module Distribution.Pretty (
    Pretty (..),
    -- * Utilities
    -- * Deprecated
    ) where

import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP

class Pretty a where
    pretty :: a -> PP.Doc

instance Pretty Bool where
    pretty = PP.text . show

instance Pretty Int where
    pretty = PP.text . show

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Identity a) where
    pretty = pretty . runIdentity

prettyShow :: Pretty a => a -> String
prettyShow = PP.renderStyle defaultStyle . pretty 

-- | The default rendering style used in Cabal for console
-- output. It has a fixed page width and adds line breaks
-- automatically.
defaultStyle :: PP.Style
defaultStyle = PP.Style { PP.mode           = PP.PageMode
                          , PP.lineLength     = 79
                          , PP.ribbonsPerLine = 1.0

-- | A style for rendering all on one line.
flatStyle :: PP.Style
flatStyle = PP.Style { PP.mode = PP.LeftMode
                       , PP.lineLength = err "lineLength"
                       , PP.ribbonsPerLine = err "ribbonsPerLine"
    err x = error ("flatStyle: tried to access " ++ x ++ " in LeftMode. " ++
                   "This should never happen and indicates a bug in Cabal.")

-- Utilities

-- TODO: remove when ReadP parser is gone.
type Separator = [PP.Doc] -> PP.Doc

showFilePath :: FilePath -> PP.Doc
showFilePath = showToken

showToken :: String -> PP.Doc
showToken str
    -- if token looks like a comment (starts with --), print it in quotes
    | "--" `isPrefixOf` str                 = PP.text (show str)
    -- also if token ends with a colon (e.g. executable name), print it in quotes
    | ":" `isSuffixOf` str                  = PP.text (show str)
    | not (any dodgy str) && not (null str) = PP.text str
    | otherwise                             = PP.text (show str)
    dodgy c = isSpace c || c == ','

-- | Pretty-print free-format text, ensuring that it is vertically aligned,
-- and with blank lines replaced by dots for correct re-parsing.
showFreeText :: String -> PP.Doc
showFreeText "" = mempty
showFreeText s  = PP.vcat [ PP.text (if null l then "." else l) | l <- lines_ s ]

-- | 'lines_' breaks a string up into a list of strings at newline
-- characters.  The resulting strings do not contain newlines.
lines_                   :: String -> [String]
lines_ [] = [""]
lines_ s  =
    let (l, s') = break (== '\n') s
    in  l : case s' of
        []      -> []
        (_:s'') -> lines_ s''