module Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Colors (
lighting, Light(..), light, maxLights,
FrontFaceDirection(..), frontFace,
materialAmbient, materialDiffuse, materialAmbientAndDiffuse,
materialSpecular, materialEmission, materialShininess, maxShininess,
ambient, diffuse, specular,
position, spotDirection, spotExponent, maxSpotExponent, spotCutoff,
lightModelAmbient, lightModelLocalViewer, lightModelTwoSide,
LightModelColorControl(..), lightModelColorControl,
ColorMaterialParameter(..), colorMaterial,
ShadingModel(..), shadeModel
) where
import Control.Monad ( liftM2, liftM3 )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( allocaArray, withArray )
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( with )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr )
import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(peek) )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Capability (
marshalCapability, unmarshalCapability,
makeStateVarMaybe )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BasicTypes (
GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLfloat,Capability )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Face (
Face(..), marshalFace, unmarshalFace )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PeekPoke ( peek3 )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.QueryUtils (
GetPName(GetMaxLights, GetFrontFace,GetShadeModel,
GetLightModelAmbient, GetLightModelLocalViewer,
GetLightModelTwoSide, GetLightModelColorControl,
getBoolean1, getEnum1, getSizei1, getFloat1, getFloat4, lightIndexToEnum )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar (
HasGetter(get), HasSetter(($=)),
GettableStateVar, makeGettableStateVar, StateVar, makeStateVar )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec (
Color4(..), Normal3(..), Vertex4(..), Index1(..) )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.ErrorsInternal ( recordInvalidEnum )
lighting :: StateVar Capability
lighting = makeCapability CapLighting
newtype Light = Light GLsizei
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalLight :: Light -> Maybe GLenum
marshalLight (Light l) = lightIndexToEnum l
light :: Light -> StateVar Capability
light (Light l) = makeCapability (CapLight l)
maxLights :: GettableStateVar GLsizei
maxLights = makeGettableStateVar (getSizei1 id GetMaxLights)
data FrontFaceDirection =
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalFrontFaceDirection :: FrontFaceDirection -> GLenum
marshalFrontFaceDirection x = case x of
CW -> 0x900
CCW -> 0x901
unmarshalFrontFaceDirection :: GLenum -> FrontFaceDirection
unmarshalFrontFaceDirection x
| x == 0x900 = CW
| x == 0x901 = CCW
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalFrontFaceDirection: illegal value " ++ show x)
frontFace :: StateVar FrontFaceDirection
frontFace =
(getEnum1 unmarshalFrontFaceDirection GetFrontFace)
(glFrontFace . marshalFrontFaceDirection)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glFrontFace" glFrontFace :: GLenum -> IO ()
data MaterialParameter =
| MaterialShininess
| MaterialAmbientAndDiffuse
| MaterialColorIndexes
| MaterialAmbient
| MaterialDiffuse
| MaterialSpecular
marshalMaterialParameter :: MaterialParameter -> GLenum
marshalMaterialParameter x = case x of
MaterialEmission -> 0x1600
MaterialShininess -> 0x1601
MaterialAmbientAndDiffuse -> 0x1602
MaterialColorIndexes -> 0x1603
MaterialAmbient -> 0x1200
MaterialDiffuse -> 0x1201
MaterialSpecular -> 0x1202
materialAmbient :: Face -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
materialAmbient =
makeMaterialVar glGetMaterialfvc glMaterialfvc MaterialAmbient
materialDiffuse :: Face -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
materialDiffuse =
makeMaterialVar glGetMaterialfvc glMaterialfvc MaterialDiffuse
materialAmbientAndDiffuse :: Face -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
materialAmbientAndDiffuse =
makeMaterialVar glGetMaterialfvc glMaterialfvc MaterialAmbientAndDiffuse
materialSpecular :: Face -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
materialSpecular =
makeMaterialVar glGetMaterialfvc glMaterialfvc MaterialSpecular
materialEmission :: Face -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
materialEmission =
makeMaterialVar glGetMaterialfvc glMaterialfvc MaterialEmission
makeMaterialVar :: Storable a
=> (GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr a -> IO ())
-> (GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr a -> IO ())
-> MaterialParameter -> Face -> StateVar a
makeMaterialVar getter setter materialParameter face =
makeStateVar (alloca $ \buf -> do getter f mp buf ; peek buf)
(\val -> with val $ setter f mp)
where mp = marshalMaterialParameter materialParameter
f = marshalFace face
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetMaterialfv" glGetMaterialfvc ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Color4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glMaterialfv" glMaterialfvc ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Color4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
materialShininess :: Face -> StateVar GLfloat
materialShininess =
makeMaterialVar glGetMaterialfvf glMaterialff MaterialShininess
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetMaterialfv" glGetMaterialfvf ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLfloat -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glMaterialfv" glMaterialff ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLfloat -> IO ()
maxShininess :: GettableStateVar GLfloat
maxShininess = makeGettableStateVar $ getFloat1 id GetMaxShininess
materialColorIndexes ::
Face -> StateVar (Index1 GLint, Index1 GLint, Index1 GLint)
materialColorIndexes face =
makeStateVar (getMaterialColorIndexes face) (setMaterialColorIndexes face)
getMaterialColorIndexes :: Face -> IO (Index1 GLint, Index1 GLint, Index1 GLint)
getMaterialColorIndexes face =
allocaArray 3 $ \buf -> do
glGetMaterialiv (marshalFace face)
(marshalMaterialParameter MaterialColorIndexes)
peek3 (\a d s -> (Index1 a, Index1 d, Index1 s)) buf
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetMaterialiv" glGetMaterialiv ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLint -> IO ()
setMaterialColorIndexes ::
Face -> (Index1 GLint, Index1 GLint, Index1 GLint) -> IO ()
setMaterialColorIndexes face (Index1 a, Index1 d, Index1 s) =
withArray [a, d, s] $
glMaterialiv (marshalFace face)
(marshalMaterialParameter MaterialColorIndexes)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glMaterialiv" glMaterialiv ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLint -> IO ()
data LightParameter =
| Diffuse'
| Specular'
| Position
| SpotDirection
| SpotExponent
| SpotCutoff
| ConstantAttenuation
| LinearAttenuation
| QuadraticAttenuation
marshalLightParameter :: LightParameter -> GLenum
marshalLightParameter x = case x of
Ambient' -> 0x1200
Diffuse' -> 0x1201
Specular' -> 0x1202
Position -> 0x1203
SpotDirection -> 0x1204
SpotExponent -> 0x1205
SpotCutoff -> 0x1206
ConstantAttenuation -> 0x1207
LinearAttenuation -> 0x1208
QuadraticAttenuation -> 0x1209
ambient :: Light -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
ambient = makeLightVar glGetLightfvc glLightfvc Ambient' black
black :: Color4 GLfloat
black = Color4 0 0 0 0
diffuse :: Light -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
diffuse = makeLightVar glGetLightfvc glLightfvc Diffuse' black
specular :: Light -> StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
specular = makeLightVar glGetLightfvc glLightfvc Specular' black
makeLightVar :: Storable a
=> (GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr a -> IO ())
-> (GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr a -> IO ())
-> LightParameter -> a -> Light -> StateVar a
makeLightVar getter setter lightParameter defaultValue theLight =
makeStateVar (maybe (return defaultValue) getLightVar ml)
(\val -> maybe recordInvalidEnum (setLightVar val) ml)
where lp = marshalLightParameter lightParameter
ml = marshalLight theLight
getLightVar = \l -> alloca $ \buf -> do getter l lp buf ; peek buf
setLightVar = \val l -> with val $ setter l lp
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetLightfv" glGetLightfvc ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Color4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLightfv" glLightfvc ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Color4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
position :: Light -> StateVar (Vertex4 GLfloat)
position = makeLightVar glGetLightfvv glLightfvv Position (Vertex4 0 0 0 0)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLightfv" glLightfvv ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Vertex4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetLightfv" glGetLightfvv ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Vertex4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
spotDirection :: Light -> StateVar (Normal3 GLfloat)
spotDirection =
makeLightVar glGetLightfvn glLightfvn SpotDirection (Normal3 0 0 0)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLightfv" glLightfvn ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Normal3 GLfloat) -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetLightfv" glGetLightfvn ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr (Normal3 GLfloat) -> IO ()
spotExponent :: Light -> StateVar GLfloat
spotExponent = makeLightVar glGetLightfv glLightfv SpotExponent 0
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLightfv" glLightfv ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLfloat -> IO ()
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glGetLightfv" glGetLightfv ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLfloat -> IO ()
maxSpotExponent :: GettableStateVar GLfloat
maxSpotExponent = makeGettableStateVar $ getFloat1 id GetMaxSpotExponent
spotCutoff :: Light -> StateVar GLfloat
spotCutoff = makeLightVar glGetLightfv glLightfv SpotCutoff 0
attenuation :: Light -> StateVar (GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)
attenuation theLight =
(liftM3 (,,) (get (constantAttenuation theLight))
(get (linearAttenuation theLight))
(get (quadraticAttenuation theLight)))
(\(constant, linear, quadratic) -> do
constantAttenuation theLight $= constant
linearAttenuation theLight $= linear
quadraticAttenuation theLight $= quadratic)
constantAttenuation :: Light -> StateVar GLfloat
constantAttenuation = makeLightVar glGetLightfv glLightfv ConstantAttenuation 0
linearAttenuation :: Light -> StateVar GLfloat
linearAttenuation = makeLightVar glGetLightfv glLightfv LinearAttenuation 0
quadraticAttenuation :: Light -> StateVar GLfloat
quadraticAttenuation =
makeLightVar glGetLightfv glLightfv QuadraticAttenuation 0
data LightModelParameter =
| LightModelLocalViewer
| LightModelTwoSide
| LightModelColorControl
marshalLightModelParameter :: LightModelParameter -> GLenum
marshalLightModelParameter x = case x of
LightModelAmbient -> 0xb53
LightModelLocalViewer -> 0xb51
LightModelTwoSide -> 0xb52
LightModelColorControl -> 0x81f8
lightModelAmbient :: StateVar (Color4 GLfloat)
lightModelAmbient =
(getFloat4 Color4 GetLightModelAmbient)
(\c -> with c $
glLightModelfv (marshalLightModelParameter LightModelAmbient))
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLightModelfv" glLightModelfv ::
GLenum -> Ptr (Color4 GLfloat) -> IO ()
lightModelLocalViewer :: StateVar Capability
lightModelLocalViewer =
makeLightModelCapVar GetLightModelLocalViewer LightModelLocalViewer
makeLightModelCapVar :: GetPName -> LightModelParameter -> StateVar Capability
makeLightModelCapVar pname lightModelParameter =
(getBoolean1 unmarshalCapability pname)
(glLightModeli (marshalLightModelParameter lightModelParameter) .
fromIntegral . marshalCapability)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLightModeli" glLightModeli ::
GLenum -> GLint -> IO ()
lightModelTwoSide :: StateVar Capability
lightModelTwoSide = makeLightModelCapVar GetLightModelTwoSide LightModelTwoSide
vertexProgramTwoSide :: StateVar Capability
vertexProgramTwoSide = makeCapability CapVertexProgramTwoSide
data LightModelColorControl =
| SeparateSpecularColor
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalLightModelColorControl :: LightModelColorControl -> GLenum
marshalLightModelColorControl x = case x of
SingleColor -> 0x81f9
SeparateSpecularColor -> 0x81fa
unmarshalLightModelColorControl :: GLenum -> LightModelColorControl
unmarshalLightModelColorControl x
| x == 0x81f9 = SingleColor
| x == 0x81fa = SeparateSpecularColor
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalLightModelColorControl: illegal value " ++ show x)
lightModelColorControl :: StateVar LightModelColorControl
lightModelColorControl =
(getEnum1 unmarshalLightModelColorControl GetLightModelColorControl)
(glLightModeli (marshalLightModelParameter LightModelColorControl) .
fromIntegral . marshalLightModelColorControl)
data ColorMaterialParameter =
| Diffuse
| Specular
| Emission
| AmbientAndDiffuse
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalColorMaterialParameter :: ColorMaterialParameter -> GLenum
marshalColorMaterialParameter x = case x of
Ambient -> 0x1200
Diffuse -> 0x1201
Specular -> 0x1202
Emission -> 0x1600
AmbientAndDiffuse -> 0x1602
unmarshalColorMaterialParameter :: GLenum -> ColorMaterialParameter
unmarshalColorMaterialParameter x
| x == 0x1200 = Ambient
| x == 0x1201 = Diffuse
| x == 0x1202 = Specular
| x == 0x1600 = Emission
| x == 0x1602 = AmbientAndDiffuse
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalColorMaterialParameter: illegal value " ++ show x)
colorMaterial :: StateVar (Maybe (Face, ColorMaterialParameter))
colorMaterial =
(return CapColorMaterial)
(getEnum1 unmarshalFace GetColorMaterialFace)
(getEnum1 unmarshalColorMaterialParameter GetColorMaterialParameter))
(\(face, param) -> glColorMaterial (marshalFace face)
(marshalColorMaterialParameter param))
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glColorMaterial" glColorMaterial ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
data ShadingModel =
| Smooth
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalShadingModel :: ShadingModel -> GLenum
marshalShadingModel x = case x of
Flat -> 0x1d00
Smooth -> 0x1d01
unmarshalShadingModel :: GLenum -> ShadingModel
unmarshalShadingModel x
| x == 0x1d00 = Flat
| x == 0x1d01 = Smooth
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalShadingModel: illegal value " ++ show x)
shadeModel :: StateVar ShadingModel
shadeModel =
(getEnum1 unmarshalShadingModel GetShadeModel)
(glShadeModel . marshalShadingModel)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glShadeModel" glShadeModel :: GLenum -> IO ()