module Distribution.Fields.Pretty (
PrettyField (..),
) where
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Pretty (showToken)
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Fields.Field (FieldName)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8BS)
import qualified Distribution.Fields.Parser as P
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
data PrettyField
= PrettyField FieldName PP.Doc
| PrettySection FieldName [PP.Doc] [PrettyField]
showFields :: [PrettyField] -> String
showFields = showFields' 4
showFields' :: Int -> [PrettyField] -> String
showFields' n = unlines . renderFields indent where
indent | n == 4 = indent4
| n == 2 = indent2
| otherwise = (replicate (max n 1) ' ' ++)
indent4 :: String -> String
indent4 [] = []
indent4 xs = ' ' : ' ' : ' ' : ' ' : xs
indent2 :: String -> String
indent2 [] = []
indent2 xs = ' ' : ' ' : xs
renderFields :: (String -> String) -> [PrettyField] -> [String]
renderFields indent fields = flattenBlocks $ map (renderField indent len) fields
len = maxNameLength 0 fields
maxNameLength !acc [] = acc
maxNameLength !acc (PrettyField name _ : rest) = maxNameLength (max acc (BS.length name)) rest
maxNameLength !acc (PrettySection {} : rest) = maxNameLength acc rest
data Block = Block Bool [String]
flattenBlocks :: [Block] -> [String]
flattenBlocks = go0 where
go0 [] = []
go0 (Block surr strs : blocks) = strs ++ go surr blocks
go _surr' [] = []
go surr' (Block surr strs : blocks) = ins $ strs ++ go surr blocks where
ins | surr' || surr = ("" :)
| otherwise = id
renderField :: (String -> String) -> Int -> PrettyField -> Block
renderField indent fw (PrettyField name doc) = Block False $ case lines narrow of
[] -> [ name' ++ ":" ]
[singleLine] | length singleLine < 60
-> [ name' ++ ": " ++ replicate (fw length name') ' ' ++ narrow ]
_ -> (name' ++ ":") : map indent (lines (PP.render doc))
name' = fromUTF8BS name
narrow = PP.renderStyle narrowStyle doc
narrowStyle :: PP.Style
narrowStyle = { PP.lineLength = PP.lineLength fw }
renderField indent _ (PrettySection name args fields) = Block True $
[ PP.render $ PP.hsep $ PP.text (fromUTF8BS name) : args ]
(map indent $ renderFields indent fields)
:: Applicative f
=> (FieldName -> [P.FieldLine ann] -> f PP.Doc)
-> (FieldName -> [P.SectionArg ann] -> f [PP.Doc])
-> [P.Field ann]
-> f [PrettyField]
genericFromParsecFields f g = goMany where
goMany = traverse go
go (P.Field (P.Name _ann name) fls) = PrettyField name <$> f name fls
go (P.Section (P.Name _ann name) secargs fs) = PrettySection name <$> g name secargs <*> goMany fs
prettyFieldLines :: FieldName -> [P.FieldLine ann] -> PP.Doc
prettyFieldLines _ fls = PP.vcat
[ PP.text $ fromUTF8BS bs
| P.FieldLine _ bs <- fls
prettySectionArgs :: FieldName -> [P.SectionArg ann] -> [PP.Doc]
prettySectionArgs _ = map $ \sa -> case sa of
P.SecArgName _ bs -> showToken $ fromUTF8BS bs
P.SecArgStr _ bs -> showToken $ fromUTF8BS bs
P.SecArgOther _ bs -> PP.text $ fromUTF8BS bs
fromParsecFields :: [P.Field ann] -> [PrettyField]
fromParsecFields = runIdentity . genericFromParsecFields
(Identity .: prettyFieldLines)
(Identity .: prettySectionArgs)
(.:) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d -> a) -> (c -> d -> b)
(f .: g) x y = f (g x y)