-- Code generator utilities; mostly monadic
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006

{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
-- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--     http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces
-- for details

module StgCmmUtils (
	cgLit, mkSimpleLit,
	emitDataLits, mkDataLits,
        emitRODataLits, mkRODataLits,
        emitRtsCall, emitRtsCallWithVols, emitRtsCallWithResult, emitRtsCallGen,
        assignTemp, newTemp, withTemp,


	mkMultiAssign, mkCmmSwitch, mkCmmLitSwitch,

	tagToClosure, mkTaggedObjectLoad,

        callerSaves, callerSaveVolatileRegs, get_GlobalReg_addr,

	cmmAndWord, cmmOrWord, cmmNegate, cmmEqWord, cmmNeWord,
        cmmUGtWord, cmmSubWord, cmmMulWord, cmmAddWord, cmmUShrWord,
	cmmOffsetExprW, cmmOffsetExprB,
	cmmRegOffW, cmmRegOffB,
	cmmLabelOffW, cmmLabelOffB,
	cmmOffsetW, cmmOffsetB,
	cmmOffsetLitW, cmmOffsetLitB,
        cmmConstrTag, cmmConstrTag1,

        cmmUntag, cmmIsTagged, cmmGetTag,

	addToMem, addToMemE, addToMemLbl,
	newStringCLit, newByteStringCLit,

        getSRTInfo, srt_escape
  ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"
#include "../includes/stg/MachRegs.h"

import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmClosure
import Cmm
import BlockId
import MkGraph
import CLabel
import CmmUtils

import ForeignCall
import IdInfo
import Type
import TyCon
import Constants
import SMRep
import StgSyn	( SRT(..) )
import Module
import Literal
import Digraph
import ListSetOps
import Util
import Unique
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Outputable

import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe

--	Literals

cgLit :: Literal -> FCode CmmLit
cgLit (MachStr s) = newByteStringCLit (bytesFS s)
 -- not unpackFS; we want the UTF-8 byte stream.
cgLit other_lit   = return (mkSimpleLit other_lit)

mkLtOp :: Literal -> MachOp
-- On signed literals we must do a signed comparison
mkLtOp (MachInt _)    = MO_S_Lt wordWidth
mkLtOp (MachFloat _)  = MO_F_Lt W32
mkLtOp (MachDouble _) = MO_F_Lt W64
mkLtOp lit	      = MO_U_Lt (typeWidth (cmmLitType (mkSimpleLit lit)))
				-- ToDo: seems terribly indirect!

mkSimpleLit :: Literal -> CmmLit
mkSimpleLit (MachChar	c)    = CmmInt (fromIntegral (ord c)) wordWidth
mkSimpleLit MachNullAddr      = zeroCLit
mkSimpleLit (MachInt i)       = CmmInt i wordWidth
mkSimpleLit (MachInt64 i)     = CmmInt i W64
mkSimpleLit (MachWord i)      = CmmInt i wordWidth
mkSimpleLit (MachWord64 i)    = CmmInt i W64
mkSimpleLit (MachFloat r)     = CmmFloat r W32
mkSimpleLit (MachDouble r)    = CmmFloat r W64
mkSimpleLit (MachLabel fs ms fod) 
	= CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel fs ms labelSrc fod)
		-- TODO: Literal labels might not actually be in the current package...
		labelSrc = ForeignLabelInThisPackage	
mkSimpleLit other	      = pprPanic "mkSimpleLit" (ppr other)

-- Incrementing a memory location

addToMemLbl :: CmmType -> CLabel -> Int -> CmmAGraph
addToMemLbl rep lbl n = addToMem rep (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) n

addToMem :: CmmType 	-- rep of the counter
	 -> CmmExpr	-- Address
	 -> Int		-- What to add (a word)
	 -> CmmAGraph
addToMem rep ptr n = addToMemE rep ptr (CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger n) (typeWidth rep)))

addToMemE :: CmmType 	-- rep of the counter
	  -> CmmExpr	-- Address
	  -> CmmExpr	-- What to add (a word-typed expression)
	  -> CmmAGraph
addToMemE rep ptr n
  = mkStore ptr (CmmMachOp (MO_Add (typeWidth rep)) [CmmLoad ptr rep, n])

--	Loading a field from an object, 
--	where the object pointer is itself tagged

mkTaggedObjectLoad :: LocalReg -> LocalReg -> WordOff -> DynTag -> CmmAGraph
-- (loadTaggedObjectField reg base off tag) generates assignment
-- 	reg = bitsK[ base + off - tag ]
-- where K is fixed by 'reg'
mkTaggedObjectLoad reg base offset tag
  = mkAssign (CmmLocal reg)  
	     (CmmLoad (cmmOffsetB (CmmReg (CmmLocal base))
				  (wORD_SIZE*offset - tag))
                      (localRegType reg))

--	Converting a closure tag to a closure for enumeration types
--      (this is the implementation of tagToEnum#).

tagToClosure :: TyCon -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
tagToClosure tycon tag
  = CmmLoad (cmmOffsetExprW closure_tbl tag) bWord
  where closure_tbl = CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
	lbl = mkClosureTableLabel (tyConName tycon) NoCafRefs

--	Conditionals and rts calls

emitRtsCall :: PackageId -> FastString -> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)] -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitRtsCall pkg fun args safe = emitRtsCallGen [] pkg fun args Nothing safe
   -- The 'Nothing' says "save all global registers"

emitRtsCallWithVols :: PackageId -> FastString -> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)] -> [GlobalReg] -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitRtsCallWithVols pkg fun args vols safe
   = emitRtsCallGen [] pkg fun args (Just vols) safe

emitRtsCallWithResult :: LocalReg -> ForeignHint -> PackageId -> FastString
	-> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)] -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitRtsCallWithResult res hint pkg fun args safe
   = emitRtsCallGen [(res,hint)] pkg fun args Nothing safe

-- Make a call to an RTS C procedure
   :: [(LocalReg,ForeignHint)]
   -> PackageId
   -> FastString
   -> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)]
   -> Maybe [GlobalReg]
   -> Bool -- True <=> CmmSafe call
   -> FCode ()
emitRtsCallGen res pkg fun args _vols safe
  = do { updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
       ; emit caller_save
       ; emit $ call updfr_off
       ; emit caller_load }
    call updfr_off =
      if safe then
        mkCmmCall fun_expr res' args' updfr_off
        mkUnsafeCall (ForeignTarget fun_expr
                         (ForeignConvention CCallConv arg_hints res_hints)) res' args'
    (args', arg_hints) = unzip args
    (res',  res_hints) = unzip res
    (caller_save, caller_load) = callerSaveVolatileRegs
    fun_expr = mkLblExpr (mkCmmCodeLabel pkg fun)

--	Caller-Save Registers

-- Here we generate the sequence of saves/restores required around a
-- foreign call instruction.

-- TODO: reconcile with includes/Regs.h
--  * Regs.h claims that BaseReg should be saved last and loaded first
--    * This might not have been tickled before since BaseReg is callee save
--  * Regs.h saves SparkHd, ParkT1, SparkBase and SparkLim
-- This code isn't actually used right now, because callerSaves
-- only ever returns true in the current universe for registers NOT in
-- system_regs (just do a grep for CALLER_SAVES in
-- includes/stg/MachRegs.h).  It's all one giant no-op, and for
-- good reason: having to save system registers on every foreign call
-- would be very expensive, so we avoid assigning them to those
-- registers when we add support for an architecture.
-- Note that the old code generator actually does more work here: it
-- also saves other global registers.  We can't (nor want) to do that
-- here, as we don't have liveness information.  And really, we
-- shouldn't be doing the workaround at this point in the pipeline, see
-- Note [Register parameter passing] and the ToDo on CmmCall in
-- cmm/CmmNode.hs.  Right now the workaround is to avoid inlining across
-- unsafe foreign calls in rewriteAssignments, but this is strictly
-- temporary.
callerSaveVolatileRegs :: (CmmAGraph, CmmAGraph)
callerSaveVolatileRegs = (caller_save, caller_load)
    caller_save = catAGraphs (map callerSaveGlobalReg    regs_to_save)
    caller_load = catAGraphs (map callerRestoreGlobalReg regs_to_save)

    system_regs = [ Sp,SpLim,Hp,HpLim,CCCS,CurrentTSO,CurrentNursery
		    {- ,SparkHd,SparkTl,SparkBase,SparkLim -}
		  , BaseReg ]

    regs_to_save = filter callerSaves system_regs

    callerSaveGlobalReg reg
	= mkStore (get_GlobalReg_addr reg) (CmmReg (CmmGlobal reg))

    callerRestoreGlobalReg reg
	= mkAssign (CmmGlobal reg)
		    (CmmLoad (get_GlobalReg_addr reg) (globalRegType reg))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Global registers

-- We map STG registers onto appropriate CmmExprs.  Either they map
-- to real machine registers or stored as offsets from BaseReg.  Given
-- a GlobalReg, get_GlobalReg_addr always produces the 
-- register table address for it.
-- (See also get_GlobalReg_reg_or_addr in MachRegs)

get_GlobalReg_addr              :: GlobalReg -> CmmExpr
get_GlobalReg_addr BaseReg = regTableOffset 0
get_GlobalReg_addr mid     = get_Regtable_addr_from_offset 
				(globalRegType mid) (baseRegOffset mid)

-- Calculate a literal representing an offset into the register table.
-- Used when we don't have an actual BaseReg to offset from.
regTableOffset :: Int -> CmmExpr
regTableOffset n = 
  CmmLit (CmmLabelOff mkMainCapabilityLabel (oFFSET_Capability_r + n))

get_Regtable_addr_from_offset :: CmmType -> Int -> CmmExpr
get_Regtable_addr_from_offset _rep offset =
#ifdef REG_Base
  CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal BaseReg) offset
  regTableOffset offset

-- | Returns 'True' if this global register is stored in a caller-saves
-- machine register.

callerSaves :: GlobalReg -> Bool

#ifdef CALLER_SAVES_Base
callerSaves BaseReg		= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 1 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 2 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 3 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 4 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 5 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 6 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 7 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 8 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 9 _)	= True
callerSaves (VanillaReg 10 _)	= True
callerSaves (FloatReg 1)	= True
callerSaves (FloatReg 2)	= True
callerSaves (FloatReg 3)	= True
callerSaves (FloatReg 4)	= True
callerSaves (DoubleReg 1)	= True
callerSaves (DoubleReg 2)	= True
callerSaves (LongReg 1)		= True
callerSaves Sp			= True
callerSaves SpLim		= True
callerSaves Hp			= True
callerSaves HpLim		= True
callerSaves CCCS                = True
#ifdef CALLER_SAVES_CurrentTSO
callerSaves CurrentTSO		= True
#ifdef CALLER_SAVES_CurrentNursery
callerSaves CurrentNursery	= True
callerSaves _			= False

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Information about global registers

baseRegOffset :: GlobalReg -> Int

baseRegOffset Sp		  = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rSp
baseRegOffset SpLim		  = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rSpLim
baseRegOffset (LongReg 1)         = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rL1
baseRegOffset Hp		  = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rHp
baseRegOffset HpLim		  = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rHpLim
baseRegOffset CCCS                = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rCCCS
baseRegOffset CurrentTSO          = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO
baseRegOffset CurrentNursery	  = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rCurrentNursery
baseRegOffset HpAlloc		  = oFFSET_StgRegTable_rHpAlloc
baseRegOffset GCEnter1		  = oFFSET_stgGCEnter1
baseRegOffset GCFun		  = oFFSET_stgGCFun
baseRegOffset reg		  = pprPanic "baseRegOffset:" (ppr reg)

--	Strings generate a top-level data block

emitDataLits :: CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> FCode ()
-- Emit a data-segment data block
emitDataLits lbl lits = emitDecl (mkDataLits Data lbl lits)

emitRODataLits :: CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> FCode ()
-- Emit a read-only data block
emitRODataLits lbl lits = emitDecl (mkRODataLits lbl lits)

newStringCLit :: String -> FCode CmmLit
-- Make a global definition for the string,
-- and return its label
newStringCLit str = newByteStringCLit (map (fromIntegral . ord) str)

newByteStringCLit :: [Word8] -> FCode CmmLit
newByteStringCLit bytes
  = do 	{ uniq <- newUnique
	; let (lit, decl) = mkByteStringCLit uniq bytes
	; emitDecl decl
	; return lit }

--	Assigning expressions to temporaries

assignTemp :: CmmExpr -> FCode LocalReg
-- Make sure the argument is in a local register.
-- We don't bother being particularly aggressive with avoiding
-- unnecessary local registers, since we can rely on a later
-- optimization pass to inline as necessary (and skipping out
-- on things like global registers can be a little dangerous
-- due to them being trashed on foreign calls--though it means
-- the optimization pass doesn't have to do as much work)
assignTemp (CmmReg (CmmLocal reg)) = return reg
assignTemp e = do { uniq <- newUnique
		  ; let reg = LocalReg uniq (cmmExprType e)
		  ; emit (mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) e)
		  ; return reg }

newTemp :: CmmType -> FCode LocalReg
newTemp rep = do { uniq <- newUnique
		 ; return (LocalReg uniq rep) }

newUnboxedTupleRegs :: Type -> FCode ([LocalReg], [ForeignHint])
-- Choose suitable local regs to use for the components
-- of an unboxed tuple that we are about to return to 
-- the Sequel.  If the Sequel is a join point, using the
-- regs it wants will save later assignments.
newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty 
  = ASSERT( isUnboxedTupleType res_ty )
    do	{ sequel <- getSequel
	; regs <- choose_regs sequel
	; ASSERT( regs `equalLength` reps )
	  return (regs, map primRepForeignHint reps) }
    ty_args = tyConAppArgs (repType res_ty)
    reps = [ rep
	   | ty <- ty_args
    	   , let rep = typePrimRep ty
  	   , not (isVoidRep rep) ]
    choose_regs (AssignTo regs _) = return regs
    choose_regs _other		  = mapM (newTemp . primRepCmmType) reps

--	mkMultiAssign

mkMultiAssign :: [LocalReg] -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmAGraph
-- Emit code to perform the assignments in the
-- input simultaneously, using temporary variables when necessary.

type Key  = Int
type Vrtx = (Key, Stmt)	-- Give each vertex a unique number,
			-- for fast comparison
type Stmt = (LocalReg, CmmExpr)	-- r := e

-- We use the strongly-connected component algorithm, in which
--	* the vertices are the statements
--	* an edge goes from s1 to s2 iff
--		s1 assigns to something s2 uses
--	  that is, if s1 should *follow* s2 in the final order

mkMultiAssign []    []    = mkNop
mkMultiAssign [reg] [rhs] = mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) rhs
mkMultiAssign regs  rhss  = ASSERT( equalLength regs rhss )
			    unscramble ([1..] `zip` (regs `zip` rhss))

unscramble :: [Vrtx] -> CmmAGraph
unscramble vertices
  = catAGraphs (map do_component components)
	edges :: [ (Vrtx, Key, [Key]) ]
	edges = [ (vertex, key1, edges_from stmt1)
		| vertex@(key1, stmt1) <- vertices ]

	edges_from :: Stmt -> [Key]
	edges_from stmt1 = [ key2 | (key2, stmt2) <- vertices, 
				    stmt1 `mustFollow` stmt2 ]

	components :: [SCC Vrtx]
	components = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges

	-- do_components deal with one strongly-connected component
	-- Not cyclic, or singleton?  Just do it
	do_component :: SCC Vrtx -> CmmAGraph
	do_component (AcyclicSCC (_,stmt))  = mk_graph stmt
	do_component (CyclicSCC []) 	    = panic "do_component"
	do_component (CyclicSCC [(_,stmt)]) = mk_graph stmt

		-- Cyclic?  Then go via temporaries.  Pick one to
		-- break the loop and try again with the rest.
	do_component (CyclicSCC ((_,first_stmt) : rest))
	  = withUnique 		$ \u -> 
	    let (to_tmp, from_tmp) = split u first_stmt
	    in mk_graph to_tmp
	       <*> unscramble rest
	       <*> mk_graph from_tmp

	split :: Unique -> Stmt -> (Stmt, Stmt)
	split uniq (reg, rhs)
	  = ((tmp, rhs), (reg, CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
	    rep = cmmExprType rhs
	    tmp = LocalReg uniq rep

	mk_graph :: Stmt -> CmmAGraph
	mk_graph (reg, rhs) = mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) rhs

mustFollow :: Stmt -> Stmt -> Bool
(reg, _) `mustFollow` (_, rhs) = CmmLocal reg `regUsedIn` rhs

--	mkSwitch

emitSwitch :: CmmExpr  		-- Tag to switch on
	   -> [(ConTagZ, CmmAGraph)]	-- Tagged branches
	   -> Maybe CmmAGraph	    	-- Default branch (if any)
	   -> ConTagZ -> ConTagZ	-- Min and Max possible values; behaviour
	    			        -- 	outside this range is undefined
	   -> FCode ()
emitSwitch tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag
  = do	{ dflags <- getDynFlags
	; emit (mkCmmSwitch (via_C dflags) tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag) }
    via_C dflags | HscC <- hscTarget dflags = True
		 | otherwise                = False

mkCmmSwitch :: Bool			-- True <=> never generate a conditional tree
	    -> CmmExpr  		-- Tag to switch on
	    -> [(ConTagZ, CmmAGraph)]	-- Tagged branches
	    -> Maybe CmmAGraph	    	-- Default branch (if any)
	    -> ConTagZ -> ConTagZ	-- Min and Max possible values; behaviour
	    			        -- 	outside this range is undefined
	    -> CmmAGraph

-- First, two rather common cases in which there is no work to do
mkCmmSwitch _ _ []         (Just code) _ _ = code
mkCmmSwitch _ _ [(_,code)] Nothing     _ _ = code

-- Right, off we go
mkCmmSwitch via_C tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag
  = withFreshLabel "switch join" 	$ \ join_lbl ->
    label_default join_lbl mb_deflt	$ \ mb_deflt ->
    label_branches join_lbl branches	$ \ branches ->
    assignTemp' tag_expr		$ \tag_expr' -> 
    mk_switch tag_expr' (sortLe le branches) mb_deflt 
	      lo_tag hi_tag via_C
	  -- Sort the branches before calling mk_switch
    <*> mkLabel join_lbl

    (t1,_) `le` (t2,_) = t1 <= t2

mk_switch :: CmmExpr -> [(ConTagZ, BlockId)]
	  -> Maybe BlockId 
	  -> ConTagZ -> ConTagZ -> Bool
	  -> CmmAGraph

-- SINGLETON TAG RANGE: no case analysis to do
mk_switch _tag_expr [(tag, lbl)] _ lo_tag hi_tag _via_C
  | lo_tag == hi_tag
  = ASSERT( tag == lo_tag )
    mkBranch lbl

-- SINGLETON BRANCH, NO DEFAULT: no case analysis to do
mk_switch _tag_expr [(_tag,lbl)] Nothing _ _ _
  = mkBranch lbl
	-- The simplifier might have eliminated a case
	-- 	 so we may have e.g. case xs of 
	--				 [] -> e
	-- In that situation we can be sure the (:) case 
	-- can't happen, so no need to test

-- SINGLETON BRANCH: one equality check to do
mk_switch tag_expr [(tag,lbl)] (Just deflt) _ _ _
  = mkCbranch cond deflt lbl
    cond =  cmmNeWord tag_expr (CmmLit (mkIntCLit tag))
	-- We have lo_tag < hi_tag, but there's only one branch, 
	-- so there must be a default

-- ToDo: we might want to check for the two branch case, where one of
-- the branches is the tag 0, because comparing '== 0' is likely to be
-- more efficient than other kinds of comparison.

-- DENSE TAG RANGE: use a switch statment.
-- We also use a switch uncoditionally when compiling via C, because
-- this will get emitted as a C switch statement and the C compiler
-- should do a good job of optimising it.  Also, older GCC versions
-- (2.95 in particular) have problems compiling the complicated
-- if-trees generated by this code, so compiling to a switch every
-- time works around that problem.
mk_switch tag_expr branches mb_deflt lo_tag hi_tag via_C
  | use_switch 	-- Use a switch
  = let 
	find_branch :: ConTagZ -> Maybe BlockId
	find_branch i = case (assocMaybe branches i) of
			  Just lbl -> Just lbl
			  Nothing  -> mb_deflt

	-- NB. we have eliminated impossible branches at
	-- either end of the range (see below), so the first
	-- tag of a real branch is real_lo_tag (not lo_tag).
	arms :: [Maybe BlockId]
	arms = [ find_branch i | i <- [real_lo_tag..real_hi_tag]]
    mkSwitch (cmmOffset tag_expr (- real_lo_tag)) arms

  -- if we can knock off a bunch of default cases with one if, then do so
  | Just deflt <- mb_deflt, (lowest_branch - lo_tag) >= n_branches
  = mkCmmIfThenElse 
	(cmmULtWord tag_expr (CmmLit (mkIntCLit lowest_branch)))
	(mkBranch deflt)
	(mk_switch tag_expr branches mb_deflt 
			lowest_branch hi_tag via_C)

  | Just deflt <- mb_deflt, (hi_tag - highest_branch) >= n_branches
  = mkCmmIfThenElse 
	(cmmUGtWord tag_expr (CmmLit (mkIntCLit highest_branch)))
	(mkBranch deflt)
	(mk_switch tag_expr branches mb_deflt 
			lo_tag highest_branch via_C)

  | otherwise	-- Use an if-tree
  = mkCmmIfThenElse 
	(cmmUGeWord tag_expr (CmmLit (mkIntCLit mid_tag)))
	(mk_switch tag_expr hi_branches mb_deflt 
			     mid_tag hi_tag via_C)
	(mk_switch tag_expr lo_branches mb_deflt 
			     lo_tag (mid_tag-1) via_C)
	-- we test (e >= mid_tag) rather than (e < mid_tag), because
	-- the former works better when e is a comparison, and there
	-- are two tags 0 & 1 (mid_tag == 1).  In this case, the code
	-- generator can reduce the condition to e itself without
	-- having to reverse the sense of the comparison: comparisons
	-- can't always be easily reversed (eg. floating
	-- pt. comparisons).
    use_switch 	 = {- pprTrace "mk_switch" (
			ppr tag_expr <+> text "n_tags:" <+> int n_tags <+>
                        text "branches:" <+> ppr (map fst branches) <+>
			text "n_branches:" <+> int n_branches <+>
			text "lo_tag:" <+> int lo_tag <+>
			text "hi_tag:" <+> int hi_tag <+>
			text "real_lo_tag:" <+> int real_lo_tag <+>
			text "real_hi_tag:" <+> int real_hi_tag) $ -}
		   ASSERT( n_branches > 1 && n_tags > 1 ) 
		   n_tags > 2 && (via_C || (dense && big_enough))
		 -- up to 4 branches we use a decision tree, otherwise
                 -- a switch (== jump table in the NCG).  This seems to be
                 -- optimal, and corresponds with what gcc does.
    big_enough 	 = n_branches > 4
    dense      	 = n_branches > (n_tags `div` 2)
    n_branches   = length branches
    -- ignore default slots at each end of the range if there's 
    -- no default branch defined.
    lowest_branch  = fst (head branches)
    highest_branch = fst (last branches)

	| isNothing mb_deflt = lowest_branch
	| otherwise          = lo_tag

	| isNothing mb_deflt = highest_branch
	| otherwise          = hi_tag

    n_tags = real_hi_tag - real_lo_tag + 1

	-- INVARIANT: Provided hi_tag > lo_tag (which is true)
	--	lo_tag <= mid_tag < hi_tag
	--	lo_branches have tags <  mid_tag
	--	hi_branches have tags >= mid_tag

    (mid_tag,_) = branches !! (n_branches `div` 2)
	-- 2 branches => n_branches `div` 2 = 1
	--	      => branches !! 1 give the *second* tag
	-- There are always at least 2 branches here

    (lo_branches, hi_branches) = span is_lo branches
    is_lo (t,_) = t < mid_tag

mkCmmLitSwitch :: CmmExpr		  -- Tag to switch on
	       -> [(Literal, CmmAGraph)]  -- Tagged branches
	       -> CmmAGraph		  -- Default branch (always)
	       -> CmmAGraph		  -- Emit the code
-- Used for general literals, whose size might not be a word, 
-- where there is always a default case, and where we don't know
-- the range of values for certain.  For simplicity we always generate a tree.
-- ToDo: for integers we could do better here, perhaps by generalising
-- mk_switch and using that.  --SDM 15/09/2004
mkCmmLitSwitch _scrut []       deflt = deflt
mkCmmLitSwitch scrut  branches deflt
  = assignTemp' scrut		$ \ scrut' ->
    withFreshLabel "switch join" 	$ \ join_lbl ->
    label_code join_lbl deflt		$ \ deflt ->
    label_branches join_lbl branches	$ \ branches ->
    mk_lit_switch scrut' deflt (sortLe le branches)
    <*> mkLabel join_lbl
    le (t1,_) (t2,_) = t1 <= t2

mk_lit_switch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId 
 	      -> [(Literal,BlockId)]
	      -> CmmAGraph
mk_lit_switch scrut deflt [(lit,blk)] 
  = mkCbranch (CmmMachOp ne [scrut, CmmLit cmm_lit]) deflt blk
    cmm_lit = mkSimpleLit lit
    cmm_ty  = cmmLitType cmm_lit
    rep     = typeWidth cmm_ty
    ne      = if isFloatType cmm_ty then MO_F_Ne rep else MO_Ne rep

mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id branches
  = mkCmmIfThenElse cond
	(mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id lo_branches)
	(mk_lit_switch scrut deflt_blk_id hi_branches)
    n_branches = length branches
    (mid_lit,_) = branches !! (n_branches `div` 2)
	-- See notes above re mid_tag

    (lo_branches, hi_branches) = span is_lo branches
    is_lo (t,_) = t < mid_lit

    cond = CmmMachOp (mkLtOp mid_lit) 
			[scrut, CmmLit (mkSimpleLit mid_lit)]

label_default :: BlockId -> Maybe CmmAGraph
	      -> (Maybe BlockId -> CmmAGraph)
	      -> CmmAGraph
label_default _ Nothing thing_inside 
  = thing_inside Nothing
label_default join_lbl (Just code) thing_inside 
  = label_code join_lbl code 	$ \ lbl ->
    thing_inside (Just lbl)

label_branches :: BlockId -> [(a,CmmAGraph)]
	       -> ([(a,BlockId)] -> CmmAGraph) 
	       -> CmmAGraph
label_branches _join_lbl [] thing_inside 
  = thing_inside []
label_branches join_lbl ((tag,code):branches) thing_inside
  = label_code join_lbl code		$ \ lbl ->
    label_branches join_lbl branches 	$ \ branches' ->
    thing_inside ((tag,lbl):branches')

label_code :: BlockId -> CmmAGraph -> (BlockId -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
-- (label_code J code fun)
--	generates
--  [L: code; goto J] fun L
label_code join_lbl code thing_inside
  = withFreshLabel "switch" 	$ \lbl -> 
    outOfLine (mkLabel lbl <*> code <*> mkBranch join_lbl)
    <*> thing_inside lbl

assignTemp' :: CmmExpr -> (CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
assignTemp' e thing_inside
  | isTrivialCmmExpr e = thing_inside e
  | otherwise          = withTemp (cmmExprType e)	$ \ lreg ->
			 let reg = CmmLocal lreg in 
			 mkAssign reg e <*> thing_inside (CmmReg reg)

withTemp :: CmmType -> (LocalReg -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
withTemp rep thing_inside
  = withUnique $ \uniq -> thing_inside (LocalReg uniq rep)

--	Static Reference Tables

-- There is just one SRT for each top level binding; all the nested
-- bindings use sub-sections of this SRT.  The label is passed down to
-- the nested bindings via the monad.

getSRTInfo :: SRT -> FCode C_SRT
getSRTInfo (SRTEntries {}) = panic "getSRTInfo"

getSRTInfo (SRT off len bmp)
  | len > hALF_WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS || bmp == [fromIntegral srt_escape]
  = do 	{ id <- newUnique
	-- ; top_srt <- getSRTLabel
        ; let srt_desc_lbl = mkLargeSRTLabel id
        -- JD: We're not constructing and emitting SRTs in the back end,
        -- which renders this code wrong (it now names a now-non-existent label).
	-- ; emitRODataLits srt_desc_lbl
        --      ( cmmLabelOffW top_srt off
	--        : mkWordCLit (fromIntegral len)
	--        : map mkWordCLit bmp)
	; return (C_SRT srt_desc_lbl 0 srt_escape) }

  | otherwise
  = do	{ top_srt <- getSRTLabel
	; return (C_SRT top_srt off (fromIntegral (head bmp))) }
	-- The fromIntegral converts to StgHalfWord

getSRTInfo NoSRT 
  = -- TODO: Should we panic in this case?
    -- Someone obviously thinks there should be an SRT
    return NoC_SRT

srt_escape :: StgHalfWord
srt_escape = -1