#if !defined(GHC_LOADED_INTO_GHCI)
module GHC.CmmToAsm (
, cmmNativeGen
, NcgImpl(..)
, x86NcgImpl
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GHC.Prelude
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.CodeGen as X86.CodeGen
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.Regs as X86.Regs
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.Instr as X86.Instr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.Ppr as X86.Ppr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.CodeGen as SPARC.CodeGen
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Regs as SPARC.Regs
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Instr as SPARC.Instr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Ppr as SPARC.Ppr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.ShortcutJump as SPARC.ShortcutJump
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.CodeGen.Expand as SPARC.CodeGen.Expand
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.CodeGen as PPC.CodeGen
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Regs as PPC.Regs
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.RegInfo as PPC.RegInfo
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Instr as PPC.Instr
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Ppr as PPC.Ppr
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Liveness
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Linear as Linear
import qualified GHC.Data.Graph.Color as Color
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Graph as Color
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Graph.Stats as Color
import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Graph.TrivColorable as Color
import GHC.Utils.Asm
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Target
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.CmmToAsm.BlockLayout as BlockLayout
import GHC.Settings.Config
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
import GHC.CmmToAsm.PIC
import GHC.Platform.Reg
import GHC.Platform.Reg.Class (RegClass)
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad
import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf
import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock
import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils ( fixStgRegisters )
import GHC.Cmm
import GHC.Cmm.Utils
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
import GHC.Cmm.Opt ( cmmMachOpFold )
import GHC.Cmm.Ppr
import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Types.Basic ( Alignment )
import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr as Pretty
import GHC.Utils.BufHandle
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Data.Stream (Stream)
import qualified GHC.Data.Stream as Stream
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
nativeCodeGen :: forall a . DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> Handle -> UniqSupply
-> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
-> IO a
nativeCodeGen dflags this_mod modLoc h us cmms
= let config = initConfig dflags
platform = ncgPlatform config
nCG' :: ( Outputable statics, Outputable instr
, Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
=> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest -> IO a
nCG' ncgImpl = nativeCodeGen' dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmms
in case platformArch platform of
ArchX86 -> nCG' (x86NcgImpl config)
ArchX86_64 -> nCG' (x86_64NcgImpl config)
ArchPPC -> nCG' (ppcNcgImpl config)
ArchS390X -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for S390X"
ArchSPARC -> nCG' (sparcNcgImpl config)
ArchSPARC64 -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for SPARC64"
ArchARM {} -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for ARM"
ArchARM64 -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for ARM64"
ArchPPC_64 _ -> nCG' (ppcNcgImpl config)
ArchAlpha -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for Alpha"
ArchMipseb -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for mipseb"
ArchMipsel -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for mipsel"
ArchUnknown -> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for unknown arch"
ArchJavaScript-> panic "nativeCodeGen: No NCG for JavaScript"
x86NcgImpl :: NCGConfig -> NcgImpl (Alignment, RawCmmStatics)
X86.Instr.Instr X86.Instr.JumpDest
x86NcgImpl config
= (x86_64NcgImpl config)
x86_64NcgImpl :: NCGConfig -> NcgImpl (Alignment, RawCmmStatics)
X86.Instr.Instr X86.Instr.JumpDest
x86_64NcgImpl config
= NcgImpl {
ncgConfig = config
,cmmTopCodeGen = X86.CodeGen.cmmTopCodeGen
,generateJumpTableForInstr = X86.CodeGen.generateJumpTableForInstr config
,getJumpDestBlockId = X86.Instr.getJumpDestBlockId
,canShortcut = X86.Instr.canShortcut
,shortcutStatics = X86.Instr.shortcutStatics
,shortcutJump = X86.Instr.shortcutJump
,pprNatCmmDecl = X86.Ppr.pprNatCmmDecl config
,maxSpillSlots = X86.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
,allocatableRegs = X86.Regs.allocatableRegs platform
,ncgAllocMoreStack = X86.Instr.allocMoreStack platform
,ncgExpandTop = id
,ncgMakeFarBranches = const id
,extractUnwindPoints = X86.CodeGen.extractUnwindPoints
,invertCondBranches = X86.CodeGen.invertCondBranches
platform = ncgPlatform config
ppcNcgImpl :: NCGConfig -> NcgImpl RawCmmStatics PPC.Instr.Instr PPC.RegInfo.JumpDest
ppcNcgImpl config
= NcgImpl {
ncgConfig = config
,cmmTopCodeGen = PPC.CodeGen.cmmTopCodeGen
,generateJumpTableForInstr = PPC.CodeGen.generateJumpTableForInstr config
,getJumpDestBlockId = PPC.RegInfo.getJumpDestBlockId
,canShortcut = PPC.RegInfo.canShortcut
,shortcutStatics = PPC.RegInfo.shortcutStatics
,shortcutJump = PPC.RegInfo.shortcutJump
,pprNatCmmDecl = PPC.Ppr.pprNatCmmDecl config
,maxSpillSlots = PPC.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
,allocatableRegs = PPC.Regs.allocatableRegs platform
,ncgAllocMoreStack = PPC.Instr.allocMoreStack platform
,ncgExpandTop = id
,ncgMakeFarBranches = PPC.Instr.makeFarBranches
,extractUnwindPoints = const []
,invertCondBranches = \_ _ -> id
platform = ncgPlatform config
sparcNcgImpl :: NCGConfig -> NcgImpl RawCmmStatics SPARC.Instr.Instr SPARC.ShortcutJump.JumpDest
sparcNcgImpl config
= NcgImpl {
ncgConfig = config
,cmmTopCodeGen = SPARC.CodeGen.cmmTopCodeGen
,generateJumpTableForInstr = SPARC.CodeGen.generateJumpTableForInstr platform
,getJumpDestBlockId = SPARC.ShortcutJump.getJumpDestBlockId
,canShortcut = SPARC.ShortcutJump.canShortcut
,shortcutStatics = SPARC.ShortcutJump.shortcutStatics
,shortcutJump = SPARC.ShortcutJump.shortcutJump
,pprNatCmmDecl = SPARC.Ppr.pprNatCmmDecl config
,maxSpillSlots = SPARC.Instr.maxSpillSlots config
,allocatableRegs = SPARC.Regs.allocatableRegs
,ncgAllocMoreStack = noAllocMoreStack
,ncgExpandTop = map SPARC.CodeGen.Expand.expandTop
,ncgMakeFarBranches = const id
,extractUnwindPoints = const []
,invertCondBranches = \_ _ -> id
platform = ncgPlatform config
noAllocMoreStack :: Int -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
-> UniqSM (NatCmmDecl statics instr, [(BlockId,BlockId)])
noAllocMoreStack amount _
= panic $ "Register allocator: out of stack slots (need " ++ show amount ++ ")\n"
++ " If you are trying to compile SHA1.hs from the crypto library then this\n"
++ " is a known limitation in the linear allocator.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " Try enabling the graph colouring allocator with -fregs-graph instead."
++ " You can still file a bug report if you like.\n"
data NativeGenAcc statics instr
= NGS { ngs_imports :: ![[CLabel]]
, ngs_natives :: ![[NatCmmDecl statics instr]]
, ngs_colorStats :: ![[Color.RegAllocStats statics instr]]
, ngs_linearStats :: ![[Linear.RegAllocStats]]
, ngs_labels :: ![Label]
, ngs_debug :: ![DebugBlock]
, ngs_dwarfFiles :: !DwarfFiles
, ngs_unwinds :: !(LabelMap [UnwindPoint])
nativeCodeGen' :: (Outputable statics, Outputable instr,Outputable jumpDest,
Instruction instr)
=> DynFlags
-> Module -> ModLocation
-> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> Handle
-> UniqSupply
-> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
-> IO a
nativeCodeGen' dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmms
= do
bufh <- newBufHandle h
let ngs0 = NGS [] [] [] [] [] [] emptyUFM mapEmpty
(ngs, us', a) <- cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl bufh us
cmms ngs0
_ <- finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh us' ngs
return a
finishNativeGen :: Instruction instr
=> DynFlags
-> ModLocation
-> BufHandle
-> UniqSupply
-> NativeGenAcc statics instr
-> IO UniqSupply
finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh@(BufHandle _ _ h) us ngs
= withTimingSilent dflags (text "NCG") (`seq` ()) $ do
let emitDw = debugLevel dflags > 0
us' <- if not emitDw then return us else do
(dwarf, us') <- dwarfGen dflags modLoc us (ngs_debug ngs)
emitNativeCode dflags bufh dwarf
return us'
bFlush bufh
let stats = concat (ngs_colorStats ngs)
unless (null stats) $ do
let graphGlobal
= foldl' Color.union Color.initGraph
$ [ Color.raGraph stat
| stat@Color.RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats]
dump_stats (Color.pprStats stats graphGlobal)
let platform = targetPlatform dflags
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts "Register conflict graph"
$ Color.dotGraph
(targetRegDotColor platform)
(Color.trivColorable platform
(targetVirtualRegSqueeze platform)
(targetRealRegSqueeze platform))
$ graphGlobal
let linearStats = concat (ngs_linearStats ngs)
unless (null linearStats) $
dump_stats (Linear.pprStats (concat (ngs_natives ngs)) linearStats)
let ctx = initSDocContext dflags (mkCodeStyle AsmStyle)
printSDocLn ctx Pretty.LeftMode h
$ makeImportsDoc dflags (concat (ngs_imports ngs))
return us'
dump_stats = dumpAction dflags (mkDumpStyle alwaysQualify)
(dumpOptionsFromFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_stats) "NCG stats"
cmmNativeGenStream :: (Outputable statics, Outputable instr
,Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
=> DynFlags
-> Module -> ModLocation
-> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> BufHandle
-> UniqSupply
-> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
-> NativeGenAcc statics instr
-> IO (NativeGenAcc statics instr, UniqSupply, a)
cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmm_stream ngs
= do r <- Stream.runStream cmm_stream
case r of
Left a ->
return (ngs { ngs_imports = reverse $ ngs_imports ngs
, ngs_natives = reverse $ ngs_natives ngs
, ngs_colorStats = reverse $ ngs_colorStats ngs
, ngs_linearStats = reverse $ ngs_linearStats ngs
Right (cmms, cmm_stream') -> do
(us', ngs'') <-
ncglabel (\(a, b) -> a `seq` b `seq` ()) $ do
let debugFlag = debugLevel dflags > 0
!ndbgs | debugFlag = cmmDebugGen modLoc cmms
| otherwise = []
dbgMap = debugToMap ndbgs
(ngs',us') <- cmmNativeGens dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h
dbgMap us cmms ngs 0
let !ldbgs = cmmDebugLink (ngs_labels ngs') (ngs_unwinds ngs') ndbgs
unless (null ldbgs) $
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_debug "Debug Infos" FormatText
(vcat $ map ppr ldbgs)
let ngs'' = ngs' { ngs_debug = ngs_debug ngs' ++ ldbgs, ngs_labels = [] }
return (us', ngs'')
cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us'
cmm_stream' ngs''
where ncglabel = text "NCG"
cmmNativeGens :: forall statics instr jumpDest.
(Outputable statics, Outputable instr
,Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
=> DynFlags
-> Module -> ModLocation
-> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> BufHandle
-> LabelMap DebugBlock
-> UniqSupply
-> [RawCmmDecl]
-> NativeGenAcc statics instr
-> Int
-> IO (NativeGenAcc statics instr, UniqSupply)
cmmNativeGens dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h dbgMap = go
go :: UniqSupply -> [RawCmmDecl]
-> NativeGenAcc statics instr -> Int
-> IO (NativeGenAcc statics instr, UniqSupply)
go us [] ngs !_ =
return (ngs, us)
go us (cmm : cmms) ngs count = do
let fileIds = ngs_dwarfFiles ngs
(us', fileIds', native, imports, colorStats, linearStats, unwinds)
cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap
cmm count
let newFileIds = sortBy (comparing snd) $
nonDetEltsUFM $ fileIds' `minusUFM` fileIds
pprDecl (f,n) = text "\t.file " <> ppr n <+>
pprFilePathString (unpackFS f)
emitNativeCode dflags h $ vcat $
map pprDecl newFileIds ++
map (pprNatCmmDecl ncgImpl) native
evaluate $ seqList (showSDoc dflags $ vcat $ map ppr imports) ()
let !labels' = if debugLevel dflags > 0
then cmmDebugLabels isMetaInstr native else []
!natives' = if dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_stats dflags
then native : ngs_natives ngs else []
mCon = maybe id (:)
ngs' = ngs{ ngs_imports = imports : ngs_imports ngs
, ngs_natives = natives'
, ngs_colorStats = colorStats `mCon` ngs_colorStats ngs
, ngs_linearStats = linearStats `mCon` ngs_linearStats ngs
, ngs_labels = ngs_labels ngs ++ labels'
, ngs_dwarfFiles = fileIds'
, ngs_unwinds = ngs_unwinds ngs `mapUnion` unwinds
go us' cmms ngs' (count + 1)
emitNativeCode :: DynFlags -> BufHandle -> SDoc -> IO ()
emitNativeCode dflags h sdoc = do
let ctx = initSDocContext dflags (mkCodeStyle AsmStyle)
bufLeftRenderSDoc ctx h sdoc
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm "Asm code" FormatASM
:: forall statics instr jumpDest. (Instruction instr,
Outputable statics, Outputable instr, Outputable jumpDest)
=> DynFlags
-> Module -> ModLocation
-> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> UniqSupply
-> DwarfFiles
-> LabelMap DebugBlock
-> RawCmmDecl
-> Int
-> IO ( UniqSupply
, DwarfFiles
, [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
, [CLabel]
, Maybe [Color.RegAllocStats statics instr]
, Maybe [Linear.RegAllocStats]
, LabelMap [UnwindPoint]
cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
= do
let config = ncgConfig ncgImpl
let platform = ncgPlatform config
let proc_name = case cmm of
(CmmProc _ entry_label _ _) -> ppr entry_label
_ -> text "DataChunk"
let fixed_cmm =
fixStgRegisters dflags cmm
let (opt_cmm, imports) =
cmmToCmm config this_mod fixed_cmm
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm "Optimised Cmm" FormatCMM
(pprCmmGroup [opt_cmm])
let cmmCfg =
getCfgProc (cfgWeightInfo dflags) opt_cmm
let ((native, lastMinuteImports, fileIds', nativeCfgWeights), usGen) =
initUs us $ genMachCode dflags this_mod modLoc
(cmmTopCodeGen ncgImpl)
fileIds dbgMap opt_cmm cmmCfg
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_native "Native code" FormatASM
(vcat $ map (pprNatCmmDecl ncgImpl) native)
maybeDumpCfg dflags (Just nativeCfgWeights) "CFG Weights - Native" proc_name
let livenessCfg = if backendMaintainsCfg platform
then Just nativeCfgWeights
else Nothing
let (withLiveness, usLive) =
initUs usGen
$ mapM (cmmTopLiveness livenessCfg platform) native
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness "Liveness annotations added"
(vcat $ map ppr withLiveness)
(alloced, usAlloc, ppr_raStatsColor, ppr_raStatsLinear, raStats, stack_updt_blks) <-
if ( gopt Opt_RegsGraph dflags
|| gopt Opt_RegsIterative dflags )
then do
let (alloc_regs :: UniqFM RegClass (UniqSet RealReg))
= foldr (\r -> plusUFM_C unionUniqSets
$ unitUFM (targetClassOfRealReg platform r) (unitUniqSet r))
$ allocatableRegs ncgImpl
let ((alloced, maybe_more_stack, regAllocStats), usAlloc)
initUs usLive
$ Color.regAlloc
(mkUniqSet [0 .. maxSpillSlots ncgImpl])
(maxSpillSlots ncgImpl)
let ((alloced', stack_updt_blks), usAlloc')
= initUs usAlloc $
case maybe_more_stack of
Nothing -> return (alloced, [])
Just amount -> do
(alloced',stack_updt_blks) <- unzip <$>
(mapM ((ncgAllocMoreStack ncgImpl) amount) alloced)
return (alloced', concat stack_updt_blks )
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc "Registers allocated"
(vcat $ map (pprNatCmmDecl ncgImpl) alloced)
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages "Build/spill stages"
(vcat $ map (\(stage, stats)
-> text "# --------------------------"
$$ text "# cmm " <> int count <> text " Stage " <> int stage
$$ ppr stats)
$ zip [0..] regAllocStats)
let mPprStats =
if dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_stats dflags
then Just regAllocStats else Nothing
mPprStats `seq` return ()
return ( alloced', usAlloc'
, mPprStats
, Nothing
, [], stack_updt_blks)
else do
let reg_alloc proc = do
(alloced, maybe_more_stack, ra_stats) <-
Linear.regAlloc config proc
case maybe_more_stack of
Nothing -> return ( alloced, ra_stats, [] )
Just amount -> do
(alloced',stack_updt_blks) <-
ncgAllocMoreStack ncgImpl amount alloced
return (alloced', ra_stats, stack_updt_blks )
let ((alloced, regAllocStats, stack_updt_blks), usAlloc)
initUs usLive
$ liftM unzip3
$ mapM reg_alloc withLiveness
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc "Registers allocated"
(vcat $ map (pprNatCmmDecl ncgImpl) alloced)
let mPprStats =
if dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_stats dflags
then Just (catMaybes regAllocStats) else Nothing
mPprStats `seq` return ()
return ( alloced, usAlloc
, Nothing
, mPprStats, (catMaybes regAllocStats)
, concat stack_updt_blks )
let cfgRegAllocUpdates :: [(BlockId,BlockId,BlockId)]
cfgRegAllocUpdates = (concatMap Linear.ra_fixupList raStats)
let cfgWithFixupBlks =
(\cfg -> addNodesBetween dflags cfg cfgRegAllocUpdates) <$> livenessCfg
let postRegCFG =
pure (foldl' (\m (from,to) -> addImmediateSuccessor dflags from to m ))
<*> cfgWithFixupBlks
<*> pure stack_updt_blks
let tabled =
generateJumpTables ncgImpl alloced
when (not $ null nativeCfgWeights) $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_cfg_weights "CFG Update information"
( text "stack:" <+> ppr stack_updt_blks $$
text "linearAlloc:" <+> ppr cfgRegAllocUpdates )
let (shorted, postShortCFG) =
shortcutBranches dflags ncgImpl tabled postRegCFG
let optimizedCFG :: Maybe CFG
optimizedCFG =
optimizeCFG (gopt Opt_CmmStaticPred dflags) (cfgWeightInfo dflags) cmm <$!> postShortCFG
maybeDumpCfg dflags optimizedCFG "CFG Weights - Final" proc_name
let getBlks (CmmProc _info _lbl _live (ListGraph blocks)) = blocks
getBlks _ = []
when ( backendMaintainsCfg platform &&
(gopt Opt_DoAsmLinting dflags || debugIsOn )) $ do
let blocks = concatMap getBlks shorted
let labels = setFromList $ fmap blockId blocks :: LabelSet
let cfg = fromJust optimizedCFG
return $! seq (sanityCheckCfg cfg labels $
text "cfg not in lockstep") ()
let sequenced :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
sequenced =
checkLayout shorted $
map (BlockLayout.sequenceTop
ncgImpl optimizedCFG)
let branchOpt :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
branchOpt =
map invert sequenced
invertConds :: LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> [NatBasicBlock instr]
-> [NatBasicBlock instr]
invertConds = invertCondBranches ncgImpl optimizedCFG
invert top@CmmData {} = top
invert (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks)) =
CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph $ invertConds info blocks)
let expanded =
ncgExpandTop ncgImpl branchOpt
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded "Synthetic instructions expanded"
(vcat $ map (pprNatCmmDecl ncgImpl) expanded)
let unwinds :: BlockMap [UnwindPoint]
unwinds =
foldl' addUnwind mapEmpty expanded
addUnwind acc proc =
acc `mapUnion` computeUnwinding dflags ncgImpl proc
return ( usAlloc
, fileIds'
, expanded
, lastMinuteImports ++ imports
, ppr_raStatsColor
, ppr_raStatsLinear
, unwinds )
maybeDumpCfg :: DynFlags -> Maybe CFG -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
maybeDumpCfg _dflags Nothing _ _ = return ()
maybeDumpCfg dflags (Just cfg) msg proc_name
| null cfg = return ()
| otherwise
= dumpIfSet_dyn
dflags Opt_D_dump_cfg_weights msg
(proc_name <> char ':' $$ pprEdgeWeights cfg)
checkLayout :: [NatCmmDecl statics instr] -> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
-> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
checkLayout procsUnsequenced procsSequenced =
ASSERT2(setNull diff,
ppr "Block sequencing dropped blocks:" <> ppr diff)
blocks1 = foldl' (setUnion) setEmpty $
map getBlockIds procsUnsequenced :: LabelSet
blocks2 = foldl' (setUnion) setEmpty $
map getBlockIds procsSequenced
diff = setDifference blocks1 blocks2
getBlockIds (CmmData _ _) = setEmpty
getBlockIds (CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
setFromList $ map blockId blocks
computeUnwinding :: Instruction instr
=> DynFlags -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> NatCmmDecl statics instr
-> LabelMap [UnwindPoint]
computeUnwinding dflags _ _
| debugLevel dflags == 0 = mapEmpty
computeUnwinding _ _ (CmmData _ _) = mapEmpty
computeUnwinding _ ncgImpl (CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph blks)) =
mapFromList [ (blk_lbl, extractUnwindPoints ncgImpl instrs)
| BasicBlock blk_lbl instrs <- blks ]
makeImportsDoc :: DynFlags -> [CLabel] -> SDoc
makeImportsDoc dflags imports
= dyld_stubs imports
(if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
then text ".subsections_via_symbols"
else Outputable.empty)
(if platformHasGnuNonexecStack platform
then text ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\"," <> sectionType platform "progbits"
else Outputable.empty)
(if platformHasIdentDirective platform
then let compilerIdent = text "GHC" <+> text cProjectVersion
in text ".ident" <+> doubleQuotes compilerIdent
else Outputable.empty)
config = initConfig dflags
platform = ncgPlatform config
dyld_stubs :: [CLabel] -> SDoc
dyld_stubs imps
| needImportedSymbols config
= vcat $
(pprGotDeclaration config :) $
map ( pprImportedSymbol dflags config . fst . head) $
groupBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> a == b) $
sortBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> compare a b) $
map doPpr $
| otherwise
= Outputable.empty
doPpr lbl = (lbl, renderWithStyle
(initSDocContext dflags astyle)
(pprCLabel dflags lbl))
astyle = mkCodeStyle AsmStyle
:: NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> [NatCmmDecl statics instr] -> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
generateJumpTables ncgImpl xs = concatMap f xs
where f p@(CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph xs)) = p : concatMap g xs
f p = [p]
g (BasicBlock _ xs) = catMaybes (map (generateJumpTableForInstr ncgImpl) xs)
:: forall statics instr jumpDest. (Outputable jumpDest) => DynFlags
-> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
-> Maybe CFG
-> ([NatCmmDecl statics instr],Maybe CFG)
shortcutBranches dflags ncgImpl tops weights
| gopt Opt_AsmShortcutting dflags
= ( map (apply_mapping ncgImpl mapping) tops'
, shortcutWeightMap mappingBid <$!> weights )
| otherwise
= (tops, weights)
(tops', mappings) = mapAndUnzip (build_mapping ncgImpl) tops
mapping = mapUnions mappings :: LabelMap jumpDest
mappingBid = fmap (getJumpDestBlockId ncgImpl) mapping
build_mapping :: forall instr t d statics jumpDest.
NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> GenCmmDecl d (LabelMap t) (ListGraph instr)
-> (GenCmmDecl d (LabelMap t) (ListGraph instr)
,LabelMap jumpDest)
build_mapping _ top@(CmmData _ _) = (top, mapEmpty)
build_mapping _ (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph []))
= (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph []), mapEmpty)
build_mapping ncgImpl (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph (head:blocks)))
= (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph (head:others)), mapping)
shortcut_blocks :: [(BlockId, jumpDest)]
(_, shortcut_blocks, others) =
foldl' split (setEmpty :: LabelSet, [], []) blocks
split (s, shortcut_blocks, others) b@(BasicBlock id [insn])
| Just jd <- canShortcut ncgImpl insn
, Just dest <- getJumpDestBlockId ncgImpl jd
, not (has_info id)
, (setMember dest s) || dest == id
= (s, shortcut_blocks, b : others)
split (s, shortcut_blocks, others) (BasicBlock id [insn])
| Just dest <- canShortcut ncgImpl insn
, not (has_info id)
= (setInsert id s, (id,dest) : shortcut_blocks, others)
split (s, shortcut_blocks, others) other = (s, shortcut_blocks, other : others)
has_info l = mapMember l info
mapping = mapFromList shortcut_blocks
apply_mapping :: NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> LabelMap jumpDest
-> GenCmmDecl statics h (ListGraph instr)
-> GenCmmDecl statics h (ListGraph instr)
apply_mapping ncgImpl ufm (CmmData sec statics)
= CmmData sec (shortcutStatics ncgImpl (\bid -> mapLookup bid ufm) statics)
apply_mapping ncgImpl ufm (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
= CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph $ map short_bb blocks)
short_bb (BasicBlock id insns) = BasicBlock id $! map short_insn insns
short_insn i = shortcutJump ncgImpl (\bid -> mapLookup bid ufm) i
:: DynFlags
-> Module -> ModLocation
-> (RawCmmDecl -> NatM [NatCmmDecl statics instr])
-> DwarfFiles
-> LabelMap DebugBlock
-> RawCmmDecl
-> CFG
-> UniqSM
( [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
, [CLabel]
, DwarfFiles
genMachCode dflags this_mod modLoc cmmTopCodeGen fileIds dbgMap cmm_top cmm_cfg
= do { initial_us <- getUniqueSupplyM
; let initial_st = mkNatM_State initial_us 0 dflags this_mod
modLoc fileIds dbgMap cmm_cfg
(new_tops, final_st) = initNat initial_st (cmmTopCodeGen cmm_top)
final_delta = natm_delta final_st
final_imports = natm_imports final_st
final_cfg = natm_cfg final_st
; if final_delta == 0
then return (new_tops, final_imports
, natm_fileid final_st, final_cfg)
else pprPanic "genMachCode: nonzero final delta" (int final_delta)
cmmToCmm :: NCGConfig -> Module -> RawCmmDecl -> (RawCmmDecl, [CLabel])
cmmToCmm _ _ top@(CmmData _ _) = (top, [])
cmmToCmm config this_mod (CmmProc info lbl live graph)
= runCmmOpt config this_mod $
do blocks' <- mapM cmmBlockConFold (toBlockList graph)
return $ CmmProc info lbl live (ofBlockList (g_entry graph) blocks')
#if !defined(GHC_LOADED_INTO_GHCI)
type OptMResult a = (# a, [CLabel] #)
pattern OptMResult :: a -> b -> (# a, b #)
pattern OptMResult x y = (# x, y #)
data OptMResult a = OptMResult !a ![CLabel] deriving (Functor)
newtype CmmOptM a = CmmOptM (NCGConfig -> Module -> [CLabel] -> OptMResult a)
deriving (Functor)
instance Applicative CmmOptM where
pure x = CmmOptM $ \_ _ imports -> OptMResult x imports
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad CmmOptM where
(CmmOptM f) >>= g =
CmmOptM $ \config this_mod imports0 ->
case f config this_mod imports0 of
OptMResult x imports1 ->
case g x of
CmmOptM g' -> g' config this_mod imports1
instance CmmMakeDynamicReferenceM CmmOptM where
addImport = addImportCmmOpt
getThisModule = CmmOptM $ \_ this_mod imports -> OptMResult this_mod imports
addImportCmmOpt :: CLabel -> CmmOptM ()
addImportCmmOpt lbl = CmmOptM $ \_ _ imports -> OptMResult () (lbl:imports)
getCmmOptConfig :: CmmOptM NCGConfig
getCmmOptConfig = CmmOptM $ \config _ imports -> OptMResult config imports
runCmmOpt :: NCGConfig -> Module -> CmmOptM a -> (a, [CLabel])
runCmmOpt config this_mod (CmmOptM f) =
case f config this_mod [] of
OptMResult result imports -> (result, imports)
cmmBlockConFold :: CmmBlock -> CmmOptM CmmBlock
cmmBlockConFold block = do
let (entry, middle, last) = blockSplit block
stmts = blockToList middle
stmts' <- mapM cmmStmtConFold stmts
last' <- cmmStmtConFold last
return $ blockJoin entry (blockFromList stmts') last'
cmmStmtConFold :: CmmNode e x -> CmmOptM (CmmNode e x)
cmmStmtConFold stmt
= case stmt of
CmmAssign reg src
-> do src' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference src
return $ case src' of
CmmReg reg' | reg == reg' -> CmmComment (fsLit "nop")
new_src -> CmmAssign reg new_src
CmmStore addr src
-> do addr' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference addr
src' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference src
return $ CmmStore addr' src'
CmmCall { cml_target = addr }
-> do addr' <- cmmExprConFold JumpReference addr
return $ stmt { cml_target = addr' }
CmmUnsafeForeignCall target regs args
-> do target' <- case target of
ForeignTarget e conv -> do
e' <- cmmExprConFold CallReference e
return $ ForeignTarget e' conv
PrimTarget _ ->
return target
args' <- mapM (cmmExprConFold DataReference) args
return $ CmmUnsafeForeignCall target' regs args'
CmmCondBranch test true false likely
-> do test' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference test
return $ case test' of
CmmLit (CmmInt 0 _) -> CmmBranch false
CmmLit (CmmInt _ _) -> CmmBranch true
_other -> CmmCondBranch test' true false likely
CmmSwitch expr ids
-> do expr' <- cmmExprConFold DataReference expr
return $ CmmSwitch expr' ids
-> return other
cmmExprConFold :: ReferenceKind -> CmmExpr -> CmmOptM CmmExpr
cmmExprConFold referenceKind expr = do
config <- getCmmOptConfig
let expr' = if not (ncgDoConstantFolding config)
then expr
else cmmExprCon config expr
cmmExprNative referenceKind expr'
cmmExprCon :: NCGConfig -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
cmmExprCon config (CmmLoad addr rep) = CmmLoad (cmmExprCon config addr) rep
cmmExprCon config (CmmMachOp mop args)
= cmmMachOpFold (ncgPlatform config) mop (map (cmmExprCon config) args)
cmmExprCon _ other = other
cmmExprNative :: ReferenceKind -> CmmExpr -> CmmOptM CmmExpr
cmmExprNative referenceKind expr = do
config <- getCmmOptConfig
let platform = ncgPlatform config
arch = platformArch platform
case expr of
CmmLoad addr rep
-> do addr' <- cmmExprNative DataReference addr
return $ CmmLoad addr' rep
CmmMachOp mop args
-> do args' <- mapM (cmmExprNative DataReference) args
return $ CmmMachOp mop args'
CmmLit (CmmBlock id)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind (CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTblLbl id)))
CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
-> do
cmmMakeDynamicReference config referenceKind lbl
CmmLit (CmmLabelOff lbl off)
-> do
dynRef <- cmmMakeDynamicReference config referenceKind lbl
return $ cmmMachOpFold platform (MO_Add (wordWidth platform)) [
(CmmLit $ CmmInt (fromIntegral off) (wordWidth platform))
CmmReg (CmmGlobal EagerBlackholeInfo)
| arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info")))
CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCEnter1)
| arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_gc_enter_1")))
CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCFun)
| arch == ArchPPC && not (ncgPIC config)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsUnitId (fsLit "__stg_gc_fun")))
-> return other