{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | This module provides a 'FieldGrammarParser', one way to parse
-- @.cabal@ -like files.
-- Fields can be specified multiple times in the .cabal files.  The order of
-- such entries is important, but the mutual ordering of different fields is
-- not.Also conditional sections are considered after non-conditional data.
-- The example of this silent-commutation quirk is the fact that
-- @
-- buildable: True
-- if os(linux)
--   buildable: False
-- @
-- and
-- @
-- if os(linux)
--   buildable: False
-- buildable: True
-- @
-- behave the same! This is the limitation of 'GeneralPackageDescription'
-- structure.
-- So we transform the list of fields @['Field' ann]@ into
-- a map of grouped ordinary fields and a list of lists of sections:
-- @'Fields' ann = 'Map' 'FieldName' ['NamelessField' ann]@ and @[['Section' ann]]@.
-- We need list of list of sections, because we need to distinguish situations
-- where there are fields in between. For example
-- @
-- if flag(bytestring-lt-0_10_4)
--   build-depends: bytestring < 0.10.4
-- default-language: Haskell2020
-- else
--   build-depends: bytestring >= 0.10.4
-- @
-- is obviously invalid specification.
-- We can parse 'Fields' like we parse @aeson@ objects, yet we use
-- slighly higher-level API, so we can process unspecified fields,
-- to report unknown fields and save custom @x-fields@.
module Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec (
    -- * Auxiliary
    NamelessField (..),
    Section (..),
    )  where

import Data.List                   (dropWhileEnd)
import Data.Ord                    (comparing)
import Data.Set                    (Set)
import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Simple.Utils   (fromUTF8BS)
import Prelude ()

import qualified Data.ByteString                as BS
import qualified Data.Set                       as Set
import qualified Distribution.Compat.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Text.Parsec                    as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.Error              as P

import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class
import Distribution.Parsec.Class
import Distribution.Parsec.Common
import Distribution.Parsec.Field
import Distribution.Parsec.ParseResult

-- Auxiliary types

type Fields ann = Map FieldName [NamelessField ann]

-- | Single field, without name, but with its annotation.
data NamelessField ann = MkNamelessField !ann [FieldLine ann]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

namelessFieldAnn :: NamelessField ann -> ann
namelessFieldAnn (MkNamelessField ann _) = ann

-- | The 'Section' constructor of 'Field'.
data Section ann = MkSection !(Name ann) [SectionArg ann] [Field ann]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

-- ParsecFieldGrammar

data ParsecFieldGrammar s a = ParsecFG
    { fieldGrammarKnownFields   :: !(Set FieldName)
    , fieldGrammarKnownPrefixes :: !(Set FieldName)
    , fieldGrammarParser        :: !(CabalSpecVersion -> Fields Position -> ParseResult a)
  deriving (Functor)

parseFieldGrammar :: CabalSpecVersion -> Fields Position -> ParsecFieldGrammar s a -> ParseResult a
parseFieldGrammar v fields grammar = do
    for_ (Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey isUnknownField fields)) $ \(name, nfields) ->
        for_ nfields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
            parseWarning pos PWTUnknownField $ "Unknown field: " ++ show name
            -- TODO: fields allowed in this section

    -- parse
    fieldGrammarParser grammar v fields

    isUnknownField k _ = not $
        k `Set.member` fieldGrammarKnownFields grammar
        || any (`BS.isPrefixOf` k) (fieldGrammarKnownPrefixes grammar)

fieldGrammarKnownFieldList :: ParsecFieldGrammar s a -> [FieldName]
fieldGrammarKnownFieldList = Set.toList . fieldGrammarKnownFields

instance Applicative (ParsecFieldGrammar s) where
    pure x = ParsecFG mempty mempty (\_ _  -> pure x)
    {-# INLINE pure  #-}

    ParsecFG f f' f'' <*> ParsecFG x x' x'' = ParsecFG
        (mappend f x)
        (mappend f' x')
        (\v fields -> f'' v fields <*> x'' v fields)
    {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

warnMultipleSingularFields :: FieldName -> [NamelessField Position] -> ParseResult ()
warnMultipleSingularFields _ [] = pure ()
warnMultipleSingularFields fn (x : xs) = do
    let pos  = namelessFieldAnn x
        poss = map namelessFieldAnn xs
    parseWarning pos PWTMultipleSingularField $
        "The field " <> show fn <> " is specified more than once at positions " ++ intercalate ", " (map showPos (pos : poss))

instance FieldGrammar ParsecFieldGrammar where
    blurFieldGrammar _ (ParsecFG s s' parser) = ParsecFG s s' parser

    uniqueFieldAla fn _pack _extract = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
        parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
            Nothing -> parseFatalFailure zeroPos $ show fn ++ " field missing"
            Just [] -> parseFatalFailure zeroPos $ show fn ++ " field missing"
            Just [x] -> parseOne v x
            Just xs -> do
                warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
                last <$> traverse (parseOne v) xs

        parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) =
            unpack' _pack <$> runFieldParser pos parsec v fls

    booleanFieldDef fn _extract def = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
        parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
            Nothing  -> pure def
            Just []  -> pure def
            Just [x] -> parseOne v x
            Just xs  -> do
                warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
                last <$> traverse (parseOne v) xs

        parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) = runFieldParser pos parsec v fls

    optionalFieldAla fn _pack _extract = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
        parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
            Nothing  -> pure Nothing
            Just []  -> pure Nothing
            Just [x] -> parseOne v x
            Just xs  -> do
                warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
                last <$> traverse (parseOne v) xs

        parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls)
            | null fls  = pure Nothing
            | otherwise = Just . unpack' _pack <$> runFieldParser pos parsec v fls

    optionalFieldDefAla fn _pack _extract def = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
        parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
            Nothing  -> pure def
            Just []  -> pure def
            Just [x] -> parseOne v x
            Just xs  -> do
                warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
                last <$> traverse (parseOne v) xs

        parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls)
            | null fls  = pure def
            | otherwise = unpack' _pack <$> runFieldParser pos parsec v fls

    monoidalFieldAla fn _pack _extract = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
        parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
            Nothing -> pure mempty
            Just xs -> foldMap (unpack' _pack) <$> traverse (parseOne v) xs

        parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) = runFieldParser pos parsec v fls

    prefixedFields fnPfx _extract = ParsecFG mempty (Set.singleton fnPfx) (\_ fs -> pure (parser fs))
        parser :: Fields Position -> [(String, String)]
        parser values = reorder $ concatMap convert $ filter match $ Map.toList values

        match (fn, _) = fnPfx `BS.isPrefixOf` fn
        convert (fn, fields) =
            -- TODO: warn about invalid UTF8
            [ (pos, (fromUTF8BS fn, trim $ fromUTF8BS $ fieldlinesToBS fls))
            | MkNamelessField pos fls <- fields
        -- hack: recover the order of prefixed fields
        reorder = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst)
        trim :: String -> String
        trim = dropWhile isSpace . dropWhileEnd isSpace

    availableSince vs def (ParsecFG names prefixes parser) = ParsecFG names prefixes parser'
        parser' v values
            | cabalSpecSupports v vs = parser v values
            | otherwise = do
                let unknownFields = Map.intersection values $ Map.fromSet (const ()) names
                for_ (Map.toList unknownFields) $ \(name, fields) ->
                    for_ fields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
                        parseWarning pos PWTUnknownField $
                            "The field " <> show name <> " is available since Cabal " ++ show vs

                pure def

    -- todo we know about this field
    deprecatedSince (_ : _) _ grammar = grammar -- pass on non-empty version
    deprecatedSince _ msg (ParsecFG names prefixes parser) = ParsecFG names prefixes parser'
        parser' v values = do
            let deprecatedFields = Map.intersection values $ Map.fromSet (const ()) names
            for_ (Map.toList deprecatedFields) $ \(name, fields) ->
                for_ fields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
                    parseWarning pos PWTDeprecatedField $
                        "The field " <> show name <> " is deprecated. " ++ msg

            parser v values

    knownField fn = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty (\_ _ -> pure ())

    hiddenField = id

-- Parsec

runFieldParser' :: Position -> ParsecParser a -> CabalSpecVersion -> String -> ParseResult a
runFieldParser' (Position row col) p v str = case P.runParser p' [] "<field>" str of
    Right (pok, ws) -> do
        -- TODO: map pos
        traverse_ (\(PWarning t pos w) -> parseWarning pos t w) ws
        pure pok
    Left err        -> do
        let ppos = P.errorPos err
        -- Positions start from 1:1, not 0:0
        let epos = Position (row - 1 + P.sourceLine ppos) (col - 1 + P.sourceColumn ppos)
        let msg = P.showErrorMessages
                "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
                (P.errorMessages err)

        parseFatalFailure epos $ msg ++ ": " ++ show str
    p' = (,) <$ P.spaces <*> unPP p v <* P.spaces <* P.eof <*> P.getState

runFieldParser :: Position -> ParsecParser a -> CabalSpecVersion -> [FieldLine Position] -> ParseResult a
runFieldParser pp p v ls = runFieldParser' pos p v =<< fieldlinesToString pos ls
    -- TODO: make per line lookup
    pos = case ls of
        []                     -> pp
        (FieldLine pos' _ : _) -> pos'

fieldlinesToBS :: [FieldLine ann] -> BS.ByteString
fieldlinesToBS = BS.intercalate "\n" . map (\(FieldLine _ bs) -> bs)

-- TODO: Take position  from FieldLine
-- TODO: Take field name
fieldlinesToString :: Position -> [FieldLine ann] -> ParseResult String
fieldlinesToString pos fls =
    let str = intercalate "\n" . map (\(FieldLine _ bs') -> fromUTF8BS bs') $ fls
    in if '\xfffd' `elem` str
        then str <$ parseWarning pos PWTUTF "Invalid UTF8 encoding"
        else pure str