module TcExpr ( tcPolyExpr, tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC,
tcInferSigma, tcInferSigmaNC, tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC,
tcSyntaxOp, tcSyntaxOpGen, SyntaxOpType(..), synKnownType,
getFixedTyVars ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
import TcSplice( tcSpliceExpr, tcTypedBracket, tcUntypedBracket )
import THNames( liftStringName, liftName )
import HsSyn
import TcHsSyn
import TcRnMonad
import TcUnify
import BasicTypes
import Inst
import TcBinds ( chooseInferredQuantifiers, tcLocalBinds )
import TcSigs ( tcUserTypeSig, tcInstSig )
import TcSimplify ( simplifyInfer, InferMode(..) )
import FamInst ( tcGetFamInstEnvs, tcLookupDataFamInst )
import FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnvs )
import RnEnv ( addUsedGRE )
import RnUtils ( addNameClashErrRn, unknownSubordinateErr )
import TcEnv
import TcArrows
import TcMatches
import TcHsType
import TcPatSyn( tcPatSynBuilderOcc, nonBidirectionalErr )
import TcPat
import TcMType
import TcType
import DsMonad
import Id
import IdInfo
import ConLike
import DataCon
import PatSyn
import Name
import NameEnv
import NameSet
import RdrName
import TyCon
import TyCoRep
import Type
import TcEvidence
import VarSet
import TysWiredIn
import TysPrim( intPrimTy )
import PrimOp( tagToEnumKey )
import PrelNames
import DynFlags
import SrcLoc
import Util
import VarEnv ( emptyTidyEnv, mkInScopeSet )
import ListSetOps
import Maybes
import Outputable
import FastString
import Control.Monad
import Class(classTyCon)
import UniqSet ( nonDetEltsUniqSet )
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
tcPolyExpr, tcPolyExprNC
:: LHsExpr GhcRn
-> TcSigmaType
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId)
tcPolyExpr expr res_ty = tc_poly_expr expr (mkCheckExpType res_ty)
tcPolyExprNC expr res_ty = tc_poly_expr_nc expr (mkCheckExpType res_ty)
tc_poly_expr, tc_poly_expr_nc :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> ExpSigmaType
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId)
tc_poly_expr expr res_ty
= addExprErrCtxt expr $
do { traceTc "tcPolyExpr" (ppr res_ty); tc_poly_expr_nc expr res_ty }
tc_poly_expr_nc (L loc expr) res_ty
= do { traceTc "tcPolyExprNC" (ppr res_ty)
; (wrap, expr')
<- tcSkolemiseET GenSigCtxt res_ty $ \ res_ty ->
setSrcSpan loc $
tcExpr expr res_ty
; return $ L loc (mkHsWrap wrap expr') }
tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC
:: LHsExpr GhcRn
-> ExpRhoType
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId)
tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
= addErrCtxt (exprCtxt expr) $
tcMonoExprNC expr res_ty
tcMonoExprNC (L loc expr) res_ty
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { expr' <- tcExpr expr res_ty
; return (L loc expr') }
tcInferSigma, tcInferSigmaNC :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM ( LHsExpr GhcTcId
, TcSigmaType )
tcInferSigma expr = addErrCtxt (exprCtxt expr) (tcInferSigmaNC expr)
tcInferSigmaNC (L loc expr)
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { (expr', sigma) <- tcInferNoInst (tcExpr expr)
; return (L loc expr', sigma) }
tcInferRho, tcInferRhoNC :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId, TcRhoType)
tcInferRho expr = addErrCtxt (exprCtxt expr) (tcInferRhoNC expr)
tcInferRhoNC expr
= do { (expr', sigma) <- tcInferSigmaNC expr
; (wrap, rho) <- topInstantiate (lexprCtOrigin expr) sigma
; return (mkLHsWrap wrap expr', rho) }
tcExpr :: HsExpr GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
tcExpr (HsVar (L _ name)) res_ty = tcCheckId name res_ty
tcExpr e@(HsUnboundVar uv) res_ty = tcUnboundId e uv res_ty
tcExpr e@(HsApp {}) res_ty = tcApp1 e res_ty
tcExpr e@(HsAppType {}) res_ty = tcApp1 e res_ty
tcExpr e@(HsLit lit) res_ty
= do { let lit_ty = hsLitType lit
; tcWrapResult e (HsLit (convertLit lit)) lit_ty res_ty }
tcExpr (HsPar expr) res_ty = do { expr' <- tcMonoExprNC expr res_ty
; return (HsPar expr') }
tcExpr (HsSCC src lbl expr) res_ty
= do { expr' <- tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
; return (HsSCC src lbl expr') }
tcExpr (HsTickPragma src info srcInfo expr) res_ty
= do { expr' <- tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
; return (HsTickPragma src info srcInfo expr') }
tcExpr (HsCoreAnn src lbl expr) res_ty
= do { expr' <- tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
; return (HsCoreAnn src lbl expr') }
tcExpr (HsOverLit lit) res_ty
= do { lit' <- newOverloadedLit lit res_ty
; return (HsOverLit lit') }
tcExpr (NegApp expr neg_expr) res_ty
= do { (expr', neg_expr')
<- tcSyntaxOp NegateOrigin neg_expr [SynAny] res_ty $
\[arg_ty] ->
tcMonoExpr expr (mkCheckExpType arg_ty)
; return (NegApp expr' neg_expr') }
tcExpr e@(HsIPVar x) res_ty
= do {
ip_ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
; let ip_name = mkStrLitTy (hsIPNameFS x)
; ipClass <- tcLookupClass ipClassName
; ip_var <- emitWantedEvVar origin (mkClassPred ipClass [ip_name, ip_ty])
; tcWrapResult e (fromDict ipClass ip_name ip_ty (HsVar (noLoc ip_var)))
ip_ty res_ty }
fromDict ipClass x ty = mkHsWrap $ mkWpCastR $
unwrapIP $ mkClassPred ipClass [x,ty]
origin = IPOccOrigin x
tcExpr e@(HsOverLabel mb_fromLabel l) res_ty
= do {
loc <- getSrcSpanM
; case mb_fromLabel of
Just fromLabel -> tcExpr (applyFromLabel loc fromLabel) res_ty
Nothing -> do { isLabelClass <- tcLookupClass isLabelClassName
; alpha <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; let pred = mkClassPred isLabelClass [lbl, alpha]
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
; var <- emitWantedEvVar origin pred
; tcWrapResult e (fromDict pred (HsVar (L loc var)))
alpha res_ty } }
fromDict pred = mkHsWrap $ mkWpCastR $ unwrapIP pred
origin = OverLabelOrigin l
lbl = mkStrLitTy l
applyFromLabel loc fromLabel =
L loc (HsVar (L loc fromLabel)) `HsAppType`
mkEmptyWildCardBndrs (L loc (HsTyLit (HsStrTy NoSourceText l)))
tcExpr (HsLam match) res_ty
= do { (match', wrap) <- tcMatchLambda herald match_ctxt match res_ty
; return (mkHsWrap wrap (HsLam match')) }
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = LambdaExpr, mc_body = tcBody }
herald = sep [ text "The lambda expression" <+>
quotes (pprSetDepth (PartWay 1) $
pprMatches match),
text "has"]
tcExpr e@(HsLamCase matches) res_ty
= do { (matches', wrap)
<- tcMatchLambda msg match_ctxt matches res_ty
; return (mkHsWrap wrap $ HsLamCase matches') }
msg = sep [ text "The function" <+> quotes (ppr e)
, text "requires"]
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = CaseAlt, mc_body = tcBody }
tcExpr e@(ExprWithTySig expr sig_ty) res_ty
= do { let loc = getLoc (hsSigWcType sig_ty)
; sig_info <- checkNoErrs $
tcUserTypeSig loc sig_ty Nothing
; (expr', poly_ty) <- tcExprSig expr sig_info
; let expr'' = ExprWithTySigOut expr' sig_ty
; tcWrapResult e expr'' poly_ty res_ty }
tcExpr expr@(OpApp arg1 op fix arg2) res_ty
| (L loc (HsVar (L lv op_name))) <- op
, op_name `hasKey` seqIdKey
= do { arg1_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; let arg2_exp_ty = res_ty
; arg1' <- tcArg op arg1 arg1_ty 1
; arg2' <- addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt op arg2 2) $
tc_poly_expr_nc arg2 arg2_exp_ty
; arg2_ty <- readExpType arg2_exp_ty
; op_id <- tcLookupId op_name
; let op' = L loc (mkHsWrap (mkWpTyApps [arg1_ty, arg2_ty])
(HsVar (L lv op_id)))
; return $ OpApp arg1' op' fix arg2' }
| (L loc (HsVar (L lv op_name))) <- op
, op_name `hasKey` dollarIdKey
= do { traceTc "Application rule" (ppr op)
; (arg1', arg1_ty) <- tcInferSigma arg1
; let doc = text "The first argument of ($) takes"
orig1 = lexprCtOrigin arg1
; (wrap_arg1, [arg2_sigma], op_res_ty) <-
matchActualFunTys doc orig1 (Just (unLoc arg1)) 1 arg1_ty
; arg2' <- tcArg op arg2 arg2_sigma 2
; _ <- unifyKind (Just (HsCoreTy arg2_sigma)) (typeKind arg2_sigma) liftedTypeKind
; wrap_res <- tcSubTypeHR orig1 (Just expr) op_res_ty res_ty
; op_id <- tcLookupId op_name
; res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
; let op' = L loc (mkHsWrap (mkWpTyApps [ getRuntimeRep res_ty
, arg2_sigma
, res_ty])
(HsVar (L lv op_id)))
wrap1 = mkWpFun idHsWrapper wrap_res arg2_sigma res_ty doc
<.> wrap_arg1
doc = text "When looking at the argument to ($)"
; return (OpApp (mkLHsWrap wrap1 arg1') op' fix arg2') }
| (L loc (HsRecFld (Ambiguous lbl _))) <- op
, Just sig_ty <- obviousSig (unLoc arg1)
= do { sig_tc_ty <- tcHsSigWcType ExprSigCtxt sig_ty
; sel_name <- disambiguateSelector lbl sig_tc_ty
; let op' = L loc (HsRecFld (Unambiguous lbl sel_name))
; tcExpr (OpApp arg1 op' fix arg2) res_ty
| otherwise
= do { traceTc "Non Application rule" (ppr op)
; (wrap, op', [HsValArg arg1', HsValArg arg2'])
<- tcApp (Just $ mk_op_msg op)
op [HsValArg arg1, HsValArg arg2] res_ty
; return (mkHsWrap wrap $ OpApp arg1' op' fix arg2') }
tcExpr expr@(SectionR op arg2) res_ty
= do { (op', op_ty) <- tcInferFun op
; (wrap_fun, [arg1_ty, arg2_ty], op_res_ty)
<- matchActualFunTys (mk_op_msg op) fn_orig (Just (unLoc op)) 2 op_ty
; wrap_res <- tcSubTypeHR SectionOrigin (Just expr)
(mkFunTy arg1_ty op_res_ty) res_ty
; arg2' <- tcArg op arg2 arg2_ty 2
; return ( mkHsWrap wrap_res $
SectionR (mkLHsWrap wrap_fun op') arg2' ) }
fn_orig = lexprCtOrigin op
tcExpr expr@(SectionL arg1 op) res_ty
= do { (op', op_ty) <- tcInferFun op
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let n_reqd_args | xopt LangExt.PostfixOperators dflags = 1
| otherwise = 2
; (wrap_fn, (arg1_ty:arg_tys), op_res_ty)
<- matchActualFunTys (mk_op_msg op) fn_orig (Just (unLoc op))
n_reqd_args op_ty
; wrap_res <- tcSubTypeHR SectionOrigin (Just expr)
(mkFunTys arg_tys op_res_ty) res_ty
; arg1' <- tcArg op arg1 arg1_ty 1
; return ( mkHsWrap wrap_res $
SectionL arg1' (mkLHsWrap wrap_fn op') ) }
fn_orig = lexprCtOrigin op
tcExpr expr@(ExplicitTuple tup_args boxity) res_ty
| all tupArgPresent tup_args
= do { let arity = length tup_args
tup_tc = tupleTyCon boxity arity
; res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, arg_tys) <- matchExpectedTyConApp tup_tc res_ty
; let arg_tys' = case boxity of Unboxed -> drop arity arg_tys
Boxed -> arg_tys
; tup_args1 <- tcTupArgs tup_args arg_tys'
; return $ mkHsWrapCo coi (ExplicitTuple tup_args1 boxity) }
| otherwise
do { let arity = length tup_args
; arg_tys <- case boxity of
{ Boxed -> newFlexiTyVarTys arity liftedTypeKind
; Unboxed -> replicateM arity newOpenFlexiTyVarTy }
; let actual_res_ty
= mkFunTys [ty | (ty, (L _ (Missing _))) <- arg_tys `zip` tup_args]
(mkTupleTy boxity arg_tys)
; wrap <- tcSubTypeHR (Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "ExpTuple")
(Just expr)
actual_res_ty res_ty
; tup_args1 <- tcTupArgs tup_args arg_tys
; return $ mkHsWrap wrap (ExplicitTuple tup_args1 boxity) }
tcExpr (ExplicitSum alt arity expr _) res_ty
= do { let sum_tc = sumTyCon arity
; res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, arg_tys) <- matchExpectedTyConApp sum_tc res_ty
let arg_tys' = drop arity arg_tys
; expr' <- tcPolyExpr expr (arg_tys' `getNth` (alt 1))
; return $ mkHsWrapCo coi (ExplicitSum alt arity expr' arg_tys') }
tcExpr (ExplicitList _ witness exprs) res_ty
= case witness of
Nothing -> do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedListTy res_ty
; exprs' <- mapM (tc_elt elt_ty) exprs
; return $
mkHsWrapCo coi $ ExplicitList elt_ty Nothing exprs' }
Just fln -> do { ((exprs', elt_ty), fln')
<- tcSyntaxOp ListOrigin fln
[synKnownType intTy, SynList] res_ty $
\ [elt_ty] ->
do { exprs' <-
mapM (tc_elt elt_ty) exprs
; return (exprs', elt_ty) }
; return $ ExplicitList elt_ty (Just fln') exprs' }
where tc_elt elt_ty expr = tcPolyExpr expr elt_ty
tcExpr (ExplicitPArr _ exprs) res_ty
= do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedPArrTy res_ty
; exprs' <- mapM (tc_elt elt_ty) exprs
; return $
mkHsWrapCo coi $ ExplicitPArr elt_ty exprs' }
tc_elt elt_ty expr = tcPolyExpr expr elt_ty
tcExpr (HsLet (L l binds) expr) res_ty
= do { (binds', expr') <- tcLocalBinds binds $
tcMonoExpr expr res_ty
; return (HsLet (L l binds') expr') }
tcExpr (HsCase scrut matches) res_ty
= do {
(scrut', scrut_ty) <- tcInferRho scrut
; traceTc "HsCase" (ppr scrut_ty)
; matches' <- tcMatchesCase match_ctxt scrut_ty matches res_ty
; return (HsCase scrut' matches') }
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = CaseAlt,
mc_body = tcBody }
tcExpr (HsIf Nothing pred b1 b2) res_ty
= do { pred' <- tcMonoExpr pred (mkCheckExpType boolTy)
; res_ty <- tauifyExpType res_ty
; b1' <- tcMonoExpr b1 res_ty
; b2' <- tcMonoExpr b2 res_ty
; return (HsIf Nothing pred' b1' b2') }
tcExpr (HsIf (Just fun) pred b1 b2) res_ty
= do { ((pred', b1', b2'), fun')
<- tcSyntaxOp IfOrigin fun [SynAny, SynAny, SynAny] res_ty $
\ [pred_ty, b1_ty, b2_ty] ->
do { pred' <- tcPolyExpr pred pred_ty
; b1' <- tcPolyExpr b1 b1_ty
; b2' <- tcPolyExpr b2 b2_ty
; return (pred', b1', b2') }
; return (HsIf (Just fun') pred' b1' b2') }
tcExpr (HsMultiIf _ alts) res_ty
= do { res_ty <- if isSingleton alts
then return res_ty
else tauifyExpType res_ty
; alts' <- mapM (wrapLocM $ tcGRHS match_ctxt res_ty) alts
; res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
; return (HsMultiIf res_ty alts') }
where match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = IfAlt, mc_body = tcBody }
tcExpr (HsDo do_or_lc stmts _) res_ty
= do { expr' <- tcDoStmts do_or_lc stmts res_ty
; return expr' }
tcExpr (HsProc pat cmd) res_ty
= do { (pat', cmd', coi) <- tcProc pat cmd res_ty
; return $ mkHsWrapCo coi (HsProc pat' cmd') }
tcExpr (HsStatic fvs expr) res_ty
= do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (co, (p_ty, expr_ty)) <- matchExpectedAppTy res_ty
; (expr', lie) <- captureConstraints $
addErrCtxt (hang (text "In the body of a static form:")
2 (ppr expr)
) $
tcPolyExprNC expr expr_ty
; mapM_ checkClosedInStaticForm $ nonDetEltsUniqSet fvs
; typeableClass <- tcLookupClass typeableClassName
; _ <- emitWantedEvVar StaticOrigin $
mkTyConApp (classTyCon typeableClass)
[liftedTypeKind, expr_ty]
; emitStaticConstraints lie
; fromStaticPtr <- newMethodFromName StaticOrigin fromStaticPtrName p_ty
; let wrap = mkWpTyApps [expr_ty]
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
; return $ mkHsWrapCo co $ HsApp (L loc $ mkHsWrap wrap fromStaticPtr)
(L loc (HsStatic fvs expr'))
tcExpr expr@(RecordCon { rcon_con_name = L loc con_name
, rcon_flds = rbinds }) res_ty
= do { con_like <- tcLookupConLike con_name
; checkMissingFields con_like rbinds
; (con_expr, con_sigma) <- tcInferId con_name
; (con_wrap, con_tau) <-
topInstantiate (OccurrenceOf con_name) con_sigma
; let arity = conLikeArity con_like
Right (arg_tys, actual_res_ty) = tcSplitFunTysN arity con_tau
; case conLikeWrapId_maybe con_like of
Nothing -> nonBidirectionalErr (conLikeName con_like)
Just con_id -> do {
res_wrap <- tcSubTypeHR (Shouldn'tHappenOrigin "RecordCon")
(Just expr) actual_res_ty res_ty
; rbinds' <- tcRecordBinds con_like arg_tys rbinds
; return $
mkHsWrap res_wrap $
RecordCon { rcon_con_name = L loc con_id
, rcon_con_expr = mkHsWrap con_wrap con_expr
, rcon_con_like = con_like
, rcon_flds = rbinds' } } }
tcExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = rbnds }) res_ty
= ASSERT( notNull rbnds )
do {
(record_expr', record_rho) <- tcInferRho record_expr
; rbinds <- disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
; let upd_flds = map (unLoc . hsRecFieldLbl . unLoc) rbinds
upd_fld_occs = map (occNameFS . rdrNameOcc . rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc) upd_flds
sel_ids = map selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc upd_flds
; let bad_guys = [ setSrcSpan loc $ addErrTc (notSelector fld_name)
| fld <- rbinds,
let L loc sel_id = hsRecUpdFieldId (unLoc fld),
not (isRecordSelector sel_id),
let fld_name = idName sel_id ]
; unless (null bad_guys) (sequence bad_guys >> failM)
; let (data_sels, pat_syn_sels) =
partition isDataConRecordSelector sel_ids
; MASSERT( all isPatSynRecordSelector pat_syn_sels )
; checkTc ( null data_sels || null pat_syn_sels )
( mixedSelectors data_sels pat_syn_sels )
; let
sel_id : _ = sel_ids
mtycon :: Maybe TyCon
mtycon = case idDetails sel_id of
RecSelId (RecSelData tycon) _ -> Just tycon
_ -> Nothing
con_likes :: [ConLike]
con_likes = case idDetails sel_id of
RecSelId (RecSelData tc) _
-> map RealDataCon (tyConDataCons tc)
RecSelId (RecSelPatSyn ps) _
-> [PatSynCon ps]
_ -> panic "tcRecordUpd"
relevant_cons = conLikesWithFields con_likes upd_fld_occs
; checkTc (not (null relevant_cons)) (badFieldsUpd rbinds con_likes)
; let con1 = ASSERT( not (null relevant_cons) ) head relevant_cons
(con1_tvs, _, _, _prov_theta, req_theta, con1_arg_tys, _)
= conLikeFullSig con1
con1_flds = map flLabel $ conLikeFieldLabels con1
con1_tv_tys = mkTyVarTys con1_tvs
con1_res_ty = case mtycon of
Just tc -> mkFamilyTyConApp tc con1_tv_tys
Nothing -> conLikeResTy con1 con1_tv_tys
; unless (isJust $ conLikeWrapId_maybe con1)
(nonBidirectionalErr (conLikeName con1))
; let flds1_w_tys = zipEqual "tcExpr:RecConUpd" con1_flds con1_arg_tys
bad_upd_flds = filter bad_fld flds1_w_tys
con1_tv_set = mkVarSet con1_tvs
bad_fld (fld, ty) = fld `elem` upd_fld_occs &&
not (tyCoVarsOfType ty `subVarSet` con1_tv_set)
; checkTc (null bad_upd_flds) (badFieldTypes bad_upd_flds)
; let fixed_tvs = getFixedTyVars upd_fld_occs con1_tvs relevant_cons
is_fixed_tv tv = tv `elemVarSet` fixed_tvs
mk_inst_ty :: TCvSubst -> (TyVar, TcType) -> TcM (TCvSubst, TcType)
mk_inst_ty subst (tv, result_inst_ty)
| is_fixed_tv tv
= return (extendTvSubst subst tv result_inst_ty, result_inst_ty)
| otherwise
= do { (subst', new_tv) <- newMetaTyVarX subst tv
; return (subst', mkTyVarTy new_tv) }
; (result_subst, con1_tvs') <- newMetaTyVars con1_tvs
; let result_inst_tys = mkTyVarTys con1_tvs'
init_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst (getTCvInScope result_subst)
; (scrut_subst, scrut_inst_tys) <- mapAccumLM mk_inst_ty init_subst
(con1_tvs `zip` result_inst_tys)
; let rec_res_ty = TcType.substTy result_subst con1_res_ty
scrut_ty = TcType.substTy scrut_subst con1_res_ty
con1_arg_tys' = map (TcType.substTy result_subst) con1_arg_tys
; wrap_res <- tcSubTypeHR (exprCtOrigin expr)
(Just expr) rec_res_ty res_ty
; co_scrut <- unifyType (Just (unLoc record_expr)) record_rho scrut_ty
; rbinds' <- tcRecordUpd con1 con1_arg_tys' rbinds
; let theta' = substThetaUnchecked scrut_subst (conLikeStupidTheta con1)
; instStupidTheta RecordUpdOrigin theta'
; let fam_co :: HsWrapper
fam_co | Just tycon <- mtycon
, Just co_con <- tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe tycon
= mkWpCastR (mkTcUnbranchedAxInstCo co_con scrut_inst_tys [])
| otherwise
= idHsWrapper
; let req_theta' = substThetaUnchecked scrut_subst req_theta
; req_wrap <- instCallConstraints RecordUpdOrigin req_theta'
; return $
mkHsWrap wrap_res $
RecordUpd { rupd_expr = mkLHsWrap fam_co (mkLHsWrapCo co_scrut record_expr')
, rupd_flds = rbinds'
, rupd_cons = relevant_cons, rupd_in_tys = scrut_inst_tys
, rupd_out_tys = result_inst_tys, rupd_wrap = req_wrap } }
tcExpr e@(HsRecFld f) res_ty
= tcCheckRecSelId e f res_ty
tcExpr (ArithSeq _ witness seq) res_ty
= tcArithSeq witness seq res_ty
tcExpr (PArrSeq _ seq@(FromTo expr1 expr2)) res_ty
= do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedPArrTy res_ty
; expr1' <- tcPolyExpr expr1 elt_ty
; expr2' <- tcPolyExpr expr2 elt_ty
; enumFromToP <- initDsTc $ dsDPHBuiltin enumFromToPVar
; enum_from_to <- newMethodFromName (PArrSeqOrigin seq)
(idName enumFromToP) elt_ty
; return $
mkHsWrapCo coi $ PArrSeq enum_from_to (FromTo expr1' expr2') }
tcExpr (PArrSeq _ seq@(FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3)) res_ty
= do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedPArrTy res_ty
; expr1' <- tcPolyExpr expr1 elt_ty
; expr2' <- tcPolyExpr expr2 elt_ty
; expr3' <- tcPolyExpr expr3 elt_ty
; enumFromThenToP <- initDsTc $ dsDPHBuiltin enumFromThenToPVar
; eft <- newMethodFromName (PArrSeqOrigin seq)
(idName enumFromThenToP) elt_ty
; return $
mkHsWrapCo coi $
PArrSeq eft (FromThenTo expr1' expr2' expr3') }
tcExpr (PArrSeq _ _) _
= panic "TcExpr.tcExpr: Infinite parallel array!"
tcExpr (HsSpliceE (HsSpliced mod_finalizers (HsSplicedExpr expr)))
= do addModFinalizersWithLclEnv mod_finalizers
tcExpr expr res_ty
tcExpr (HsSpliceE splice) res_ty
= tcSpliceExpr splice res_ty
tcExpr e@(HsBracket brack) res_ty
= tcTypedBracket e brack res_ty
tcExpr e@(HsRnBracketOut brack ps) res_ty
= tcUntypedBracket e brack ps res_ty
tcExpr other _ = pprPanic "tcMonoExpr" (ppr other)
tcArithSeq :: Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcRn) -> ArithSeqInfo GhcRn -> ExpRhoType
-> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
tcArithSeq witness seq@(From expr) res_ty
= do { (wrap, elt_ty, wit') <- arithSeqEltType witness res_ty
; expr' <- tcPolyExpr expr elt_ty
; enum_from <- newMethodFromName (ArithSeqOrigin seq)
enumFromName elt_ty
; return $ mkHsWrap wrap $
ArithSeq enum_from wit' (From expr') }
tcArithSeq witness seq@(FromThen expr1 expr2) res_ty
= do { (wrap, elt_ty, wit') <- arithSeqEltType witness res_ty
; expr1' <- tcPolyExpr expr1 elt_ty
; expr2' <- tcPolyExpr expr2 elt_ty
; enum_from_then <- newMethodFromName (ArithSeqOrigin seq)
enumFromThenName elt_ty
; return $ mkHsWrap wrap $
ArithSeq enum_from_then wit' (FromThen expr1' expr2') }
tcArithSeq witness seq@(FromTo expr1 expr2) res_ty
= do { (wrap, elt_ty, wit') <- arithSeqEltType witness res_ty
; expr1' <- tcPolyExpr expr1 elt_ty
; expr2' <- tcPolyExpr expr2 elt_ty
; enum_from_to <- newMethodFromName (ArithSeqOrigin seq)
enumFromToName elt_ty
; return $ mkHsWrap wrap $
ArithSeq enum_from_to wit' (FromTo expr1' expr2') }
tcArithSeq witness seq@(FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3) res_ty
= do { (wrap, elt_ty, wit') <- arithSeqEltType witness res_ty
; expr1' <- tcPolyExpr expr1 elt_ty
; expr2' <- tcPolyExpr expr2 elt_ty
; expr3' <- tcPolyExpr expr3 elt_ty
; eft <- newMethodFromName (ArithSeqOrigin seq)
enumFromThenToName elt_ty
; return $ mkHsWrap wrap $
ArithSeq eft wit' (FromThenTo expr1' expr2' expr3') }
arithSeqEltType :: Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcRn) -> ExpRhoType
-> TcM (HsWrapper, TcType, Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcTc))
arithSeqEltType Nothing res_ty
= do { res_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; (coi, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedListTy res_ty
; return (mkWpCastN coi, elt_ty, Nothing) }
arithSeqEltType (Just fl) res_ty
= do { (elt_ty, fl')
<- tcSyntaxOp ListOrigin fl [SynList] res_ty $
\ [elt_ty] -> return elt_ty
; return (idHsWrapper, elt_ty, Just fl') }
data HsArg tm ty
= HsValArg tm
| HsTypeArg ty
isHsValArg :: HsArg tm ty -> Bool
isHsValArg (HsValArg {}) = True
isHsValArg (HsTypeArg {}) = False
type LHsExprArgIn = HsArg (LHsExpr GhcRn) (LHsWcType GhcRn)
type LHsExprArgOut = HsArg (LHsExpr GhcTcId) (LHsWcType GhcRn)
tcApp1 :: HsExpr GhcRn
-> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
tcApp1 e res_ty
= do { (wrap, fun, args) <- tcApp Nothing (noLoc e) [] res_ty
; return (mkHsWrap wrap $ unLoc $ foldl mk_hs_app fun args) }
mk_hs_app f (HsValArg a) = mkHsApp f a
mk_hs_app f (HsTypeArg a) = mkHsAppTypeOut f a
tcApp :: Maybe SDoc
-> LHsExpr GhcRn -> [LHsExprArgIn]
-> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsWrapper, LHsExpr GhcTcId, [LHsExprArgOut])
tcApp m_herald orig_fun orig_args res_ty
= go orig_fun orig_args
go :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> [LHsExprArgIn]
-> TcM (HsWrapper, LHsExpr GhcTcId, [LHsExprArgOut])
go (L _ (HsPar e)) args = go e args
go (L _ (HsApp e1 e2)) args = go e1 (HsValArg e2:args)
go (L _ (HsAppType e t)) args = go e (HsTypeArg t:args)
go (L loc (HsVar (L _ fun))) args
| fun `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
, count isHsValArg args == 1
= do { (wrap, expr, args) <- tcTagToEnum loc fun args res_ty
; return (wrap, expr, args) }
| fun `hasKey` seqIdKey
, count isHsValArg args == 2
= do { (wrap, expr, args) <- tcSeq loc fun args res_ty
; return (wrap, expr, args) }
go (L loc (HsRecFld (Ambiguous lbl _))) args@(HsValArg (L _ arg) : _)
| Just sig_ty <- obviousSig arg
= do { sig_tc_ty <- tcHsSigWcType ExprSigCtxt sig_ty
; sel_name <- disambiguateSelector lbl sig_tc_ty
; go (L loc (HsRecFld (Unambiguous lbl sel_name))) args }
go (L loc (ExplicitList _ Nothing [])) [HsTypeArg ty_arg]
= do { ty_arg' <- tcHsTypeApp ty_arg liftedTypeKind
; let list_ty = TyConApp listTyCon [ty_arg']
; _ <- tcSubTypeDS (OccurrenceOf nilDataConName) GenSigCtxt
list_ty res_ty
; let expr :: LHsExpr GhcTcId
expr = L loc $ ExplicitList ty_arg' Nothing []
; return (idHsWrapper, expr, []) }
go fun args
= do {
; (fun1, fun_sigma) <- tcInferFun fun
; let orig = lexprCtOrigin fun
; (wrap_fun, args1, actual_res_ty)
<- tcArgs fun fun_sigma orig args
(m_herald `orElse` mk_app_msg fun args)
; wrap_res <- addFunResCtxt True (unLoc fun) actual_res_ty res_ty $
tcSubTypeDS_NC_O orig GenSigCtxt
(Just $ unLoc $ foldl mk_hs_app fun args)
actual_res_ty res_ty
; return (wrap_res, mkLHsWrap wrap_fun fun1, args1) }
mk_hs_app f (HsValArg a) = mkHsApp f a
mk_hs_app f (HsTypeArg a) = mkHsAppType f a
mk_app_msg :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> [LHsExprArgIn] -> SDoc
mk_app_msg fun args = sep [ text "The" <+> text what <+> quotes (ppr expr)
, text "is applied to"]
what | null type_app_args = "function"
| otherwise = "expression"
expr = mkHsAppTypes fun type_app_args
type_app_args = [hs_ty | HsTypeArg hs_ty <- args]
mk_op_msg :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> SDoc
mk_op_msg op = text "The operator" <+> quotes (ppr op) <+> text "takes"
tcInferFun :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId, TcSigmaType)
tcInferFun (L loc (HsVar (L _ name)))
= do { (fun, ty) <- setSrcSpan loc (tcInferId name)
; return (L loc fun, ty) }
tcInferFun (L loc (HsRecFld f))
= do { (fun, ty) <- setSrcSpan loc (tcInferRecSelId f)
; return (L loc fun, ty) }
tcInferFun fun
= tcInferSigma fun
tcArgs :: LHsExpr GhcRn
-> TcSigmaType
-> CtOrigin
-> [LHsExprArgIn]
-> SDoc
-> TcM (HsWrapper, [LHsExprArgOut], TcSigmaType)
tcArgs fun orig_fun_ty fun_orig orig_args herald
= go [] 1 orig_fun_ty orig_args
orig_expr_args_arity = count isHsValArg orig_args
go _ _ fun_ty [] = return (idHsWrapper, [], fun_ty)
go acc_args n fun_ty (HsTypeArg hs_ty_arg : args)
= do { (wrap1, upsilon_ty) <- topInstantiateInferred fun_orig fun_ty
; case tcSplitForAllTy_maybe upsilon_ty of
Just (tvb, inner_ty) ->
do { let tv = binderVar tvb
vis = binderArgFlag tvb
kind = tyVarKind tv
; MASSERT2( vis == Specified
, (vcat [ ppr fun_ty, ppr upsilon_ty, ppr tvb
, ppr inner_ty, pprTyVar tv
, ppr vis ]) )
; ty_arg <- tcHsTypeApp hs_ty_arg kind
; inner_ty <- zonkTcType inner_ty
; let in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes [upsilon_ty, ty_arg])
insted_ty = substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv] [ty_arg] inner_ty
; traceTc "VTA" (vcat [ppr tv, debugPprType kind
, debugPprType ty_arg
, debugPprType (typeKind ty_arg)
, debugPprType insted_ty ])
; (inner_wrap, args', res_ty)
<- go acc_args (n+1) insted_ty args
; let inst_wrap = mkWpTyApps [ty_arg]
; return ( inner_wrap <.> inst_wrap <.> wrap1
, HsTypeArg hs_ty_arg : args'
, res_ty ) }
_ -> ty_app_err upsilon_ty hs_ty_arg }
go acc_args n fun_ty (HsValArg arg : args)
= do { (wrap, [arg_ty], res_ty)
<- matchActualFunTysPart herald fun_orig (Just (unLoc fun)) 1 fun_ty
acc_args orig_expr_args_arity
; arg' <- tcArg fun arg arg_ty n
; (inner_wrap, args', inner_res_ty)
<- go (arg_ty : acc_args) (n+1) res_ty args
; return ( mkWpFun idHsWrapper inner_wrap arg_ty res_ty doc <.> wrap
, HsValArg arg' : args'
, inner_res_ty ) }
doc = text "When checking the" <+> speakNth n <+>
text "argument to" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
ty_app_err ty arg
= do { (_, ty) <- zonkTidyTcType emptyTidyEnv ty
; failWith $
text "Cannot apply expression of type" <+> quotes (ppr ty) $$
text "to a visible type argument" <+> quotes (ppr arg) }
tcArg :: LHsExpr GhcRn
-> LHsExpr GhcRn
-> TcRhoType
-> Int
-> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId)
tcArg fun arg ty arg_no = addErrCtxt (funAppCtxt fun arg arg_no) $
tcPolyExprNC arg ty
tcTupArgs :: [LHsTupArg GhcRn] -> [TcSigmaType] -> TcM [LHsTupArg GhcTcId]
tcTupArgs args tys
= ASSERT( equalLength args tys ) mapM go (args `zip` tys)
go (L l (Missing {}), arg_ty) = return (L l (Missing arg_ty))
go (L l (Present expr), arg_ty) = do { expr' <- tcPolyExpr expr arg_ty
; return (L l (Present expr')) }
tcSyntaxOp :: CtOrigin
-> SyntaxExpr GhcRn
-> [SyntaxOpType]
-> ExpRhoType
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, SyntaxExpr GhcTcId)
tcSyntaxOp orig expr arg_tys res_ty
= tcSyntaxOpGen orig expr arg_tys (SynType res_ty)
tcSyntaxOpGen :: CtOrigin
-> SyntaxExpr GhcRn
-> [SyntaxOpType]
-> SyntaxOpType
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, SyntaxExpr GhcTcId)
tcSyntaxOpGen orig (SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = HsVar (L _ op) })
arg_tys res_ty thing_inside
= do { (expr, sigma) <- tcInferId op
; (result, expr_wrap, arg_wraps, res_wrap)
<- tcSynArgA orig sigma arg_tys res_ty $
; return (result, SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = mkHsWrap expr_wrap expr
, syn_arg_wraps = arg_wraps
, syn_res_wrap = res_wrap }) }
tcSyntaxOpGen _ other _ _ _ = pprPanic "tcSyntaxOp" (ppr other)
tcSynArgE :: CtOrigin
-> TcSigmaType
-> SyntaxOpType
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, HsWrapper)
tcSynArgE orig sigma_ty syn_ty thing_inside
= do { (skol_wrap, (result, ty_wrapper))
<- tcSkolemise GenSigCtxt sigma_ty $ \ _ rho_ty ->
go rho_ty syn_ty
; return (result, skol_wrap <.> ty_wrapper) }
go rho_ty SynAny
= do { result <- thing_inside [rho_ty]
; return (result, idHsWrapper) }
go rho_ty SynRho
= do { result <- thing_inside [rho_ty]
; return (result, idHsWrapper) }
go rho_ty SynList
= do { (list_co, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedListTy rho_ty
; result <- thing_inside [elt_ty]
; return (result, mkWpCastN list_co) }
go rho_ty (SynFun arg_shape res_shape)
= do { ( ( ( (result, arg_ty, res_ty)
, res_wrapper )
, arg_wrapper1, [], arg_wrapper2 )
, match_wrapper )
<- matchExpectedFunTys herald 1 (mkCheckExpType rho_ty) $
\ [arg_ty] res_ty ->
do { arg_tc_ty <- expTypeToType arg_ty
; res_tc_ty <- expTypeToType res_ty
; MASSERT2( case arg_shape of
SynFun {} -> False;
_ -> True
, text "Too many nested arrows in SyntaxOpType" $$
pprCtOrigin orig )
; tcSynArgA orig arg_tc_ty [] arg_shape $
\ arg_results ->
tcSynArgE orig res_tc_ty res_shape $
\ res_results ->
do { result <- thing_inside (arg_results ++ res_results)
; return (result, arg_tc_ty, res_tc_ty) }}
; return ( result
, match_wrapper <.>
mkWpFun (arg_wrapper2 <.> arg_wrapper1) res_wrapper
arg_ty res_ty doc ) }
herald = text "This rebindable syntax expects a function with"
doc = text "When checking a rebindable syntax operator arising from" <+> ppr orig
go rho_ty (SynType the_ty)
= do { wrap <- tcSubTypeET orig GenSigCtxt the_ty rho_ty
; result <- thing_inside []
; return (result, wrap) }
tcSynArgA :: CtOrigin
-> TcSigmaType
-> [SyntaxOpType]
-> SyntaxOpType
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, HsWrapper, [HsWrapper], HsWrapper)
tcSynArgA orig sigma_ty arg_shapes res_shape thing_inside
= do { (match_wrapper, arg_tys, res_ty)
<- matchActualFunTys herald orig Nothing (length arg_shapes) sigma_ty
; ((result, res_wrapper), arg_wrappers)
<- tc_syn_args_e arg_tys arg_shapes $ \ arg_results ->
tc_syn_arg res_ty res_shape $ \ res_results ->
thing_inside (arg_results ++ res_results)
; return (result, match_wrapper, arg_wrappers, res_wrapper) }
herald = text "This rebindable syntax expects a function with"
tc_syn_args_e :: [TcSigmaType] -> [SyntaxOpType]
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, [HsWrapper])
tc_syn_args_e (arg_ty : arg_tys) (arg_shape : arg_shapes) thing_inside
= do { ((result, arg_wraps), arg_wrap)
<- tcSynArgE orig arg_ty arg_shape $ \ arg1_results ->
tc_syn_args_e arg_tys arg_shapes $ \ args_results ->
thing_inside (arg1_results ++ args_results)
; return (result, arg_wrap : arg_wraps) }
tc_syn_args_e _ _ thing_inside = (, []) <$> thing_inside []
tc_syn_arg :: TcSigmaType -> SyntaxOpType
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcM a)
-> TcM (a, HsWrapper)
tc_syn_arg res_ty SynAny thing_inside
= do { result <- thing_inside [res_ty]
; return (result, idHsWrapper) }
tc_syn_arg res_ty SynRho thing_inside
= do { (inst_wrap, rho_ty) <- deeplyInstantiate orig res_ty
; result <- thing_inside [rho_ty]
; return (result, inst_wrap) }
tc_syn_arg res_ty SynList thing_inside
= do { (inst_wrap, rho_ty) <- topInstantiate orig res_ty
; (list_co, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedListTy rho_ty
; result <- thing_inside [elt_ty]
; return (result, mkWpCastN (mkTcSymCo list_co) <.> inst_wrap) }
tc_syn_arg _ (SynFun {}) _
= pprPanic "tcSynArgA hits a SynFun" (ppr orig)
tc_syn_arg res_ty (SynType the_ty) thing_inside
= do { wrap <- tcSubTypeO orig GenSigCtxt res_ty the_ty
; result <- thing_inside []
; return (result, wrap) }
tcExprSig :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcIdSigInfo -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTcId, TcType)
tcExprSig expr (CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id, sig_loc = loc })
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { (tv_prs, theta, tau) <- tcInstType tcInstSkolTyVars poly_id
; given <- newEvVars theta
; let skol_info = SigSkol ExprSigCtxt (idType poly_id) tv_prs
skol_tvs = map snd tv_prs
; (ev_binds, expr') <- checkConstraints skol_info skol_tvs given $
tcExtendTyVarEnv2 tv_prs $
tcPolyExprNC expr tau
; let poly_wrap = mkWpTyLams skol_tvs
<.> mkWpLams given
<.> mkWpLet ev_binds
; return (mkLHsWrap poly_wrap expr', idType poly_id) }
tcExprSig expr sig@(PartialSig { psig_name = name, sig_loc = loc })
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { (tclvl, wanted, (expr', sig_inst))
<- pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints $
do { sig_inst <- tcInstSig sig
; expr' <- tcExtendTyVarEnv2 (sig_inst_skols sig_inst) $
tcExtendTyVarEnv2 (sig_inst_wcs sig_inst) $
tcPolyExprNC expr (sig_inst_tau sig_inst)
; return (expr', sig_inst) }
; let tau = sig_inst_tau sig_inst
infer_mode | null (sig_inst_theta sig_inst)
, isNothing (sig_inst_wcx sig_inst)
= ApplyMR
| otherwise
= NoRestrictions
; (qtvs, givens, ev_binds, _)
<- simplifyInfer tclvl infer_mode [sig_inst] [(name, tau)] wanted
; tau <- zonkTcType tau
; let inferred_theta = map evVarPred givens
tau_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType tau
; (binders, my_theta) <- chooseInferredQuantifiers inferred_theta
tau_tvs qtvs (Just sig_inst)
; let inferred_sigma = mkInfSigmaTy qtvs inferred_theta tau
my_sigma = mkForAllTys binders (mkPhiTy my_theta tau)
; wrap <- if inferred_sigma `eqType` my_sigma
then return idHsWrapper
else tcSubType_NC ExprSigCtxt inferred_sigma my_sigma
; traceTc "tcExpSig" (ppr qtvs $$ ppr givens $$ ppr inferred_sigma $$ ppr my_sigma)
; let poly_wrap = wrap
<.> mkWpTyLams qtvs
<.> mkWpLams givens
<.> mkWpLet ev_binds
; return (mkLHsWrap poly_wrap expr', my_sigma) }
tcCheckId :: Name -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
tcCheckId name res_ty
= do { (expr, actual_res_ty) <- tcInferId name
; traceTc "tcCheckId" (vcat [ppr name, ppr actual_res_ty, ppr res_ty])
; addFunResCtxt False (HsVar (noLoc name)) actual_res_ty res_ty $
tcWrapResultO (OccurrenceOf name) (HsVar (noLoc name)) expr actual_res_ty res_ty }
tcCheckRecSelId :: HsExpr GhcRn -> AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
tcCheckRecSelId rn_expr f@(Unambiguous (L _ lbl) _) res_ty
= do { (expr, actual_res_ty) <- tcInferRecSelId f
; addFunResCtxt False (HsRecFld f) actual_res_ty res_ty $
tcWrapResultO (OccurrenceOfRecSel lbl) rn_expr expr actual_res_ty res_ty }
tcCheckRecSelId rn_expr (Ambiguous lbl _) res_ty
= case tcSplitFunTy_maybe =<< checkingExpType_maybe res_ty of
Nothing -> ambiguousSelector lbl
Just (arg, _) -> do { sel_name <- disambiguateSelector lbl arg
; tcCheckRecSelId rn_expr (Unambiguous lbl sel_name) res_ty }
tcInferRecSelId :: AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId, TcRhoType)
tcInferRecSelId (Unambiguous (L _ lbl) sel)
= do { (expr', ty) <- tc_infer_id lbl sel
; return (expr', ty) }
tcInferRecSelId (Ambiguous lbl _)
= ambiguousSelector lbl
tcInferId :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId, TcSigmaType)
tcInferId id_name
| id_name `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
= failWithTc (text "tagToEnum# must appear applied to one argument")
| id_name `hasKey` assertIdKey
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; if gopt Opt_IgnoreAsserts dflags
then tc_infer_id (nameRdrName id_name) id_name
else tc_infer_assert id_name }
| otherwise
= do { (expr, ty) <- tc_infer_id (nameRdrName id_name) id_name
; traceTc "tcInferId" (ppr id_name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
; return (expr, ty) }
tc_infer_assert :: Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId, TcSigmaType)
tc_infer_assert assert_name
= do { assert_error_id <- tcLookupId assertErrorName
; (wrap, id_rho) <- topInstantiate (OccurrenceOf assert_name)
(idType assert_error_id)
; return (mkHsWrap wrap (HsVar (noLoc assert_error_id)), id_rho)
tc_infer_id :: RdrName -> Name -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId, TcSigmaType)
tc_infer_id lbl id_name
= do { thing <- tcLookup id_name
; case thing of
ATcId { tct_id = id }
-> do { check_naughty id
; checkThLocalId id
; return_id id }
AGlobal (AnId id)
-> do { check_naughty id
; return_id id }
AGlobal (AConLike cl) -> case cl of
RealDataCon con -> return_data_con con
PatSynCon ps -> tcPatSynBuilderOcc ps
_ -> failWithTc $
ppr thing <+> text "used where a value identifier was expected" }
return_id id = return (HsVar (noLoc id), idType id)
return_data_con con
| null stupid_theta
= return (HsConLikeOut (RealDataCon con), con_ty)
| otherwise
= do { let (tvs, theta, rho) = tcSplitSigmaTy con_ty
; (subst, tvs') <- newMetaTyVars tvs
; let tys' = mkTyVarTys tvs'
theta' = substTheta subst theta
rho' = substTy subst rho
; wrap <- instCall (OccurrenceOf id_name) tys' theta'
; addDataConStupidTheta con tys'
; return (mkHsWrap wrap (HsConLikeOut (RealDataCon con)), rho') }
con_ty = dataConUserType con
stupid_theta = dataConStupidTheta con
check_naughty id
| isNaughtyRecordSelector id = failWithTc (naughtyRecordSel lbl)
| otherwise = return ()
tcUnboundId :: HsExpr GhcRn -> UnboundVar -> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTcId)
tcUnboundId rn_expr unbound res_ty
= do { ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
; let occ = unboundVarOcc unbound
; name <- newSysName occ
; let ev = mkLocalId name ty
; loc <- getCtLocM HoleOrigin Nothing
; let can = CHoleCan { cc_ev = CtWanted { ctev_pred = ty
, ctev_dest = EvVarDest ev
, ctev_nosh = WDeriv
, ctev_loc = loc}
, cc_hole = ExprHole unbound }
; emitInsoluble can
; tcWrapResultO (UnboundOccurrenceOf occ) rn_expr (HsVar (noLoc ev)) ty res_ty }
tcSeq :: SrcSpan -> Name -> [LHsExprArgIn]
-> ExpRhoType -> TcM (HsWrapper, LHsExpr GhcTcId, [LHsExprArgOut])
tcSeq loc fun_name args res_ty
= do { fun <- tcLookupId fun_name
; (arg1_ty, args1) <- case args of
(HsTypeArg hs_ty_arg1 : args1)
-> do { ty_arg1 <- tcHsTypeApp hs_ty_arg1 liftedTypeKind
; return (ty_arg1, args1) }
_ -> do { arg_ty1 <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; return (arg_ty1, args) }
; (arg1, arg2, arg2_exp_ty) <- case args1 of
[HsTypeArg hs_ty_arg2, HsValArg term_arg1, HsValArg term_arg2]
-> do { arg2_kind <- newOpenTypeKind
; ty_arg2 <- tcHsTypeApp hs_ty_arg2 arg2_kind
; _ <- tcSubTypeDS (OccurrenceOf fun_name) GenSigCtxt ty_arg2 res_ty
; return (term_arg1, term_arg2, mkCheckExpType ty_arg2) }
[HsValArg term_arg1, HsValArg term_arg2]
-> return (term_arg1, term_arg2, res_ty)
_ -> too_many_args "seq" args
; arg1' <- tcMonoExpr arg1 (mkCheckExpType arg1_ty)
; arg2' <- tcMonoExpr arg2 arg2_exp_ty
; res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
; let fun' = L loc (mkHsWrap ty_args (HsVar (L loc fun)))
ty_args = WpTyApp res_ty <.> WpTyApp arg1_ty
; return (idHsWrapper, fun', [HsValArg arg1', HsValArg arg2']) }
tcTagToEnum :: SrcSpan -> Name -> [LHsExprArgIn] -> ExpRhoType
-> TcM (HsWrapper, LHsExpr GhcTcId, [LHsExprArgOut])
tcTagToEnum loc fun_name args res_ty
= do { fun <- tcLookupId fun_name
; arg <- case args of
[HsTypeArg hs_ty_arg, HsValArg term_arg]
-> do { ty_arg <- tcHsTypeApp hs_ty_arg liftedTypeKind
; _ <- tcSubTypeDS (OccurrenceOf fun_name) GenSigCtxt ty_arg res_ty
; return term_arg }
[HsValArg term_arg] -> do { _ <- expTypeToType res_ty
; return term_arg }
_ -> too_many_args "tagToEnum#" args
; res_ty <- readExpType res_ty
; ty' <- zonkTcType res_ty
; let mb_tc_app = tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty'
Just (tc, tc_args) = mb_tc_app
; checkTc (isJust mb_tc_app)
(mk_error ty' doc1)
; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
; let (rep_tc, rep_args, coi)
= tcLookupDataFamInst fam_envs tc tc_args
; checkTc (isEnumerationTyCon rep_tc)
(mk_error ty' doc2)
; arg' <- tcMonoExpr arg (mkCheckExpType intPrimTy)
; let fun' = L loc (mkHsWrap (WpTyApp rep_ty) (HsVar (L loc fun)))
rep_ty = mkTyConApp rep_tc rep_args
; return (mkWpCastR (mkTcSymCo coi), fun', [HsValArg arg']) }
doc1 = vcat [ text "Specify the type by giving a type signature"
, text "e.g. (tagToEnum# x) :: Bool" ]
doc2 = text "Result type must be an enumeration type"
mk_error :: TcType -> SDoc -> SDoc
mk_error ty what
= hang (text "Bad call to tagToEnum#"
<+> text "at type" <+> ppr ty)
2 what
too_many_args :: String -> [LHsExprArgIn] -> TcM a
too_many_args fun args
= failWith $
hang (text "Too many type arguments to" <+> text fun <> colon)
2 (sep (map pp args))
pp (HsValArg e) = ppr e
pp (HsTypeArg (HsWC { hswc_body = L _ t })) = pprHsType t
checkThLocalId :: Id -> TcM ()
checkThLocalId id
= do { mb_local_use <- getStageAndBindLevel (idName id)
; case mb_local_use of
Just (top_lvl, bind_lvl, use_stage)
| thLevel use_stage > bind_lvl
, isNotTopLevel top_lvl
-> checkCrossStageLifting id use_stage
_ -> return ()
checkCrossStageLifting :: Id -> ThStage -> TcM ()
checkCrossStageLifting id (Brack _ (TcPending ps_var lie_var))
do { let id_ty = idType id
; checkTc (isTauTy id_ty) (polySpliceErr id)
; lift <- if isStringTy id_ty then
do { sid <- tcLookupId THNames.liftStringName
; return (HsVar (noLoc sid)) }
setConstraintVar lie_var $
newMethodFromName (OccurrenceOf (idName id))
THNames.liftName id_ty
; ps <- readMutVar ps_var
; let pending_splice = PendingTcSplice (idName id) (nlHsApp (noLoc lift) (nlHsVar id))
; writeMutVar ps_var (pending_splice : ps)
; return () }
checkCrossStageLifting _ _ = return ()
polySpliceErr :: Id -> SDoc
polySpliceErr id
= text "Can't splice the polymorphic local variable" <+> quotes (ppr id)
getFixedTyVars :: [FieldLabelString] -> [TyVar] -> [ConLike] -> TyVarSet
getFixedTyVars upd_fld_occs univ_tvs cons
= mkVarSet [tv1 | con <- cons
, let (u_tvs, _, eqspec, prov_theta
, req_theta, arg_tys, _)
= conLikeFullSig con
theta = eqSpecPreds eqspec
++ prov_theta
++ req_theta
flds = conLikeFieldLabels con
fixed_tvs = exactTyCoVarsOfTypes fixed_tys
`unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfTypes theta
fixed_tys = [ty | (fl, ty) <- zip flds arg_tys
, not (flLabel fl `elem` upd_fld_occs)]
, (tv1,tv) <- univ_tvs `zip` u_tvs
, tv `elemVarSet` fixed_tvs ]
disambiguateSelector :: Located RdrName -> Type -> TcM Name
disambiguateSelector lr@(L _ rdr) parent_type
= do { fam_inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
; case tyConOf fam_inst_envs parent_type of
Nothing -> ambiguousSelector lr
Just p ->
do { xs <- lookupParents rdr
; let parent = RecSelData p
; case lookup parent xs of
Just gre -> do { addUsedGRE True gre
; return (gre_name gre) }
Nothing -> failWithTc (fieldNotInType parent rdr) } }
ambiguousSelector :: Located RdrName -> TcM a
ambiguousSelector (L _ rdr)
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; let gres = lookupGRE_RdrName rdr env
; setErrCtxt [] $ addNameClashErrRn rdr gres
; failM }
disambiguateRecordBinds :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcRhoType
-> [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> ExpRhoType
-> TcM [LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
= case mapM isUnambiguous rbnds of
Just rbnds' -> mapM lookupSelector rbnds'
Nothing ->
do { fam_inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
; rbnds_with_parents <- getUpdFieldsParents
; let possible_parents = map (map fst . snd) rbnds_with_parents
; p <- identifyParent fam_inst_envs possible_parents
; checkNoErrs $ mapM (pickParent p) rbnds_with_parents }
isUnambiguous :: LHsRecUpdField GhcRn -> Maybe (LHsRecUpdField GhcRn,Name)
isUnambiguous x = case unLoc (hsRecFieldLbl (unLoc x)) of
Unambiguous _ sel_name -> Just (x, sel_name)
Ambiguous{} -> Nothing
getUpdFieldsParents :: TcM [(LHsRecUpdField GhcRn
, [(RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)])]
= fmap (zip rbnds) $ mapM
(lookupParents . unLoc . hsRecUpdFieldRdr . unLoc)
identifyParent :: FamInstEnvs -> [[RecSelParent]] -> TcM RecSelParent
identifyParent fam_inst_envs possible_parents
= case foldr1 intersect possible_parents of
[] -> failWithTc (noPossibleParents rbnds)
[p] -> return p
_:_ | Just p <- tyConOfET fam_inst_envs res_ty -> return (RecSelData p)
| Just {} <- obviousSig (unLoc record_expr)
, Just tc <- tyConOf fam_inst_envs record_rho
-> return (RecSelData tc)
_ -> failWithTc badOverloadedUpdate
pickParent :: RecSelParent
-> (LHsRecUpdField GhcRn, [(RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)])
-> TcM (LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn))
pickParent p (upd, xs)
= case lookup p xs of
Just gre -> do { unless (null (tail xs)) $ do
let L loc _ = hsRecFieldLbl (unLoc upd)
setSrcSpan loc $ addUsedGRE True gre
; lookupSelector (upd, gre_name gre) }
Nothing -> do { addErrTc (fieldNotInType p
(unLoc (hsRecUpdFieldRdr (unLoc upd))))
; lookupSelector (upd, gre_name (snd (head xs))) }
lookupSelector :: (LHsRecUpdField GhcRn, Name)
-> TcM (LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn))
lookupSelector (L l upd, n)
= do { i <- tcLookupId n
; let L loc af = hsRecFieldLbl upd
lbl = rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc af
; return $ L l upd { hsRecFieldLbl
= L loc (Unambiguous (L loc lbl) i) } }
tyConOf :: FamInstEnvs -> TcSigmaType -> Maybe TyCon
tyConOf fam_inst_envs ty0
= case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tc, tys) -> Just (fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc tys))
Nothing -> Nothing
(_, _, ty) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty0
tyConOfET :: FamInstEnvs -> ExpRhoType -> Maybe TyCon
tyConOfET fam_inst_envs ty0 = tyConOf fam_inst_envs =<< checkingExpType_maybe ty0
lookupParents :: RdrName -> RnM [(RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)]
lookupParents rdr
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; let gres = lookupGRE_RdrName rdr env
; mapM lookupParent gres }
lookupParent :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM (RecSelParent, GlobalRdrElt)
lookupParent gre = do { id <- tcLookupId (gre_name gre)
; if isRecordSelector id
then return (recordSelectorTyCon id, gre)
else failWithTc (notSelector (gre_name gre)) }
obviousSig :: HsExpr GhcRn -> Maybe (LHsSigWcType GhcRn)
obviousSig (ExprWithTySig _ ty) = Just ty
obviousSig (HsPar p) = obviousSig (unLoc p)
obviousSig _ = Nothing
:: ConLike
-> [TcType]
-> HsRecordBinds GhcRn
-> TcM (HsRecordBinds GhcTcId)
tcRecordBinds con_like arg_tys (HsRecFields rbinds dd)
= do { mb_binds <- mapM do_bind rbinds
; return (HsRecFields (catMaybes mb_binds) dd) }
fields = map flSelector $ conLikeFieldLabels con_like
flds_w_tys = zipEqual "tcRecordBinds" fields arg_tys
do_bind :: LHsRecField GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> TcM (Maybe (LHsRecField GhcTcId (LHsExpr GhcTcId)))
do_bind (L l fld@(HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = f
, hsRecFieldArg = rhs }))
= do { mb <- tcRecordField con_like flds_w_tys f rhs
; case mb of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (f', rhs') -> return (Just (L l (fld { hsRecFieldLbl = f'
, hsRecFieldArg = rhs' }))) }
:: ConLike
-> [TcType]
-> [LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
-> TcM [LHsRecUpdField GhcTcId]
tcRecordUpd con_like arg_tys rbinds = fmap catMaybes $ mapM do_bind rbinds
fields = map flSelector $ conLikeFieldLabels con_like
flds_w_tys = zipEqual "tcRecordUpd" fields arg_tys
do_bind :: LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> TcM (Maybe (LHsRecUpdField GhcTcId))
do_bind (L l fld@(HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = L loc af
, hsRecFieldArg = rhs }))
= do { let lbl = rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc af
sel_id = selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc af
f = L loc (FieldOcc (L loc lbl) (idName sel_id))
; mb <- tcRecordField con_like flds_w_tys f rhs
; case mb of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (f', rhs') ->
return (Just
(L l (fld { hsRecFieldLbl
= L loc (Unambiguous (L loc lbl)
(selectorFieldOcc (unLoc f')))
, hsRecFieldArg = rhs' }))) }
tcRecordField :: ConLike -> Assoc Name Type
-> LFieldOcc GhcRn -> LHsExpr GhcRn
-> TcM (Maybe (LFieldOcc GhcTc, LHsExpr GhcTc))
tcRecordField con_like flds_w_tys (L loc (FieldOcc lbl sel_name)) rhs
| Just field_ty <- assocMaybe flds_w_tys sel_name
= addErrCtxt (fieldCtxt field_lbl) $
do { rhs' <- tcPolyExprNC rhs field_ty
; let field_id = mkUserLocal (nameOccName sel_name)
(nameUnique sel_name)
field_ty loc
; return (Just (L loc (FieldOcc lbl field_id), rhs')) }
| otherwise
= do { addErrTc (badFieldCon con_like field_lbl)
; return Nothing }
field_lbl = occNameFS $ rdrNameOcc (unLoc lbl)
checkMissingFields :: ConLike -> HsRecordBinds GhcRn -> TcM ()
checkMissingFields con_like rbinds
| null field_labels
= if any isBanged field_strs then
addErrTc (missingStrictFields con_like [])
else do
warn <- woptM Opt_WarnMissingFields
when (warn && notNull field_strs && null field_labels)
(warnTc (Reason Opt_WarnMissingFields) True
(missingFields con_like []))
| otherwise = do
unless (null missing_s_fields)
(addErrTc (missingStrictFields con_like missing_s_fields))
warn <- woptM Opt_WarnMissingFields
when (warn && notNull missing_ns_fields)
(warnTc (Reason Opt_WarnMissingFields) True
(missingFields con_like missing_ns_fields))
= [ flLabel fl | (fl, str) <- field_info,
isBanged str,
not (fl `elemField` field_names_used)
= [ flLabel fl | (fl, str) <- field_info,
not (isBanged str),
not (fl `elemField` field_names_used)
field_names_used = hsRecFields rbinds
field_labels = conLikeFieldLabels con_like
field_info = zipEqual "missingFields"
field_strs = conLikeImplBangs con_like
fl `elemField` flds = any (\ fl' -> flSelector fl == fl') flds
addExprErrCtxt :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcM a -> TcM a
addExprErrCtxt expr = addErrCtxt (exprCtxt expr)
exprCtxt :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> SDoc
exprCtxt expr
= hang (text "In the expression:") 2 (ppr expr)
fieldCtxt :: FieldLabelString -> SDoc
fieldCtxt field_name
= text "In the" <+> quotes (ppr field_name) <+> ptext (sLit "field of a record")
addFunResCtxt :: Bool
-> HsExpr GhcRn -> TcType -> ExpRhoType
-> TcM a -> TcM a
addFunResCtxt has_args fun fun_res_ty env_ty
= addLandmarkErrCtxtM (\env -> (env, ) <$> mk_msg)
= do { mb_env_ty <- readExpType_maybe env_ty
; fun_res' <- zonkTcType fun_res_ty
; env' <- case mb_env_ty of
Just env_ty -> zonkTcType env_ty
Nothing ->
do { dumping <- doptM Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
; MASSERT( dumping )
; newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind }
; let
(_, _, fun_tau) = tcSplitNestedSigmaTys fun_res'
(_, _, env_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy env'
(args_fun, res_fun) = tcSplitFunTys fun_tau
(args_env, res_env) = tcSplitFunTys env_tau
n_fun = length args_fun
n_env = length args_env
info | n_fun == n_env = Outputable.empty
| n_fun > n_env
, not_fun res_env
= text "Probable cause:" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
<+> text "is applied to too few arguments"
| has_args
, not_fun res_fun
= text "Possible cause:" <+> quotes (ppr fun)
<+> text "is applied to too many arguments"
| otherwise
= Outputable.empty
; return info }
not_fun ty
= case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tc, _) -> isAlgTyCon tc
Nothing -> False
badFieldTypes :: [(FieldLabelString,TcType)] -> SDoc
badFieldTypes prs
= hang (text "Record update for insufficiently polymorphic field"
<> plural prs <> colon)
2 (vcat [ ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty | (f,ty) <- prs ])
:: [LHsRecField' (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
-> [ConLike]
-> SDoc
badFieldsUpd rbinds data_cons
= hang (text "No constructor has all these fields:")
2 (pprQuotedList conflictingFields)
conflictingFields = case nonMembers of
(nonMember, _) : _ -> [aMember, nonMember]
[] -> let
growingSets :: [(FieldLabelString, [Bool])]
growingSets = scanl1 combine membership
combine (_, setMem) (field, fldMem)
= (field, zipWith (&&) setMem fldMem)
map (fst . head) $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) growingSets
aMember = ASSERT( not (null members) ) fst (head members)
(members, nonMembers) = partition (or . snd) membership
membership :: [(FieldLabelString, [Bool])]
membership = sortMembership $
map (\fld -> (fld, map (Set.member fld) fieldLabelSets)) $
map (occNameFS . rdrNameOcc . rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc . unLoc . hsRecFieldLbl . unLoc) rbinds
fieldLabelSets :: [Set.Set FieldLabelString]
fieldLabelSets = map (Set.fromList . map flLabel . conLikeFieldLabels) data_cons
sortMembership =
map snd .
sortBy (compare `on` fst) .
map (\ item@(_, membershipRow) -> (countTrue membershipRow, item))
countTrue = count id
naughtyRecordSel :: RdrName -> SDoc
naughtyRecordSel sel_id
= text "Cannot use record selector" <+> quotes (ppr sel_id) <+>
text "as a function due to escaped type variables" $$
text "Probable fix: use pattern-matching syntax instead"
notSelector :: Name -> SDoc
notSelector field
= hsep [quotes (ppr field), text "is not a record selector"]
mixedSelectors :: [Id] -> [Id] -> SDoc
mixedSelectors data_sels@(dc_rep_id:_) pat_syn_sels@(ps_rep_id:_)
= ptext
(sLit "Cannot use a mixture of pattern synonym and record selectors") $$
text "Record selectors defined by"
<+> quotes (ppr (tyConName rep_dc))
<> text ":"
<+> pprWithCommas ppr data_sels $$
text "Pattern synonym selectors defined by"
<+> quotes (ppr (patSynName rep_ps))
<> text ":"
<+> pprWithCommas ppr pat_syn_sels
RecSelPatSyn rep_ps = recordSelectorTyCon ps_rep_id
RecSelData rep_dc = recordSelectorTyCon dc_rep_id
mixedSelectors _ _ = panic "TcExpr: mixedSelectors emptylists"
missingStrictFields :: ConLike -> [FieldLabelString] -> SDoc
missingStrictFields con fields
= header <> rest
rest | null fields = Outputable.empty
| otherwise = colon <+> pprWithCommas ppr fields
header = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+>
text "does not have the required strict field(s)"
missingFields :: ConLike -> [FieldLabelString] -> SDoc
missingFields con fields
= header <> rest
rest | null fields = Outputable.empty
| otherwise = colon <+> pprWithCommas ppr fields
header = text "Fields of" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+>
text "not initialised"
noPossibleParents :: [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> SDoc
noPossibleParents rbinds
= hang (text "No type has all these fields:")
2 (pprQuotedList fields)
fields = map (hsRecFieldLbl . unLoc) rbinds
badOverloadedUpdate :: SDoc
badOverloadedUpdate = text "Record update is ambiguous, and requires a type signature"
fieldNotInType :: RecSelParent -> RdrName -> SDoc
fieldNotInType p rdr
= unknownSubordinateErr (text "field of type" <+> quotes (ppr p)) rdr
data NotClosedReason = NotLetBoundReason
| NotTypeClosed VarSet
| NotClosed Name NotClosedReason
checkClosedInStaticForm :: Name -> TcM ()
checkClosedInStaticForm name = do
type_env <- getLclTypeEnv
case checkClosed type_env name of
Nothing -> return ()
Just reason -> addErrTc $ explain name reason
checkClosed :: TcTypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe NotClosedReason
checkClosed type_env n = checkLoop type_env (unitNameSet n) n
checkLoop :: TcTypeEnv -> NameSet -> Name -> Maybe NotClosedReason
checkLoop type_env visited n = do
case lookupNameEnv type_env n of
Just (ATcId { tct_id = tcid, tct_info = info }) -> case info of
ClosedLet -> Nothing
NotLetBound -> Just NotLetBoundReason
NonClosedLet fvs type_closed -> listToMaybe $
[ NotClosed n' reason
| n' <- nameSetElemsStable fvs
, not (elemNameSet n' visited)
, Just reason <- [checkLoop type_env (extendNameSet visited n') n']
] ++
if type_closed then
[ NotTypeClosed $ tyCoVarsOfType (idType tcid) ]
_ -> Nothing
explain :: Name -> NotClosedReason -> SDoc
explain name reason =
quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is used in a static form but it is not closed"
<+> text "because it"
sep (causes reason)
causes :: NotClosedReason -> [SDoc]
causes NotLetBoundReason = [text "is not let-bound."]
causes (NotTypeClosed vs) =
[ text "has a non-closed type because it contains the"
, text "type variables:" <+>
pprVarSet vs (hsep . punctuate comma . map (quotes . ppr))
causes (NotClosed n reason) =
let msg = text "uses" <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> text "which"
in case reason of
NotClosed _ _ -> msg : causes reason
_ -> let (xs0, xs1) = splitAt 1 $ causes reason
in fmap (msg <+>) xs0 ++ xs1