module GHC.Cmm.Type
( CmmType
, b8, b16, b32, b64, b128, b256, b512, f32, f64, bWord, bHalfWord, gcWord
, cInt
, cmmBits, cmmFloat
, typeWidth, cmmEqType, cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood
, isFloatType, isGcPtrType, isBitsType
, isWord32, isWord64, isFloat64, isFloat32
, Width(..)
, widthInBits, widthInBytes, widthInLog, widthFromBytes
, wordWidth, halfWordWidth, cIntWidth
, halfWordMask
, narrowU, narrowS
, rEP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc
, rEP_CostCentreStack_scc_count
, rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs
, rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd
, ForeignHint(..)
, Length
, vec, vec2, vec4, vec8, vec16
, vec2f64, vec2b64, vec4f32, vec4b32, vec8b16, vec16b8
, cmmVec
, vecLength, vecElemType
, isVecType
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
data CmmType
= CmmType CmmCat Width
data CmmCat
= GcPtrCat
| BitsCat
| FloatCat
| VecCat Length CmmCat
deriving( Eq )
instance Outputable CmmType where
ppr (CmmType cat wid) = ppr cat <> ppr (widthInBits wid)
instance Outputable CmmCat where
ppr FloatCat = text "F"
ppr GcPtrCat = text "P"
ppr BitsCat = text "I"
ppr (VecCat n cat) = ppr cat <> text "x" <> ppr n <> text "V"
cmmEqType :: CmmType -> CmmType -> Bool
cmmEqType (CmmType c1 w1) (CmmType c2 w2) = c1==c2 && w1==w2
cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood :: CmmType -> CmmType -> Bool
cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood (CmmType c1 w1) (CmmType c2 w2)
= c1 `weak_eq` c2 && w1==w2
weak_eq :: CmmCat -> CmmCat -> Bool
FloatCat `weak_eq` FloatCat = True
FloatCat `weak_eq` _other = False
_other `weak_eq` FloatCat = False
(VecCat l1 cat1) `weak_eq` (VecCat l2 cat2) = l1 == l2
&& cat1 `weak_eq` cat2
(VecCat {}) `weak_eq` _other = False
_other `weak_eq` (VecCat {}) = False
_word1 `weak_eq` _word2 = True
typeWidth :: CmmType -> Width
typeWidth (CmmType _ w) = w
cmmBits, cmmFloat :: Width -> CmmType
cmmBits = CmmType BitsCat
cmmFloat = CmmType FloatCat
b8, b16, b32, b64, b128, b256, b512, f32, f64 :: CmmType
b8 = cmmBits W8
b16 = cmmBits W16
b32 = cmmBits W32
b64 = cmmBits W64
b128 = cmmBits W128
b256 = cmmBits W256
b512 = cmmBits W512
f32 = cmmFloat W32
f64 = cmmFloat W64
bWord :: Platform -> CmmType
bWord platform = cmmBits (wordWidth platform)
bHalfWord :: Platform -> CmmType
bHalfWord platform = cmmBits (halfWordWidth platform)
gcWord :: Platform -> CmmType
gcWord platform = CmmType GcPtrCat (wordWidth platform)
cInt :: DynFlags -> CmmType
cInt dflags = cmmBits (cIntWidth dflags)
isFloatType, isGcPtrType, isBitsType :: CmmType -> Bool
isFloatType (CmmType FloatCat _) = True
isFloatType _other = False
isGcPtrType (CmmType GcPtrCat _) = True
isGcPtrType _other = False
isBitsType (CmmType BitsCat _) = True
isBitsType _ = False
isWord32, isWord64, isFloat32, isFloat64 :: CmmType -> Bool
isWord64 (CmmType BitsCat W64) = True
isWord64 (CmmType GcPtrCat W64) = True
isWord64 _other = False
isWord32 (CmmType BitsCat W32) = True
isWord32 (CmmType GcPtrCat W32) = True
isWord32 _other = False
isFloat32 (CmmType FloatCat W32) = True
isFloat32 _other = False
isFloat64 (CmmType FloatCat W64) = True
isFloat64 _other = False
data Width = W8 | W16 | W32 | W64
| W128
| W256
| W512
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Outputable Width where
ppr rep = ptext (mrStr rep)
mrStr :: Width -> PtrString
mrStr = sLit . show
wordWidth :: Platform -> Width
wordWidth platform = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> W32
PW8 -> W64
halfWordWidth :: Platform -> Width
halfWordWidth platform = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> W16
PW8 -> W32
halfWordMask :: Platform -> Integer
halfWordMask platform = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> 0xFFFF
cIntWidth :: DynFlags -> Width
cIntWidth dflags = case cINT_SIZE dflags of
4 -> W32
8 -> W64
s -> panic ("cIntWidth: Unknown cINT_SIZE: " ++ show s)
widthInBits :: Width -> Int
widthInBits W8 = 8
widthInBits W16 = 16
widthInBits W32 = 32
widthInBits W64 = 64
widthInBits W128 = 128
widthInBits W256 = 256
widthInBits W512 = 512
widthInBytes :: Width -> Int
widthInBytes W8 = 1
widthInBytes W16 = 2
widthInBytes W32 = 4
widthInBytes W64 = 8
widthInBytes W128 = 16
widthInBytes W256 = 32
widthInBytes W512 = 64
widthFromBytes :: Int -> Width
widthFromBytes 1 = W8
widthFromBytes 2 = W16
widthFromBytes 4 = W32
widthFromBytes 8 = W64
widthFromBytes 16 = W128
widthFromBytes 32 = W256
widthFromBytes 64 = W512
widthFromBytes n = pprPanic "no width for given number of bytes" (ppr n)
widthInLog :: Width -> Int
widthInLog W8 = 0
widthInLog W16 = 1
widthInLog W32 = 2
widthInLog W64 = 3
widthInLog W128 = 4
widthInLog W256 = 5
widthInLog W512 = 6
narrowU :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
narrowU W8 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
narrowU W16 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word16)
narrowU W32 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32)
narrowU W64 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word64)
narrowU _ _ = panic "narrowTo"
narrowS :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
narrowS W8 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
narrowS W16 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
narrowS W32 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
narrowS W64 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int64)
narrowS _ _ = panic "narrowTo"
type Length = Int
vec :: Length -> CmmType -> CmmType
vec l (CmmType cat w) = CmmType (VecCat l cat) vecw
vecw :: Width
vecw = widthFromBytes (l*widthInBytes w)
vec2, vec4, vec8, vec16 :: CmmType -> CmmType
vec2 = vec 2
vec4 = vec 4
vec8 = vec 8
vec16 = vec 16
vec2f64, vec2b64, vec4f32, vec4b32, vec8b16, vec16b8 :: CmmType
vec2f64 = vec 2 f64
vec2b64 = vec 2 b64
vec4f32 = vec 4 f32
vec4b32 = vec 4 b32
vec8b16 = vec 8 b16
vec16b8 = vec 16 b8
cmmVec :: Int -> CmmType -> CmmType
cmmVec n (CmmType cat w) =
CmmType (VecCat n cat) (widthFromBytes (n*widthInBytes w))
vecLength :: CmmType -> Length
vecLength (CmmType (VecCat l _) _) = l
vecLength _ = panic "vecLength: not a vector"
vecElemType :: CmmType -> CmmType
vecElemType (CmmType (VecCat l cat) w) = CmmType cat scalw
scalw :: Width
scalw = widthFromBytes (widthInBytes w `div` l)
vecElemType _ = panic "vecElemType: not a vector"
isVecType :: CmmType -> Bool
isVecType (CmmType (VecCat {}) _) = True
isVecType _ = False
data ForeignHint
= NoHint | AddrHint | SignedHint
deriving( Eq )
rEP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc :: DynFlags -> CmmType
rEP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc dflags
= cmmBits (widthFromBytes (pc_REP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc pc))
where pc = platformConstants dflags
rEP_CostCentreStack_scc_count :: DynFlags -> CmmType
rEP_CostCentreStack_scc_count dflags
= cmmBits (widthFromBytes (pc_REP_CostCentreStack_scc_count pc))
where pc = platformConstants dflags
rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs :: DynFlags -> CmmType
rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs dflags
= cmmBits (widthFromBytes (pc_REP_StgEntCounter_allocs pc))
where pc = platformConstants dflags
rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd :: DynFlags -> CmmType
rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd dflags
= cmmBits (widthFromBytes (pc_REP_StgEntCounter_allocd pc))
where pc = platformConstants dflags