module GHC.HsToCore.Expr
( dsExpr, dsLExpr, dsLExprNoLP, dsLocalBinds
, dsValBinds, dsLit, dsSyntaxExpr
, dsHandleMonadicFailure
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.HsToCore.Match
import GHC.HsToCore.Match.Literal
import GHC.HsToCore.Binds
import GHC.HsToCore.GuardedRHSs
import GHC.HsToCore.ListComp
import GHC.HsToCore.Utils
import GHC.HsToCore.Arrows
import GHC.HsToCore.Monad
import GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck ( addTyCsDs, checkGuardMatches )
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv( topNormaliseType )
import GHC.HsToCore.Quote
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Core.Utils
import GHC.Core.Make
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Types.CostCentre
import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Id.Make
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Core.ConLike
import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr( pprWithTYPE )
import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
import GHC.Core.PatSyn
import Control.Monad
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( nonEmpty )
dsLocalBinds :: LHsLocalBinds GhcTc -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
dsLocalBinds (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)) body = return body
dsLocalBinds (L loc (HsValBinds _ binds)) body = putSrcSpanDs loc $
dsValBinds binds body
dsLocalBinds (L _ (HsIPBinds _ binds)) body = dsIPBinds binds body
dsValBinds :: HsValBinds GhcTc -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
dsValBinds (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _)) body
= foldrM ds_val_bind body binds
dsValBinds (ValBinds {}) _ = panic "dsValBinds ValBindsIn"
dsIPBinds :: HsIPBinds GhcTc -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
dsIPBinds (IPBinds ev_binds ip_binds) body
= do { ds_binds <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
; let inner = mkCoreLets ds_binds body
; foldrM ds_ip_bind inner ip_binds }
ds_ip_bind (L _ (IPBind _ ~(Right n) e)) body
= do e' <- dsLExpr e
return (Let (NonRec n e') body)
ds_val_bind :: (RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcTc) -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
ds_val_bind (NonRecursive, hsbinds) body
| [L loc bind] <- bagToList hsbinds
, isUnliftedHsBind bind
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
if is_polymorphic bind
then errDsCoreExpr (poly_bind_err bind)
else do { when (looksLazyPatBind bind) $
warnIfSetDs Opt_WarnUnbangedStrictPatterns (unlifted_must_be_bang bind)
; dsUnliftedBind bind body }
is_polymorphic (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tvs, abs_ev_vars = evs })
= not (null tvs && null evs)
is_polymorphic _ = False
unlifted_must_be_bang bind
= hang (text "Pattern bindings containing unlifted types should use" $$
text "an outermost bang pattern:")
2 (ppr bind)
poly_bind_err bind
= hang (text "You can't mix polymorphic and unlifted bindings:")
2 (ppr bind) $$
text "Probable fix: add a type signature"
ds_val_bind (is_rec, binds) _body
| anyBag (isUnliftedHsBind . unLoc) binds
= ASSERT( isRec is_rec )
errDsCoreExpr $
hang (text "Recursive bindings for unlifted types aren't allowed:")
2 (vcat (map ppr (bagToList binds)))
ds_val_bind (is_rec, binds) body
= do { MASSERT( isRec is_rec || isSingletonBag binds )
; (force_vars,prs) <- dsLHsBinds binds
; let body' = foldr seqVar body force_vars
; ASSERT2( not (any (isUnliftedType . idType . fst) prs), ppr is_rec $$ ppr binds )
case prs of
[] -> return body
_ -> return (Let (Rec prs) body') }
dsUnliftedBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
dsUnliftedBind (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = [], abs_ev_vars = []
, abs_exports = exports
, abs_ev_binds = ev_binds
, abs_binds = lbinds }) body
= do { let body1 = foldr bind_export body exports
bind_export export b = bindNonRec (abe_poly export) (Var (abe_mono export)) b
; body2 <- foldlM (\body lbind -> dsUnliftedBind (unLoc lbind) body)
body1 lbinds
; ds_binds <- dsTcEvBinds_s ev_binds
; return (mkCoreLets ds_binds body2) }
dsUnliftedBind (FunBind { fun_id = L l fun
, fun_matches = matches
, fun_ext = co_fn
, fun_tick = tick }) body
= do { (args, rhs) <- matchWrapper (mkPrefixFunRhs (L l $ idName fun))
Nothing matches
; MASSERT( null args )
; MASSERT( isIdHsWrapper co_fn )
; let rhs' = mkOptTickBox tick rhs
; return (bindNonRec fun rhs' body) }
dsUnliftedBind (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss
, pat_ext = NPatBindTc _ ty }) body
do { rhs_deltas <- checkGuardMatches PatBindGuards grhss
; rhs <- dsGuarded grhss ty (nonEmpty rhs_deltas)
; let upat = unLoc pat
eqn = EqnInfo { eqn_pats = [upat],
eqn_orig = FromSource,
eqn_rhs = cantFailMatchResult body }
; var <- selectMatchVar Many upat
; result <- matchEquations PatBindRhs [var] [eqn] (exprType body)
; return (bindNonRec var rhs result) }
dsUnliftedBind bind body = pprPanic "dsLet: unlifted" (ppr bind $$ ppr body)
dsLExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
dsLExpr (L loc e)
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
do { core_expr <- dsExpr e
; return core_expr }
dsLExprNoLP :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
dsLExprNoLP (L loc e)
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
do { e' <- dsExpr e
; dsNoLevPolyExpr e' (text "In the type of expression:" <+> ppr e)
; return e' }
dsExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
dsExpr (HsPar _ e) = dsLExpr e
dsExpr (ExprWithTySig _ e _) = dsLExpr e
dsExpr (HsVar _ (L _ var)) = dsHsVar var
dsExpr (HsUnboundVar {}) = panic "dsExpr: HsUnboundVar"
dsExpr (HsConLikeOut _ con) = dsConLike con
dsExpr (HsIPVar {}) = panic "dsExpr: HsIPVar"
dsExpr (HsOverLabel{}) = panic "dsExpr: HsOverLabel"
dsExpr (HsLit _ lit)
= do { warnAboutOverflowedLit lit
; dsLit (convertLit lit) }
dsExpr (HsOverLit _ lit)
= do { warnAboutOverflowedOverLit lit
; dsOverLit lit }
dsExpr (XExpr (ExpansionExpr (HsExpanded _ b))) = dsExpr b
dsExpr hswrap@(XExpr (WrapExpr (HsWrap co_fn e)))
= do { e' <- case e of
HsVar _ (L _ var) -> return $ varToCoreExpr var
HsConLikeOut _ (RealDataCon dc) -> return $ varToCoreExpr (dataConWrapId dc)
XExpr (WrapExpr (HsWrap _ _)) -> pprPanic "dsExpr: HsWrap inside HsWrap" (ppr hswrap)
HsPar _ _ -> pprPanic "dsExpr: HsPar inside HsWrap" (ppr hswrap)
_ -> addTyCsDs FromSource (hsWrapDictBinders co_fn) $
dsExpr e
; wrap' <- dsHsWrapper co_fn
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let wrapped_e = wrap' e'
wrapped_ty = exprType wrapped_e
; checkForcedEtaExpansion e (ppr hswrap) wrapped_ty
; warnAboutIdentities dflags e' wrapped_ty
; return wrapped_e }
dsExpr (NegApp _ (L loc
(HsOverLit _ lit@(OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral i})))
= do { expr' <- putSrcSpanDs loc $ do
{ warnAboutOverflowedOverLit
(lit { ol_val = HsIntegral (negateIntegralLit i) })
; dsOverLit lit }
; dsSyntaxExpr neg_expr [expr'] }
dsExpr (NegApp _ expr neg_expr)
= do { expr' <- dsLExpr expr
; dsSyntaxExpr neg_expr [expr'] }
dsExpr (HsLam _ a_Match)
= uncurry mkLams <$> matchWrapper LambdaExpr Nothing a_Match
dsExpr (HsLamCase _ matches)
= do { ([discrim_var], matching_code) <- matchWrapper CaseAlt Nothing matches
; return $ Lam discrim_var matching_code }
dsExpr e@(HsApp _ fun arg)
= do { fun' <- dsLExpr fun
; dsWhenNoErrs (dsLExprNoLP arg)
(\arg' -> mkCoreAppDs (text "HsApp" <+> ppr e) fun' arg') }
dsExpr (HsAppType ty e _)
= do { e' <- dsLExpr e
; return (App e' (Type ty)) }
dsExpr e@(OpApp _ e1 op e2)
do { op' <- dsLExpr op
; dsWhenNoErrs (mapM dsLExprNoLP [e1, e2])
(\exprs' -> mkCoreAppsDs (text "opapp" <+> ppr e) op' exprs') }
dsExpr e@(SectionL _ expr op) = do
core_op <- dsLExpr op
x_core <- dsLExpr expr
case splitFunTys (exprType core_op) of
(x_ty:y_ty:_, _) -> do
(newSysLocalsDsNoLP [x_ty, y_ty])
(\[x_id, y_id] ->
bindNonRec x_id x_core
$ Lam y_id (mkCoreAppsDs (text "sectionl" <+> ppr e)
core_op [Var x_id, Var y_id]))
(_:_, _) -> do
return $ mkCoreAppDs (text "sectionl" <+> ppr e) core_op x_core
_ -> pprPanic "dsExpr(SectionL)" (ppr e)
dsExpr e@(SectionR _ op expr) = do
core_op <- dsLExpr op
let (x_ty:y_ty:_, _) = splitFunTys (exprType core_op)
y_core <- dsLExpr expr
dsWhenNoErrs (newSysLocalsDsNoLP [x_ty, y_ty])
(\[x_id, y_id] -> bindNonRec y_id y_core $
Lam x_id (mkCoreAppsDs (text "sectionr" <+> ppr e)
core_op [Var x_id, Var y_id]))
dsExpr (ExplicitTuple _ tup_args boxity)
= do { let go (lam_vars, args) (L _ (Missing (Scaled mult ty)))
= do { lam_var <- newSysLocalDsNoLP mult ty
; return (lam_var : lam_vars, Var lam_var : args) }
go (lam_vars, args) (L _ (Present _ expr))
= do { core_expr <- dsLExprNoLP expr
; return (lam_vars, core_expr : args) }
; dsWhenNoErrs (foldM go ([], []) (reverse tup_args))
(\(lam_vars, args) ->
mkCoreLams lam_vars $
mkCoreTupBoxity boxity args) }
dsExpr (ExplicitSum types alt arity expr)
= do { dsWhenNoErrs (dsLExprNoLP expr)
(\core_expr -> mkCoreConApps (sumDataCon alt arity)
(map (Type . getRuntimeRep) types ++
map Type types ++
[core_expr]) ) }
dsExpr (HsPragE _ prag expr) =
ds_prag_expr prag expr
dsExpr (HsCase _ discrim matches)
= do { core_discrim <- dsLExpr discrim
; ([discrim_var], matching_code) <- matchWrapper CaseAlt (Just discrim) matches
; return (bindNonRec discrim_var core_discrim matching_code) }
dsExpr (HsLet _ binds body) = do
body' <- dsLExpr body
dsLocalBinds binds body'
dsExpr (HsDo res_ty ListComp (L _ stmts)) = dsListComp stmts res_ty
dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx@DoExpr{} (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx@GhciStmtCtxt (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
dsExpr (HsDo _ ctx@MDoExpr{} (L _ stmts)) = dsDo ctx stmts
dsExpr (HsDo _ MonadComp (L _ stmts)) = dsMonadComp stmts
dsExpr (HsIf _ guard_expr then_expr else_expr)
= do { pred <- dsLExpr guard_expr
; b1 <- dsLExpr then_expr
; b2 <- dsLExpr else_expr
; return $ mkIfThenElse pred b1 b2 }
dsExpr (HsMultiIf res_ty alts)
| null alts
= mkErrorExpr
| otherwise
= do { let grhss = GRHSs noExtField alts (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
; rhss_deltas <- checkGuardMatches IfAlt grhss
; match_result <- dsGRHSs IfAlt grhss res_ty (nonEmpty rhss_deltas)
; error_expr <- mkErrorExpr
; extractMatchResult match_result error_expr }
mkErrorExpr = mkErrorAppDs nON_EXHAUSTIVE_GUARDS_ERROR_ID res_ty
(text "multi-way if")
dsExpr (ExplicitList elt_ty wit xs)
= dsExplicitList elt_ty wit xs
dsExpr (ArithSeq expr witness seq)
= case witness of
Nothing -> dsArithSeq expr seq
Just fl -> do { newArithSeq <- dsArithSeq expr seq
; dsSyntaxExpr fl [newArithSeq] }
dsExpr (HsStatic _ expr@(L loc _)) = do
expr_ds <- dsLExprNoLP expr
let ty = exprType expr_ds
makeStaticId <- dsLookupGlobalId makeStaticName
dflags <- getDynFlags
let platform = targetPlatform dflags
let (line, col) = case loc of
RealSrcSpan r _ ->
( srcLocLine $ realSrcSpanStart r
, srcLocCol $ realSrcSpanStart r
_ -> (0, 0)
srcLoc = mkCoreConApps (tupleDataCon Boxed 2)
[ Type intTy , Type intTy
, mkIntExprInt platform line, mkIntExprInt platform col
putSrcSpanDs loc $ return $
mkCoreApps (Var makeStaticId) [ Type ty, srcLoc, expr_ds ]
dsExpr (RecordCon { rcon_flds = rbinds
, rcon_ext = RecordConTc { rcon_con_expr = con_expr
, rcon_con_like = con_like }})
= do { con_expr' <- dsExpr con_expr
; let
(arg_tys, _) = tcSplitFunTys (exprType con_expr')
mk_arg (arg_ty, fl)
= case findField (rec_flds rbinds) (flSelector fl) of
(rhs:rhss) -> ASSERT( null rhss )
dsLExprNoLP rhs
[] -> mkErrorAppDs rEC_CON_ERROR_ID arg_ty (ppr (flLabel fl))
unlabelled_bottom arg_ty = mkErrorAppDs rEC_CON_ERROR_ID arg_ty Outputable.empty
labels = conLikeFieldLabels con_like
; con_args <- if null labels
then mapM unlabelled_bottom (map scaledThing arg_tys)
else mapM mk_arg (zipEqual "dsExpr:RecordCon" (map scaledThing arg_tys) labels)
; return (mkCoreApps con_expr' con_args) }
dsExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = fields
, rupd_ext = RecordUpdTc
{ rupd_cons = cons_to_upd
, rupd_in_tys = in_inst_tys
, rupd_out_tys = out_inst_tys
, rupd_wrap = dict_req_wrap }} )
| null fields
= dsLExpr record_expr
| otherwise
= ASSERT2( notNull cons_to_upd, ppr expr )
do { record_expr' <- dsLExpr record_expr
; field_binds' <- mapM ds_field fields
; let upd_fld_env :: NameEnv Id
upd_fld_env = mkNameEnv [(f,l) | (f,l,_) <- field_binds']
; alts <- mapM (mk_alt upd_fld_env) cons_to_upd
; ([discrim_var], matching_code)
<- matchWrapper RecUpd (Just record_expr)
(MG { mg_alts = noLoc alts
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc [unrestricted in_ty] out_ty
, mg_origin = FromSource
; return (add_field_binds field_binds' $
bindNonRec discrim_var record_expr' matching_code) }
ds_field :: LHsRecUpdField GhcTc -> DsM (Name, Id, CoreExpr)
ds_field (L _ rec_field)
= do { rhs <- dsLExpr (hsRecFieldArg rec_field)
; let fld_id = unLoc (hsRecUpdFieldId rec_field)
; lcl_id <- newSysLocalDs (idMult fld_id) (idType fld_id)
; return (idName fld_id, lcl_id, rhs) }
add_field_binds [] expr = expr
add_field_binds ((_,b,r):bs) expr = bindNonRec b r (add_field_binds bs expr)
(in_ty, out_ty) =
case (head cons_to_upd) of
RealDataCon data_con ->
let tycon = dataConTyCon data_con in
(mkTyConApp tycon in_inst_tys, mkFamilyTyConApp tycon out_inst_tys)
PatSynCon pat_syn ->
( patSynInstResTy pat_syn in_inst_tys
, patSynInstResTy pat_syn out_inst_tys)
mk_alt upd_fld_env con
= do { let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec,
prov_theta, _req_theta, arg_tys, _) = conLikeFullSig con
arg_tys' = map (scaleScaled Many) arg_tys
user_tvs = binderVars $ conLikeUserTyVarBinders con
in_subst = zipTvSubst univ_tvs in_inst_tys
out_subst = zipTvSubst univ_tvs out_inst_tys
; eqs_vars <- mapM newPredVarDs (substTheta in_subst (eqSpecPreds eq_spec))
; theta_vars <- mapM newPredVarDs (substTheta in_subst prov_theta)
; arg_ids <- newSysLocalsDs (substScaledTysUnchecked in_subst arg_tys')
; let field_labels = conLikeFieldLabels con
val_args = zipWithEqual "dsExpr:RecordUpd" mk_val_arg
field_labels arg_ids
mk_val_arg fl pat_arg_id
= nlHsVar (lookupNameEnv upd_fld_env (flSelector fl) `orElse` pat_arg_id)
inst_con = noLoc $ mkHsWrap wrap (HsConLikeOut noExtField con)
wrap = mkWpEvVarApps theta_vars <.>
dict_req_wrap <.>
mkWpTyApps [ lookupTyVar out_subst tv
`orElse` mkTyVarTy tv
| tv <- user_tvs
, not (tv `elemVarEnv` wrap_subst) ]
rhs = foldl' (\a b -> nlHsApp a b) inst_con val_args
wrapped_rhs =
case con of
RealDataCon data_con ->
wrap_co =
mkTcTyConAppCo Nominal
(dataConTyCon data_con)
[ lookup tv ty
| (tv,ty) <- univ_tvs `zip` out_inst_tys ]
lookup univ_tv ty =
case lookupVarEnv wrap_subst univ_tv of
Just co' -> co'
Nothing -> mkTcReflCo Nominal ty
in if null eq_spec
then rhs
else mkLHsWrap (mkWpCastN wrap_co) rhs
PatSynCon _ -> rhs
wrap_subst =
mkVarEnv [ (tv, mkTcSymCo (mkTcCoVarCo eq_var))
| (spec, eq_var) <- eq_spec `zip` eqs_vars
, let tv = eqSpecTyVar spec ]
req_wrap = dict_req_wrap <.> mkWpTyApps in_inst_tys
pat = noLoc $ ConPat { pat_con = noLoc con
, pat_args = PrefixCon $ map nlVarPat arg_ids
, pat_con_ext = ConPatTc
{ cpt_tvs = ex_tvs
, cpt_dicts = eqs_vars ++ theta_vars
, cpt_binds = emptyTcEvBinds
, cpt_arg_tys = in_inst_tys
, cpt_wrap = req_wrap
; return (mkSimpleMatch RecUpd [pat] wrapped_rhs) }
dsExpr (HsRnBracketOut _ _ _) = panic "dsExpr HsRnBracketOut"
dsExpr (HsTcBracketOut _ hs_wrapper x ps) = dsBracket hs_wrapper x ps
dsExpr (HsSpliceE _ s) = pprPanic "dsExpr:splice" (ppr s)
dsExpr (HsProc _ pat cmd) = dsProcExpr pat cmd
dsExpr (HsTick _ tickish e) = do
e' <- dsLExpr e
return (Tick tickish e')
dsExpr (HsBinTick _ ixT ixF e) = do
e2 <- dsLExpr e
do { ASSERT(exprType e2 `eqType` boolTy)
mkBinaryTickBox ixT ixF e2
dsExpr (HsBracket {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsBracket"
dsExpr (HsDo {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsDo"
dsExpr (HsRecFld {}) = panic "dsExpr:HsRecFld"
ds_prag_expr :: HsPragE GhcTc -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
ds_prag_expr (HsPragSCC _ _ cc) expr = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
if sccProfilingEnabled dflags
then do
mod_name <- getModule
count <- goptM Opt_ProfCountEntries
let nm = sl_fs cc
flavour <- ExprCC <$> getCCIndexM nm
Tick (ProfNote (mkUserCC nm mod_name (getLoc expr) flavour) count True)
<$> dsLExpr expr
else dsLExpr expr
ds_prag_expr (HsPragTick _ _ _ _) expr = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
if gopt Opt_Hpc dflags
then panic "dsExpr:HsPragTick"
else dsLExpr expr
dsSyntaxExpr :: SyntaxExpr GhcTc -> [CoreExpr] -> DsM CoreExpr
dsSyntaxExpr (SyntaxExprTc { syn_expr = expr
, syn_arg_wraps = arg_wraps
, syn_res_wrap = res_wrap })
= do { fun <- dsExpr expr
; core_arg_wraps <- mapM dsHsWrapper arg_wraps
; core_res_wrap <- dsHsWrapper res_wrap
; let wrapped_args = zipWithEqual "dsSyntaxExpr" ($) core_arg_wraps arg_exprs
; dsWhenNoErrs (zipWithM_ dsNoLevPolyExpr wrapped_args [ mk_doc n | n <- [1..] ])
(\_ -> core_res_wrap (mkApps fun wrapped_args)) }
mk_doc n = text "In the" <+> speakNth n <+> text "argument of" <+> quotes (ppr expr)
dsSyntaxExpr NoSyntaxExprTc _ = panic "dsSyntaxExpr"
findField :: [LHsRecField GhcTc arg] -> Name -> [arg]
findField rbinds sel
= [hsRecFieldArg fld | L _ fld <- rbinds
, sel == idName (unLoc $ hsRecFieldId fld) ]
maxBuildLength :: Int
maxBuildLength = 32
dsExplicitList :: Type -> Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcTc) -> [LHsExpr GhcTc]
-> DsM CoreExpr
dsExplicitList elt_ty Nothing xs
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; xs' <- mapM dsLExprNoLP xs
; if xs' `lengthExceeds` maxBuildLength
|| null xs'
|| not (gopt Opt_EnableRewriteRules dflags)
then return $ mkListExpr elt_ty xs'
else mkBuildExpr elt_ty (mk_build_list xs') }
mk_build_list xs' (cons, _) (nil, _)
= return (foldr (App . App (Var cons)) (Var nil) xs')
dsExplicitList elt_ty (Just fln) xs
= do { list <- dsExplicitList elt_ty Nothing xs
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; let platform = targetPlatform dflags
; dsSyntaxExpr fln [mkIntExprInt platform (length xs), list] }
dsArithSeq :: PostTcExpr -> (ArithSeqInfo GhcTc) -> DsM CoreExpr
dsArithSeq expr (From from)
= App <$> dsExpr expr <*> dsLExprNoLP from
dsArithSeq expr (FromTo from to)
= do fam_envs <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
dflags <- getDynFlags
warnAboutEmptyEnumerations fam_envs dflags from Nothing to
expr' <- dsExpr expr
from' <- dsLExprNoLP from
to' <- dsLExprNoLP to
return $ mkApps expr' [from', to']
dsArithSeq expr (FromThen from thn)
= mkApps <$> dsExpr expr <*> mapM dsLExprNoLP [from, thn]
dsArithSeq expr (FromThenTo from thn to)
= do fam_envs <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
dflags <- getDynFlags
warnAboutEmptyEnumerations fam_envs dflags from (Just thn) to
expr' <- dsExpr expr
from' <- dsLExprNoLP from
thn' <- dsLExprNoLP thn
to' <- dsLExprNoLP to
return $ mkApps expr' [from', thn', to']
dsDo :: HsStmtContext GhcRn -> [ExprLStmt GhcTc] -> DsM CoreExpr
dsDo ctx stmts
= goL stmts
goL [] = panic "dsDo"
goL ((L loc stmt):lstmts) = putSrcSpanDs loc (go loc stmt lstmts)
go _ (LastStmt _ body _ _) stmts
= ASSERT( null stmts ) dsLExpr body
go _ (BodyStmt _ rhs then_expr _) stmts
= do { rhs2 <- dsLExpr rhs
; warnDiscardedDoBindings rhs (exprType rhs2)
; rest <- goL stmts
; dsSyntaxExpr then_expr [rhs2, rest] }
go _ (LetStmt _ binds) stmts
= do { rest <- goL stmts
; dsLocalBinds binds rest }
go _ (BindStmt xbs pat rhs) stmts
= do { body <- goL stmts
; rhs' <- dsLExpr rhs
; var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL (xbstc_boundResultMult xbs) pat
; match <- matchSinglePatVar var (StmtCtxt ctx) pat
(xbstc_boundResultType xbs) (cantFailMatchResult body)
; match_code <- dsHandleMonadicFailure pat match (xbstc_failOp xbs)
; dsSyntaxExpr (xbstc_bindOp xbs) [rhs', Lam var match_code] }
go _ (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args mb_join) stmts
= do {
(pats, rhss) = unzip (map (do_arg . snd) args)
do_arg (ApplicativeArgOne fail_op pat expr _) =
((pat, fail_op), dsLExpr expr)
do_arg (ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts ret pat _) =
((pat, Nothing), dsDo ctx (stmts ++ [noLoc $ mkLastStmt (noLoc ret)]))
; rhss' <- sequence rhss
; body' <- dsLExpr $ noLoc $ HsDo body_ty ctx (noLoc stmts)
; let match_args (pat, fail_op) (vs,body)
= do { var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL Many pat
; match <- matchSinglePatVar var (StmtCtxt ctx) pat
body_ty (cantFailMatchResult body)
; match_code <- dsHandleMonadicFailure pat match fail_op
; return (var:vs, match_code)
; (vars, body) <- foldrM match_args ([],body') pats
; let fun' = mkLams vars body
; let mk_ap_call l (op,r) = dsSyntaxExpr op [l,r]
; expr <- foldlM mk_ap_call fun' (zip (map fst args) rhss')
; case mb_join of
Nothing -> return expr
Just join_op -> dsSyntaxExpr join_op [expr] }
go loc (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts, recS_later_ids = later_ids
, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids, recS_ret_fn = return_op
, recS_mfix_fn = mfix_op, recS_bind_fn = bind_op
, recS_ext = RecStmtTc
{ recS_bind_ty = bind_ty
, recS_rec_rets = rec_rets
, recS_ret_ty = body_ty} }) stmts
= goL (new_bind_stmt : stmts)
new_bind_stmt = L loc $ BindStmt
{ xbstc_bindOp = bind_op
, xbstc_boundResultType = bind_ty
, xbstc_boundResultMult = Many
, xbstc_failOp = Nothing
(mkBigLHsPatTupId later_pats)
tup_ids = rec_ids ++ filterOut (`elem` rec_ids) later_ids
tup_ty = mkBigCoreTupTy (map idType tup_ids)
rec_tup_pats = map nlVarPat tup_ids
later_pats = rec_tup_pats
rets = map noLoc rec_rets
mfix_app = nlHsSyntaxApps mfix_op [mfix_arg]
mfix_arg = noLoc $ HsLam noExtField
(MG { mg_alts = noLoc [mkSimpleMatch
[mfix_pat] body]
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc [unrestricted tup_ty] body_ty
, mg_origin = Generated })
mfix_pat = noLoc $ LazyPat noExtField $ mkBigLHsPatTupId rec_tup_pats
body = noLoc $ HsDo body_ty
ctx (noLoc (rec_stmts ++ [ret_stmt]))
ret_app = nlHsSyntaxApps return_op [mkBigLHsTupId rets]
ret_stmt = noLoc $ mkLastStmt ret_app
go _ (ParStmt {}) _ = panic "dsDo ParStmt"
go _ (TransStmt {}) _ = panic "dsDo TransStmt"
dsHandleMonadicFailure :: LPat GhcTc -> MatchResult CoreExpr -> FailOperator GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
dsHandleMonadicFailure pat match m_fail_op =
case shareFailureHandler match of
MR_Infallible body -> body
MR_Fallible body -> do
fail_op <- case m_fail_op of
Nothing -> pprPanic "missing fail op" $
text "Pattern match:" <+> ppr pat <+>
text "is failable, and fail_expr was left unset"
Just fail_op -> pure fail_op
dflags <- getDynFlags
fail_msg <- mkStringExpr (mk_fail_msg dflags pat)
fail_expr <- dsSyntaxExpr fail_op [fail_msg]
body fail_expr
mk_fail_msg :: DynFlags -> Located e -> String
mk_fail_msg dflags pat = "Pattern match failure in do expression at " ++
showPpr dflags (getLoc pat)
dsHsVar :: Id -> DsM CoreExpr
dsHsVar var
| let bad_tys = badUseOfLevPolyPrimop var ty
, not (null bad_tys)
= do { levPolyPrimopErr (ppr var) ty bad_tys
; return unitExpr }
| otherwise
= return (varToCoreExpr var)
ty = idType var
dsConLike :: ConLike -> DsM CoreExpr
dsConLike (RealDataCon dc) = dsHsVar (dataConWrapId dc)
dsConLike (PatSynCon ps) = return $ case patSynBuilder ps of
Just (id, add_void)
| add_void -> mkCoreApp (text "dsConLike" <+> ppr ps) (Var id) (Var voidPrimId)
| otherwise -> Var id
_ -> pprPanic "dsConLike" (ppr ps)
warnDiscardedDoBindings :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> Type -> DsM ()
warnDiscardedDoBindings rhs rhs_ty
| Just (m_ty, elt_ty) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe rhs_ty
= do { warn_unused <- woptM Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind
; warn_wrong <- woptM Opt_WarnWrongDoBind
; when (warn_unused || warn_wrong) $
do { fam_inst_envs <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
; let norm_elt_ty = topNormaliseType fam_inst_envs elt_ty
; if warn_unused && not (isUnitTy norm_elt_ty)
then warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind)
(badMonadBind rhs elt_ty)
when warn_wrong $
do { case tcSplitAppTy_maybe norm_elt_ty of
Just (elt_m_ty, _)
| m_ty `eqType` topNormaliseType fam_inst_envs elt_m_ty
-> warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnWrongDoBind)
(badMonadBind rhs elt_ty)
_ -> return () } } }
| otherwise
= return ()
badMonadBind :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> Type -> SDoc
badMonadBind rhs elt_ty
= vcat [ hang (text "A do-notation statement discarded a result of type")
2 (quotes (ppr elt_ty))
, hang (text "Suppress this warning by saying")
2 (quotes $ text "_ <-" <+> ppr rhs)
checkForcedEtaExpansion :: HsExpr GhcTc -> SDoc -> Type -> DsM ()
checkForcedEtaExpansion expr expr_doc ty
| Just var <- case expr of
HsVar _ (L _ var) -> Just var
HsConLikeOut _ (RealDataCon dc) -> Just (dataConWrapId dc)
_ -> Nothing
, let bad_tys = badUseOfLevPolyPrimop var ty
, not (null bad_tys)
= levPolyPrimopErr expr_doc ty bad_tys
checkForcedEtaExpansion _ _ _ = return ()
badUseOfLevPolyPrimop :: Id -> Type -> [Type]
badUseOfLevPolyPrimop id ty
| hasNoBinding id
= filter isTypeLevPoly arg_tys
| otherwise
= []
(binders, _) = splitPiTys ty
arg_tys = mapMaybe binderRelevantType_maybe binders
levPolyPrimopErr :: SDoc -> Type -> [Type] -> DsM ()
levPolyPrimopErr expr_doc ty bad_tys
= errDs $ vcat
[ hang (text "Cannot use function with levity-polymorphic arguments:")
2 (expr_doc <+> dcolon <+> pprWithTYPE ty)
, ppUnlessOption sdocPrintTypecheckerElaboration $ vcat
[ text "(Note that levity-polymorphic primops such as 'coerce' and unboxed tuples"
, text "are eta-expanded internally because they must occur fully saturated."
, text "Use -fprint-typechecker-elaboration to display the full expression.)"
, hang (text "Levity-polymorphic arguments:")
2 $ vcat $ map
(\t -> pprWithTYPE t <+> dcolon <+> pprWithTYPE (typeKind t))