" "extra-lib-dirs"
[ (flag, dir) | flag@('-':'L':dir) <- all_ghc_options ]
has_WerrorWall = flip any ghc_options $ \opts ->
"-Werror" `elem` opts
&& ("-Wall" `elem` opts || "-W" `elem` opts)
has_Werror = any (\opts -> "-Werror" `elem` opts) ghc_options
ghc_options = [ strs | bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, (GHC, strs) <- options bi ]
all_ghc_options = concat ghc_options
lib_ghc_options = maybe [] (hcOptions GHC . libBuildInfo) (library pkg)
checkFlags :: [String] -> PackageCheck -> Maybe PackageCheck
checkFlags flags = check (any (`elem` flags) all_ghc_options)
ghcExtension ('-':'f':name) = case name of
"allow-overlapping-instances" -> Just OverlappingInstances
"th" -> Just TemplateHaskell
"ffi" -> Just ForeignFunctionInterface
"fi" -> Just ForeignFunctionInterface
"no-monomorphism-restriction" -> Just NoMonomorphismRestriction
"no-mono-pat-binds" -> Just NoMonoPatBinds
"allow-undecidable-instances" -> Just UndecidableInstances
"allow-incoherent-instances" -> Just IncoherentInstances
"arrows" -> Just Arrows
"generics" -> Just Generics
"no-implicit-prelude" -> Just NoImplicitPrelude
"implicit-params" -> Just ImplicitParams
"bang-patterns" -> Just BangPatterns
"scoped-type-variables" -> Just ScopedTypeVariables
"extended-default-rules" -> Just ExtendedDefaultRules
_ -> Nothing
ghcExtension ('-':'c':"pp") = Just CPP
ghcExtension _ = Nothing
compatExtensions =
[ OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances
, RecursiveDo, ParallelListComp, MultiParamTypeClasses
, NoMonomorphismRestriction, FunctionalDependencies, Rank2Types
, RankNTypes, PolymorphicComponents, ExistentialQuantification
, ScopedTypeVariables, ImplicitParams, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances, EmptyDataDecls, CPP, BangPatterns
, TypeSynonymInstances, TemplateHaskell, ForeignFunctionInterface
, Arrows, Generics, NoImplicitPrelude, NamedFieldPuns, PatternGuards
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ExtensibleRecords, RestrictedTypeSynonyms
, HereDocuments
checkCCOptions :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkCCOptions pkg =
catMaybes [
checkAlternatives "cc-options" "include-dirs"
[ (flag, dir) | flag@('-':'I':dir) <- all_ccOptions ]
, checkAlternatives "cc-options" "extra-libraries"
[ (flag, lib) | flag@('-':'l':lib) <- all_ccOptions ]
, checkAlternatives "cc-options" "extra-lib-dirs"
[ (flag, dir) | flag@('-':'L':dir) <- all_ccOptions ]
, checkAlternatives "ld-options" "extra-libraries"
[ (flag, lib) | flag@('-':'l':lib) <- all_ldOptions ]
, checkAlternatives "ld-options" "extra-lib-dirs"
[ (flag, dir) | flag@('-':'L':dir) <- all_ldOptions ]
where all_ccOptions = [ opts | bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, opts <- ccOptions bi ]
all_ldOptions = [ opts | bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, opts <- ldOptions bi ]
checkAlternatives :: String -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Maybe PackageCheck
checkAlternatives badField goodField flags =
check (not (null badFlags)) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"Instead of " ++ quote (badField ++ ": " ++ unwords badFlags)
++ " use " ++ quote (goodField ++ ": " ++ unwords goodFlags)
where (badFlags, goodFlags) = unzip flags
checkPaths :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkPaths pkg =
[ PackageBuildWarning {
explanation = quote (kind ++ ": " ++ dir)
++ " is a relative path outside of the source tree. "
++ "This will not work when generating a tarball with 'sdist'."
| bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, (dir, kind) <- [ (dir, "extra-lib-dirs") | dir <- extraLibDirs bi ]
++ [ (dir, "include-dirs") | dir <- includeDirs bi ]
++ [ (dir, "hs-source-dirs") | dir <- hsSourceDirs bi ]
, isOutsideTree dir ]
where isOutsideTree dir = case splitDirectories dir of
"..":_ -> True
_ -> False
checkConditionals :: GenericPackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkConditionals pkg =
catMaybes [
check (not $ null unknownOSs) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"Unknown operating system name "
++ intercalate ", " (map quote unknownOSs)
, check (not $ null unknownArches) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"Unknown architecture name "
++ intercalate ", " (map quote unknownArches)
, check (not $ null unknownImpls) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"Unknown compiler name "
++ intercalate ", " (map quote unknownImpls)
unknownOSs = [ os | OS (OtherOS os) <- conditions ]
unknownArches = [ arch | Arch (OtherArch arch) <- conditions ]
unknownImpls = [ impl | Impl (OtherCompiler impl) _ <- conditions ]
conditions = maybe [] freeVars (condLibrary pkg)
++ concatMap (freeVars . snd) (condExecutables pkg)
freeVars (CondNode _ _ ifs) = concatMap compfv ifs
compfv (c, ct, mct) = condfv c ++ freeVars ct ++ maybe [] freeVars mct
condfv c = case c of
Var v -> [v]
Lit _ -> []
CNot c1 -> condfv c1
COr c1 c2 -> condfv c1 ++ condfv c2
CAnd c1 c2 -> condfv c1 ++ condfv c2
checkPackageFiles :: PackageDescription -> FilePath -> IO [PackageCheck]
checkPackageFiles pkg root = checkPackageContent checkFilesIO pkg
checkFilesIO = CheckPackageContentOps {
doesFileExist = System.doesFileExist . relative,
doesDirectoryExist = System.doesDirectoryExist . relative
relative path = root </> path
data CheckPackageContentOps m = CheckPackageContentOps {
doesFileExist :: FilePath -> m Bool,
doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> m Bool
checkPackageContent :: Monad m => CheckPackageContentOps m
-> PackageDescription
-> m [PackageCheck]
checkPackageContent ops pkg = do
licenseError <- checkLicenseExists ops pkg
setupError <- checkSetupExists ops pkg
configureError <- checkConfigureExists ops pkg
localPathErrors <- checkLocalPathsExist ops pkg
return $ catMaybes [licenseError, setupError, configureError]
++ localPathErrors
checkLicenseExists :: Monad m => CheckPackageContentOps m
-> PackageDescription
-> m (Maybe PackageCheck)
checkLicenseExists ops pkg
| null (licenseFile pkg) = return Nothing
| otherwise = do
exists <- doesFileExist ops file
return $ check (not exists) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"The 'license-file' field refers to the file " ++ quote file
++ " which does not exist."
file = licenseFile pkg
checkSetupExists :: Monad m => CheckPackageContentOps m
-> PackageDescription
-> m (Maybe PackageCheck)
checkSetupExists ops _ = do
hsexists <- doesFileExist ops "Setup.hs"
lhsexists <- doesFileExist ops "Setup.lhs"
return $ check (not hsexists && not lhsexists) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"The package is missing a Setup.hs or Setup.lhs script."
checkConfigureExists :: Monad m => CheckPackageContentOps m
-> PackageDescription
-> m (Maybe PackageCheck)
checkConfigureExists ops PackageDescription { buildType = Just Configure } = do
exists <- doesFileExist ops "configure"
return $ check (not exists) $
PackageBuildWarning $
"The 'build-type' is 'Configure' but there is no 'configure' script."
checkConfigureExists _ _ = return Nothing
checkLocalPathsExist :: Monad m => CheckPackageContentOps m
-> PackageDescription
-> m [PackageCheck]
checkLocalPathsExist ops pkg = do
let dirs = [ (dir, kind)
| bi <- allBuildInfo pkg
, (dir, kind) <-
[ (dir, "extra-lib-dirs") | dir <- extraLibDirs bi ]
++ [ (dir, "include-dirs") | dir <- includeDirs bi ]
++ [ (dir, "hs-source-dirs") | dir <- hsSourceDirs bi ]
, isRelative dir ]
missing <- filterM (liftM not . doesDirectoryExist ops . fst) dirs
return [ PackageBuildWarning {
explanation = quote (kind ++ ": " ++ dir)
++ " directory does not exist."
| (dir, kind) <- missing ]
checkPackageFileNames :: [FilePath] -> [PackageCheck]
checkPackageFileNames files =
(take 1 . catMaybes . map checkWindowsPath $ files)
++ (take 1 . catMaybes . map checkTarPath $ files)
checkWindowsPath :: FilePath -> Maybe PackageCheck
checkWindowsPath path =
check (not $ FilePath.Windows.isValid path') $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"Unfortunately, the file " ++ quote path ++ " is not a valid file "
++ "name on Windows which would cause portability problems for this "
++ "package. Windows file names cannot contain any of the characters "
++ "\":*?<>|\" and there are a few reserved names including \"aux\", "
++ "\"nul\", \"con\", \"prn\", \"com1-9\", \"lpt1-9\" and \"clock$\"."
path' = ".\\" ++ path
checkTarPath :: FilePath -> Maybe PackageCheck
checkTarPath path
| length path > 255 = Just longPath
| otherwise = case pack nameMax (reverse (splitPath path)) of
Left err -> Just err
Right [] -> Nothing
Right (first:rest) -> case pack prefixMax remainder of
Left err -> Just err
Right [] -> Nothing
Right (_:_) -> Just noSplit
remainder = init first : rest
nameMax, prefixMax :: Int
nameMax = 100
prefixMax = 155
pack _ [] = Left emptyName
pack maxLen (c:cs)
| n > maxLen = Left longName
| otherwise = Right (pack' maxLen n cs)
where n = length c
pack' maxLen n (c:cs)
| n' <= maxLen = pack' maxLen n' cs
where n' = n + length c
pack' _ _ cs = cs
longPath = PackageDistInexcusable $
"The following file name is too long to store in a portable POSIX "
++ "format tar archive. The maximum length is 255 ASCII characters.\n"
++ "The file in question is:\n " ++ path
longName = PackageDistInexcusable $
"The following file name is too long to store in a portable POSIX "
++ "format tar archive. The maximum length for the name part (including "
++ "extension) is 100 ASCII characters. The maximum length for any "
++ "individual directory component is 155.\n"
++ "The file in question is:\n " ++ path
noSplit = PackageDistInexcusable $
"The following file name is too long to store in a portable POSIX "
++ "format tar archive. While the total length is less than 255 ASCII "
++ "characters, there are unfortunately further restrictions. It has to "
++ "be possible to split the file path on a directory separator into "
++ "two parts such that the first part fits in 155 characters or less "
++ "and the second part fits in 100 characters or less. Basically you "
++ "have to make the file name or directory names shorter, or you could "
++ "split a long directory name into nested subdirectories with shorter "
++ "names.\nThe file in question is:\n " ++ path
emptyName = PackageDistInexcusable $
"Encountered a file with an empty name, something is very wrong! "
++ "Files with an empty name cannot be stored in a tar archive or in "
++ "standard file systems."
quote :: String -> String
quote s = "'" ++ s ++ "'"
commaSep :: [String] -> String
commaSep = intercalate ","