{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NondecreasingIndentation, TupleSections, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
-- -fno-cse is needed for GLOBAL_VAR's to behave properly

--  (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
-- | The dynamic linker for GHCi.
-- This module deals with the top-level issues of dynamic linking,
-- calling the object-code linker and the byte-code linker where
-- necessary.
module Linker ( getHValue, showLinkerState,
                linkExpr, linkDecls, unload, withExtendedLinkEnv,
                extendLinkEnv, deleteFromLinkEnv,
        ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import GhcPrelude

import GHCi
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
import LoadIface
import ByteCodeLink
import ByteCodeAsm
import ByteCodeTypes
import TcRnMonad
import Packages
import DriverPhases
import Finder
import HscTypes
import Name
import NameEnv
import Module
import ListSetOps
import DynFlags
import BasicTypes
import Outputable
import Panic
import Util
import ErrUtils
import SrcLoc
import qualified Maybes
import UniqDSet
import FastString
import Platform
import SysTools
import FileCleanup

-- Standard libraries
import Control.Monad

import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Win32.Info (getSystemDirectory)

import Exception

-- needed for 2nd stage
#if STAGE >= 2
import Foreign (Ptr)

{- **********************************************************************

                        The Linker's state

  ********************************************************************* -}

The persistent linker state *must* match the actual state of the
C dynamic linker at all times, so we keep it in a private global variable.

The global IORef used for PersistentLinkerState actually contains another MVar,
which in turn contains a Maybe PersistentLinkerState. The MVar serves to ensure
mutual exclusion between multiple loaded copies of the GHC library. The Maybe
may be Nothing to indicate that the linker has not yet been initialised.

The PersistentLinkerState maps Names to actual closures (for
interpreted code only), for use during linking.
#if STAGE < 2
GLOBAL_VAR_M( v_PersistentLinkerState
            , newMVar Nothing
            , MVar (Maybe PersistentLinkerState))
SHARED_GLOBAL_VAR_M( v_PersistentLinkerState
                   , getOrSetLibHSghcPersistentLinkerState
                   , "getOrSetLibHSghcPersistentLinkerState"
                   , newMVar Nothing
                   , MVar (Maybe PersistentLinkerState))

uninitialised :: a
uninitialised = panic "Dynamic linker not initialised"

modifyPLS_ :: (PersistentLinkerState -> IO PersistentLinkerState) -> IO ()
modifyPLS_ f = readIORef v_PersistentLinkerState
  >>= flip modifyMVar_ (fmap pure . f . fromMaybe uninitialised)

modifyPLS :: (PersistentLinkerState -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, a)) -> IO a
modifyPLS f = readIORef v_PersistentLinkerState
  >>= flip modifyMVar (fmapFst pure . f . fromMaybe uninitialised)
  where fmapFst f = fmap (\(x, y) -> (f x, y))

readPLS :: IO PersistentLinkerState
readPLS = readIORef v_PersistentLinkerState
  >>= fmap (fromMaybe uninitialised) . readMVar

  :: (Maybe PersistentLinkerState -> IO (Maybe PersistentLinkerState)) -> IO ()
modifyMbPLS_ f = readIORef v_PersistentLinkerState >>= flip modifyMVar_ f

data PersistentLinkerState
   = PersistentLinkerState {

        -- Current global mapping from Names to their true values
        closure_env :: ClosureEnv,

        -- The current global mapping from RdrNames of DataCons to
        -- info table addresses.
        -- When a new Unlinked is linked into the running image, or an existing
        -- module in the image is replaced, the itbl_env must be updated
        -- appropriately.
        itbl_env    :: !ItblEnv,

        -- The currently loaded interpreted modules (home package)
        bcos_loaded :: ![Linkable],

        -- And the currently-loaded compiled modules (home package)
        objs_loaded :: ![Linkable],

        -- The currently-loaded packages; always object code
        -- Held, as usual, in dependency order; though I am not sure if
        -- that is really important
        pkgs_loaded :: ![LinkerUnitId],

        -- we need to remember the name of previous temporary DLL/.so
        -- libraries so we can link them (see #10322)
        temp_sos :: ![(FilePath, String)] }

emptyPLS :: DynFlags -> PersistentLinkerState
emptyPLS _ = PersistentLinkerState {
                        closure_env = emptyNameEnv,
                        itbl_env    = emptyNameEnv,
                        pkgs_loaded = init_pkgs,
                        bcos_loaded = [],
                        objs_loaded = [],
                        temp_sos = [] }

  -- Packages that don't need loading, because the compiler
  -- shares them with the interpreted program.
  -- The linker's symbol table is populated with RTS symbols using an
  -- explicit list.  See rts/Linker.c for details.
  where init_pkgs = map toInstalledUnitId [rtsUnitId]

extendLoadedPkgs :: [InstalledUnitId] -> IO ()
extendLoadedPkgs pkgs =
  modifyPLS_ $ \s ->
      return s{ pkgs_loaded = pkgs ++ pkgs_loaded s }

extendLinkEnv :: [(Name,ForeignHValue)] -> IO ()
extendLinkEnv new_bindings =
  modifyPLS_ $ \pls@PersistentLinkerState{..} -> do
    let new_ce = extendClosureEnv closure_env new_bindings
    return $! pls{ closure_env = new_ce }
    -- strictness is important for not retaining old copies of the pls

deleteFromLinkEnv :: [Name] -> IO ()
deleteFromLinkEnv to_remove =
  modifyPLS_ $ \pls -> do
    let ce = closure_env pls
    let new_ce = delListFromNameEnv ce to_remove
    return pls{ closure_env = new_ce }

-- | Get the 'HValue' associated with the given name.
-- May cause loading the module that contains the name.
-- Throws a 'ProgramError' if loading fails or the name cannot be found.
getHValue :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO ForeignHValue
getHValue hsc_env name = do
  initDynLinker hsc_env
  pls <- modifyPLS $ \pls -> do
           if (isExternalName name) then do
             (pls', ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls noSrcSpan
                              [nameModule name]
             if (failed ok) then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
                            else return (pls', pls')
             return (pls, pls)
  case lookupNameEnv (closure_env pls) name of
    Just (_,aa) -> return aa
        -> ASSERT2(isExternalName name, ppr name)
           do let sym_to_find = nameToCLabel name "closure"
              m <- lookupClosure hsc_env (unpackFS sym_to_find)
              case m of
                Just hvref -> mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env hvref
                Nothing -> linkFail "ByteCodeLink.lookupCE"
                             (unpackFS sym_to_find)

linkDependencies :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState
                 -> SrcSpan -> [Module]
                 -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, SuccessFlag)
linkDependencies hsc_env pls span needed_mods = do
--   initDynLinker (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
   let hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
       dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
   -- The interpreter and dynamic linker can only handle object code built
   -- the "normal" way, i.e. no non-std ways like profiling or ticky-ticky.
   -- So here we check the build tag: if we're building a non-standard way
   -- then we need to find & link object files built the "normal" way.
   maybe_normal_osuf <- checkNonStdWay dflags span

   -- Find what packages and linkables are required
   (lnks, pkgs) <- getLinkDeps hsc_env hpt pls
                               maybe_normal_osuf span needed_mods

   -- Link the packages and modules required
   pls1 <- linkPackages' hsc_env pkgs pls
   linkModules hsc_env pls1 lnks

-- | Temporarily extend the linker state.

withExtendedLinkEnv :: (ExceptionMonad m) =>
                       [(Name,ForeignHValue)] -> m a -> m a
withExtendedLinkEnv new_env action
    = gbracket (liftIO $ extendLinkEnv new_env)
               (\_ -> reset_old_env)
               (\_ -> action)
        -- Remember that the linker state might be side-effected
        -- during the execution of the IO action, and we don't want to
        -- lose those changes (we might have linked a new module or
        -- package), so the reset action only removes the names we
        -- added earlier.
          reset_old_env = liftIO $ do
            modifyPLS_ $ \pls ->
                let cur = closure_env pls
                    new = delListFromNameEnv cur (map fst new_env)
                in return pls{ closure_env = new }

-- | Display the persistent linker state.
showLinkerState :: DynFlags -> IO ()
showLinkerState dflags
  = do pls <- readPLS
       putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevDump noSrcSpan
          (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
                 (vcat [text "----- Linker state -----",
                        text "Pkgs:" <+> ppr (pkgs_loaded pls),
                        text "Objs:" <+> ppr (objs_loaded pls),
                        text "BCOs:" <+> ppr (bcos_loaded pls)])

{- **********************************************************************


  ********************************************************************* -}

-- | Initialise the dynamic linker.  This entails
--  a) Calling the C initialisation procedure,
--  b) Loading any packages specified on the command line,
--  c) Loading any packages specified on the command line, now held in the
--     @-l@ options in @v_Opt_l@,
--  d) Loading any @.o\/.dll@ files specified on the command line, now held
--     in @ldInputs@,
--  e) Loading any MacOS frameworks.
-- NOTE: This function is idempotent; if called more than once, it does
-- nothing.  This is useful in Template Haskell, where we call it before
-- trying to link.
initDynLinker :: HscEnv -> IO ()
initDynLinker hsc_env =
  modifyMbPLS_ $ \pls -> do
    case pls of
      Just  _ -> return pls
      Nothing -> Just <$> reallyInitDynLinker hsc_env

reallyInitDynLinker :: HscEnv -> IO PersistentLinkerState
reallyInitDynLinker hsc_env = do
  -- Initialise the linker state
  let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
      pls0 = emptyPLS dflags

  -- (a) initialise the C dynamic linker
  initObjLinker hsc_env

  -- (b) Load packages from the command-line (Note [preload packages])
  pls <- linkPackages' hsc_env (preloadPackages (pkgState dflags)) pls0

  -- steps (c), (d) and (e)
  linkCmdLineLibs' hsc_env pls

linkCmdLineLibs :: HscEnv -> IO ()
linkCmdLineLibs hsc_env = do
  initDynLinker hsc_env
  modifyPLS_ $ \pls -> do
    linkCmdLineLibs' hsc_env pls

linkCmdLineLibs' :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> IO PersistentLinkerState
linkCmdLineLibs' hsc_env pls =
      let dflags@(DynFlags { ldInputs = cmdline_ld_inputs
                           , libraryPaths = lib_paths_base})
            = hsc_dflags hsc_env

      -- (c) Link libraries from the command-line
      let minus_ls_1 = [ lib | Option ('-':'l':lib) <- cmdline_ld_inputs ]

      -- On Windows we want to add libpthread by default just as GCC would.
      -- However because we don't know the actual name of pthread's dll we
      -- need to defer this to the locateLib call so we can't initialize it
      -- inside of the rts. Instead we do it here to be able to find the
      -- import library for pthreads. See Trac #13210.
      let platform = targetPlatform dflags
          os       = platformOS platform
          minus_ls = case os of
                       OSMinGW32 -> "pthread" : minus_ls_1
                       _         -> minus_ls_1
      -- See Note [Fork/Exec Windows]
      gcc_paths <- getGCCPaths dflags os

      lib_paths_env <- addEnvPaths "LIBRARY_PATH" lib_paths_base

      maybePutStrLn dflags "Search directories (user):"
      maybePutStr dflags (unlines $ map ("  "++) lib_paths_env)
      maybePutStrLn dflags "Search directories (gcc):"
      maybePutStr dflags (unlines $ map ("  "++) gcc_paths)

        <- mapM (locateLib hsc_env False lib_paths_env gcc_paths) minus_ls

      -- (d) Link .o files from the command-line
      classified_ld_inputs <- mapM (classifyLdInput dflags)
                                [ f | FileOption _ f <- cmdline_ld_inputs ]

      -- (e) Link any MacOS frameworks
      let platform = targetPlatform dflags
      let (framework_paths, frameworks) =
            if platformUsesFrameworks platform
             then (frameworkPaths dflags, cmdlineFrameworks dflags)
              else ([],[])

      -- Finally do (c),(d),(e)
      let cmdline_lib_specs = catMaybes classified_ld_inputs
                           ++ libspecs
                           ++ map Framework frameworks
      if null cmdline_lib_specs then return pls
                                else do

      -- Add directories to library search paths, this only has an effect
      -- on Windows. On Unix OSes this function is a NOP.
      let all_paths = let paths = takeDirectory (fst $ sPgm_c $ settings dflags)
                                : framework_paths
                               ++ lib_paths_base
                               ++ [ takeDirectory dll | DLLPath dll <- libspecs ]
                      in nub $ map normalise paths
      let lib_paths = nub $ lib_paths_base ++ gcc_paths
      all_paths_env <- addEnvPaths "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" all_paths
      pathCache <- mapM (addLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) all_paths_env

      let merged_specs = mergeStaticObjects cmdline_lib_specs
      pls1 <- foldM (preloadLib hsc_env lib_paths framework_paths) pls

      maybePutStr dflags "final link ... "
      ok <- resolveObjs hsc_env

      -- DLLs are loaded, reset the search paths
      mapM_ (removeLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) $ reverse pathCache

      if succeeded ok then maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
      else throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "linking extra libraries/objects failed")

      return pls1

-- | Merge runs of consecutive of 'Objects'. This allows for resolution of
-- cyclic symbol references when dynamically linking. Specifically, we link
-- together all of the static objects into a single shared object, avoiding
-- the issue we saw in #13786.
mergeStaticObjects :: [LibrarySpec] -> [LibrarySpec]
mergeStaticObjects specs = go [] specs
    go :: [FilePath] -> [LibrarySpec] -> [LibrarySpec]
    go accum (Objects objs : rest) = go (objs ++ accum) rest
    go accum@(_:_) rest = Objects (reverse accum) : go [] rest
    go [] (spec:rest) = spec : go [] rest
    go [] [] = []

{- Note [preload packages]

Why do we need to preload packages from the command line?  This is an
explanation copied from #2437:

I tried to implement the suggestion from #3560, thinking it would be
easy, but there are two reasons we link in packages eagerly when they
are mentioned on the command line:

  * So that you can link in extra object files or libraries that
    depend on the packages. e.g. ghc -package foo -lbar where bar is a
    C library that depends on something in foo. So we could link in
    foo eagerly if and only if there are extra C libs or objects to
    link in, but....

  * Haskell code can depend on a C function exported by a package, and
    the normal dependency tracking that TH uses can't know about these
    dependencies. The test ghcilink004 relies on this, for example.

I conclude that we need two -package flags: one that says "this is a
package I want to make available", and one that says "this is a
package I want to link in eagerly". Would that be too complicated for

classifyLdInput :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe LibrarySpec)
classifyLdInput dflags f
  | isObjectFilename platform f = return (Just (Objects [f]))
  | isDynLibFilename platform f = return (Just (DLLPath f))
  | otherwise          = do
        putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevInfo noSrcSpan
            (defaultUserStyle dflags)
            (text ("Warning: ignoring unrecognised input `" ++ f ++ "'"))
        return Nothing
    where platform = targetPlatform dflags

  :: HscEnv -> [String] -> [String] -> PersistentLinkerState
  -> LibrarySpec -> IO PersistentLinkerState
preloadLib hsc_env lib_paths framework_paths pls lib_spec = do
  maybePutStr dflags ("Loading object " ++ showLS lib_spec ++ " ... ")
  case lib_spec of
    Objects static_ishs -> do
      (b, pls1) <- preload_statics lib_paths static_ishs
      maybePutStrLn dflags (if b  then "done" else "not found")
      return pls1

    Archive static_ish -> do
      b <- preload_static_archive lib_paths static_ish
      maybePutStrLn dflags (if b  then "done" else "not found")
      return pls

    DLL dll_unadorned -> do
      maybe_errstr <- loadDLL hsc_env (mkSOName platform dll_unadorned)
      case maybe_errstr of
         Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
         Just mm | platformOS platform /= OSDarwin ->
           preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
         Just mm | otherwise -> do
           -- As a backup, on Darwin, try to also load a .so file
           -- since (apparently) some things install that way - see
           -- ticket #8770.
           let libfile = ("lib" ++ dll_unadorned) <.> "so"
           err2 <- loadDLL hsc_env libfile
           case err2 of
             Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
             Just _  -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
      return pls

    DLLPath dll_path -> do
      do maybe_errstr <- loadDLL hsc_env dll_path
         case maybe_errstr of
            Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
            Just mm -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
         return pls

    Framework framework ->
      if platformUsesFrameworks (targetPlatform dflags)
      then do maybe_errstr <- loadFramework hsc_env framework_paths framework
              case maybe_errstr of
                 Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
                 Just mm -> preloadFailed mm framework_paths lib_spec
              return pls
      else panic "preloadLib Framework"

    dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env

    platform = targetPlatform dflags

    preloadFailed :: String -> [String] -> LibrarySpec -> IO ()
    preloadFailed sys_errmsg paths spec
       = do maybePutStr dflags "failed.\n"
            throwGhcExceptionIO $
              CmdLineError (
                    "user specified .o/.so/.DLL could not be loaded ("
                    ++ sys_errmsg ++ ")\nWhilst trying to load:  "
                    ++ showLS spec ++ "\nAdditional directories searched:"
                    ++ (if null paths then " (none)" else
                        intercalate "\n" (map ("   "++) paths)))

    -- Not interested in the paths in the static case.
    preload_statics _paths names
       = do b <- or <$> mapM doesFileExist names
            if not b then return (False, pls)
                     else if dynamicGhc
                             then  do pls1 <- dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls names
                                      return (True, pls1)
                             else  do mapM_ (loadObj hsc_env) names
                                      return (True, pls)

    preload_static_archive _paths name
       = do b <- doesFileExist name
            if not b then return False
                     else do if dynamicGhc
                                 then throwGhcExceptionIO $
                                      CmdLineError dynamic_msg
                                 else loadArchive hsc_env name
                             return True
        dynamic_msg = unlines
          [ "User-specified static library could not be loaded ("
            ++ name ++ ")"
          , "Loading static libraries is not supported in this configuration."
          , "Try using a dynamic library instead."

{- **********************************************************************

                        Link a byte-code expression

  ********************************************************************* -}

-- | Link a single expression, /including/ first linking packages and
-- modules that this expression depends on.
-- Raises an IO exception ('ProgramError') if it can't find a compiled
-- version of the dependents to link.
linkExpr :: HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> UnlinkedBCO -> IO ForeignHValue
linkExpr hsc_env span root_ul_bco
  = do {
     -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
   ; initDynLinker hsc_env

     -- Take lock for the actual work.
   ; modifyPLS $ \pls0 -> do {

     -- Link the packages and modules required
   ; (pls, ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls0 span needed_mods
   ; if failed ok then
        throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
     else do {

     -- Link the expression itself
     let ie = itbl_env pls
         ce = closure_env pls

     -- Link the necessary packages and linkables

   ; let nobreakarray = error "no break array"
         bco_ix = mkNameEnv [(unlinkedBCOName root_ul_bco, 0)]
   ; resolved <- linkBCO hsc_env ie ce bco_ix nobreakarray root_ul_bco
   ; [root_hvref] <- createBCOs hsc_env [resolved]
   ; fhv <- mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env root_hvref
   ; return (pls, fhv)
     free_names = uniqDSetToList (bcoFreeNames root_ul_bco)

     needed_mods :: [Module]
     needed_mods = [ nameModule n | n <- free_names,
                     isExternalName n,      -- Names from other modules
                     not (isWiredInName n)  -- Exclude wired-in names
                   ]                        -- (see note below)
        -- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
        -- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
        -- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
        -- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.

dieWith :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> IO a
dieWith dflags span msg = throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags (mkLocMessage SevFatal span msg)))

checkNonStdWay :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
checkNonStdWay dflags srcspan
  | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags = return Nothing
    -- with -fexternal-interpreter we load the .o files, whatever way
    -- they were built.  If they were built for a non-std way, then
    -- we will use the appropriate variant of the iserv binary to load them.

  | interpWays == haskellWays = return Nothing
    -- Only if we are compiling with the same ways as GHC is built
    -- with, can we dynamically load those object files. (see #3604)

  | objectSuf dflags == normalObjectSuffix && not (null haskellWays)
  = failNonStd dflags srcspan

  | otherwise = return (Just (interpTag ++ "o"))
    haskellWays = filter (not . wayRTSOnly) (ways dflags)
    interpTag = case mkBuildTag interpWays of
                  "" -> ""
                  tag -> tag ++ "_"

normalObjectSuffix :: String
normalObjectSuffix = phaseInputExt StopLn

failNonStd :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
failNonStd dflags srcspan = dieWith dflags srcspan $
  text "Cannot load" <+> compWay <+>
     text "objects when GHC is built" <+> ghciWay $$
  text "To fix this, either:" $$
  text "  (1) Use -fexternal-interpreter, or" $$
  text "  (2) Build the program twice: once" <+>
                       ghciWay <> text ", and then" $$
  text "      with" <+> compWay <+>
     text "using -osuf to set a different object file suffix."
    where compWay
            | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = text "-dynamic"
            | WayProf `elem` ways dflags = text "-prof"
            | otherwise = text "normal"
            | dynamicGhc = text "with -dynamic"
            | rtsIsProfiled = text "with -prof"
            | otherwise = text "the normal way"

getLinkDeps :: HscEnv -> HomePackageTable
            -> PersistentLinkerState
            -> Maybe FilePath                   -- replace object suffices?
            -> SrcSpan                          -- for error messages
            -> [Module]                         -- If you need these
            -> IO ([Linkable], [InstalledUnitId])     -- ... then link these first
-- Fails with an IO exception if it can't find enough files

getLinkDeps hsc_env hpt pls replace_osuf span mods
-- Find all the packages and linkables that a set of modules depends on
 = do {
        -- 1.  Find the dependent home-pkg-modules/packages from each iface
        -- (omitting modules from the interactive package, which is already linked)
      ; (mods_s, pkgs_s) <- follow_deps (filterOut isInteractiveModule mods)
                                        emptyUniqDSet emptyUniqDSet;

      ; let {
        -- 2.  Exclude ones already linked
        --      Main reason: avoid findModule calls in get_linkable
            mods_needed = mods_s `minusList` linked_mods     ;
            pkgs_needed = pkgs_s `minusList` pkgs_loaded pls ;

            linked_mods = map (moduleName.linkableModule)
                                (objs_loaded pls ++ bcos_loaded pls)  }

        -- 3.  For each dependent module, find its linkable
        --     This will either be in the HPT or (in the case of one-shot
        --     compilation) we may need to use maybe_getFileLinkable
      ; let { osuf = objectSuf dflags }
      ; lnks_needed <- mapM (get_linkable osuf) mods_needed

      ; return (lnks_needed, pkgs_needed) }
    dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
    this_pkg = thisPackage dflags

        -- The ModIface contains the transitive closure of the module dependencies
        -- within the current package, *except* for boot modules: if we encounter
        -- a boot module, we have to find its real interface and discover the
        -- dependencies of that.  Hence we need to traverse the dependency
        -- tree recursively.  See bug #936, testcase ghci/prog007.
    follow_deps :: [Module]             -- modules to follow
                -> UniqDSet ModuleName         -- accum. module dependencies
                -> UniqDSet InstalledUnitId          -- accum. package dependencies
                -> IO ([ModuleName], [InstalledUnitId]) -- result
    follow_deps []     acc_mods acc_pkgs
        = return (uniqDSetToList acc_mods, uniqDSetToList acc_pkgs)
    follow_deps (mod:mods) acc_mods acc_pkgs
        = do
          mb_iface <- initIfaceCheck (text "getLinkDeps") hsc_env $
                        loadInterface msg mod (ImportByUser False)
          iface <- case mb_iface of
                    Maybes.Failed err      -> throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags err))
                    Maybes.Succeeded iface -> return iface

          when (mi_boot iface) $ link_boot_mod_error mod

            pkg = moduleUnitId mod
            deps  = mi_deps iface

            pkg_deps = dep_pkgs deps
            (boot_deps, mod_deps) = partitionWith is_boot (dep_mods deps)
                    where is_boot (m,True)  = Left m
                          is_boot (m,False) = Right m

            boot_deps' = filter (not . (`elementOfUniqDSet` acc_mods)) boot_deps
            acc_mods'  = addListToUniqDSet acc_mods (moduleName mod : mod_deps)
            acc_pkgs'  = addListToUniqDSet acc_pkgs $ map fst pkg_deps
          if pkg /= this_pkg
             then follow_deps mods acc_mods (addOneToUniqDSet acc_pkgs' (toInstalledUnitId pkg))
             else follow_deps (map (mkModule this_pkg) boot_deps' ++ mods)
                              acc_mods' acc_pkgs'
            msg = text "need to link module" <+> ppr mod <+>
                  text "due to use of Template Haskell"

    link_boot_mod_error mod =
        throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags (
            text "module" <+> ppr mod <+>
            text "cannot be linked; it is only available as a boot module")))

    no_obj :: Outputable a => a -> IO b
    no_obj mod = dieWith dflags span $
                     text "cannot find object file for module " <>
                        quotes (ppr mod) $$

    while_linking_expr = text "while linking an interpreted expression"

        -- This one is a build-system bug

    get_linkable osuf mod_name      -- A home-package module
        | Just mod_info <- lookupHpt hpt mod_name
        = adjust_linkable (Maybes.expectJust "getLinkDeps" (hm_linkable mod_info))
        | otherwise
        = do    -- It's not in the HPT because we are in one shot mode,
                -- so use the Finder to get a ModLocation...
             mb_stuff <- findHomeModule hsc_env mod_name
             case mb_stuff of
                  Found loc mod -> found loc mod
                  _ -> no_obj mod_name
            found loc mod = do {
                -- ...and then find the linkable for it
               mb_lnk <- findObjectLinkableMaybe mod loc ;
               case mb_lnk of {
                  Nothing  -> no_obj mod ;
                  Just lnk -> adjust_linkable lnk

            adjust_linkable lnk
                | Just new_osuf <- replace_osuf = do
                        new_uls <- mapM (adjust_ul new_osuf)
                                        (linkableUnlinked lnk)
                        return lnk{ linkableUnlinked=new_uls }
                | otherwise =
                        return lnk

            adjust_ul new_osuf (DotO file) = do
                MASSERT(osuf `isSuffixOf` file)
                let file_base = fromJust (stripExtension osuf file)
                    new_file = file_base <.> new_osuf
                ok <- doesFileExist new_file
                if (not ok)
                   then dieWith dflags span $
                          text "cannot find object file "
                                <> quotes (text new_file) $$ while_linking_expr
                   else return (DotO new_file)
            adjust_ul _ (DotA fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotA " ++ show fp)
            adjust_ul _ (DotDLL fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotDLL " ++ show fp)
            adjust_ul _ l@(BCOs {}) = return l

{- **********************************************************************

              Loading a Decls statement

  ********************************************************************* -}

linkDecls :: HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CompiledByteCode -> IO ()
linkDecls hsc_env span cbc@CompiledByteCode{..} = do
    -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
    initDynLinker hsc_env

    -- Take lock for the actual work.
    modifyPLS $ \pls0 -> do

    -- Link the packages and modules required
    (pls, ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls0 span needed_mods
    if failed ok
      then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
      else do

    -- Link the expression itself
    let ie = plusNameEnv (itbl_env pls) bc_itbls
        ce = closure_env pls

    -- Link the necessary packages and linkables
    new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs hsc_env ie ce [cbc]
    nms_fhvs <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs hsc_env new_bindings
    let pls2 = pls { closure_env = extendClosureEnv ce nms_fhvs
                   , itbl_env    = ie }
    return (pls2, ())
    free_names = uniqDSetToList $
      foldr (unionUniqDSets . bcoFreeNames) emptyUniqDSet bc_bcos

    needed_mods :: [Module]
    needed_mods = [ nameModule n | n <- free_names,
                    isExternalName n,       -- Names from other modules
                    not (isWiredInName n)   -- Exclude wired-in names
                  ]                         -- (see note below)
    -- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
    -- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
    -- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
    -- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.

{- **********************************************************************

              Loading a single module

  ********************************************************************* -}

linkModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ()
linkModule hsc_env mod = do
  initDynLinker hsc_env
  modifyPLS_ $ \pls -> do
    (pls', ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls noSrcSpan [mod]
    if (failed ok) then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "could not link module")
      else return pls'

{- **********************************************************************

                Link some linkables
        The linkables may consist of a mixture of
        byte-code modules and object modules

  ********************************************************************* -}

linkModules :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [Linkable]
            -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, SuccessFlag)
linkModules hsc_env pls linkables
  = mask_ $ do  -- don't want to be interrupted by ^C in here

        let (objs, bcos) = partition isObjectLinkable
                              (concatMap partitionLinkable linkables)

                -- Load objects first; they can't depend on BCOs
        (pls1, ok_flag) <- dynLinkObjs hsc_env pls objs

        if failed ok_flag then
                return (pls1, Failed)
          else do
                pls2 <- dynLinkBCOs hsc_env pls1 bcos
                return (pls2, Succeeded)

-- HACK to support f-x-dynamic in the interpreter; no other purpose
partitionLinkable :: Linkable -> [Linkable]
partitionLinkable li
   = let li_uls = linkableUnlinked li
         li_uls_obj = filter isObject li_uls
         li_uls_bco = filter isInterpretable li_uls
         case (li_uls_obj, li_uls_bco) of
            (_:_, _:_) -> [li {linkableUnlinked=li_uls_obj},
                           li {linkableUnlinked=li_uls_bco}]
            _ -> [li]

findModuleLinkable_maybe :: [Linkable] -> Module -> Maybe Linkable
findModuleLinkable_maybe lis mod
   = case [LM time nm us | LM time nm us <- lis, nm == mod] of
        []   -> Nothing
        [li] -> Just li
        _    -> pprPanic "findModuleLinkable" (ppr mod)

linkableInSet :: Linkable -> [Linkable] -> Bool
linkableInSet l objs_loaded =
  case findModuleLinkable_maybe objs_loaded (linkableModule l) of
        Nothing -> False
        Just m  -> linkableTime l == linkableTime m

{- **********************************************************************

                The object-code linker

  ********************************************************************* -}

dynLinkObjs :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [Linkable]
            -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, SuccessFlag)
dynLinkObjs hsc_env pls objs = do
        -- Load the object files and link them
        let (objs_loaded', new_objs) = rmDupLinkables (objs_loaded pls) objs
            pls1                     = pls { objs_loaded = objs_loaded' }
            unlinkeds                = concatMap linkableUnlinked new_objs
            wanted_objs              = map nameOfObject unlinkeds

        if interpreterDynamic (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
            then do pls2 <- dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls1 wanted_objs
                    return (pls2, Succeeded)
            else do mapM_ (loadObj hsc_env) wanted_objs

                    -- Link them all together
                    ok <- resolveObjs hsc_env

                    -- If resolving failed, unload all our
                    -- object modules and carry on
                    if succeeded ok then do
                            return (pls1, Succeeded)
                      else do
                            pls2 <- unload_wkr hsc_env [] pls1
                            return (pls2, Failed)

dynLoadObjs :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [FilePath]
            -> IO PersistentLinkerState
dynLoadObjs _       pls []   = return pls
dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls objs = do
    let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
    let minus_ls = [ lib | Option ('-':'l':lib) <- ldInputs dflags ]
    let minus_big_ls = [ lib | Option ('-':'L':lib) <- ldInputs dflags ]
    (soFile, libPath , libName) <-
      newTempLibName dflags TFL_CurrentModule (soExt platform)
        dflags2 = dflags {
                      -- We don't want the original ldInputs in
                      -- (they're already linked in), but we do want
                      -- to link against previous dynLoadObjs
                      -- libraries if there were any, so that the linker
                      -- can resolve dependencies when it loads this
                      -- library.
                      ldInputs =
                           concatMap (\l -> [ Option ("-l" ++ l) ])
                                     (nub $ snd <$> temp_sos pls)
                        ++ concatMap (\lp -> [ Option ("-L" ++ lp)
                                                    , Option "-Xlinker"
                                                    , Option "-rpath"
                                                    , Option "-Xlinker"
                                                    , Option lp ])
                                     (nub $ fst <$> temp_sos pls)
                        ++ concatMap
                             (\lp ->
                                 [ Option ("-L" ++ lp)
                                 , Option "-Xlinker"
                                 , Option "-rpath"
                                 , Option "-Xlinker"
                                 , Option lp
                        -- See Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
                        ++ map (\l -> Option ("-l" ++ l)) minus_ls,
                      -- Add -l options and -L options from dflags.
                      -- When running TH for a non-dynamic way, we still
                      -- need to make -l flags to link against the dynamic
                      -- libraries, so we need to add WayDyn to ways.
                      -- Even if we're e.g. profiling, we still want
                      -- the vanilla dynamic libraries, so we set the
                      -- ways / build tag to be just WayDyn.
                      ways = [WayDyn],
                      buildTag = mkBuildTag [WayDyn],
                      outputFile = Just soFile
    -- link all "loaded packages" so symbols in those can be resolved
    -- Note: We are loading packages with local scope, so to see the
    -- symbols in this link we must link all loaded packages again.
    linkDynLib dflags2 objs (pkgs_loaded pls)

    -- if we got this far, extend the lifetime of the library file
    changeTempFilesLifetime dflags TFL_GhcSession [soFile]
    m <- loadDLL hsc_env soFile
    case m of
        Nothing -> return pls { temp_sos = (libPath, libName) : temp_sos pls }
        Just err -> panic ("Loading temp shared object failed: " ++ err)

rmDupLinkables :: [Linkable]    -- Already loaded
               -> [Linkable]    -- New linkables
               -> ([Linkable],  -- New loaded set (including new ones)
                   [Linkable])  -- New linkables (excluding dups)
rmDupLinkables already ls
  = go already [] ls
    go already extras [] = (already, extras)
    go already extras (l:ls)
        | linkableInSet l already = go already     extras     ls
        | otherwise               = go (l:already) (l:extras) ls

{- **********************************************************************

                The byte-code linker

  ********************************************************************* -}

dynLinkBCOs :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [Linkable]
            -> IO PersistentLinkerState
dynLinkBCOs hsc_env pls bcos = do

        let (bcos_loaded', new_bcos) = rmDupLinkables (bcos_loaded pls) bcos
            pls1                     = pls { bcos_loaded = bcos_loaded' }
            unlinkeds :: [Unlinked]
            unlinkeds                = concatMap linkableUnlinked new_bcos

            cbcs :: [CompiledByteCode]
            cbcs      = map byteCodeOfObject unlinkeds

            ies        = map bc_itbls cbcs
            gce       = closure_env pls
            final_ie  = foldr plusNameEnv (itbl_env pls) ies

        names_and_refs <- linkSomeBCOs hsc_env final_ie gce cbcs

        -- We only want to add the external ones to the ClosureEnv
        let (to_add, to_drop) = partition (isExternalName.fst) names_and_refs

        -- Immediately release any HValueRefs we're not going to add
        freeHValueRefs hsc_env (map snd to_drop)
        -- Wrap finalizers on the ones we want to keep
        new_binds <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs hsc_env to_add

        return pls1 { closure_env = extendClosureEnv gce new_binds,
                      itbl_env    = final_ie }

-- Link a bunch of BCOs and return references to their values
linkSomeBCOs :: HscEnv
             -> ItblEnv
             -> ClosureEnv
             -> [CompiledByteCode]
             -> IO [(Name,HValueRef)]
                        -- The returned HValueRefs are associated 1-1 with
                        -- the incoming unlinked BCOs.  Each gives the
                        -- value of the corresponding unlinked BCO

linkSomeBCOs hsc_env ie ce mods = foldr fun do_link mods []
  fun CompiledByteCode{..} inner accum =
    case bc_breaks of
      Nothing -> inner ((panic "linkSomeBCOs: no break array", bc_bcos) : accum)
      Just mb -> withForeignRef (modBreaks_flags mb) $ \breakarray ->
                   inner ((breakarray, bc_bcos) : accum)

  do_link [] = return []
  do_link mods = do
    let flat = [ (breakarray, bco) | (breakarray, bcos) <- mods, bco <- bcos ]
        names = map (unlinkedBCOName . snd) flat
        bco_ix = mkNameEnv (zip names [0..])
    resolved <- sequence [ linkBCO hsc_env ie ce bco_ix breakarray bco
                         | (breakarray, bco) <- flat ]
    hvrefs <- createBCOs hsc_env resolved
    return (zip names hvrefs)

-- | Useful to apply to the result of 'linkSomeBCOs'
  :: HscEnv -> [(Name,HValueRef)] -> IO [(Name,ForeignHValue)]
makeForeignNamedHValueRefs hsc_env bindings =
  mapM (\(n, hvref) -> (n,) <$> mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env hvref) bindings

{- **********************************************************************

                Unload some object modules

  ********************************************************************* -}

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Unloading old objects ready for a new compilation sweep.
-- The compilation manager provides us with a list of linkables that it
-- considers \"stable\", i.e. won't be recompiled this time around.  For
-- each of the modules current linked in memory,
--   * if the linkable is stable (and it's the same one -- the user may have
--     recompiled the module on the side), we keep it,
--   * otherwise, we unload it.
--   * we also implicitly unload all temporary bindings at this point.
unload :: HscEnv
       -> [Linkable] -- ^ The linkables to *keep*.
       -> IO ()
unload hsc_env linkables
  = mask_ $ do -- mask, so we're safe from Ctrl-C in here

        -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
        initDynLinker hsc_env

            <- modifyPLS $ \pls -> do
                 pls1 <- unload_wkr hsc_env linkables pls
                 return (pls1, pls1)

        let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
        debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
          text "unload: retaining objs" <+> ppr (objs_loaded new_pls)
        debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
          text "unload: retaining bcos" <+> ppr (bcos_loaded new_pls)
        return ()

unload_wkr :: HscEnv
           -> [Linkable]                -- stable linkables
           -> PersistentLinkerState
           -> IO PersistentLinkerState
-- Does the core unload business
-- (the wrapper blocks exceptions and deals with the PLS get and put)

unload_wkr hsc_env keep_linkables pls@PersistentLinkerState{..}  = do
  -- NB. careful strictness here to avoid keeping the old PLS when
  -- we're unloading some code.  -fghci-leak-check with the tests in
  -- testsuite/ghci can detect space leaks here.

  let (objs_to_keep, bcos_to_keep) = partition isObjectLinkable keep_linkables

      discard keep l = not (linkableInSet l keep)

      (objs_to_unload, remaining_objs_loaded) =
         partition (discard objs_to_keep) objs_loaded
      (bcos_to_unload, remaining_bcos_loaded) =
         partition (discard bcos_to_keep) bcos_loaded

  mapM_ unloadObjs objs_to_unload
  mapM_ unloadObjs bcos_to_unload

  -- If we unloaded any object files at all, we need to purge the cache
  -- of lookupSymbol results.
  when (not (null (objs_to_unload ++
                   filter (not . null . linkableObjs) bcos_to_unload))) $
    purgeLookupSymbolCache hsc_env

  let !bcos_retained = mkModuleSet $ map linkableModule remaining_bcos_loaded

      -- Note that we want to remove all *local*
      -- (i.e. non-isExternal) names too (these are the
      -- temporary bindings from the command line).
      keep_name (n,_) = isExternalName n &&
                        nameModule n `elemModuleSet` bcos_retained

      itbl_env'     = filterNameEnv keep_name itbl_env
      closure_env'  = filterNameEnv keep_name closure_env

      !new_pls = pls { itbl_env = itbl_env',
                       closure_env = closure_env',
                       bcos_loaded = remaining_bcos_loaded,
                       objs_loaded = remaining_objs_loaded }

  return new_pls
    unloadObjs :: Linkable -> IO ()
    unloadObjs lnk
      | dynamicGhc = return ()
        -- We don't do any cleanup when linking objects with the
        -- dynamic linker.  Doing so introduces extra complexity for
        -- not much benefit.
      | otherwise
      = mapM_ (unloadObj hsc_env) [f | DotO f <- linkableUnlinked lnk]
                -- The components of a BCO linkable may contain
                -- dot-o files.  Which is very confusing.
                -- But the BCO parts can be unlinked just by
                -- letting go of them (plus of course depopulating
                -- the symbol table which is done in the main body)

{- **********************************************************************

                Loading packages

  ********************************************************************* -}

data LibrarySpec
   = Objects [FilePath] -- Full path names of set of .o files, including trailing .o
                        -- We allow batched loading to ensure that cyclic symbol
                        -- references can be resolved (see #13786).
                        -- For dynamic objects only, try to find the object
                        -- file in all the directories specified in
                        -- v_Library_paths before giving up.

   | Archive FilePath   -- Full path name of a .a file, including trailing .a

   | DLL String         -- "Unadorned" name of a .DLL/.so
                        --  e.g.    On unix     "qt"  denotes "libqt.so"
                        --          On Windows  "burble"  denotes "burble.DLL" or "libburble.dll"
                        --  loadDLL is platform-specific and adds the lib/.so/.DLL
                        --  suffixes platform-dependently

   | DLLPath FilePath   -- Absolute or relative pathname to a dynamic library
                        -- (ends with .dll or .so).

   | Framework String   -- Only used for darwin, but does no harm

-- If this package is already part of the GHCi binary, we'll already
-- have the right DLLs for this package loaded, so don't try to
-- load them again.
-- But on Win32 we must load them 'again'; doing so is a harmless no-op
-- as far as the loader is concerned, but it does initialise the list
-- of DLL handles that rts/Linker.c maintains, and that in turn is
-- used by lookupSymbol.  So we must call addDLL for each library
-- just to get the DLL handle into the list.
partOfGHCi :: [PackageName]
 | isWindowsHost || isDarwinHost = []
 | otherwise = map (PackageName . mkFastString)
                   ["base", "template-haskell", "editline"]

showLS :: LibrarySpec -> String
showLS (Objects nms)  = "(static) [" ++ intercalate ", " nms ++ "]"
showLS (Archive nm)   = "(static archive) " ++ nm
showLS (DLL nm)       = "(dynamic) " ++ nm
showLS (DLLPath nm)   = "(dynamic) " ++ nm
showLS (Framework nm) = "(framework) " ++ nm

-- TODO: Make this type more precise
type LinkerUnitId = InstalledUnitId

-- | Link exactly the specified packages, and their dependents (unless of
-- course they are already linked).  The dependents are linked
-- automatically, and it doesn't matter what order you specify the input
-- packages.
linkPackages :: HscEnv -> [LinkerUnitId] -> IO ()
-- NOTE: in fact, since each module tracks all the packages it depends on,
--       we don't really need to use the package-config dependencies.
-- However we do need the package-config stuff (to find aux libs etc),
-- and following them lets us load libraries in the right order, which
-- perhaps makes the error message a bit more localised if we get a link
-- failure.  So the dependency walking code is still here.

linkPackages hsc_env new_pkgs = do
  -- It's probably not safe to try to load packages concurrently, so we take
  -- a lock.
  initDynLinker hsc_env
  modifyPLS_ $ \pls -> do
    linkPackages' hsc_env new_pkgs pls

linkPackages' :: HscEnv -> [LinkerUnitId] -> PersistentLinkerState
             -> IO PersistentLinkerState
linkPackages' hsc_env new_pks pls = do
    pkgs' <- link (pkgs_loaded pls) new_pks
    return $! pls { pkgs_loaded = pkgs' }
     dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env

     link :: [LinkerUnitId] -> [LinkerUnitId] -> IO [LinkerUnitId]
     link pkgs new_pkgs =
         foldM link_one pkgs new_pkgs

     link_one pkgs new_pkg
        | new_pkg `elem` pkgs   -- Already linked
        = return pkgs

        | Just pkg_cfg <- lookupInstalledPackage dflags new_pkg
        = do {  -- Link dependents first
               pkgs' <- link pkgs (depends pkg_cfg)
                -- Now link the package itself
             ; linkPackage hsc_env pkg_cfg
             ; return (new_pkg : pkgs') }

        | otherwise
        = throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("unknown package: " ++ unpackFS (installedUnitIdFS new_pkg)))

linkPackage :: HscEnv -> PackageConfig -> IO ()
linkPackage hsc_env pkg
   = do
        let dflags    = hsc_dflags hsc_env
            platform  = targetPlatform dflags
            is_dyn = interpreterDynamic dflags
            dirs | is_dyn    = Packages.libraryDynDirs pkg
                 | otherwise = Packages.libraryDirs pkg

        let hs_libs   =  Packages.hsLibraries pkg
            -- The FFI GHCi import lib isn't needed as
            -- compiler/ghci/Linker.hs + rts/Linker.c link the
            -- interpreted references to FFI to the compiled FFI.
            -- We therefore filter it out so that we don't get
            -- duplicate symbol errors.
            hs_libs'  =  filter ("HSffi" /=) hs_libs

        -- Because of slight differences between the GHC dynamic linker and
        -- the native system linker some packages have to link with a
        -- different list of libraries when using GHCi. Examples include: libs
        -- that are actually gnu ld scripts, and the possibility that the .a
        -- libs do not exactly match the .so/.dll equivalents. So if the
        -- package file provides an "extra-ghci-libraries" field then we use
        -- that instead of the "extra-libraries" field.
            extra_libs =
                      (if null (Packages.extraGHCiLibraries pkg)
                            then Packages.extraLibraries pkg
                            else Packages.extraGHCiLibraries pkg)
                      ++ [ lib | '-':'l':lib <- Packages.ldOptions pkg ]
        -- See Note [Fork/Exec Windows]
        gcc_paths <- getGCCPaths dflags (platformOS platform)
        dirs_env <- addEnvPaths "LIBRARY_PATH" dirs

           <- mapM (locateLib hsc_env True  dirs_env gcc_paths) hs_libs'
           <- mapM (locateLib hsc_env False dirs_env gcc_paths) extra_libs
        let classifieds = hs_classifieds ++ extra_classifieds

        -- Complication: all the .so's must be loaded before any of the .o's.
        let known_dlls = [ dll  | DLLPath dll    <- classifieds ]
            dlls       = [ dll  | DLL dll        <- classifieds ]
            objs       = [ obj  | Objects objs    <- classifieds
                                , obj <- objs ]
            archs      = [ arch | Archive arch   <- classifieds ]

        -- Add directories to library search paths
        let dll_paths  = map takeDirectory known_dlls
            all_paths  = nub $ map normalise $ dll_paths ++ dirs
        all_paths_env <- addEnvPaths "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" all_paths
        pathCache <- mapM (addLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) all_paths_env

        maybePutStr dflags
            ("Loading package " ++ sourcePackageIdString pkg ++ " ... ")

        -- See comments with partOfGHCi
        when (packageName pkg `notElem` partOfGHCi) $ do
            loadFrameworks hsc_env platform pkg
            -- See Note [Crash early load_dyn and locateLib]
            -- Crash early if can't load any of `known_dlls`
            mapM_ (load_dyn hsc_env True) known_dlls
            -- For remaining `dlls` crash early only when there is surely
            -- no package's DLL around ... (not is_dyn)
            mapM_ (load_dyn hsc_env (not is_dyn) . mkSOName platform) dlls

        -- After loading all the DLLs, we can load the static objects.
        -- Ordering isn't important here, because we do one final link
        -- step to resolve everything.
        mapM_ (loadObj hsc_env) objs
        mapM_ (loadArchive hsc_env) archs

        maybePutStr dflags "linking ... "
        ok <- resolveObjs hsc_env

        -- DLLs are loaded, reset the search paths
        -- Import libraries will be loaded via loadArchive so only
        -- reset the DLL search path after all archives are loaded
        -- as well.
        mapM_ (removeLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) $ reverse pathCache

        if succeeded ok
           then maybePutStrLn dflags "done."
           else let errmsg = "unable to load package `"
                             ++ sourcePackageIdString pkg ++ "'"
                 in throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError errmsg)

Note [Crash early load_dyn and locateLib]
If a package is "normal" (exposes it's code from more than zero Haskell
modules, unlike e.g. that in ghcilink004) and is built "dyn" way, then
it has it's code compiled and linked into the DLL, which GHCi linker picks
when loading the package's code (see the big comment in the beginning of

When loading DLLs, GHCi linker simply calls the system's `dlopen` or
`LoadLibrary` APIs. This is quite different from the case when GHCi linker
loads an object file or static library. When loading an object file or static
library GHCi linker parses them and resolves all symbols "manually".
These object file or static library may reference some external symbols
defined in some external DLLs. And GHCi should know which these
external DLLs are.

But when GHCi loads a DLL, it's the *system* linker who manages all
the necessary dependencies, and it is able to load this DLL not having
any extra info. Thus we don't *have to* crash in this case even if we
are unable to load any supposed dependencies explicitly.

Suppose during GHCi session a client of the package wants to
`foreign import` a symbol which isn't exposed by the package DLL, but
is exposed by such an external (dependency) DLL.
If the DLL isn't *explicitly* loaded because `load_dyn` failed to do
this, then the client code eventually crashes because the GHCi linker
isn't able to locate this symbol (GHCi linker maintains a list of
explicitly loaded DLLs it looks into when trying to find a symbol).

This is why we still should try to load all the dependency DLLs
even though we know that the system linker loads them implicitly when
loading the package DLL.

Why we still keep the `crash_early` opportunity then not allowing such
a permissive behaviour for any DLLs? Well, we, perhaps, improve a user
experience in some cases slightly.

But if it happens there exist other corner cases where our current
usage of `crash_early` flag is overly restrictive, we may lift the
restriction very easily.

-- we have already searched the filesystem; the strings passed to load_dyn
-- can be passed directly to loadDLL.  They are either fully-qualified
-- ("/usr/lib/libfoo.so"), or unqualified ("libfoo.so").  In the latter case,
-- loadDLL is going to search the system paths to find the library.
load_dyn :: HscEnv -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
load_dyn hsc_env crash_early dll = do
  r <- loadDLL hsc_env dll
  case r of
    Nothing  -> return ()
    Just err ->
      if crash_early
        then cmdLineErrorIO err
        else let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env in
          when (wopt Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib dflags)
            $ putLogMsg dflags
                (Reason Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib) SevWarning
                  noSrcSpan (defaultUserStyle dflags)(note err)
    note err = vcat $ map text
      [ err
      , "It's OK if you don't want to use symbols from it directly."
      , "(the package DLL is loaded by the system linker"
      , " which manages dependencies by itself)." ]

loadFrameworks :: HscEnv -> Platform -> PackageConfig -> IO ()
loadFrameworks hsc_env platform pkg
    = when (platformUsesFrameworks platform) $ mapM_ load frameworks
    fw_dirs    = Packages.frameworkDirs pkg
    frameworks = Packages.frameworks pkg

    load fw = do  r <- loadFramework hsc_env fw_dirs fw
                  case r of
                    Nothing  -> return ()
                    Just err -> cmdLineErrorIO ("can't load framework: "
                                                ++ fw ++ " (" ++ err ++ ")" )

-- Try to find an object file for a given library in the given paths.
-- If it isn't present, we assume that addDLL in the RTS can find it,
-- which generally means that it should be a dynamic library in the
-- standard system search path.
-- For GHCi we tend to prefer dynamic libraries over static ones as
-- they are easier to load and manage, have less overhead.
locateLib :: HscEnv -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> String
          -> IO LibrarySpec
locateLib hsc_env is_hs lib_dirs gcc_dirs lib
  | not is_hs
    -- For non-Haskell libraries (e.g. gmp, iconv):
    --   first look in library-dirs for a dynamic library (on User paths only)
    --   (libfoo.so)
    --   then  try looking for import libraries on Windows (on User paths only)
    --   (.dll.a, .lib)
    --   first look in library-dirs for a dynamic library (on GCC paths only)
    --   (libfoo.so)
    --   then  check for system dynamic libraries (e.g. kernel32.dll on windows)
    --   then  try looking for import libraries on Windows (on GCC paths only)
    --   (.dll.a, .lib)
    --   then  look in library-dirs for a static library (libfoo.a)
    --   then look in library-dirs and inplace GCC for a dynamic library (libfoo.so)
    --   then  try looking for import libraries on Windows (.dll.a, .lib)
    --   then  look in library-dirs and inplace GCC for a static library (libfoo.a)
    --   then  try "gcc --print-file-name" to search gcc's search path
    --       for a dynamic library (#5289)
    --   otherwise, assume loadDLL can find it
    --   The logic is a bit complicated, but the rationale behind it is that
    --   loading a shared library for us is O(1) while loading an archive is
    --   O(n). Loading an import library is also O(n) so in general we prefer
    --   shared libraries because they are simpler and faster.
  = findDll   user `orElse`
    tryImpLib user `orElse`
    findDll   gcc  `orElse`
    findSysDll     `orElse`
    tryImpLib gcc  `orElse`
    findArchive    `orElse`
    tryGcc         `orElse`

  | loading_dynamic_hs_libs -- search for .so libraries first.
  = findHSDll     `orElse`
    findDynObject `orElse`

  | otherwise
    -- use HSfoo.{o,p_o} if it exists, otherwise fallback to libHSfoo{,_p}.a
  = findObject  `orElse`
    findArchive `orElse`

     dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
     dirs   = lib_dirs ++ gcc_dirs
     gcc    = False
     user   = True

       | is_hs && loading_profiled_hs_libs = lib <.> "p_o"
       | otherwise = lib <.> "o"
     dyn_obj_file = lib <.> "dyn_o"
     arch_files = [ "lib" ++ lib ++ lib_tag <.> "a"
                  , lib <.> "a" -- native code has no lib_tag
                  , "lib" ++ lib, lib
     lib_tag = if is_hs && loading_profiled_hs_libs then "_p" else ""

     loading_profiled_hs_libs = interpreterProfiled dflags
     loading_dynamic_hs_libs  = interpreterDynamic dflags

     import_libs  = [ lib <.> "lib"           , "lib" ++ lib <.> "lib"
                    , "lib" ++ lib <.> "dll.a", lib <.> "dll.a"

     hs_dyn_lib_name = lib ++ '-':programName dflags ++ projectVersion dflags
     hs_dyn_lib_file = mkHsSOName platform hs_dyn_lib_name

     so_name     = mkSOName platform lib
     lib_so_name = "lib" ++ so_name
     dyn_lib_file = case (arch, os) of
                             (ArchX86_64, OSSolaris2) -> "64" </> so_name
                             _ -> so_name

     findObject    = liftM (fmap $ Objects . (:[]))  $ findFile dirs obj_file
     findDynObject = liftM (fmap $ Objects . (:[]))  $ findFile dirs dyn_obj_file
     findArchive   = let local name = liftM (fmap Archive) $ findFile dirs name
                     in  apply (map local arch_files)
     findHSDll     = liftM (fmap DLLPath) $ findFile dirs hs_dyn_lib_file
     findDll    re = let dirs' = if re == user then lib_dirs else gcc_dirs
                     in liftM (fmap DLLPath) $ findFile dirs' dyn_lib_file
     findSysDll    = fmap (fmap $ DLL . dropExtension . takeFileName) $
                        findSystemLibrary hsc_env so_name
     tryGcc        = let search   = searchForLibUsingGcc dflags
                         dllpath  = liftM (fmap DLLPath)
                         short    = dllpath $ search so_name lib_dirs
                         full     = dllpath $ search lib_so_name lib_dirs
                         gcc name = liftM (fmap Archive) $ search name lib_dirs
                         files    = import_libs ++ arch_files
                     in apply $ short : full : map gcc files
     tryImpLib re = case os of
                       OSMinGW32 ->
                        let dirs' = if re == user then lib_dirs else gcc_dirs
                            implib name = liftM (fmap Archive) $
                                            findFile dirs' name
                        in apply (map implib import_libs)
                       _         -> return Nothing

     assumeDll   = return (DLL lib)
     infixr `orElse`
     f `orElse` g = f >>= maybe g return

     apply []     = return Nothing
     apply (x:xs) = do x' <- x
                       if isJust x'
                          then return x'
                          else apply xs

     platform = targetPlatform dflags
     arch = platformArch platform
     os = platformOS platform

searchForLibUsingGcc :: DynFlags -> String -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
searchForLibUsingGcc dflags so dirs = do
   -- GCC does not seem to extend the library search path (using -L) when using
   -- --print-file-name. So instead pass it a new base location.
   str <- askLd dflags (map (FileOption "-B") dirs
                          ++ [Option "--print-file-name", Option so])
   let file = case lines str of
                []  -> ""
                l:_ -> l
   if (file == so)
      then return Nothing
      else do b <- doesFileExist file -- file could be a folder (see #16063)
              return (if b then Just file else Nothing)

-- | Retrieve the list of search directory GCC and the System use to find
--   libraries and components. See Note [Fork/Exec Windows].
getGCCPaths :: DynFlags -> OS -> IO [FilePath]
getGCCPaths dflags os
  = case os of
      OSMinGW32 ->
        do gcc_dirs <- getGccSearchDirectory dflags "libraries"
           sys_dirs <- getSystemDirectories
           return $ nub $ gcc_dirs ++ sys_dirs
      _         -> return []

-- | Cache for the GCC search directories as this can't easily change
--   during an invocation of GHC. (Maybe with some env. variable but we'll)
--   deal with that highly unlikely scenario then.
{-# NOINLINE gccSearchDirCache #-}
gccSearchDirCache :: IORef [(String, [String])]
gccSearchDirCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []

-- Note [Fork/Exec Windows]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- fork/exec is expensive on Windows, for each time we ask GCC for a library we
-- have to eat the cost of af least 3 of these: gcc -> real_gcc -> cc1.
-- So instead get a list of location that GCC would search and use findDirs
-- which hopefully is written in an optimized mannor to take advantage of
-- caching. At the very least we remove the overhead of the fork/exec and waits
-- which dominate a large percentage of startup time on Windows.
getGccSearchDirectory :: DynFlags -> String -> IO [FilePath]
getGccSearchDirectory dflags key = do
    cache <- readIORef gccSearchDirCache
    case lookup key cache of
      Just x  -> return x
      Nothing -> do
        str <- askLd dflags [Option "--print-search-dirs"]
        let line = dropWhile isSpace str
            name = key ++ ": ="
        if null line
          then return []
          else do let val = split $ find name line
                  dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist val
                  modifyIORef' gccSearchDirCache ((key, dirs):)
                  return val
      where split :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
            split r = case break (==';') r of
                        (s, []    ) -> [s]
                        (s, (_:xs)) -> s : split xs

            find :: String -> String -> String
            find r x = let lst = lines x
                           val = filter (r `isPrefixOf`) lst
                       in if null val
                             then []
                             else case break (=='=') (head val) of
                                     (_ , [])    -> []
                                     (_, (_:xs)) -> xs

-- | Get a list of system search directories, this to alleviate pressure on
-- the findSysDll function.
getSystemDirectories :: IO [FilePath]
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
getSystemDirectories = fmap (:[]) getSystemDirectory
getSystemDirectories = return []

-- | Merge the given list of paths with those in the environment variable
--   given. If the variable does not exist then just return the identity.
addEnvPaths :: String -> [String] -> IO [String]
addEnvPaths name list
  = do -- According to POSIX (chapter 8.3) a zero-length prefix means current
       -- working directory. Replace empty strings in the env variable with
       -- `working_dir` (see also #14695).
       working_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
       values <- lookupEnv name
       case values of
         Nothing  -> return list
         Just arr -> return $ list ++ splitEnv working_dir arr
      splitEnv :: FilePath -> String -> [String]
      splitEnv working_dir value =
        case break (== envListSep) value of
          (x, []    ) ->
            [if null x then working_dir else x]
          (x, (_:xs)) ->
            (if null x then working_dir else x) : splitEnv working_dir xs
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
      envListSep = ';'
      envListSep = ':'

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Loading a dynamic library (dlopen()-ish on Unix, LoadLibrary-ish on Win32)

-- Darwin / MacOS X only: load a framework
-- a framework is a dynamic library packaged inside a directory of the same
-- name. They are searched for in different paths than normal libraries.
loadFramework :: HscEnv -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
loadFramework hsc_env extraPaths rootname
   = do { either_dir <- tryIO getHomeDirectory
        ; let homeFrameworkPath = case either_dir of
                                  Left _ -> []
                                  Right dir -> [dir </> "Library/Frameworks"]
              ps = extraPaths ++ homeFrameworkPath ++ defaultFrameworkPaths
        ; mb_fwk <- findFile ps fwk_file
        ; case mb_fwk of
            Just fwk_path -> loadDLL hsc_env fwk_path
            Nothing       -> return (Just "not found") }
                -- Tried all our known library paths, but dlopen()
                -- has no built-in paths for frameworks: give up
     fwk_file = rootname <.> "framework" </> rootname
        -- sorry for the hardcoded paths, I hope they won't change anytime soon:
     defaultFrameworkPaths = ["/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks"]

{- **********************************************************************

                Helper functions

  ********************************************************************* -}

maybePutStr :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
maybePutStr dflags s
    = when (verbosity dflags > 1) $
          putLogMsg dflags
              (defaultUserStyle dflags)
              (text s)

maybePutStrLn :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
maybePutStrLn dflags s = maybePutStr dflags (s ++ "\n")