-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006-2012

module Kind (
        -- * Main data type
        Kind, typeKind,

        -- ** Predicates on Kinds
        isLiftedTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind,
        returnsTyCon, returnsConstraintKind,
        okArrowArgKind, okArrowResultKind,

        isStarKind, isStarKindSynonymTyCon,
        isLevityPolymorphic, isLevityPolymorphic_maybe
       ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import {-# SOURCE #-} Type       ( typeKind, coreViewOneStarKind )

import TyCoRep
import TyCon
import Var
import PrelNames
import Data.Maybe
import Util  ( (<&&>) )

*                                                                      *
        Functions over Kinds
*                                                                      *

Note [Kind Constraint and kind *]
The kind Constraint is the kind of classes and other type constraints.
The special thing about types of kind Constraint is that
 * They are displayed with double arrow:
     f :: Ord a => a -> a
 * They are implicitly instantiated at call sites; so the type inference
   engine inserts an extra argument of type (Ord a) at every call site
   to f.

However, once type inference is over, there is *no* distinction between
Constraint and *.  Indeed we can have coercions between the two. Consider
   class C a where
     op :: a -> a
For this single-method class we may generate a newtype, which in turn
generates an axiom witnessing
    Ord a ~ (a -> a)
so on the left we have Constraint, and on the right we have *.
See Trac #7451.

Bottom line: although '*' and 'Constraint' are distinct TyCons, with
distinct uniques, they are treated as equal at all times except
during type inference.

isConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
isConstraintKindCon :: TyCon -> Bool

isConstraintKindCon   tc = tyConUnique tc == constraintKindTyConKey

isConstraintKind (TyConApp tc _) = isConstraintKindCon tc
isConstraintKind _               = False

-- | Does the given type "end" in the given tycon? For example @k -> [a] -> *@
-- ends in @*@ and @Maybe a -> [a]@ ends in @[]@.
returnsTyCon :: Unique -> Type -> Bool
returnsTyCon tc_u (ForAllTy _ ty)  = returnsTyCon tc_u ty
returnsTyCon tc_u (TyConApp tc' _) = tc' `hasKey` tc_u
returnsTyCon _  _                  = False

returnsConstraintKind :: Kind -> Bool
returnsConstraintKind = returnsTyCon constraintKindTyConKey

-- | Tests whether the given type looks like "TYPE v", where v is a variable.
isLevityPolymorphic :: Kind -> Bool
isLevityPolymorphic = isJust . isLevityPolymorphic_maybe

-- | Retrieves a levity variable in the given kind, if the kind is of the
-- form "TYPE v".
isLevityPolymorphic_maybe :: Kind -> Maybe TyVar
isLevityPolymorphic_maybe k
  | Just k' <- coreViewOneStarKind k = isLevityPolymorphic_maybe k'
isLevityPolymorphic_maybe (TyConApp tc [TyVarTy v])
  | tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
  = Just v
isLevityPolymorphic_maybe _ = Nothing

--            Kinding for arrow (->)
-- Says when a kind is acceptable on lhs or rhs of an arrow
--     arg -> res

okArrowArgKind, okArrowResultKind :: Kind -> Bool
okArrowArgKind = classifiesTypeWithValues <&&> (not . isLevityPolymorphic)
okArrowResultKind = classifiesTypeWithValues

--              Subkinding
-- The tc variants are used during type-checking, where ConstraintKind
-- is distinct from all other kinds
-- After type-checking (in core), Constraint and liftedTypeKind are
-- indistinguishable

-- | Does this classify a type allowed to have values? Responds True to things
-- like *, #, TYPE Lifted, TYPE v, Constraint.
classifiesTypeWithValues :: Kind -> Bool
-- ^ True of any sub-kind of OpenTypeKind
classifiesTypeWithValues t | Just t' <- coreViewOneStarKind t = classifiesTypeWithValues t'
classifiesTypeWithValues (TyConApp tc [_]) = tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
classifiesTypeWithValues _ = False

-- | Is this kind equivalent to *?
isStarKind :: Kind -> Bool
isStarKind k | Just k' <- coreViewOneStarKind k = isStarKind k'
isStarKind (TyConApp tc [TyConApp l []]) = tc `hasKey` tYPETyConKey
                                        && l `hasKey` liftedDataConKey
isStarKind _ = False
                              -- See Note [Kind Constraint and kind *]

-- | Is the tycon @Constraint@?
isStarKindSynonymTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isStarKindSynonymTyCon tc = tc `hasKey` constraintKindTyConKey