{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes    #-}
module Distribution.FieldGrammar.FieldDescrs (
    ) where

import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import Data.List                   (dropWhileEnd)
import Distribution.Compat.Lens    (aview, cloneLens)
import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
import Distribution.FieldGrammar
import Distribution.Pretty         (pretty, showFreeText)

import qualified Data.Map                        as Map
import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as C
import qualified Distribution.Fields.Field       as P
import qualified Distribution.Parsec             as P
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint                as Disp

-- strict pair
data SP s = SP
    { pPretty :: !(s -> Disp.Doc)
    , pParse  :: !(forall m. P.CabalParsing m => s -> m s)

-- | A collection field parsers and pretty-printers.
newtype FieldDescrs s a = F { runF :: Map P.FieldName (SP s) }
  deriving (Functor)

instance Applicative (FieldDescrs s) where
    pure _  = F mempty
    f <*> x = F (mappend (runF f) (runF x))

singletonF :: P.FieldName -> (s -> Disp.Doc) -> (forall m. P.CabalParsing m => s -> m s) -> FieldDescrs s a
singletonF fn f g = F $ Map.singleton fn (SP f g)

-- | Lookup a field value pretty-printer.
fieldDescrPretty :: FieldDescrs s a -> P.FieldName -> Maybe (s -> Disp.Doc)
fieldDescrPretty (F m) fn = pPretty <$> Map.lookup fn m

-- | Lookup a field value parser.
fieldDescrParse :: P.CabalParsing m => FieldDescrs s a -> P.FieldName -> Maybe (s -> m s)
fieldDescrParse (F m) fn = pParse <$> Map.lookup fn m

    :: P.CabalParsing m
    => FieldDescrs s a
    -> [(P.FieldName, s -> Disp.Doc, s -> m s)]
fieldDescrsToList = map mk . Map.toList . runF where
    mk (name, SP ppr parse) = (name, ppr, parse)

-- | /Note:/ default values are printed.
instance FieldGrammar FieldDescrs where
    blurFieldGrammar l (F m) = F (fmap blur m) where
        blur (SP f g) = SP (f . aview l) (cloneLens l g)

    booleanFieldDef fn l _def = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = Disp.text (show (aview l s))
        g s = cloneLens l (const P.parsec) s
      -- Note: eta expansion is needed for RankNTypes type-checking to work.

    uniqueFieldAla fn _pack l = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = pretty (pack' _pack (aview l s))
        g s = cloneLens l (const (unpack' _pack <$> P.parsec)) s

    optionalFieldAla fn _pack l = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = maybe mempty (pretty . pack' _pack) (aview l s)
        g s = cloneLens l (const (Just . unpack' _pack <$> P.parsec)) s

    optionalFieldDefAla fn _pack l _def = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = pretty (pack' _pack (aview l s))
        g s = cloneLens l (const (unpack' _pack <$> P.parsec)) s

    freeTextField fn l = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = maybe mempty showFreeText (aview l s)
        g s = cloneLens l (const (Just <$> parsecFreeText)) s

    freeTextFieldDef fn l = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = showFreeText (aview l s)
        g s = cloneLens l (const parsecFreeText) s

    monoidalFieldAla fn _pack l = singletonF fn f g where
        f s = pretty (pack' _pack (aview l s))
        g s = cloneLens l (\x -> mappend x . unpack' _pack <$> P.parsec) s

    prefixedFields _fnPfx _l = F mempty
    knownField _           = pure ()
    deprecatedSince _  _ x = x
    removedIn _ _ x        = x
    availableSince _ _     = id
    hiddenField _          = F mempty

parsecFreeText :: P.CabalParsing m => m String
parsecFreeText = dropDotLines <$ C.spaces <*> many C.anyChar
    -- Example package with dot lines
    -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/copilot-cbmc-0.1/copilot-cbmc.cabal
    dropDotLines "." = "."
    dropDotLines x = intercalate "\n" . map dotToEmpty . lines $ x

    dotToEmpty x | trim' x == "." = ""
    dotToEmpty x                  = trim x

    trim' :: String -> String
    trim' = dropWhileEnd (`elem` (" \t" :: String))

    trim :: String -> String
    trim = dropWhile isSpace . dropWhileEnd isSpace