-- | Constructed Product Result analysis. Identifies functions that surely
-- return heap-allocated records on every code path, so that we can eliminate
-- said heap allocation by performing a worker/wrapper split.
-- See https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/constructed-product-result-analysis-haskell/.
-- CPR analysis should happen after strictness analysis.
-- See Note [Phase ordering].
module GHC.Core.Opt.CprAnal ( cprAnalProgram ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Types.Demand
import GHC.Types.Cpr
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Core.Seq
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Id.Info
import GHC.Core.Utils   ( exprIsHNF, dumpIdInfoOfProgram )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
import GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Error  ( dumpIfSet_dyn, DumpFormat (..) )
import GHC.Data.Maybe   ( isJust, isNothing )

import Control.Monad ( guard )
import Data.List

{- Note [Constructed Product Result]
The goal of Constructed Product Result analysis is to identify functions that
surely return heap-allocated records on every code path, so that we can
eliminate said heap allocation by performing a worker/wrapper split.

@swap@ below is such a function:

  swap (a, b) = (b, a)

A @case@ on an application of @swap@, like
@case swap (10, 42) of (a, b) -> a + b@ could cancel away
(by case-of-known-constructor) if we "inlined" @swap@ and simplified. We then
say that @swap@ has the CPR property.

We can't inline recursive functions, but similar reasoning applies there:

  f x n = case n of
    0 -> (x, 0)
    _ -> f (x+1) (n-1)

Inductively, @case f 1 2 of (a, b) -> a + b@ could cancel away the constructed
product with the case. So @f@, too, has the CPR property. But we can't really
"inline" @f@, because it's recursive. Also, non-recursive functions like @swap@
might be too big to inline (or even marked NOINLINE). We still want to exploit
the CPR property, and that is exactly what the worker/wrapper transformation
can do for us:

  $wf x n = case n of
    0 -> case (x, 0) of -> (a, b) -> (# a, b #)
    _ -> case f (x+1) (n-1) of (a, b) -> (# a, b #)
  f x n = case $wf x n of (# a, b #) -> (a, b)

where $wf readily simplifies (by case-of-known-constructor and inlining @f@) to:

  $wf x n = case n of
    0 -> (# x, 0 #)
    _ -> $wf (x+1) (n-1)

Now, a call site like @case f 1 2 of (a, b) -> a + b@ can inline @f@ and
eliminate the heap-allocated pair constructor.

Note [Phase ordering]
We need to perform strictness analysis before CPR analysis, because that might
unbox some arguments, in turn leading to more constructed products.
Ideally, we would want the following pipeline:

1. Strictness
2. worker/wrapper (for strictness)
3. CPR
4. worker/wrapper (for CPR)

Currently, we omit 2. and anticipate the results of worker/wrapper.
See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
and Note [CPR for binders that will be unboxed].
An additional w/w pass would simplify things, but probably add slight overhead.
So currently we have

1. Strictness
2. CPR
3. worker/wrapper (for strictness and CPR)

-- * Analysing programs

cprAnalProgram :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> CoreProgram -> IO CoreProgram
cprAnalProgram dflags fam_envs binds = do
  let env            = emptyAnalEnv fam_envs
  let binds_plus_cpr = snd $ mapAccumL cprAnalTopBind env binds
  dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cpr_signatures "Cpr signatures" FormatText $
    dumpIdInfoOfProgram (ppr . cprInfo) binds_plus_cpr
  -- See Note [Stamp out space leaks in demand analysis] in GHC.Core.Opt.DmdAnal
  seqBinds binds_plus_cpr `seq` return binds_plus_cpr

-- Analyse a (group of) top-level binding(s)
cprAnalTopBind :: AnalEnv
               -> CoreBind
               -> (AnalEnv, CoreBind)
cprAnalTopBind env (NonRec id rhs)
  = (extendAnalEnv env id' (idCprInfo id'), NonRec id' rhs')
    (id', rhs') = cprAnalBind TopLevel env id rhs

cprAnalTopBind env (Rec pairs)
  = (env', Rec pairs')
    (env', pairs') = cprFix TopLevel env pairs

-- * Analysing expressions

-- | The abstract semantic function ⟦_⟧ : Expr -> Env -> A from
-- "Constructed Product Result Analysis for Haskell"
cprAnal, cprAnal'
  :: AnalEnv
  -> CoreExpr            -- ^ expression to be denoted by a 'CprType'
  -> (CprType, CoreExpr) -- ^ the updated expression and its 'CprType'

cprAnal env e = -- pprTraceWith "cprAnal" (\res -> ppr (fst (res)) $$ ppr e) $
                  cprAnal' env e

cprAnal' _ (Lit lit)     = (topCprType, Lit lit)
cprAnal' _ (Type ty)     = (topCprType, Type ty)      -- Doesn't happen, in fact
cprAnal' _ (Coercion co) = (topCprType, Coercion co)

cprAnal' env (Var var)   = (cprTransform env var, Var var)

cprAnal' env (Cast e co)
  = (cpr_ty, Cast e' co)
    (cpr_ty, e') = cprAnal env e

cprAnal' env (Tick t e)
  = (cpr_ty, Tick t e')
    (cpr_ty, e') = cprAnal env e

cprAnal' env (App fun (Type ty))
  = (fun_ty, App fun' (Type ty))
    (fun_ty, fun') = cprAnal env fun

cprAnal' env (App fun arg)
  = (res_ty, App fun' arg')
    (fun_ty, fun') = cprAnal env fun
    -- In contrast to DmdAnal, there is no useful (non-nested) CPR info to be
    -- had by looking into the CprType of arg.
    (_, arg')      = cprAnal env arg
    res_ty         = applyCprTy fun_ty

cprAnal' env (Lam var body)
  | isTyVar var
  , (body_ty, body') <- cprAnal env body
  = (body_ty, Lam var body')
  | otherwise
  = (lam_ty, Lam var body')
    env'             = extendAnalEnvForDemand env var (idDemandInfo var)
    (body_ty, body') = cprAnal env' body
    lam_ty           = abstractCprTy body_ty

cprAnal' env (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
  = (res_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr ty alts')
    (_, scrut')      = cprAnal env scrut
    -- Regardless whether scrut had the CPR property or not, the case binder
    -- certainly has it. See 'extendEnvForDataAlt'.
    (alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (cprAnalAlt env scrut case_bndr) alts
    res_ty           = foldl' lubCprType botCprType alt_tys

cprAnal' env (Let (NonRec id rhs) body)
  = (body_ty, Let (NonRec id' rhs') body')
    (id', rhs')      = cprAnalBind NotTopLevel env id rhs
    env'             = extendAnalEnv env id' (idCprInfo id')
    (body_ty, body') = cprAnal env' body

cprAnal' env (Let (Rec pairs) body)
  = body_ty `seq` (body_ty, Let (Rec pairs') body')
    (env', pairs')   = cprFix NotTopLevel env pairs
    (body_ty, body') = cprAnal env' body

  :: AnalEnv
  -> CoreExpr -- ^ scrutinee
  -> Id       -- ^ case binder
  -> Alt Var  -- ^ current alternative
  -> (CprType, Alt Var)
cprAnalAlt env scrut case_bndr (con@(DataAlt dc),bndrs,rhs)
  -- See 'extendEnvForDataAlt' and Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
  = (rhs_ty, (con, bndrs, rhs'))
    env_alt        = extendEnvForDataAlt env scrut case_bndr dc bndrs
    (rhs_ty, rhs') = cprAnal env_alt rhs
cprAnalAlt env _ _ (con,bndrs,rhs)
  = (rhs_ty, (con, bndrs, rhs'))
    (rhs_ty, rhs') = cprAnal env rhs

-- * CPR transformer

cprTransform :: AnalEnv         -- ^ The analysis environment
             -> Id              -- ^ The function
             -> CprType         -- ^ The demand type of the function
cprTransform env id
  = -- pprTrace "cprTransform" (vcat [ppr id, ppr sig])
      -- See Note [CPR for expandable unfoldings]
      | Just rhs <- cprExpandUnfolding_maybe id
      = fst $ cprAnal env rhs
      -- Imported function or data con worker
      | isGlobalId id
      = getCprSig (idCprInfo id)
      -- Local let-bound
      | Just sig <- lookupSigEnv env id
      = getCprSig sig
      | otherwise
      = topCprType

-- * Bindings

-- Recursive bindings
cprFix :: TopLevelFlag
       -> AnalEnv                            -- Does not include bindings for this binding
       -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
       -> (AnalEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)]) -- Binders annotated with stricness info

cprFix top_lvl env orig_pairs
  = loop 1 initial_pairs
    bot_sig = mkCprSig 0 botCpr
    -- See Note [Initialising strictness] in GHC.Core.Opt.DmdAnal
    initial_pairs | ae_virgin env = [(setIdCprInfo id bot_sig, rhs) | (id, rhs) <- orig_pairs ]
                  | otherwise     = orig_pairs

    -- The fixed-point varies the idCprInfo field of the binders, and terminates if that
    -- annotation does not change any more.
    loop :: Int -> [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> (AnalEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)])
    loop n pairs
      | found_fixpoint = (final_anal_env, pairs')
      | otherwise      = loop (n+1) pairs'
        found_fixpoint    = map (idCprInfo . fst) pairs' == map (idCprInfo . fst) pairs
        first_round       = n == 1
        pairs'            = step first_round pairs
        final_anal_env    = extendAnalEnvs env (map fst pairs')

    step :: Bool -> [(Id, CoreExpr)] -> [(Id, CoreExpr)]
    step first_round pairs = pairs'
        -- In all but the first iteration, delete the virgin flag
        start_env | first_round = env
                  | otherwise   = nonVirgin env

        start = extendAnalEnvs start_env (map fst pairs)

        (_, pairs') = mapAccumL my_downRhs start pairs

        my_downRhs env (id,rhs)
          = (env', (id', rhs'))
            (id', rhs') = cprAnalBind top_lvl env id rhs
            env'        = extendAnalEnv env id (idCprInfo id')

-- | Process the RHS of the binding for a sensible arity, add the CPR signature
-- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
  :: TopLevelFlag
  -> AnalEnv
  -> Id
  -> CoreExpr
  -> (Id, CoreExpr)
cprAnalBind top_lvl env id rhs
  = (id', rhs')
    (rhs_ty, rhs')  = cprAnal env rhs
    -- possibly trim thunk CPR info
      -- See Note [CPR for thunks]
      | stays_thunk = trimCprTy rhs_ty
      -- See Note [CPR for sum types]
      | returns_sum = trimCprTy rhs_ty
      -- See Note [CPR for expandable unfoldings]
      | will_expand = topCprType
      | otherwise   = rhs_ty
    -- See Note [Arity trimming for CPR signatures]
    sig             = mkCprSigForArity (idArity id) rhs_ty'
    id'             = setIdCprInfo id sig

    -- See Note [CPR for thunks]
    stays_thunk = is_thunk && not_strict
    is_thunk    = not (exprIsHNF rhs) && not (isJoinId id)
    not_strict  = not (isStrictDmd (idDemandInfo id))
    -- See Note [CPR for sum types]
    (_, ret_ty) = splitPiTys (idType id)
    not_a_prod  = isNothing (deepSplitProductType_maybe (ae_fam_envs env) ret_ty)
    returns_sum = not (isTopLevel top_lvl) && not_a_prod
    -- See Note [CPR for expandable unfoldings]
    will_expand = isJust (cprExpandUnfolding_maybe id)

cprExpandUnfolding_maybe :: Id -> Maybe CoreExpr
cprExpandUnfolding_maybe id = do
  guard (idArity id == 0)
  -- There are only FinalPhase Simplifier runs after CPR analysis
  guard (activeInFinalPhase (idInlineActivation id))
  expandUnfolding_maybe (idUnfolding id)

{- Note [Arity trimming for CPR signatures]
Although it doesn't affect correctness of the analysis per se, we have to trim
CPR signatures to idArity. Here's what might happen if we don't:

  f x = if expensive
          then \y. Box y
          else \z. Box z
  g a b = f a b

The two lambdas will have a CPR type of @1m@ (so construct a product after
applied to one argument). Thus, @f@ will have a CPR signature of @2m@
(constructs a product after applied to two arguments).
But WW will never eta-expand @f@! In this case that would amount to possibly
duplicating @expensive@ work.

(Side note: Even if @f@'s 'idArity' happened to be 2, it would not do so, see
Note [Don't eta expand in w/w].)

So @f@ will not be worker/wrappered. But @g@ also inherited its CPR signature
from @f@'s, so it *will* be WW'd:

  f x = if expensive
          then \y. Box y
          else \z. Box z
  $wg a b = case f a b of Box x -> x
  g a b = Box ($wg a b)

And the case in @g@ can never cancel away, thus we introduced extra reboxing.
Hence we always trim the CPR signature of a binding to idArity.

data AnalEnv
  = AE
  { ae_sigs   :: SigEnv
  -- ^ Current approximation of signatures for local ids
  , ae_virgin :: Bool
  -- ^ True only on every first iteration in a fixed-point
  -- iteration. See Note [Initialising strictness] in "GHC.Core.Opt.DmdAnal"
  , ae_fam_envs :: FamInstEnvs
  -- ^ Needed when expanding type families and synonyms of product types.

type SigEnv = VarEnv CprSig

instance Outputable AnalEnv where
  ppr (AE { ae_sigs = env, ae_virgin = virgin })
    = text "AE" <+> braces (vcat
         [ text "ae_virgin =" <+> ppr virgin
         , text "ae_sigs =" <+> ppr env ])

emptyAnalEnv :: FamInstEnvs -> AnalEnv
emptyAnalEnv fam_envs
  = AE
  { ae_sigs = emptyVarEnv
  , ae_virgin = True
  , ae_fam_envs = fam_envs

-- | Extend an environment with the strictness IDs attached to the id
extendAnalEnvs :: AnalEnv -> [Id] -> AnalEnv
extendAnalEnvs env ids
  = env { ae_sigs = sigs' }
    sigs' = extendVarEnvList (ae_sigs env) [ (id, idCprInfo id) | id <- ids ]

extendAnalEnv :: AnalEnv -> Id -> CprSig -> AnalEnv
extendAnalEnv env id sig
  = env { ae_sigs = extendVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id sig }

lookupSigEnv :: AnalEnv -> Id -> Maybe CprSig
lookupSigEnv env id = lookupVarEnv (ae_sigs env) id

nonVirgin :: AnalEnv -> AnalEnv
nonVirgin env = env { ae_virgin = False }

-- | A version of 'extendAnalEnv' for a binder of which we don't see the RHS
-- needed to compute a 'CprSig' (e.g. lambdas and DataAlt field binders).
-- In this case, we can still look at their demand to attach CPR signatures
-- anticipating the unboxing done by worker/wrapper.
-- See Note [CPR for binders that will be unboxed].
extendAnalEnvForDemand :: AnalEnv -> Id -> Demand -> AnalEnv
extendAnalEnvForDemand env id dmd
  | isId id
  , Just (_, DataConAppContext { dcac_dc = dc })
      <- wantToUnbox (ae_fam_envs env) has_inlineable_prag (idType id) dmd
  = extendAnalEnv env id (CprSig (conCprType (dataConTag dc)))
  | otherwise
  = env
    -- Rather than maintaining in AnalEnv whether we are in an INLINEABLE
    -- function, we just assume that we aren't. That flag is only relevant
    -- to Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries], the few unboxing
    -- opportunities on dicts it prohibits are probably irrelevant to CPR.
    has_inlineable_prag = False

extendEnvForDataAlt :: AnalEnv -> CoreExpr -> Id -> DataCon -> [Var] -> AnalEnv
-- See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
extendEnvForDataAlt env scrut case_bndr dc bndrs
  = foldl' do_con_arg env' ids_w_strs
    env' = extendAnalEnv env case_bndr (CprSig case_bndr_ty)

    ids_w_strs    = filter isId bndrs `zip` dataConRepStrictness dc

    tycon          = dataConTyCon dc
    is_product     = isJust (isDataProductTyCon_maybe tycon)
    is_sum         = isJust (isDataSumTyCon_maybe tycon)
      | is_product || is_sum = conCprType  (dataConTag dc)
      -- Any of the constructors had existentials. This is a little too
      -- conservative (after all, we only care about the particular data con),
      -- but there is no easy way to write is_sum and this won't happen much.
      | otherwise            = topCprType

    -- We could have much deeper CPR info here with Nested CPR, which could
    -- propagate available unboxed things from the scrutinee, getting rid of
    -- the is_var_scrut heuristic. See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative].
    -- Giving strict binders the CPR property only makes sense for products, as
    -- the arguments in Note [CPR for binders that will be unboxed] don't apply
    -- to sums (yet); we lack WW for strict binders of sum type.
    do_con_arg env (id, str)
       | is_var scrut
       -- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors] in GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils
       , let dmd = applyWhen (isMarkedStrict str) strictifyDmd (idDemandInfo id)
       = extendAnalEnvForDemand env id dmd
       | otherwise
       = env

    is_var (Cast e _) = is_var e
    is_var (Var v)    = isLocalId v
    is_var _          = False

{- Note [Safe abortion in the fixed-point iteration]

Fixed-point iteration may fail to terminate. But we cannot simply give up and
return the environment and code unchanged! We still need to do one additional
round, to ensure that all expressions have been traversed at least once, and any
unsound CPR annotations have been updated.

Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative]
In a case alternative, we want to give some of the binders the CPR property.

 * The case binder; inside the alternative, the case binder always has
   the CPR property, meaning that a case on it will successfully cancel.
        f True  x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3
                                           then y
                                           else I# 8 }
        f False x = I# 3

   By giving 'y' the CPR property, we ensure that 'f' does too, so we get
        f b x = case fw b x of { r -> I# r }
        fw True  x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3 then x' else 8 }
        fw False x = 3

   Of course there is the usual risk of re-boxing: we have 'x' available
   boxed and unboxed, but we return the unboxed version for the wrapper to
   box.  If the wrapper doesn't cancel with its caller, we'll end up
   re-boxing something that we did have available in boxed form.

 * Any strict binders with product type, can use
   Note [CPR for binders that will be unboxed]
   to anticipate worker/wrappering for strictness info.
   But we can go a little further. Consider

      data T = MkT !Int Int

      f2 (MkT x y) | y>0       = f2 (MkT x (y-1))
                   | otherwise = x

   For $wf2 we are going to unbox the MkT *and*, since it is strict, the
   first argument of the MkT; see Note [Add demands for strict constructors].
   But then we don't want box it up again when returning it!  We want
   'f2' to have the CPR property, so we give 'x' the CPR property.

 * It's a bit delicate because we're brittly anticipating worker/wrapper here.
   If the case above is scrutinising something other than an argument the
   original function, we really don't have the unboxed version available.  E.g
      g v = case foo v of
              MkT x y | y>0       -> ...
                      | otherwise -> x
   Here we don't have the unboxed 'x' available.  Hence the
   is_var_scrut test when making use of the strictness annotation.
   Slightly ad-hoc, because even if the scrutinee *is* a variable it
   might not be a onre of the arguments to the original function, or a
   sub-component thereof.  But it's simple, and nothing terrible
   happens if we get it wrong.  e.g. Trac #10694.

Note [CPR for binders that will be unboxed]
If a lambda-bound variable will be unboxed by worker/wrapper (so it must be
demanded strictly), then give it a CPR signature. Here's a concrete example
('f1' in test T10482a), assuming h is strict:

  f1 :: Int -> Int
  f1 x = case h x of
          A -> x
          B -> f1 (x-1)
          C -> x+1

If we notice that 'x' is used strictly, we can give it the CPR
property; and hence f1 gets the CPR property too.  It's sound (doesn't
change strictness) to give it the CPR property because by the time 'x'
is returned (case A above), it'll have been evaluated (by the wrapper
of 'h' in the example).

Moreover, if f itself is strict in x, then we'll pass x unboxed to
f1, and so the boxed version *won't* be available; in that case it's
very helpful to give 'x' the CPR property.

Note that

  * We only want to do this for something that definitely
    has product type, else we may get over-optimistic CPR results
    (e.g. from \x -> x!).

  * This also (approximately) applies to DataAlt field binders;
    See Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative].

  * See Note [CPR examples]

Note [CPR for sum types]
At the moment we do not do CPR for let-bindings that
   * non-top level
   * bind a sum type
Reason: I found that in some benchmarks we were losing let-no-escapes,
which messed it all up.  Example
   let j = \x. ....
   in case y of
        True  -> j False
        False -> j True
If we w/w this we get
   let j' = \x. ....
   in case y of
        True  -> case j' False of { (# a #) -> Just a }
        False -> case j' True of { (# a #) -> Just a }
Notice that j' is not a let-no-escape any more.

However this means in turn that the *enclosing* function
may be CPR'd (via the returned Justs).  But in the case of
sums, there may be Nothing alternatives; and that messes
up the sum-type CPR.

Conclusion: only do this for products.  It's still not
guaranteed OK for products, but sums definitely lose sometimes.

Note [CPR for thunks]
If the rhs is a thunk, we usually forget the CPR info, because
it is presumably shared (else it would have been inlined, and
so we'd lose sharing if w/w'd it into a function).  E.g.

        let r = case expensive of
                  (a,b) -> (b,a)
        in ...

If we marked r as having the CPR property, then we'd w/w into

        let $wr = \() -> case expensive of
                            (a,b) -> (# b, a #)
            r = case $wr () of
                  (# b,a #) -> (b,a)
        in ...

But now r is a thunk, which won't be inlined, so we are no further ahead.
But consider

        f x = let r = case expensive of (a,b) -> (b,a)
              in if foo r then r else (x,x)

Does f have the CPR property?  Well, no.

However, if the strictness analyser has figured out (in a previous
iteration) that it's strict, then we DON'T need to forget the CPR info.
Instead we can retain the CPR info and do the thunk-splitting transform
(see WorkWrap.splitThunk).

This made a big difference to PrelBase.modInt, which had something like
        modInt = \ x -> let r = ... -> I# v in
                        ...body strict in r...
r's RHS isn't a value yet; but modInt returns r in various branches, so
if r doesn't have the CPR property then neither does modInt
Another case I found in practice (in Complex.magnitude), looks like this:
                let k = if ... then I# a else I# b
                in ... body strict in k ....
(For this example, it doesn't matter whether k is returned as part of
the overall result; but it does matter that k's RHS has the CPR property.)
Left to itself, the simplifier will make a join point thus:
                let $j k = ...body strict in k...
                if ... then $j (I# a) else $j (I# b)
With thunk-splitting, we get instead
                let $j x = let k = I#x in ...body strict in k...
                in if ... then $j a else $j b
This is much better; there's a good chance the I# won't get allocated.

But what about botCpr? Consider
    lvl = error "boom"
    fac -1 = lvl
    fac 0 = 1
    fac n = n * fac (n-1)
fac won't have the CPR property here when we trim every thunk! But the
assumption is that error cases are rarely entered and we are diverging anyway,
so WW doesn't hurt.

Should we also trim CPR on DataCon application bindings?
See Note [CPR for expandable unfoldings]!

Note [CPR for expandable unfoldings]
Long static data structures (whether top-level or not) like

  xs = x1 : xs1
  xs1 = x2 : xs2
  xs2 = x3 : xs3

should not get CPR signatures, because they

  * Never get WW'd, so their CPR signature should be irrelevant after analysis
    (in fact the signature might even be harmful for that reason)
  * Would need to be inlined/expanded to see their constructed product
  * Recording CPR on them blows up interface file sizes and is redundant with
    their unfolding. In case of Nested CPR, this blow-up can be quadratic!

But we can't just stop giving DataCon application bindings the CPR property,
for example

  fac 0 = 1
  fac n = n * fac (n-1)

fac certainly has the CPR property and should be WW'd! But FloatOut will
transform the first clause to

  lvl = 1
  fac 0 = lvl

If lvl doesn't have the CPR property, fac won't either. But lvl doesn't have a
CPR signature to extrapolate into a CPR transformer ('cprTransform'). So
instead we keep on cprAnal'ing through *expandable* unfoldings for these arity
0 bindings via 'cprExpandUnfolding_maybe'.

In practice, GHC generates a lot of (nested) TyCon and KindRep bindings, one
for each data declaration. It's wasteful to attach CPR signatures to each of
them (and intractable in case of Nested CPR).

Tracked by #18154.

Note [CPR examples]
Here are some examples (stranal/should_compile/T10482a) of the
usefulness of Note [CPR in a DataAlt case alternative].  The main
point: all of these functions can have the CPR property.

    ------- f1 -----------
    -- x is used strictly by h, so it'll be available
    -- unboxed before it is returned in the True branch

    f1 :: Int -> Int
    f1 x = case h x x of
            True  -> x
            False -> f1 (x-1)

    ------- f3 -----------
    -- h is strict in x, so x will be unboxed before it
    -- is rerturned in the otherwise case.

    data T3 = MkT3 Int Int

    f1 :: T3 -> Int
    f1 (MkT3 x y) | h x y     = f3 (MkT3 x (y-1))
                  | otherwise = x