#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
#ifndef TESTING
module Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ (
Doc, TextDetails(..), AnnotDetails(..),
char, text, ptext, sizedText, zeroWidthText,
int, integer, float, double, rational,
semi, comma, colon, space, equals,
lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace,
parens, brackets, braces, quotes, doubleQuotes,
maybeParens, maybeBrackets, maybeBraces, maybeQuotes, maybeDoubleQuotes,
(<>), (<+>), hcat, hsep,
($$), ($+$), vcat,
sep, cat,
fsep, fcat,
hang, punctuate,
first, reduceDoc,
renderSpans, Span(..),
) where
import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData(rnf) )
import Data.Function ( on )
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semi ( Semigroup((<>)) )
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid(mempty, mappend) )
import Data.String ( IsString(fromString) )
import GHC.Generics
infixl 6 <>
infixl 6 <+>
infixl 5 $$, $+$
data Doc a
= Empty
| NilAbove (Doc a)
| TextBeside !(AnnotDetails a) (Doc a)
| Nest !Int (Doc a)
| Union (Doc a) (Doc a)
| NoDoc
| Beside (Doc a) Bool (Doc a)
| Above (Doc a) Bool (Doc a)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
deriving (Generic)
type RDoc = Doc
data AnnotDetails a = AnnotStart
| NoAnnot !TextDetails !Int
| AnnotEnd a
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Functor AnnotDetails where
fmap _ AnnotStart = AnnotStart
fmap _ (NoAnnot d i) = NoAnnot d i
fmap f (AnnotEnd a) = AnnotEnd (f a)
annotSize :: AnnotDetails a -> Int
annotSize (NoAnnot _ l) = l
annotSize _ = 0
data TextDetails = Chr !Char
| Str String
| PStr String
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
instance Semi.Semigroup (Doc a) where
(<>) = (Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ.<>)
instance Monoid (Doc a) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (Semi.<>)
instance Monoid (Doc a) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<>)
instance IsString (Doc a) where
fromString = text
instance Show (Doc a) where
showsPrec _ doc cont = fullRender (mode style) (lineLength style)
(ribbonsPerLine style)
txtPrinter cont doc
instance Eq (Doc a) where
(==) = (==) `on` render
instance Functor Doc where
fmap _ Empty = Empty
fmap f (NilAbove d) = NilAbove (fmap f d)
fmap f (TextBeside td d) = TextBeside (fmap f td) (fmap f d)
fmap f (Nest k d) = Nest k (fmap f d)
fmap f (Union ur ul) = Union (fmap f ur) (fmap f ul)
fmap _ NoDoc = NoDoc
fmap f (Beside ld s rd) = Beside (fmap f ld) s (fmap f rd)
fmap f (Above ud s ld) = Above (fmap f ud) s (fmap f ld)
instance NFData a => NFData (Doc a) where
rnf Empty = ()
rnf (NilAbove d) = rnf d
rnf (TextBeside td d) = rnf td `seq` rnf d
rnf (Nest k d) = rnf k `seq` rnf d
rnf (Union ur ul) = rnf ur `seq` rnf ul
rnf NoDoc = ()
rnf (Beside ld s rd) = rnf ld `seq` rnf s `seq` rnf rd
rnf (Above ud s ld) = rnf ud `seq` rnf s `seq` rnf ld
instance NFData a => NFData (AnnotDetails a) where
rnf AnnotStart = ()
rnf (NoAnnot d sl) = rnf d `seq` rnf sl
rnf (AnnotEnd a) = rnf a
instance NFData TextDetails where
rnf (Chr c) = rnf c
rnf (Str str) = rnf str
rnf (PStr str) = rnf str
annotate :: a -> Doc a -> Doc a
annotate a d = TextBeside AnnotStart
$ beside (reduceDoc d) False
$ TextBeside (AnnotEnd a) Empty
char :: Char -> Doc a
char c = textBeside_ (NoAnnot (Chr c) 1) Empty
text :: String -> Doc a
text s = case length s of {sl -> textBeside_ (NoAnnot (Str s) sl) Empty}
ptext :: String -> Doc a
ptext s = case length s of {sl -> textBeside_ (NoAnnot (PStr s) sl) Empty}
sizedText :: Int -> String -> Doc a
sizedText l s = textBeside_ (NoAnnot (Str s) l) Empty
zeroWidthText :: String -> Doc a
zeroWidthText = sizedText 0
empty :: Doc a
empty = Empty
isEmpty :: Doc a -> Bool
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False
indent :: Int -> String
indent !n = replicate n ' '
semi :: Doc a
comma :: Doc a
colon :: Doc a
space :: Doc a
equals :: Doc a
lparen :: Doc a
rparen :: Doc a
lbrack :: Doc a
rbrack :: Doc a
lbrace :: Doc a
rbrace :: Doc a
semi = char ';'
comma = char ','
colon = char ':'
space = char ' '
equals = char '='
lparen = char '('
rparen = char ')'
lbrack = char '['
rbrack = char ']'
lbrace = char '{'
rbrace = char '}'
spaceText, nlText :: AnnotDetails a
spaceText = NoAnnot (Chr ' ') 1
nlText = NoAnnot (Chr '\n') 1
int :: Int -> Doc a
integer :: Integer -> Doc a
float :: Float -> Doc a
double :: Double -> Doc a
rational :: Rational -> Doc a
int n = text (show n)
integer n = text (show n)
float n = text (show n)
double n = text (show n)
rational n = text (show n)
parens :: Doc a -> Doc a
brackets :: Doc a -> Doc a
braces :: Doc a -> Doc a
quotes :: Doc a -> Doc a
doubleQuotes :: Doc a -> Doc a
quotes p = char '\'' <> p <> char '\''
doubleQuotes p = char '"' <> p <> char '"'
parens p = char '(' <> p <> char ')'
brackets p = char '[' <> p <> char ']'
braces p = char '{' <> p <> char '}'
maybeParens :: Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
maybeParens False = id
maybeParens True = parens
maybeBrackets :: Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
maybeBrackets False = id
maybeBrackets True = brackets
maybeBraces :: Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
maybeBraces False = id
maybeBraces True = braces
maybeQuotes :: Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
maybeQuotes False = id
maybeQuotes True = quotes
maybeDoubleQuotes :: Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
maybeDoubleQuotes False = id
maybeDoubleQuotes True = doubleQuotes
reduceDoc :: Doc a -> RDoc a
reduceDoc (Beside p g q) = beside p g (reduceDoc q)
reduceDoc (Above p g q) = above p g (reduceDoc q)
reduceDoc p = p
hcat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
hcat = snd . reduceHoriz . foldr (\p q -> Beside p False q) empty
hsep :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
hsep = snd . reduceHoriz . foldr (\p q -> Beside p True q) empty
vcat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
vcat = snd . reduceVert . foldr (\p q -> Above p False q) empty
nest :: Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
nest k p = mkNest k (reduceDoc p)
hang :: Doc a -> Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
hang d1 n d2 = sep [d1, nest n d2]
punctuate :: Doc a -> [Doc a] -> [Doc a]
punctuate _ [] = []
punctuate p (x:xs) = go x xs
where go y [] = [y]
go y (z:zs) = (y <> p) : go z zs
mkNest :: Int -> Doc a -> Doc a
mkNest k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
mkNest k (Nest k1 p) = mkNest (k + k1) p
mkNest _ NoDoc = NoDoc
mkNest _ Empty = Empty
mkNest 0 p = p
mkNest k p = nest_ k p
mkUnion :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
mkUnion Empty _ = Empty
mkUnion p q = p `union_` q
data IsEmpty = IsEmpty | NotEmpty
reduceHoriz :: Doc a -> (IsEmpty, Doc a)
reduceHoriz (Beside p g q) = eliminateEmpty Beside (snd (reduceHoriz p)) g (reduceHoriz q)
reduceHoriz doc = (NotEmpty, doc)
reduceVert :: Doc a -> (IsEmpty, Doc a)
reduceVert (Above p g q) = eliminateEmpty Above (snd (reduceVert p)) g (reduceVert q)
reduceVert doc = (NotEmpty, doc)
eliminateEmpty ::
(Doc a -> Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a) ->
Doc a -> Bool -> (IsEmpty, Doc a) -> (IsEmpty, Doc a)
eliminateEmpty _ Empty _ q = q
eliminateEmpty cons p g q =
case q of
(NotEmpty, q') -> cons p g q'
(IsEmpty, _) -> p)
nilAbove_ :: RDoc a -> RDoc a
nilAbove_ = NilAbove
textBeside_ :: AnnotDetails a -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
textBeside_ = TextBeside
nest_ :: Int -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
nest_ = Nest
union_ :: RDoc a -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
union_ = Union
($$) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
p $$ q = above_ p False q
($+$) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
p $+$ q = above_ p True q
above_ :: Doc a -> Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
above_ p _ Empty = p
above_ Empty _ q = q
above_ p g q = Above p g q
above :: Doc a -> Bool -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
above (Above p g1 q1) g2 q2 = above p g1 (above q1 g2 q2)
above p@(Beside{}) g q = aboveNest (reduceDoc p) g 0 (reduceDoc q)
above p g q = aboveNest p g 0 (reduceDoc q)
aboveNest :: RDoc a -> Bool -> Int -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
aboveNest _ _ k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
aboveNest NoDoc _ _ _ = NoDoc
aboveNest (p1 `Union` p2) g k q = aboveNest p1 g k q `union_`
aboveNest p2 g k q
aboveNest Empty _ k q = mkNest k q
aboveNest (Nest k1 p) g k q = nest_ k1 (aboveNest p g (k k1) q)
aboveNest (NilAbove p) g k q = nilAbove_ (aboveNest p g k q)
aboveNest (TextBeside s p) g k q = TextBeside s rest
!k1 = k annotSize s
rest = case p of
Empty -> nilAboveNest g k1 q
_ -> aboveNest p g k1 q
aboveNest (Above {}) _ _ _ = error "aboveNest Above"
aboveNest (Beside {}) _ _ _ = error "aboveNest Beside"
nilAboveNest :: Bool -> Int -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
nilAboveNest _ k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
nilAboveNest _ _ Empty = Empty
nilAboveNest g k (Nest k1 q) = nilAboveNest g (k + k1) q
nilAboveNest g k q | not g && k > 0
= textBeside_ (NoAnnot (Str (indent k)) k) q
| otherwise
= nilAbove_ (mkNest k q)
(<>) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
p <> q = beside_ p False q
(<+>) :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
p <+> q = beside_ p True q
beside_ :: Doc a -> Bool -> Doc a -> Doc a
beside_ p _ Empty = p
beside_ Empty _ q = q
beside_ p g q = Beside p g q
beside :: Doc a -> Bool -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
beside NoDoc _ _ = NoDoc
beside (p1 `Union` p2) g q = beside p1 g q `union_` beside p2 g q
beside Empty _ q = q
beside (Nest k p) g q = nest_ k $! beside p g q
beside p@(Beside p1 g1 q1) g2 q2
| g1 == g2 = beside p1 g1 $! beside q1 g2 q2
| otherwise = beside (reduceDoc p) g2 q2
beside p@(Above{}) g q = let !d = reduceDoc p in beside d g q
beside (NilAbove p) g q = nilAbove_ $! beside p g q
beside (TextBeside t p) g q = TextBeside t $! rest
rest = case p of
Empty -> nilBeside g q
_ -> beside p g q
nilBeside :: Bool -> RDoc a -> RDoc a
nilBeside _ Empty = Empty
nilBeside g (Nest _ p) = nilBeside g p
nilBeside g p | g = textBeside_ spaceText p
| otherwise = p
sep :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
sep = sepX True
cat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
cat = sepX False
sepX :: Bool -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
sepX _ [] = empty
sepX x (p:ps) = sep1 x (reduceDoc p) 0 ps
sep1 :: Bool -> RDoc a -> Int -> [Doc a] -> RDoc a
sep1 _ _ k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
sep1 _ NoDoc _ _ = NoDoc
sep1 g (p `Union` q) k ys = sep1 g p k ys `union_`
aboveNest q False k (reduceDoc (vcat ys))
sep1 g Empty k ys = mkNest k (sepX g ys)
sep1 g (Nest n p) k ys = nest_ n (sep1 g p (k n) ys)
sep1 _ (NilAbove p) k ys = nilAbove_
(aboveNest p False k (reduceDoc (vcat ys)))
sep1 g (TextBeside s p) k ys = textBeside_ s (sepNB g p (k annotSize s) ys)
sep1 _ (Above {}) _ _ = error "sep1 Above"
sep1 _ (Beside {}) _ _ = error "sep1 Beside"
sepNB :: Bool -> Doc a -> Int -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
sepNB g (Nest _ p) k ys
= sepNB g p k ys
sepNB g Empty k ys
= oneLiner (nilBeside g (reduceDoc rest)) `mkUnion`
nilAboveNest False k (reduceDoc (vcat ys))
rest | g = hsep ys
| otherwise = hcat ys
sepNB g p k ys
= sep1 g p k ys
fcat :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
fcat = fill False
fsep :: [Doc a] -> Doc a
fsep = fill True
fill :: Bool -> [Doc a] -> RDoc a
fill _ [] = empty
fill g (p:ps) = fill1 g (reduceDoc p) 0 ps
fill1 :: Bool -> RDoc a -> Int -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
fill1 _ _ k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
fill1 _ NoDoc _ _ = NoDoc
fill1 g (p `Union` q) k ys = fill1 g p k ys `union_`
aboveNest q False k (fill g ys)
fill1 g Empty k ys = mkNest k (fill g ys)
fill1 g (Nest n p) k ys = nest_ n (fill1 g p (k n) ys)
fill1 g (NilAbove p) k ys = nilAbove_ (aboveNest p False k (fill g ys))
fill1 g (TextBeside s p) k ys = textBeside_ s (fillNB g p (k annotSize s) ys)
fill1 _ (Above {}) _ _ = error "fill1 Above"
fill1 _ (Beside {}) _ _ = error "fill1 Beside"
fillNB :: Bool -> Doc a -> Int -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
fillNB _ _ k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
fillNB g (Nest _ p) k ys = fillNB g p k ys
fillNB _ Empty _ [] = Empty
fillNB g Empty k (Empty:ys) = fillNB g Empty k ys
fillNB g Empty k (y:ys) = fillNBE g k y ys
fillNB g p k ys = fill1 g p k ys
fillNBE :: Bool -> Int -> Doc a -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
fillNBE g k y ys
= nilBeside g (fill1 g ((elideNest . oneLiner . reduceDoc) y) k' ys)
`mkUnion` nilAboveNest False k (fill g (y:ys))
where k' = if g then k 1 else k
elideNest :: Doc a -> Doc a
elideNest (Nest _ d) = d
elideNest d = d
best :: Int
-> Int
-> RDoc a
-> RDoc a
best w0 r = get w0
get w _ | w == 0 && False = undefined
get _ Empty = Empty
get _ NoDoc = NoDoc
get w (NilAbove p) = nilAbove_ (get w p)
get w (TextBeside s p) = textBeside_ s (get1 w (annotSize s) p)
get w (Nest k p) = nest_ k (get (w k) p)
get w (p `Union` q) = nicest w r (get w p) (get w q)
get _ (Above {}) = error "best get Above"
get _ (Beside {}) = error "best get Beside"
get1 w _ _ | w == 0 && False = undefined
get1 _ _ Empty = Empty
get1 _ _ NoDoc = NoDoc
get1 w sl (NilAbove p) = nilAbove_ (get (w sl) p)
get1 w sl (TextBeside s p) = textBeside_ s (get1 w (sl + annotSize s) p)
get1 w sl (Nest _ p) = get1 w sl p
get1 w sl (p `Union` q) = nicest1 w r sl (get1 w sl p)
(get1 w sl q)
get1 _ _ (Above {}) = error "best get1 Above"
get1 _ _ (Beside {}) = error "best get1 Beside"
nicest :: Int -> Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
nicest !w !r = nicest1 w r 0
nicest1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
nicest1 !w !r !sl p q | fits ((w `min` r) sl) p = p
| otherwise = q
fits :: Int
-> Doc a
-> Bool
fits n _ | n < 0 = False
fits _ NoDoc = False
fits _ Empty = True
fits _ (NilAbove _) = True
fits n (TextBeside s p) = fits (n annotSize s) p
fits _ (Above {}) = error "fits Above"
fits _ (Beside {}) = error "fits Beside"
fits _ (Union {}) = error "fits Union"
fits _ (Nest {}) = error "fits Nest"
first :: Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
first p q | nonEmptySet p = p
| otherwise = q
nonEmptySet :: Doc a -> Bool
nonEmptySet NoDoc = False
nonEmptySet (_ `Union` _) = True
nonEmptySet Empty = True
nonEmptySet (NilAbove _) = True
nonEmptySet (TextBeside _ p) = nonEmptySet p
nonEmptySet (Nest _ p) = nonEmptySet p
nonEmptySet (Above {}) = error "nonEmptySet Above"
nonEmptySet (Beside {}) = error "nonEmptySet Beside"
oneLiner :: Doc a -> Doc a
oneLiner NoDoc = NoDoc
oneLiner Empty = Empty
oneLiner (NilAbove _) = NoDoc
oneLiner (TextBeside s p) = textBeside_ s (oneLiner p)
oneLiner (Nest k p) = nest_ k (oneLiner p)
oneLiner (p `Union` _) = oneLiner p
oneLiner (Above {}) = error "oneLiner Above"
oneLiner (Beside {}) = error "oneLiner Beside"
data Style
= Style { mode :: Mode
, lineLength :: Int
, ribbonsPerLine :: Float
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
style :: Style
style = Style { lineLength = 100, ribbonsPerLine = 1.5, mode = PageMode }
data Mode = PageMode
| ZigZagMode
| LeftMode
| OneLineMode
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
render :: Doc a -> String
render = fullRender (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
txtPrinter ""
renderStyle :: Style -> Doc a -> String
renderStyle s = fullRender (mode s) (lineLength s) (ribbonsPerLine s)
txtPrinter ""
txtPrinter :: TextDetails -> String -> String
txtPrinter (Chr c) s = c:s
txtPrinter (Str s1) s2 = s1 ++ s2
txtPrinter (PStr s1) s2 = s1 ++ s2
fullRender :: Mode
-> Int
-> Float
-> (TextDetails -> a -> a)
-> a
-> Doc b
-> a
fullRender m l r txt = fullRenderAnn m l r annTxt
annTxt (NoAnnot s _) = txt s
annTxt _ = id
fullRenderAnn :: Mode
-> Int
-> Float
-> (AnnotDetails b -> a -> a)
-> a
-> Doc b
-> a
fullRenderAnn OneLineMode _ _ txt end doc
= easyDisplay spaceText (\_ y -> y) txt end (reduceDoc doc)
fullRenderAnn LeftMode _ _ txt end doc
= easyDisplay nlText first txt end (reduceDoc doc)
fullRenderAnn m lineLen ribbons txt rest doc
= display m lineLen ribbonLen txt rest doc'
doc' = best bestLineLen ribbonLen (reduceDoc doc)
bestLineLen, ribbonLen :: Int
ribbonLen = round (fromIntegral lineLen / ribbons)
bestLineLen = case m of
ZigZagMode -> maxBound
_ -> lineLen
easyDisplay :: AnnotDetails b
-> (Doc b -> Doc b -> Doc b)
-> (AnnotDetails b -> a -> a)
-> a
-> Doc b
-> a
easyDisplay nlSpaceText choose txt end
= lay
lay NoDoc = error "easyDisplay: NoDoc"
lay (Union p q) = lay (choose p q)
lay (Nest _ p) = lay p
lay Empty = end
lay (NilAbove p) = nlSpaceText `txt` lay p
lay (TextBeside s p) = s `txt` lay p
lay (Above {}) = error "easyDisplay Above"
lay (Beside {}) = error "easyDisplay Beside"
display :: Mode -> Int -> Int -> (AnnotDetails b -> a -> a) -> a -> Doc b -> a
display m !page_width !ribbon_width txt end doc
= case page_width ribbon_width of { gap_width ->
case gap_width `quot` 2 of { shift ->
lay k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
lay k (Nest k1 p) = lay (k + k1) p
lay _ Empty = end
lay k (NilAbove p) = nlText `txt` lay k p
lay k (TextBeside s p)
= case m of
ZigZagMode | k >= gap_width
-> nlText `txt` (
NoAnnot (Str (replicate shift '/')) shift `txt` (
nlText `txt`
lay1 (k shift) s p ))
| k < 0
-> nlText `txt` (
NoAnnot (Str (replicate shift '\\')) shift `txt` (
nlText `txt`
lay1 (k + shift) s p ))
_ -> lay1 k s p
lay _ (Above {}) = error "display lay Above"
lay _ (Beside {}) = error "display lay Beside"
lay _ NoDoc = error "display lay NoDoc"
lay _ (Union {}) = error "display lay Union"
lay1 !k s p = let !r = k + annotSize s
in NoAnnot (Str (indent k)) k `txt` (s `txt` lay2 r p)
lay2 k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
lay2 k (NilAbove p) = nlText `txt` lay k p
lay2 k (TextBeside s p) = s `txt` lay2 (k + annotSize s) p
lay2 k (Nest _ p) = lay2 k p
lay2 _ Empty = end
lay2 _ (Above {}) = error "display lay2 Above"
lay2 _ (Beside {}) = error "display lay2 Beside"
lay2 _ NoDoc = error "display lay2 NoDoc"
lay2 _ (Union {}) = error "display lay2 Union"
lay 0 doc
data Span a = Span { spanStart :: !Int
, spanLength :: !Int
, spanAnnotation :: a
} deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Functor Span where
fmap f (Span x y a) = Span x y (f a)
data Spans a = Spans { sOffset :: !Int
, sStack :: [Int -> Span a]
, sSpans :: [Span a]
, sOutput :: String
renderSpans :: Doc ann -> (String,[Span ann])
renderSpans = finalize
. fullRenderAnn (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
Spans { sOffset = 0, sStack = [], sSpans = [], sOutput = "" }
finalize (Spans size _ spans out) = (out, map adjust spans)
adjust s = s { spanStart = size spanStart s }
mkSpan a end start = Span { spanStart = start
, spanLength = start end
, spanAnnotation = a }
spanPrinter AnnotStart s =
case sStack s of
sp : rest -> s { sSpans = sp (sOffset s) : sSpans s, sStack = rest }
_ -> error "renderSpans: stack underflow"
spanPrinter (AnnotEnd a) s =
s { sStack = mkSpan a (sOffset s) : sStack s }
spanPrinter (NoAnnot td l) s =
case td of
Chr c -> s { sOutput = c : sOutput s, sOffset = sOffset s + l }
Str t -> s { sOutput = t ++ sOutput s, sOffset = sOffset s + l }
PStr t -> s { sOutput = t ++ sOutput s, sOffset = sOffset s + l }
renderDecorated :: (ann -> String)
-> (ann -> String)
-> Doc ann -> String
renderDecorated startAnn endAnn =
finalize . fullRenderAnn (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
("", [])
annPrinter AnnotStart (rest,stack) =
case stack of
a : as -> (startAnn a ++ rest, as)
_ -> error "renderDecorated: stack underflow"
annPrinter (AnnotEnd a) (rest,stack) =
(endAnn a ++ rest, a : stack)
annPrinter (NoAnnot s _) (rest,stack) =
(txtPrinter s rest, stack)
finalize (str,_) = str
renderDecoratedM :: Monad m
=> (ann -> m r)
-> (ann -> m r)
-> (String -> m r)
-> m r
-> Doc ann -> m r
renderDecoratedM startAnn endAnn txt docEnd =
finalize . fullRenderAnn (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
(docEnd, [])
annPrinter AnnotStart (rest,stack) =
case stack of
a : as -> (startAnn a >> rest, as)
_ -> error "renderDecorated: stack underflow"
annPrinter (AnnotEnd a) (rest,stack) =
(endAnn a >> rest, a : stack)
annPrinter (NoAnnot td _) (rest,stack) =
case td of
Chr c -> (txt [c] >> rest, stack)
Str s -> (txt s >> rest, stack)
PStr s -> (txt s >> rest, stack)
finalize (m,_) = m