{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP #-}

-- | Carries interesting info for debugging / profiling of the
--   graph coloring register allocator.
module RegAlloc.Graph.Stats (
        RegAllocStats (..),


        countSRMs, addSRM
) where

import GhcPrelude

import qualified GraphColor as Color
import RegAlloc.Liveness
import RegAlloc.Graph.Spill
import RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost
import RegAlloc.Graph.TrivColorable
import Instruction
import RegClass
import Reg
import TargetReg

import Outputable
import UniqFM
import UniqSet
import State

-- | Holds interesting statistics from the register allocator.
data RegAllocStats statics instr

        -- Information about the initial conflict graph.
        = RegAllocStatsStart
        { -- | Initial code, with liveness.
          raLiveCmm     :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | The initial, uncolored graph.
        , raGraph       :: Color.Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg

          -- | Information to help choose which regs to spill.
        , raSpillCosts  :: SpillCostInfo }

        -- Information about an intermediate graph.
        -- This is one that we couldn't color, so had to insert spill code
        -- instruction stream.
        | RegAllocStatsSpill
        { -- | Code we tried to allocate registers for.
          raCode        :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | Partially colored graph.
        , raGraph       :: Color.Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg

          -- | The regs that were coalesced.
        , raCoalesced   :: UniqFM VirtualReg

          -- | Spiller stats.
        , raSpillStats  :: SpillStats

          -- | Number of instructions each reg lives for.
        , raSpillCosts  :: SpillCostInfo

          -- | Code with spill instructions added.
        , raSpilled     :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr] }

        -- a successful coloring
        | RegAllocStatsColored
        { -- | Code we tried to allocate registers for.
          raCode          :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | Uncolored graph.
        , raGraph         :: Color.Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg

          -- | Coalesced and colored graph.
        , raGraphColored  :: Color.Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg

          -- | Regs that were coalesced.
        , raCoalesced     :: UniqFM VirtualReg

          -- | Code with coalescings applied.
        , raCodeCoalesced :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | Code with vregs replaced by hregs.
        , raPatched       :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | Code with unneeded spill\/reloads cleaned out.
        , raSpillClean    :: [LiveCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | Final code.
        , raFinal         :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr]

          -- | Spill\/reload\/reg-reg moves present in this code.
        , raSRMs          :: (Int, Int, Int) }

instance (Outputable statics, Outputable instr)
       => Outputable (RegAllocStats statics instr) where

 ppr (s@RegAllocStatsStart{}) = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
           text "#  Start"
        $$ text "#  Native code with liveness information."
        $$ ppr (raLiveCmm s)
        $$ text ""
        $$ text "#  Initial register conflict graph."
        $$ Color.dotGraph
                (targetRegDotColor platform)
                (trivColorable platform
                        (targetVirtualRegSqueeze platform)
                        (targetRealRegSqueeze platform))
                (raGraph s)

 ppr (s@RegAllocStatsSpill{}) =
           text "#  Spill"

        $$ text "#  Code with liveness information."
        $$ ppr (raCode s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ (if (not $ isNullUFM $ raCoalesced s)
                then    text "#  Registers coalesced."
                        $$ pprUFMWithKeys (raCoalesced s) (vcat . map ppr)
                        $$ text ""
                else empty)

        $$ text "#  Spills inserted."
        $$ ppr (raSpillStats s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ text "#  Code with spills inserted."
        $$ ppr (raSpilled s)

 ppr (s@RegAllocStatsColored { raSRMs = (spills, reloads, moves) })
    = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
           text "#  Colored"

        $$ text "#  Code with liveness information."
        $$ ppr (raCode s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ text "#  Register conflict graph (colored)."
        $$ Color.dotGraph
                (targetRegDotColor platform)
                (trivColorable platform
                        (targetVirtualRegSqueeze platform)
                        (targetRealRegSqueeze platform))
                (raGraphColored s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ (if (not $ isNullUFM $ raCoalesced s)
                then    text "#  Registers coalesced."
                        $$ pprUFMWithKeys (raCoalesced s) (vcat . map ppr)
                        $$ text ""
                else empty)

        $$ text "#  Native code after coalescings applied."
        $$ ppr (raCodeCoalesced s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ text "#  Native code after register allocation."
        $$ ppr (raPatched s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ text "#  Clean out unneeded spill/reloads."
        $$ ppr (raSpillClean s)
        $$ text ""

        $$ text "#  Final code, after rewriting spill/rewrite pseudo instrs."
        $$ ppr (raFinal s)
        $$ text ""
        $$  text "#  Score:"
        $$ (text "#          spills  inserted: " <> int spills)
        $$ (text "#          reloads inserted: " <> int reloads)
        $$ (text "#   reg-reg moves remaining: " <> int moves)
        $$ text ""

-- | Do all the different analysis on this list of RegAllocStats
        :: [RegAllocStats statics instr]
        -> Color.Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg
        -> SDoc

pprStats stats graph
 = let  outSpills       = pprStatsSpills    stats
        outLife         = pprStatsLifetimes stats
        outConflict     = pprStatsConflict  stats
        outScatter      = pprStatsLifeConflict stats graph

  in    vcat [outSpills, outLife, outConflict, outScatter]

-- | Dump a table of how many spill loads \/ stores were inserted for each vreg.
        :: [RegAllocStats statics instr] -> SDoc

pprStatsSpills stats
 = let
        finals  = [ s   | s@RegAllocStatsColored{} <- stats]

        -- sum up how many stores\/loads\/reg-reg-moves were left in the code
        total   = foldl' addSRM (0, 0, 0)
                $ map raSRMs finals

    in  (  text "-- spills-added-total"
        $$ text "--    (stores, loads, reg_reg_moves_remaining)"
        $$ ppr total
        $$ text "")

-- | Dump a table of how long vregs tend to live for in the initial code.
        :: [RegAllocStats statics instr] -> SDoc

pprStatsLifetimes stats
 = let  info            = foldl' plusSpillCostInfo zeroSpillCostInfo
                                [ raSpillCosts s
                                        | s@RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats ]

        lifeBins        = binLifetimeCount $ lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo info

   in   (  text "-- vreg-population-lifetimes"
        $$ text "--   (instruction_count, number_of_vregs_that_lived_that_long)"
        $$ pprUFM lifeBins (vcat . map ppr)
        $$ text "\n")

binLifetimeCount :: UniqFM (VirtualReg, Int) -> UniqFM (Int, Int)
binLifetimeCount fm
 = let  lifes   = map (\l -> (l, (l, 1)))
                $ map snd
                $ nonDetEltsUFM fm
                -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]

   in   addListToUFM_C
                (\(l1, c1) (_, c2) -> (l1, c1 + c2))

-- | Dump a table of how many conflicts vregs tend to have in the initial code.
        :: [RegAllocStats statics instr] -> SDoc

pprStatsConflict stats
 = let  confMap = foldl' (plusUFM_C (\(c1, n1) (_, n2) -> (c1, n1 + n2)))
                $ map Color.slurpNodeConflictCount
                        [ raGraph s | s@RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats ]

   in   (  text "-- vreg-conflicts"
        $$ text "--   (conflict_count, number_of_vregs_that_had_that_many_conflicts)"
        $$ pprUFM confMap (vcat . map ppr)
        $$ text "\n")

-- | For every vreg, dump how many conflicts it has, and its lifetime.
--      Good for making a scatter plot.
        :: [RegAllocStats statics instr]
        -> Color.Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg -- ^ global register conflict graph
        -> SDoc

pprStatsLifeConflict stats graph
 = let  lifeMap = lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo
                $ foldl' plusSpillCostInfo zeroSpillCostInfo
                $ [ raSpillCosts s | s@RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats ]

        scatter = map   (\r ->  let lifetime  = case lookupUFM lifeMap r of
                                                      Just (_, l) -> l
                                                      Nothing     -> 0
                                    Just node = Color.lookupNode graph r
                                in parens $ hcat $ punctuate (text ", ")
                                        [ doubleQuotes $ ppr $ Color.nodeId node
                                        , ppr $ sizeUniqSet (Color.nodeConflicts node)
                                        , ppr $ lifetime ])
                $ map Color.nodeId
                $ nonDetEltsUFM
                -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
                $ Color.graphMap graph

   in   (  text "-- vreg-conflict-lifetime"
        $$ text "--   (vreg, vreg_conflicts, vreg_lifetime)"
        $$ (vcat scatter)
        $$ text "\n")

-- | Count spill/reload/reg-reg moves.
--      Lets us see how well the register allocator has done.
        :: Instruction instr
        => LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> (Int, Int, Int)

countSRMs cmm
        = execState (mapBlockTopM countSRM_block cmm) (0, 0, 0)

        :: Instruction instr
        => GenBasicBlock (LiveInstr instr)
        -> State (Int, Int, Int) (GenBasicBlock (LiveInstr instr))

countSRM_block (BasicBlock i instrs)
 = do   instrs' <- mapM countSRM_instr instrs
        return  $ BasicBlock i instrs'

        :: Instruction instr
        => LiveInstr instr -> State (Int, Int, Int) (LiveInstr instr)

countSRM_instr li
        | LiveInstr SPILL{} _    <- li
        = do    modify  $ \(s, r, m)    -> (s + 1, r, m)
                return li

        | LiveInstr RELOAD{} _  <- li
        = do    modify  $ \(s, r, m)    -> (s, r + 1, m)
                return li

        | LiveInstr instr _     <- li
        , Just _        <- takeRegRegMoveInstr instr
        = do    modify  $ \(s, r, m)    -> (s, r, m + 1)
                return li

        | otherwise
        =       return li

-- sigh..
addSRM :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
addSRM (s1, r1, m1) (s2, r2, m2)
 = let  !s = s1 + s2
        !r = r1 + r2
        !m = m1 + m2
   in   (s, r, m)