module BlockLayout
( sequenceTop )
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
import Instruction
import NCGMonad
import CFG
import BlockId
import Cmm
import Hoopl.Collections
import Hoopl.Label
import Hoopl.Block
import DynFlags (gopt, GeneralFlag(..), DynFlags, backendMaintainsCfg)
import UniqFM
import Util
import Unique
import Digraph
import Outputable
import Maybes
import ListSetOps (removeDups)
import PprCmm ()
import OrdList
import Data.List
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Hoopl.Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Applicative
neighbourOverlapp :: Int
neighbourOverlapp = 2
fuseEdgeThreshold :: EdgeWeight
fuseEdgeThreshold = 0
data BlockChain
= BlockChain
{ chainMembers :: !LabelSet
, chainBlocks :: !BlockSequence
instance Eq (BlockChain) where
(BlockChain s1 _) == (BlockChain s2 _)
= s1 == s2
instance Outputable (BlockChain) where
ppr (BlockChain _ blks) =
parens (text "Chain:" <+> ppr (seqToList $ blks) )
data WeightedEdge = WeightedEdge !BlockId !BlockId EdgeWeight deriving (Eq)
instance Ord (BlockChain) where
(BlockChain lbls1 _) `compare` (BlockChain lbls2 _)
= lbls1 `compare` lbls2
instance Ord WeightedEdge where
compare (WeightedEdge from1 to1 weight1)
(WeightedEdge from2 to2 weight2)
| weight1 < weight2 || weight1 == weight2 && from1 < from2 ||
weight1 == weight2 && from1 == from2 && to1 < to2
= LT
| from1 == from2 && to1 == to2 && weight1 == weight2
= EQ
| otherwise
= GT
instance Outputable WeightedEdge where
ppr (WeightedEdge from to info) =
ppr from <> text "->" <> ppr to <> brackets (ppr info)
type WeightedEdgeList = [WeightedEdge]
noDups :: [BlockChain] -> Bool
noDups chains =
let chainBlocks = concatMap chainToBlocks chains :: [BlockId]
(_blocks, dups) = removeDups compare chainBlocks
in if null dups then True
else pprTrace "Duplicates:" (ppr (map toList dups) $$ text "chains" <+> ppr chains ) False
inFront :: BlockId -> BlockChain -> Bool
inFront bid (BlockChain _ seq)
= seqFront seq == bid
chainMember :: BlockId -> BlockChain -> Bool
chainMember bid chain
= setMember bid . chainMembers $ chain
chainSingleton :: BlockId -> BlockChain
chainSingleton lbl
= BlockChain (setSingleton lbl) (Singleton lbl)
chainSnoc :: BlockChain -> BlockId -> BlockChain
chainSnoc (BlockChain lbls blks) lbl
= BlockChain (setInsert lbl lbls) (seqSnoc blks lbl)
chainConcat :: BlockChain -> BlockChain -> BlockChain
chainConcat (BlockChain lbls1 blks1) (BlockChain lbls2 blks2)
= BlockChain (setUnion lbls1 lbls2) (blks1 `seqConcat` blks2)
chainToBlocks :: BlockChain -> [BlockId]
chainToBlocks (BlockChain _ blks) = seqToList blks
breakChainAt :: BlockId -> BlockChain
-> (BlockChain,BlockChain)
breakChainAt bid (BlockChain lbls blks)
| not (setMember bid lbls)
= panic "Block not in chain"
| otherwise
= let (lblks, rblks) = break (\lbl -> lbl == bid)
(seqToList blks)
(BlockChain (setFromList lblks) (seqFromBids lblks),
BlockChain (setFromList rblks) (seqFromBids rblks))
takeR :: Int -> BlockChain -> [BlockId]
takeR n (BlockChain _ blks) =
take n . seqToRList $ blks
takeL :: Int -> BlockChain -> [BlockId]
takeL n (BlockChain _ blks) =
take n . seqToList $ blks
fuseChains :: WeightedEdgeList -> LabelMap BlockChain
-> (LabelMap BlockChain, Set.Set WeightedEdge)
fuseChains weights chains
= let fronts = mapFromList $
map (\chain -> (head $ takeL 1 chain,chain)) $
mapElems chains :: LabelMap BlockChain
(chains', used, _) = applyEdges weights chains fronts Set.empty
in (chains', used)
applyEdges :: WeightedEdgeList -> LabelMap BlockChain
-> LabelMap BlockChain -> Set.Set WeightedEdge
-> (LabelMap BlockChain, Set.Set WeightedEdge, LabelMap BlockChain)
applyEdges [] chainsEnd chainsFront used
= (chainsEnd, used, chainsFront)
applyEdges (edge@(WeightedEdge from to w):edges) chainsEnd chainsFront used
| w <= fuseEdgeThreshold
= ( chainsEnd, used, chainsFront)
| Just c1 <- mapLookup from chainsEnd
, Just c2 <- mapLookup to chainsFront
, c1 /= c2
= let newChain = chainConcat c1 c2
front = head $ takeL 1 newChain
end = head $ takeR 1 newChain
chainsFront' = mapInsert front newChain $
mapDelete to chainsFront
chainsEnd' = mapInsert end newChain $
mapDelete from chainsEnd
in applyEdges edges chainsEnd' chainsFront'
(Set.insert edge used)
| otherwise
= applyEdges edges chainsEnd chainsFront used
combineNeighbourhood :: WeightedEdgeList -> [BlockChain]
-> [BlockChain]
combineNeighbourhood edges chains
applyEdges edges endFrontier startFrontier
endFrontier, startFrontier :: FrontierMap
endFrontier =
mapFromList $ concatMap (\chain ->
let ends = getEnds chain
entry = (ends,chain)
in map (\x -> (x,entry)) ends ) chains
startFrontier =
mapFromList $ concatMap (\chain ->
let front = getFronts chain
entry = (front,chain)
in map (\x -> (x,entry)) front) chains
applyEdges :: WeightedEdgeList -> FrontierMap -> FrontierMap
-> [BlockChain]
applyEdges [] chainEnds _chainFronts =
ordNub $ map snd $ mapElems chainEnds
applyEdges ((WeightedEdge from to _w):edges) chainEnds chainFronts
| Just (c1_e,c1) <- mapLookup from chainEnds
, Just (c2_f,c2) <- mapLookup to chainFronts
, c1 /= c2
= let newChain = chainConcat c1 c2
newChainFrontier = getFronts newChain
newChainEnds = getEnds newChain
newFronts :: FrontierMap
newFronts =
let withoutOld =
foldl' (\m b -> mapDelete b m :: FrontierMap) chainFronts (c2_f ++ getFronts c1)
entry =
in foldl' (\m x -> mapInsert x entry m)
withoutOld newChainFrontier
newEnds =
let withoutOld = foldl' (\m b -> mapDelete b m) chainEnds (c1_e ++ getEnds c2)
entry = (newChainEnds,newChain)
in foldl' (\m x -> mapInsert x entry m)
withoutOld newChainEnds
applyEdges edges newEnds newFronts
| otherwise
applyEdges edges chainEnds chainFronts
getFronts chain = takeL neighbourOverlapp chain
getEnds chain = takeR neighbourOverlapp chain
buildChains :: CFG -> [BlockId]
-> ( LabelMap BlockChain
, Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId))
buildChains succWeights blocks
= let (_, fusedEdges, chains) = buildNext setEmpty mapEmpty blocks Set.empty
in (chains, fusedEdges)
buildNext :: LabelSet
-> LabelMap BlockChain
-> [BlockId]
-> Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId)
-> ( [BlockChain]
, Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId)
, LabelMap BlockChain
buildNext _placed chains [] linked =
([], linked, chains)
buildNext placed chains (block:todo) linked
| setMember block placed
= buildNext placed chains todo linked
| otherwise
= buildNext placed' chains' todo linked'
placed' = (foldl' (flip setInsert) placed placedBlocks)
linked' = Set.union linked linkedEdges
(placedBlocks, chains', linkedEdges) = findChain block
findChain :: BlockId
-> ([BlockId],LabelMap BlockChain, Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId))
findChain block
| (pred:_) <- preds
, alreadyPlaced pred
, Just predChain <- mapLookup pred chains
, (best:_) <- filter (not . alreadyPlaced) $ getSuccs pred
, best == lbl
let newChain = chainSnoc predChain block
chainMap = mapInsert lbl newChain $ mapDelete pred chains
in ( [lbl]
, chainMap
, Set.singleton (pred,lbl) )
| otherwise
( [lbl]
, mapInsert lbl (chainSingleton lbl) chains
, Set.empty)
alreadyPlaced blkId = (setMember blkId placed)
lbl = block
getSuccs = map fst . getSuccEdgesSorted succWeights
preds = map fst $ getSuccEdgesSorted predWeights lbl
predWeights = reverseEdges succWeights
newtype BlockNode e x = BN (BlockId,[BlockId])
instance NonLocal (BlockNode) where
entryLabel (BN (lbl,_)) = lbl
successors (BN (_,succs)) = succs
fromNode :: BlockNode C C -> BlockId
fromNode (BN x) = fst x
sequenceChain :: forall a i. (Instruction i, Outputable i) => LabelMap a -> CFG
-> [GenBasicBlock i] -> [GenBasicBlock i]
sequenceChain _info _weights [] = []
sequenceChain _info _weights [x] = [x]
sequenceChain info weights' blocks@((BasicBlock entry _):_) =
let weights :: CFG
= filterEdges (\_f _t edgeInfo -> edgeWeight edgeInfo > 0) weights'
blockMap :: LabelMap (GenBasicBlock i)
= foldl' (\m blk@(BasicBlock lbl _ins) ->
mapInsert lbl blk m)
mapEmpty blocks
toNode :: BlockId -> BlockNode C C
toNode bid =
BN (bid,map fst . getSuccEdgesSorted weights' $ bid)
orderedBlocks :: [BlockId]
= map fromNode $
revPostorderFrom (fmap (toNode . blockId) blockMap) entry
(builtChains, builtEdges)
buildChains weights orderedBlocks
rankedEdges :: WeightedEdgeList
rankedEdges =
map (\(from, to, weight) -> WeightedEdge from to weight) .
filter (\(from, to, _)
-> not (Set.member (from,to) builtEdges)) .
sortWith (\(_,_,w) -> w) $ weightedEdgeList weights
(fusedChains, fusedEdges)
= ASSERT(noDups $ mapElems builtChains)
fuseChains rankedEdges builtChains
rankedEdges' =
filter (\edge -> not $ Set.member edge fusedEdges) $ rankedEdges
= ASSERT(noDups $ mapElems fusedChains)
combineNeighbourhood rankedEdges' (mapElems fusedChains)
= ASSERT(noDups $ neighbourChains)
partition (chainMember entry) neighbourChains
| inFront entry entryChain = [entryChain]
| (rest,entry) <- breakChainAt entry entryChain
= [entry,rest]
| otherwise = pprPanic "Entry point eliminated" $
ppr ([entryChain],chains')
= entryChain':(entryRest++chains') :: [BlockChain]
= (concatMap seqToList $ map chainBlocks prepedChains)
chainPlaced = setFromList $ blockList :: LabelSet
unplaced =
let blocks = mapKeys blockMap
isPlaced b = setMember (b) chainPlaced
in filter (\block -> not (isPlaced block)) blocks
placedBlocks =
blockList ++ unplaced
getBlock bid = expectJust "Block placment" $ mapLookup bid blockMap
ASSERT(all (\bid -> mapMember bid blockMap) placedBlocks)
dropJumps info $ map getBlock placedBlocks
dropJumps :: forall a i. Instruction i => LabelMap a -> [GenBasicBlock i]
-> [GenBasicBlock i]
dropJumps _ [] = []
dropJumps info ((BasicBlock lbl ins):todo)
| not . null $ ins
, [dest] <- jumpDestsOfInstr (last ins)
, ((BasicBlock nextLbl _) : _) <- todo
, not (mapMember dest info)
, nextLbl == dest
= BasicBlock lbl (init ins) : dropJumps info todo
| otherwise
= BasicBlock lbl ins : dropJumps info todo
:: (Instruction instr, Outputable instr)
=> DynFlags
-> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest -> CFG
-> NatCmmDecl statics instr -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
sequenceTop _ _ _ top@(CmmData _ _) = top
sequenceTop dflags ncgImpl edgeWeights
(CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
| (gopt Opt_CfgBlocklayout dflags) && backendMaintainsCfg dflags
= CmmProc info lbl live ( ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
sequenceChain info edgeWeights blocks )
| otherwise
= CmmProc info lbl live ( ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
sequenceBlocks cfg info blocks)
| (gopt Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout dflags) ||
(not $ backendMaintainsCfg dflags)
= Nothing
| otherwise = Just edgeWeights
sequenceBlocks :: Instruction inst => Maybe CFG -> LabelMap a
-> [GenBasicBlock inst] -> [GenBasicBlock inst]
sequenceBlocks _edgeWeight _ [] = []
sequenceBlocks edgeWeights infos (entry:blocks) =
let entryNode = mkNode edgeWeights entry
bodyNodes = reverse
(flattenSCCs (sccBlocks edgeWeights blocks))
in dropJumps infos . seqBlocks infos $ ( entryNode : bodyNodes)
:: Instruction instr
=> Maybe CFG -> [NatBasicBlock instr]
-> [SCC (Node BlockId (NatBasicBlock instr))]
sccBlocks edgeWeights blocks =
(map (mkNode edgeWeights) blocks)
mkNode :: (Instruction t)
=> Maybe CFG -> GenBasicBlock t
-> Node BlockId (GenBasicBlock t)
mkNode edgeWeights block@(BasicBlock id instrs) =
DigraphNode block id outEdges
outEdges :: [BlockId]
= successor
| Just successors <- fmap (`getSuccEdgesSorted` id)
= case successors of
[] -> []
| length successors > 2 || edgeWeight info <= 0 -> []
| otherwise -> [target]
| otherwise
= case jumpDestsOfInstr (last instrs) of
[one] -> [one]
_many -> []
seqBlocks :: LabelMap i -> [Node BlockId (GenBasicBlock t1)]
-> [GenBasicBlock t1]
seqBlocks infos blocks = placeNext pullable0 todo0
pullable0 = listToUFM [ (i,(b,n)) | DigraphNode b i n <- blocks ]
todo0 = map node_key blocks
placeNext _ [] = []
placeNext pullable (i:rest)
| Just (block, pullable') <- lookupDeleteUFM pullable i
= place pullable' rest block
| otherwise
= placeNext pullable rest
place pullable todo (block,[])
= block : placeNext pullable todo
place pullable todo (block@(BasicBlock id instrs),[next])
| mapMember next infos
= block : placeNext pullable todo
| Just (nextBlock, pullable') <- lookupDeleteUFM pullable next
= BasicBlock id instrs : place pullable' todo nextBlock
| otherwise
= block : placeNext pullable todo
place _ _ (_,tooManyNextNodes)
= pprPanic "seqBlocks" (ppr tooManyNextNodes)
lookupDeleteUFM :: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> key
-> Maybe (elt, UniqFM elt)
lookupDeleteUFM m k = do
v <- lookupUFM m k
return (v, delFromUFM m k)
type FrontierMap = LabelMap ([BlockId],BlockChain)
data BlockSequence
= Singleton !BlockId
| Pair (OrdList BlockId) (OrdList BlockId)
| Empty
seqFront :: BlockSequence -> BlockId
seqFront Empty = panic "Empty sequence"
seqFront (Singleton bid) = bid
seqFront (Pair lefts rights) = expectJust "Seq invariant" $
listToMaybe (fromOL lefts) <|> listToMaybe (fromOL $ reverseOL rights)
seqToList :: BlockSequence -> [BlockId]
seqToList Empty = []
seqToList (Singleton bid) = [bid]
seqToList (Pair lefts rights) = fromOL $ lefts `appOL` reverseOL rights
seqToRList :: BlockSequence -> [BlockId]
seqToRList Empty = []
seqToRList (Singleton bid) = [bid]
seqToRList (Pair lefts rights) = fromOL $ rights `appOL` reverseOL lefts
seqSnoc :: BlockSequence -> BlockId -> BlockSequence
seqSnoc (Empty) bid = Singleton bid
seqSnoc (Singleton s) bid= Pair (unitOL s) (unitOL bid)
seqSnoc (Pair lefts rights) bid = Pair lefts (bid `consOL` rights)
seqConcat :: BlockSequence -> BlockSequence -> BlockSequence
seqConcat (Empty) x2 = x2
seqConcat (Singleton b1) (Singleton b2) = Pair (unitOL b1) (unitOL b2)
seqConcat x1 (Empty) = x1
seqConcat (Singleton b1) (Pair lefts rights) = Pair (b1 `consOL` lefts) rights
seqConcat (Pair lefts rights) (Singleton b2) = Pair lefts (b2 `consOL` rights)
seqConcat (Pair lefts1 rights1) (Pair lefts2 rights2) =
Pair (lefts1 `appOL` (reverseOL rights1) `appOL` lefts2) rights2
seqFromBids :: [BlockId] -> BlockSequence
seqFromBids [] = Empty
seqFromBids [b1] = Singleton b1
seqFromBids [b1,b2] = Pair (unitOL b1) (unitOL b2)
seqFromBids [b1,b2,b3] = Pair (consOL b1 $ unitOL b2) (unitOL b3)
seqFromBids (b1:b2:b3:bs) = Pair (toOL [b1,b2,b3]) (toOL bs)