module System.Posix.Internals where
#include "HsBaseConfig.h"
import System.Posix.Types
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Data.Maybe
#if !defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Real
import GHC.IO
import GHC.IO.IOMode
import GHC.IO.Exception
import GHC.IO.Device
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import GHC.IO.Encoding (getFileSystemEncoding)
import qualified GHC.Foreign as GHC
puts :: String -> IO ()
puts s = withCAStringLen (s ++ "\n") $ \(p, len) -> do
_ <- c_write 1 (castPtr p) (fromIntegral len)
return ()
data CFLock
data CGroup
data CLconv
data CPasswd
data CSigaction
data CSigset
data CStat
data CTermios
data CTm
data CTms
data CUtimbuf
data CUtsname
type FD = CInt
fdFileSize :: FD -> IO Integer
fdFileSize fd =
allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "fileSize" $
c_fstat fd p_stat
c_mode <- st_mode p_stat :: IO CMode
if not (s_isreg c_mode)
then return (1)
else do
c_size <- st_size p_stat
return (fromIntegral c_size)
fileType :: FilePath -> IO IODeviceType
fileType file =
allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
withFilePath file $ \p_file -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "fileType" $
c_stat p_file p_stat
statGetType p_stat
fdStat :: FD -> IO (IODeviceType, CDev, CIno)
fdStat fd =
allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "fdType" $
c_fstat fd p_stat
ty <- statGetType p_stat
dev <- st_dev p_stat
ino <- st_ino p_stat
return (ty,dev,ino)
fdType :: FD -> IO IODeviceType
fdType fd = do (ty,_,_) <- fdStat fd; return ty
statGetType :: Ptr CStat -> IO IODeviceType
statGetType p_stat = do
c_mode <- st_mode p_stat :: IO CMode
case () of
_ | s_isdir c_mode -> return Directory
| s_isfifo c_mode || s_issock c_mode || s_ischr c_mode
-> return Stream
| s_isreg c_mode -> return RegularFile
| s_isblk c_mode -> return RawDevice
| otherwise -> ioError ioe_unknownfiletype
ioe_unknownfiletype :: IOException
ioe_unknownfiletype = IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation "fdType"
"unknown file type"
fdGetMode :: FD -> IO IOMode
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
fdGetMode _ = do
let flags = o_RDWR
fdGetMode fd = do
flags <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "fdGetMode"
(c_fcntl_read fd const_f_getfl)
wH = (flags .&. o_WRONLY) /= 0
aH = (flags .&. o_APPEND) /= 0
rwH = (flags .&. o_RDWR) /= 0
| wH && aH = AppendMode
| wH = WriteMode
| rwH = ReadWriteMode
| otherwise = ReadMode
return mode
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
withFilePath :: FilePath -> (CWString -> IO a) -> IO a
withFilePath = withCWString
newFilePath :: FilePath -> IO CWString
newFilePath = newCWString
peekFilePath :: CWString -> IO FilePath
peekFilePath = peekCWString
withFilePath :: FilePath -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
newFilePath :: FilePath -> IO CString
peekFilePath :: CString -> IO FilePath
peekFilePathLen :: CStringLen -> IO FilePath
withFilePath fp f = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.withCString enc fp f
newFilePath fp = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.newCString enc fp
peekFilePath fp = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.peekCString enc fp
peekFilePathLen fp = getFileSystemEncoding >>= \enc -> GHC.peekCStringLen enc fp
#if defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
setEcho :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setEcho fd on = do
tcSetAttr fd $ \ p_tios -> do
lflag <- c_lflag p_tios :: IO CTcflag
let new_lflag
| on = lflag .|. fromIntegral const_echo
| otherwise = lflag .&. complement (fromIntegral const_echo)
poke_c_lflag p_tios (new_lflag :: CTcflag)
getEcho :: FD -> IO Bool
getEcho fd = do
tcSetAttr fd $ \ p_tios -> do
lflag <- c_lflag p_tios :: IO CTcflag
return ((lflag .&. fromIntegral const_echo) /= 0)
setCooked :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setCooked fd cooked =
tcSetAttr fd $ \ p_tios -> do
lflag <- c_lflag p_tios :: IO CTcflag
let new_lflag | cooked = lflag .|. (fromIntegral const_icanon)
| otherwise = lflag .&. complement (fromIntegral const_icanon)
poke_c_lflag p_tios (new_lflag :: CTcflag)
when (not cooked) $ do
c_cc <- ptr_c_cc p_tios
let vmin = (c_cc `plusPtr` (fromIntegral const_vmin)) :: Ptr Word8
vtime = (c_cc `plusPtr` (fromIntegral const_vtime)) :: Ptr Word8
poke vmin 1
poke vtime 0
tcSetAttr :: FD -> (Ptr CTermios -> IO a) -> IO a
tcSetAttr fd fun = do
allocaBytes sizeof_termios $ \p_tios -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "tcSetAttr"
(c_tcgetattr fd p_tios)
when (fd <= 2) $ do
p <- get_saved_termios fd
when (p == nullPtr) $ do
saved_tios <- mallocBytes sizeof_termios
copyBytes saved_tios p_tios sizeof_termios
set_saved_termios fd saved_tios
allocaBytes sizeof_sigset_t $ \ p_sigset -> do
allocaBytes sizeof_sigset_t $ \ p_old_sigset -> do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigemptyset" $
c_sigemptyset p_sigset
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigaddset" $
c_sigaddset p_sigset const_sigttou
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigprocmask" $
c_sigprocmask const_sig_block p_sigset p_old_sigset
r <- fun p_tios
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "tcSetAttr" $
c_tcsetattr fd const_tcsanow p_tios
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "sigprocmask" $
c_sigprocmask const_sig_setmask p_old_sigset nullPtr
return r
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_get_saved_termios"
get_saved_termios :: CInt -> IO (Ptr CTermios)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_set_saved_termios"
set_saved_termios :: CInt -> (Ptr CTermios) -> IO ()
setCooked :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setCooked fd cooked = do
x <- set_console_buffering fd (if cooked then 1 else 0)
if (x /= 0)
then ioError (ioe_unk_error "setCooked" "failed to set buffering")
else return ()
ioe_unk_error :: String -> String -> IOException
ioe_unk_error loc msg
= ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError OtherError loc Nothing Nothing) msg
setEcho :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
setEcho fd on = do
x <- set_console_echo fd (if on then 1 else 0)
if (x /= 0)
then ioError (ioe_unk_error "setEcho" "failed to set echoing")
else return ()
getEcho :: FD -> IO Bool
getEcho fd = do
r <- get_console_echo fd
if (r == (1))
then ioError (ioe_unk_error "getEcho" "failed to get echoing")
else return (r == 1)
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h set_console_buffering__"
set_console_buffering :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h set_console_echo__"
set_console_echo :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h get_console_echo__"
get_console_echo :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h is_console__"
is_console :: CInt -> IO CInt
setNonBlockingFD :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
setNonBlockingFD fd set = do
flags <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "setNonBlockingFD"
(c_fcntl_read fd const_f_getfl)
let flags' | set = flags .|. o_NONBLOCK
| otherwise = flags .&. complement o_NONBLOCK
when (flags /= flags') $ do
_ <- c_fcntl_write fd const_f_setfl (fromIntegral flags')
return ()
setNonBlockingFD _ _ = return ()
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
setCloseOnExec :: FD -> IO ()
setCloseOnExec fd = do
throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setCloseOnExec" $
c_fcntl_write fd const_f_setfd const_fd_cloexec
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
type CFilePath = CString
type CFilePath = CWString
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_open"
c_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall interruptible "HsBase.h __hscore_open"
c_safe_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_fstat"
c_fstat :: CInt -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_lstat"
lstat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "unistd.h lseek"
c_lseek :: CInt -> COff -> CInt -> IO COff
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h access"
c_access :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h chmod"
c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h close"
c_close :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h creat"
c_creat :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup"
c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup2"
c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h isatty"
c_isatty :: CInt -> IO CInt
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _read"
c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _read"
c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _umask"
c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h _write"
c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h _write"
c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h _pipe"
c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h read"
c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h read"
c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h umask"
c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h write"
c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import capi safe "HsBase.h write"
c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h pipe"
c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h unlink"
c_unlink :: CString -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h utime"
c_utime :: CString -> Ptr CUtimbuf -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h getpid"
c_getpid :: IO CPid
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_stat"
c_stat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_ftruncate"
c_ftruncate :: CInt -> COff -> IO CInt
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h fcntl"
c_fcntl_read :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h fcntl"
c_fcntl_write :: CInt -> CInt -> CLong -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h fcntl"
c_fcntl_lock :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFLock -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h fork"
c_fork :: IO CPid
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h link"
c_link :: CString -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h mkfifo"
c_mkfifo :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigemptyset"
c_sigemptyset :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigaddset"
c_sigaddset :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "signal.h sigprocmask"
c_sigprocmask :: CInt -> Ptr CSigset -> Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h tcgetattr"
c_tcgetattr :: CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h tcsetattr"
c_tcsetattr :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h waitpid"
c_waitpid :: CPid -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> IO CPid
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_rdonly" o_RDONLY :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_wronly" o_WRONLY :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_rdwr" o_RDWR :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_append" o_APPEND :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_creat" o_CREAT :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_excl" o_EXCL :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_trunc" o_TRUNC :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_noctty" o_NOCTTY :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_nonblock" o_NONBLOCK :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_binary" o_BINARY :: CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISREG" c_s_isreg :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISCHR" c_s_ischr :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISBLK" c_s_isblk :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISDIR" c_s_isdir :: CMode -> CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISFIFO" c_s_isfifo :: CMode -> CInt
s_isreg :: CMode -> Bool
s_isreg cm = c_s_isreg cm /= 0
s_ischr :: CMode -> Bool
s_ischr cm = c_s_ischr cm /= 0
s_isblk :: CMode -> Bool
s_isblk cm = c_s_isblk cm /= 0
s_isdir :: CMode -> Bool
s_isdir cm = c_s_isdir cm /= 0
s_isfifo :: CMode -> Bool
s_isfifo cm = c_s_isfifo cm /= 0
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sizeof_stat" sizeof_stat :: Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_mtime" st_mtime :: Ptr CStat -> IO CTime
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_size" st_size :: Ptr CStat -> IO Int64
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_size" st_size :: Ptr CStat -> IO COff
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_mode" st_mode :: Ptr CStat -> IO CMode
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_dev" st_dev :: Ptr CStat -> IO CDev
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_st_ino" st_ino :: Ptr CStat -> IO CIno
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_echo" const_echo :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_tcsanow" const_tcsanow :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_icanon" const_icanon :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_vmin" const_vmin :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_vtime" const_vtime :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sigttou" const_sigttou :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sig_block" const_sig_block :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sig_setmask" const_sig_setmask :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_f_getfl" const_f_getfl :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_f_setfl" const_f_setfl :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_f_setfd" const_f_setfd :: CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_fd_cloexec" const_fd_cloexec :: CLong
#if defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sizeof_termios" sizeof_termios :: Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_sizeof_sigset_t" sizeof_sigset_t :: Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_lflag" c_lflag :: Ptr CTermios -> IO CTcflag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_poke_lflag" poke_c_lflag :: Ptr CTermios -> CTcflag -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_ptr_c_cc" ptr_c_cc :: Ptr CTermios -> IO (Ptr Word8)
s_issock :: CMode -> Bool
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
s_issock cmode = c_s_issock cmode /= 0
foreign import capi unsafe "sys/stat.h S_ISSOCK" c_s_issock :: CMode -> CInt
s_issock _ = False
foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_bufsiz" dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE :: Int
foreign import capi unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_CUR" sEEK_CUR :: CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_SET" sEEK_SET :: CInt
foreign import capi unsafe "stdio.h value SEEK_END" sEEK_END :: CInt