module RtClosureInspect(
isTerm, isSuspension, isPrim, isFun, isFunLike, isNewtypeWrap,
isFullyEvaluated, isFullyEvaluatedTerm,
termType, mapTermType, termTyVars,
foldTerm, TermFold(..), foldTermM, TermFoldM(..), idTermFold,
pprTerm, cPprTerm, cPprTermBase, CustomTermPrinter,
Closure(..), getClosureData, ClosureType(..), isConstr, isIndirection
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import DebuggerUtils
import ByteCodeItbls ( StgInfoTable, peekItbl )
import qualified ByteCodeItbls as BCI( StgInfoTable(..) )
import BasicTypes ( HValue )
import HscTypes
import DataCon
import Type
import qualified Unify as U
import Var
import TcRnMonad
import TcType
import TcMType
import TcHsSyn ( zonkTcTypeToType, mkEmptyZonkEnv )
import TcUnify
import TcEnv
import TyCon
import Name
import VarEnv
import Util
import VarSet
import BasicTypes ( TupleSort(UnboxedTuple) )
import TysPrim
import PrelNames
import TysWiredIn
import DynFlags
import Outputable as Ppr
import GHC.Arr ( Array(..) )
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.IO ( IO(..) )
import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Ix
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Sequence (viewl, ViewL(..))
import Foreign.Safe
import System.IO.Unsafe
data Term = Term { ty :: RttiType
, dc :: Either String DataCon
, val :: HValue
, subTerms :: [Term] }
| Prim { ty :: RttiType
, value :: [Word] }
| Suspension { ctype :: ClosureType
, ty :: RttiType
, val :: HValue
, bound_to :: Maybe Name
| NewtypeWrap{
ty :: RttiType
, dc :: Either String DataCon
, wrapped_term :: Term }
| RefWrap {
ty :: RttiType
, wrapped_term :: Term }
isTerm, isSuspension, isPrim, isFun, isFunLike, isNewtypeWrap :: Term -> Bool
isTerm Term{} = True
isTerm _ = False
isSuspension Suspension{} = True
isSuspension _ = False
isPrim Prim{} = True
isPrim _ = False
isNewtypeWrap NewtypeWrap{} = True
isNewtypeWrap _ = False
isFun Suspension{ctype=Fun} = True
isFun _ = False
isFunLike s@Suspension{ty=ty} = isFun s || isFunTy ty
isFunLike _ = False
termType :: Term -> RttiType
termType t = ty t
isFullyEvaluatedTerm :: Term -> Bool
isFullyEvaluatedTerm Term {subTerms=tt} = all isFullyEvaluatedTerm tt
isFullyEvaluatedTerm Prim {} = True
isFullyEvaluatedTerm NewtypeWrap{wrapped_term=t} = isFullyEvaluatedTerm t
isFullyEvaluatedTerm RefWrap{wrapped_term=t} = isFullyEvaluatedTerm t
isFullyEvaluatedTerm _ = False
instance Outputable (Term) where
ppr t | Just doc <- cPprTerm cPprTermBase t = doc
| otherwise = panic "Outputable Term instance"
data ClosureType = Constr
| Fun
| Thunk Int
| ThunkSelector
| Blackhole
| AP
| Indirection Int
| MutVar Int
| MVar Int
| Other Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Closure = Closure { tipe :: ClosureType
, infoPtr :: Ptr ()
, infoTable :: StgInfoTable
, ptrs :: Array Int HValue
, nonPtrs :: [Word]
instance Outputable ClosureType where
ppr = text . show
#include "../includes/rts/storage/ClosureTypes.h"
aP_CODE, pAP_CODE :: Int
#undef AP
#undef PAP
getClosureData :: DynFlags -> a -> IO Closure
getClosureData dflags a =
case unpackClosure# a of
(# iptr, ptrs, nptrs #) -> do
let iptr'
| ghciTablesNextToCode =
Ptr iptr
| otherwise =
Ptr iptr `plusPtr` negate (wORD_SIZE dflags)
itbl <- peekItbl dflags iptr'
let tipe = readCType (BCI.tipe itbl)
elems = fromIntegral (BCI.ptrs itbl)
ptrsList = Array 0 (elems 1) elems ptrs
nptrs_data = [W# (indexWordArray# nptrs i)
| I# i <- [0.. fromIntegral (BCI.nptrs itbl)1] ]
ASSERT(elems >= 0) return ()
ptrsList `seq`
return (Closure tipe (Ptr iptr) itbl ptrsList nptrs_data)
readCType :: Integral a => a -> ClosureType
readCType i
| i >= CONSTR && i <= CONSTR_NOCAF_STATIC = Constr
| i >= FUN && i <= FUN_STATIC = Fun
| i >= THUNK && i < THUNK_SELECTOR = Thunk i'
| i == THUNK_SELECTOR = ThunkSelector
| i == BLACKHOLE = Blackhole
| i >= IND && i <= IND_STATIC = Indirection i'
| i' == aP_CODE = AP
| i == AP_STACK = AP
| i' == pAP_CODE = PAP
| i == MUT_VAR_CLEAN || i == MUT_VAR_DIRTY= MutVar i'
| i == MVAR_CLEAN || i == MVAR_DIRTY = MVar i'
| otherwise = Other i'
where i' = fromIntegral i
isConstr, isIndirection, isThunk :: ClosureType -> Bool
isConstr Constr = True
isConstr _ = False
isIndirection (Indirection _) = True
isIndirection _ = False
isThunk (Thunk _) = True
isThunk ThunkSelector = True
isThunk AP = True
isThunk _ = False
isFullyEvaluated :: DynFlags -> a -> IO Bool
isFullyEvaluated dflags a = do
closure <- getClosureData dflags a
case tipe closure of
Constr -> do are_subs_evaluated <- amapM (isFullyEvaluated dflags) (ptrs closure)
return$ and are_subs_evaluated
_ -> return False
where amapM f = sequence . amap' f
type TermProcessor a b = RttiType -> Either String DataCon -> HValue -> [a] -> b
data TermFold a = TermFold { fTerm :: TermProcessor a a
, fPrim :: RttiType -> [Word] -> a
, fSuspension :: ClosureType -> RttiType -> HValue
-> Maybe Name -> a
, fNewtypeWrap :: RttiType -> Either String DataCon
-> a -> a
, fRefWrap :: RttiType -> a -> a
data TermFoldM m a =
TermFoldM {fTermM :: TermProcessor a (m a)
, fPrimM :: RttiType -> [Word] -> m a
, fSuspensionM :: ClosureType -> RttiType -> HValue
-> Maybe Name -> m a
, fNewtypeWrapM :: RttiType -> Either String DataCon
-> a -> m a
, fRefWrapM :: RttiType -> a -> m a
foldTerm :: TermFold a -> Term -> a
foldTerm tf (Term ty dc v tt) = fTerm tf ty dc v (map (foldTerm tf) tt)
foldTerm tf (Prim ty v ) = fPrim tf ty v
foldTerm tf (Suspension ct ty v b) = fSuspension tf ct ty v b
foldTerm tf (NewtypeWrap ty dc t) = fNewtypeWrap tf ty dc (foldTerm tf t)
foldTerm tf (RefWrap ty t) = fRefWrap tf ty (foldTerm tf t)
foldTermM :: Monad m => TermFoldM m a -> Term -> m a
foldTermM tf (Term ty dc v tt) = mapM (foldTermM tf) tt >>= fTermM tf ty dc v
foldTermM tf (Prim ty v ) = fPrimM tf ty v
foldTermM tf (Suspension ct ty v b) = fSuspensionM tf ct ty v b
foldTermM tf (NewtypeWrap ty dc t) = foldTermM tf t >>= fNewtypeWrapM tf ty dc
foldTermM tf (RefWrap ty t) = foldTermM tf t >>= fRefWrapM tf ty
idTermFold :: TermFold Term
idTermFold = TermFold {
fTerm = Term,
fPrim = Prim,
fSuspension = Suspension,
fNewtypeWrap = NewtypeWrap,
fRefWrap = RefWrap
mapTermType :: (RttiType -> Type) -> Term -> Term
mapTermType f = foldTerm idTermFold {
fTerm = \ty dc hval tt -> Term (f ty) dc hval tt,
fSuspension = \ct ty hval n ->
Suspension ct (f ty) hval n,
fNewtypeWrap= \ty dc t -> NewtypeWrap (f ty) dc t,
fRefWrap = \ty t -> RefWrap (f ty) t}
mapTermTypeM :: Monad m => (RttiType -> m Type) -> Term -> m Term
mapTermTypeM f = foldTermM TermFoldM {
fTermM = \ty dc hval tt -> f ty >>= \ty' -> return $ Term ty' dc hval tt,
fPrimM = (return.) . Prim,
fSuspensionM = \ct ty hval n ->
f ty >>= \ty' -> return $ Suspension ct ty' hval n,
fNewtypeWrapM= \ty dc t -> f ty >>= \ty' -> return $ NewtypeWrap ty' dc t,
fRefWrapM = \ty t -> f ty >>= \ty' -> return $ RefWrap ty' t}
termTyVars :: Term -> TyVarSet
termTyVars = foldTerm TermFold {
fTerm = \ty _ _ tt ->
tyVarsOfType ty `plusVarEnv` concatVarEnv tt,
fSuspension = \_ ty _ _ -> tyVarsOfType ty,
fPrim = \ _ _ -> emptyVarEnv,
fNewtypeWrap= \ty _ t -> tyVarsOfType ty `plusVarEnv` t,
fRefWrap = \ty t -> tyVarsOfType ty `plusVarEnv` t}
where concatVarEnv = foldr plusVarEnv emptyVarEnv
type Precedence = Int
type TermPrinter = Precedence -> Term -> SDoc
type TermPrinterM m = Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
app_prec,cons_prec, max_prec ::Int
max_prec = 10
app_prec = max_prec
cons_prec = 5
pprTerm :: TermPrinter -> TermPrinter
pprTerm y p t | Just doc <- pprTermM (\p -> Just . y p) p t = doc
pprTerm _ _ _ = panic "pprTerm"
pprTermM, ppr_termM, pprNewtypeWrap :: Monad m => TermPrinterM m -> TermPrinterM m
pprTermM y p t = pprDeeper `liftM` ppr_termM y p t
ppr_termM y p Term{dc=Left dc_tag, subTerms=tt} = do
tt_docs <- mapM (y app_prec) tt
return $ cparen (not (null tt) && p >= app_prec)
(text dc_tag <+> pprDeeperList fsep tt_docs)
ppr_termM y p Term{dc=Right dc, subTerms=tt}
| null sub_terms_to_show
= return (ppr dc)
| otherwise
= do { tt_docs <- mapM (y app_prec) sub_terms_to_show
; return $ cparen (p >= app_prec) $
sep [ppr dc, nest 2 (pprDeeperList fsep tt_docs)] }
| opt_PprStyle_Debug = tt
| otherwise = dropList (dataConTheta dc) tt
ppr_termM y p t@NewtypeWrap{} = pprNewtypeWrap y p t
ppr_termM y p RefWrap{wrapped_term=t} = do
contents <- y app_prec t
return$ cparen (p >= app_prec) (text "GHC.Prim.MutVar#" <+> contents)
ppr_termM _ _ t = ppr_termM1 t
ppr_termM1 :: Monad m => Term -> m SDoc
ppr_termM1 Prim{value=words, ty=ty} =
return $ repPrim (tyConAppTyCon ty) words
ppr_termM1 Suspension{ty=ty, bound_to=Nothing} =
return (char '_' <+> ifPprDebug (text "::" <> ppr ty))
ppr_termM1 Suspension{ty=ty, bound_to=Just n}
| otherwise = return$ parens$ ppr n <> text "::" <> ppr ty
ppr_termM1 Term{} = panic "ppr_termM1 - Term"
ppr_termM1 RefWrap{} = panic "ppr_termM1 - RefWrap"
ppr_termM1 NewtypeWrap{} = panic "ppr_termM1 - NewtypeWrap"
pprNewtypeWrap y p NewtypeWrap{ty=ty, wrapped_term=t}
| Just (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
, ASSERT(isNewTyCon tc) True
, Just new_dc <- tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tc = do
real_term <- y max_prec t
return $ cparen (p >= app_prec) (ppr new_dc <+> real_term)
pprNewtypeWrap _ _ _ = panic "pprNewtypeWrap"
type CustomTermPrinter m = TermPrinterM m
-> [Precedence -> Term -> (m (Maybe SDoc))]
cPprTerm :: Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m -> Term -> m SDoc
cPprTerm printers_ = go 0 where
printers = printers_ go
go prec t = do
let default_ = Just `liftM` pprTermM go prec t
mb_customDocs = [pp prec t | pp <- printers] ++ [default_]
Just doc <- firstJustM mb_customDocs
return$ cparen (prec>app_prec+1) doc
firstJustM (mb:mbs) = mb >>= maybe (firstJustM mbs) (return . Just)
firstJustM [] = return Nothing
cPprTermBase :: forall m. Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m
cPprTermBase y =
[ ifTerm (isTupleTy.ty) (\_p -> liftM (parens . hcat . punctuate comma)
. mapM (y (1))
. subTerms)
, ifTerm (\t -> isTyCon listTyCon (ty t) && subTerms t `lengthIs` 2)
, ifTerm (isTyCon intTyCon . ty) ppr_int
, ifTerm (isTyCon charTyCon . ty) ppr_char
, ifTerm (isTyCon floatTyCon . ty) ppr_float
, ifTerm (isTyCon doubleTyCon . ty) ppr_double
, ifTerm (isIntegerTy . ty) ppr_integer
ifTerm :: (Term -> Bool)
-> (Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc)
-> Precedence -> Term -> m (Maybe SDoc)
ifTerm pred f prec t@Term{}
| pred t = Just `liftM` f prec t
ifTerm _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
isTupleTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
(tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (isBoxedTupleTyCon tc)
isTyCon a_tc ty = fromMaybe False $ do
(tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (a_tc == tc)
isIntegerTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
(tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (tyConName tc == integerTyConName)
ppr_int, ppr_char, ppr_float, ppr_double, ppr_integer
:: Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
ppr_int _ v = return ( (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
ppr_char _ v = return (Ppr.char '\'' <> Ppr.char (unsafeCoerce# (val v)) <> Ppr.char '\'')
ppr_float _ v = return (Ppr.float (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
ppr_double _ v = return (Ppr.double (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
ppr_integer _ v = return (Ppr.integer (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
ppr_list :: Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
ppr_list p (Term{subTerms=[h,t]}) = do
let elems = h : getListTerms t
isConsLast = not(termType(last elems) `eqType` termType h)
is_string = all (isCharTy . ty) elems
print_elems <- mapM (y cons_prec) elems
if is_string
then return (Ppr.doubleQuotes (Ppr.text (unsafeCoerce# (map val elems))))
else if isConsLast
then return $ cparen (p >= cons_prec)
$ pprDeeperList fsep
$ punctuate (space<>colon) print_elems
else return $ brackets
$ pprDeeperList fcat
$ punctuate comma print_elems
where getListTerms Term{subTerms=[h,t]} = h : getListTerms t
getListTerms Term{subTerms=[]} = []
getListTerms t@Suspension{} = [t]
getListTerms t = pprPanic "getListTerms" (ppr t)
ppr_list _ _ = panic "doList"
repPrim :: TyCon -> [Word] -> SDoc
repPrim t = rep where
rep x
| t == charPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Char)
| t == intPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Int)
| t == wordPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Word)
| t == floatPrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Float)
| t == doublePrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Double)
| t == int32PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Int32)
| t == word32PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Word32)
| t == int64PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Int64)
| t == word64PrimTyCon = text $ show (build x :: Word64)
| t == addrPrimTyCon = text $ show (nullPtr `plusPtr` build x)
| t == stablePtrPrimTyCon = text "<stablePtr>"
| t == stableNamePrimTyCon = text "<stableName>"
| t == statePrimTyCon = text "<statethread>"
| t == proxyPrimTyCon = text "<proxy>"
| t == realWorldTyCon = text "<realworld>"
| t == threadIdPrimTyCon = text "<ThreadId>"
| t == weakPrimTyCon = text "<Weak>"
| t == arrayPrimTyCon = text "<array>"
| t == byteArrayPrimTyCon = text "<bytearray>"
| t == mutableArrayPrimTyCon = text "<mutableArray>"
| t == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = text "<mutableByteArray>"
| t == mutVarPrimTyCon = text "<mutVar>"
| t == mVarPrimTyCon = text "<mVar>"
| t == tVarPrimTyCon = text "<tVar>"
| otherwise = char '<' <> ppr t <> char '>'
where build ww = unsafePerformIO $ withArray ww (peek . castPtr)
type RttiType = Type
type GhciType = Type
type TR a = TcM a
runTR :: HscEnv -> TR a -> IO a
runTR hsc_env thing = do
mb_val <- runTR_maybe hsc_env thing
case mb_val of
Nothing -> error "unable to :print the term"
Just x -> return x
runTR_maybe :: HscEnv -> TR a -> IO (Maybe a)
runTR_maybe hsc_env thing_inside
= do { (_errs, res) <- initTc hsc_env HsSrcFile False
(icInteractiveModule (hsc_IC hsc_env))
; return res }
traceTR :: SDoc -> TR ()
traceTR = liftTcM . traceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_rtti
recoverTR :: TR a -> TR a -> TR a
recoverTR recover thing = do
(_,mb_res) <- tryTcErrs thing
case mb_res of
Nothing -> recover
Just res -> return res
trIO :: IO a -> TR a
trIO = liftTcM . liftIO
liftTcM :: TcM a -> TR a
liftTcM = id
newVar :: Kind -> TR TcType
newVar = liftTcM . newFlexiTyVarTy
instTyVars :: [TyVar] -> TR ([TcTyVar], [TcType], TvSubst)
instTyVars = liftTcM . tcInstTyVars
type RttiInstantiation = [(TcTyVar, TyVar)]
instScheme :: QuantifiedType -> TR (TcType, RttiInstantiation)
instScheme (tvs, ty)
= liftTcM $ do { (tvs', _, subst) <- tcInstTyVars tvs
; let rtti_inst = [(tv',tv) | (tv',tv) <- tvs' `zip` tvs]
; return (substTy subst ty, rtti_inst) }
applyRevSubst :: RttiInstantiation -> TR ()
applyRevSubst pairs = liftTcM (mapM_ do_pair pairs)
do_pair (tc_tv, rtti_tv)
= do { tc_ty <- zonkTcTyVar tc_tv
; case tcGetTyVar_maybe tc_ty of
Just tv | isMetaTyVar tv -> writeMetaTyVar tv (mkTyVarTy rtti_tv)
_ -> return () }
addConstraint :: TcType -> TcType -> TR ()
addConstraint actual expected = do
traceTR (text "add constraint:" <+> fsep [ppr actual, equals, ppr expected])
recoverTR (traceTR $ fsep [text "Failed to unify", ppr actual,
text "with", ppr expected]) $
do { (ty1, ty2) <- congruenceNewtypes actual expected
; _ <- captureConstraints $ unifyType ty1 ty2
; return () }
cvObtainTerm :: HscEnv -> Int -> Bool -> RttiType -> HValue -> IO Term
cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
let quant_old_ty@(old_tvs, old_tau) = quantifyType old_ty
sigma_old_ty = mkForAllTys old_tvs old_tau
traceTR (text "Term reconstruction started with initial type " <> ppr old_ty)
term <-
if null old_tvs
then do
term <- go max_depth sigma_old_ty sigma_old_ty hval
term' <- zonkTerm term
return $ fixFunDictionaries $ expandNewtypes term'
else do
(old_ty', rev_subst) <- instScheme quant_old_ty
my_ty <- newVar openTypeKind
when (check1 quant_old_ty) (traceTR (text "check1 passed") >>
addConstraint my_ty old_ty')
term <- go max_depth my_ty sigma_old_ty hval
new_ty <- zonkTcType (termType term)
if isMonomorphic new_ty || check2 (quantifyType new_ty) quant_old_ty
then do
traceTR (text "check2 passed")
addConstraint new_ty old_ty'
applyRevSubst rev_subst
zterm' <- zonkTerm term
return ((fixFunDictionaries . expandNewtypes) zterm')
else do
traceTR (text "check2 failed" <+> parens
(ppr term <+> text "::" <+> ppr new_ty))
zterm' <- mapTermTypeM
(\ty -> case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tc, _:_) | tc /= funTyCon
-> newVar openTypeKind
_ -> return ty)
zonkTerm zterm'
traceTR (text "Term reconstruction completed." $$
text "Term obtained: " <> ppr term $$
text "Type obtained: " <> ppr (termType term))
return term
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
go :: Int -> Type -> Type -> HValue -> TcM Term
go max_depth _ _ _ | seq max_depth False = undefined
go 0 my_ty _old_ty a = do
traceTR (text "Gave up reconstructing a term after" <>
int max_depth <> text " steps")
clos <- trIO $ getClosureData dflags a
return (Suspension (tipe clos) my_ty a Nothing)
go max_depth my_ty old_ty a = do
let monomorphic = not(isTyVarTy my_ty)
clos <- trIO $ getClosureData dflags a
case tipe clos of
t | isThunk t && force -> traceTR (text "Forcing a " <> text (show t)) >>
seq a (go (pred max_depth) my_ty old_ty a)
Blackhole -> do traceTR (text "Following a BLACKHOLE")
appArr (go max_depth my_ty old_ty) (ptrs clos) 0
Indirection i -> do traceTR (text "Following an indirection" <> parens (int i) )
go max_depth my_ty old_ty $! (ptrs clos ! 0)
MutVar _ | Just (tycon,[world,contents_ty]) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe old_ty
-> do
traceTR (text "Following a MutVar")
contents_tv <- newVar liftedTypeKind
contents <- trIO$ IO$ \w -> readMutVar# (unsafeCoerce# a) w
ASSERT(isUnliftedTypeKind $ typeKind my_ty) return ()
(mutvar_ty,_) <- instScheme $ quantifyType $ mkFunTy
contents_ty (mkTyConApp tycon [world,contents_ty])
addConstraint (mkFunTy contents_tv my_ty) mutvar_ty
x <- go (pred max_depth) contents_tv contents_ty contents
return (RefWrap my_ty x)
Constr -> do
traceTR (text "entering a constructor " <>
if monomorphic
then parens (text "already monomorphic: " <> ppr my_ty)
else Ppr.empty)
Right dcname <- dataConInfoPtrToName (infoPtr clos)
(_,mb_dc) <- tryTcErrs (tcLookupDataCon dcname)
case mb_dc of
Nothing -> do
traceTR (text "Not constructor" <+> ppr dcname)
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
tag = showPpr dflags dcname
vars <- replicateM (length$ elems$ ptrs clos)
(newVar liftedTypeKind)
subTerms <- sequence [appArr (go (pred max_depth) tv tv) (ptrs clos) i
| (i, tv) <- zip [0..] vars]
return (Term my_ty (Left ('<' : tag ++ ">")) a subTerms)
Just dc -> do
traceTR (text "Is constructor" <+> (ppr dc $$ ppr my_ty))
subTtypes <- getDataConArgTys dc my_ty
subTerms <- extractSubTerms (\ty -> go (pred max_depth) ty ty) clos subTtypes
return (Term my_ty (Right dc) a subTerms)
tipe_clos ->
return (Suspension tipe_clos my_ty a Nothing)
expandNewtypes = foldTerm idTermFold { fTerm = worker } where
worker ty dc hval tt
| Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
, isNewTyCon tc
, wrapped_type <- newTyConInstRhs tc args
, Just dc' <- tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tc
, t' <- worker wrapped_type dc hval tt
= NewtypeWrap ty (Right dc') t'
| otherwise = Term ty dc hval tt
fixFunDictionaries = foldTerm idTermFold {fSuspension = worker} where
worker ct ty hval n | isFunTy ty = Suspension ct (dictsView ty) hval n
| otherwise = Suspension ct ty hval n
extractSubTerms :: (Type -> HValue -> TcM Term)
-> Closure -> [Type] -> TcM [Term]
extractSubTerms recurse clos = liftM thirdOf3 . go 0 (nonPtrs clos)
go ptr_i ws [] = return (ptr_i, ws, [])
go ptr_i ws (ty:tys)
| Just (tc, elem_tys) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
, isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
= do (ptr_i, ws, terms0) <- go ptr_i ws elem_tys
(ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go ptr_i ws tys
return (ptr_i, ws, unboxedTupleTerm ty terms0 : terms1)
| otherwise
= case repType ty of
UnaryRep rep_ty -> do
(ptr_i, ws, term0) <- go_rep ptr_i ws ty (typePrimRep rep_ty)
(ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go ptr_i ws tys
return (ptr_i, ws, term0 : terms1)
UbxTupleRep rep_tys -> do
(ptr_i, ws, terms0) <- go_unary_types ptr_i ws rep_tys
(ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go ptr_i ws tys
return (ptr_i, ws, unboxedTupleTerm ty terms0 : terms1)
go_unary_types ptr_i ws [] = return (ptr_i, ws, [])
go_unary_types ptr_i ws (rep_ty:rep_tys) = do
tv <- newVar liftedTypeKind
(ptr_i, ws, term0) <- go_rep ptr_i ws tv (typePrimRep rep_ty)
(ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go_unary_types ptr_i ws rep_tys
return (ptr_i, ws, term0 : terms1)
go_rep ptr_i ws ty rep = case rep of
PtrRep -> do
t <- appArr (recurse ty) (ptrs clos) ptr_i
return (ptr_i + 1, ws, t)
_ -> do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let (ws0, ws1) = splitAt (primRepSizeW dflags rep) ws
return (ptr_i, ws1, Prim ty ws0)
unboxedTupleTerm ty terms = Term ty (Right (tupleCon UnboxedTuple (length terms)))
(error "unboxedTupleTerm: no HValue for unboxed tuple") terms
cvReconstructType :: HscEnv -> Int -> GhciType -> HValue -> IO (Maybe Type)
cvReconstructType hsc_env max_depth old_ty hval = runTR_maybe hsc_env $ do
traceTR (text "RTTI started with initial type " <> ppr old_ty)
let sigma_old_ty@(old_tvs, _) = quantifyType old_ty
new_ty <-
if null old_tvs
then return old_ty
else do
(old_ty', rev_subst) <- instScheme sigma_old_ty
my_ty <- newVar openTypeKind
when (check1 sigma_old_ty) (traceTR (text "check1 passed") >>
addConstraint my_ty old_ty')
search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType my_ty)
(\(ty,a) -> go ty a)
(Seq.singleton (my_ty, hval))
new_ty <- zonkTcType my_ty
if isMonomorphic new_ty || check2 (quantifyType new_ty) sigma_old_ty
then do
traceTR (text "check2 passed" <+> ppr old_ty $$ ppr new_ty)
addConstraint my_ty old_ty'
applyRevSubst rev_subst
zonkRttiType new_ty
else traceTR (text "check2 failed" <+> parens (ppr new_ty)) >>
return old_ty
traceTR (text "RTTI completed. Type obtained:" <+> ppr new_ty)
return new_ty
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
search _ _ _ 0 = traceTR (text "Failed to reconstruct a type after " <>
int max_depth <> text " steps")
search stop expand l d =
case viewl l of
EmptyL -> return ()
x :< xx -> unlessM stop $ do
new <- expand x
search stop expand (xx `mappend` Seq.fromList new) $! (pred d)
go :: Type -> HValue -> TR [(Type, HValue)]
go my_ty a = do
traceTR (text "go" <+> ppr my_ty)
clos <- trIO $ getClosureData dflags a
case tipe clos of
Blackhole -> appArr (go my_ty) (ptrs clos) 0
Indirection _ -> go my_ty $! (ptrs clos ! 0)
MutVar _ -> do
contents <- trIO$ IO$ \w -> readMutVar# (unsafeCoerce# a) w
tv' <- newVar liftedTypeKind
world <- newVar liftedTypeKind
addConstraint my_ty (mkTyConApp mutVarPrimTyCon [world,tv'])
return [(tv', contents)]
Constr -> do
Right dcname <- dataConInfoPtrToName (infoPtr clos)
traceTR (text "Constr1" <+> ppr dcname)
(_,mb_dc) <- tryTcErrs (tcLookupDataCon dcname)
case mb_dc of
Nothing-> do
forM [0..length (elems $ ptrs clos)] $ \i -> do
tv <- newVar liftedTypeKind
return$ appArr (\e->(tv,e)) (ptrs clos) i
Just dc -> do
arg_tys <- getDataConArgTys dc my_ty
(_, itys) <- findPtrTyss 0 arg_tys
traceTR (text "Constr2" <+> ppr dcname <+> ppr arg_tys)
return $ [ appArr (\e-> (ty,e)) (ptrs clos) i
| (i,ty) <- itys]
_ -> return []
findPtrTys :: Int
-> Type
-> TR (Int, [(Int, Type)])
findPtrTys i ty
| Just (tc, elem_tys) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
, isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
= findPtrTyss i elem_tys
| otherwise
= case repType ty of
UnaryRep rep_ty | typePrimRep rep_ty == PtrRep -> return (i + 1, [(i, ty)])
| otherwise -> return (i, [])
UbxTupleRep rep_tys -> foldM (\(i, extras) rep_ty -> if typePrimRep rep_ty == PtrRep
then newVar liftedTypeKind >>= \tv -> return (i + 1, extras ++ [(i, tv)])
else return (i, extras))
(i, []) rep_tys
findPtrTyss :: Int
-> [Type]
-> TR (Int, [(Int, Type)])
findPtrTyss i tys = foldM step (i, []) tys
where step (i, discovered) elem_ty = findPtrTys i elem_ty >>= \(i, extras) -> return (i, discovered ++ extras)
improveRTTIType :: HscEnv -> RttiType -> RttiType -> Maybe TvSubst
improveRTTIType _ base_ty new_ty
= U.tcUnifyTys (const U.BindMe) [base_ty] [new_ty]
getDataConArgTys :: DataCon -> Type -> TR [Type]
getDataConArgTys dc con_app_ty
= do { let UnaryRep rep_con_app_ty = repType con_app_ty
; traceTR (text "getDataConArgTys 1" <+> (ppr con_app_ty $$ ppr rep_con_app_ty
$$ ppr (tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rep_con_app_ty)))
; (_, _, subst) <- instTyVars (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)
; addConstraint rep_con_app_ty (substTy subst (dataConOrigResTy dc))
; let con_arg_tys = substTys subst (dataConRepArgTys dc)
; traceTR (text "getDataConArgTys 2" <+> (ppr rep_con_app_ty $$ ppr con_arg_tys $$ ppr subst))
; return con_arg_tys }
univ_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars dc
ex_tvs = dataConExTyVars dc
check1 :: QuantifiedType -> Bool
check1 (tvs, _) = not $ any isHigherKind (map tyVarKind tvs)
isHigherKind = not . null . fst . splitKindFunTys
check2 :: QuantifiedType -> QuantifiedType -> Bool
check2 (_, rtti_ty) (_, old_ty)
| Just (_, rttis) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rtti_ty
= case () of
_ | Just (_,olds) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe old_ty
-> and$ zipWith check2 (map quantifyType rttis) (map quantifyType olds)
_ | Just _ <- splitAppTy_maybe old_ty
-> isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs rtti_ty
_ -> True
| otherwise = True
congruenceNewtypes :: TcType -> TcType -> TR (TcType,TcType)
congruenceNewtypes lhs rhs = go lhs rhs >>= \rhs' -> return (lhs,rhs')
go l r
| Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe l
, isTcTyVar tv
, isMetaTyVar tv
= recoverTR (return r) $ do
Indirect ty_v <- readMetaTyVar tv
traceTR $ fsep [text "(congruence) Following indirect tyvar:",
ppr tv, equals, ppr ty_v]
go ty_v r
| Just (l1,l2) <- splitFunTy_maybe l
, Just (r1,r2) <- splitFunTy_maybe r
= do r2' <- go l2 r2
r1' <- go l1 r1
return (mkFunTy r1' r2')
| Just (tycon_l, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe lhs
, Just (tycon_r, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rhs
, tycon_l /= tycon_r
= upgrade tycon_l r
| otherwise = return r
where upgrade :: TyCon -> Type -> TR Type
upgrade new_tycon ty
| not (isNewTyCon new_tycon) = do
traceTR (text "(Upgrade) Not matching newtype evidence: " <>
ppr new_tycon <> text " for " <> ppr ty)
return ty
| otherwise = do
traceTR (text "(Upgrade) upgraded " <> ppr ty <>
text " in presence of newtype evidence " <> ppr new_tycon)
(_, vars, _) <- instTyVars (tyConTyVars new_tycon)
let ty' = mkTyConApp new_tycon vars
UnaryRep rep_ty = repType ty'
_ <- liftTcM (unifyType ty rep_ty)
return ty'
zonkTerm :: Term -> TcM Term
zonkTerm = foldTermM (TermFoldM
{ fTermM = \ty dc v tt -> zonkRttiType ty >>= \ty' ->
return (Term ty' dc v tt)
, fSuspensionM = \ct ty v b -> zonkRttiType ty >>= \ty ->
return (Suspension ct ty v b)
, fNewtypeWrapM = \ty dc t -> zonkRttiType ty >>= \ty' ->
return$ NewtypeWrap ty' dc t
, fRefWrapM = \ty t -> return RefWrap `ap`
zonkRttiType ty `ap` return t
, fPrimM = (return.) . Prim })
zonkRttiType :: TcType -> TcM Type
zonkRttiType = zonkTcTypeToType (mkEmptyZonkEnv zonk_unbound_meta)
zonk_unbound_meta tv
= ASSERT( isTcTyVar tv )
do { tv' <- skolemiseUnboundMetaTyVar tv RuntimeUnk
; return (mkTyVarTy tv') }
dictsView :: Type -> Type
dictsView ty = ty
isMonomorphic :: RttiType -> Bool
isMonomorphic ty = noExistentials && noUniversals
where (tvs, _, ty') = tcSplitSigmaTy ty
noExistentials = isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfType ty')
noUniversals = null tvs
isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs :: RttiType -> Bool
isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs ty
| UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType ty
, Just (tc, all_args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rep_ty
, phantom_vars <- tyConPhantomTyVars tc
, concrete_args <- [ arg | (tyv,arg) <- tyConTyVars tc `zip` all_args
, tyv `notElem` phantom_vars]
= all isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs concrete_args
| Just (ty1, ty2) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty
= all isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs [ty1,ty2]
| otherwise = isMonomorphic ty
tyConPhantomTyVars :: TyCon -> [TyVar]
tyConPhantomTyVars tc
| isAlgTyCon tc
, Just dcs <- tyConDataCons_maybe tc
, dc_vars <- concatMap dataConUnivTyVars dcs
= tyConTyVars tc \\ dc_vars
tyConPhantomTyVars _ = []
type QuantifiedType = ([TyVar], Type)
quantifyType :: Type -> QuantifiedType
quantifyType ty = (varSetElems (tyVarsOfType rho), rho)
(_tvs, rho) = tcSplitForAllTys ty
unlessM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
unlessM condM acc = condM >>= \c -> unless c acc
appArr :: Ix i => (e -> a) -> Array i e -> Int -> a
appArr f a@(Array _ _ _ ptrs#) i@(I# i#)
= ASSERT2(i < length(elems a), ppr(length$ elems a, i))
case indexArray# ptrs# i# of
(# e #) -> f e
amap' :: (t -> b) -> Array Int t -> [b]
amap' f (Array i0 i _ arr#) = map g [0 .. i i0]
where g (I# i#) = case indexArray# arr# i# of
(# e #) -> f e