(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
(c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-2000


{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, LambdaCase #-}

-- | Defines basic functions for printing error messages.
-- It's hard to put these functions anywhere else without causing
-- some unnecessary loops in the module dependency graph.
module GHC.Utils.Panic (
     GhcException(..), showGhcException,
     throwGhcException, throwGhcExceptionIO,

     panic, sorry, assertPanic, trace,
     panicDoc, sorryDoc, pgmErrorDoc,

     cmdLineError, cmdLineErrorIO,

     Exception.Exception(..), showException, safeShowException,
     try, tryMost, throwTo,

) where

import GHC.Prelude

import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Utils.Outputable (SDoc, showSDocUnsafe)
import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain

import GHC.Utils.Exception as Exception

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as MC
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Typeable      ( cast )
import Debug.Trace        ( trace )
import System.IO.Unsafe

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix.Signals as S

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import GHC.ConsoleHandler as S

import System.Mem.Weak  ( deRefWeak )

-- | GHC's own exception type
--   error messages all take the form:
--  @
--      \<location>: \<error>
--  @
--   If the location is on the command line, or in GHC itself, then
--   \<location>="ghc".  All of the error types below correspond to
--   a \<location> of "ghc", except for ProgramError (where the string is
--  assumed to contain a location already, so we don't print one).

data GhcException
  -- | Some other fatal signal (SIGHUP,SIGTERM)
  = Signal Int

  -- | Prints the short usage msg after the error
  | UsageError   String

  -- | A problem with the command line arguments, but don't print usage.
  | CmdLineError String

  -- | The 'impossible' happened.
  | Panic        String
  | PprPanic     String SDoc

  -- | The user tickled something that's known not to work yet,
  --   but we're not counting it as a bug.
  | Sorry        String
  | PprSorry     String SDoc

  -- | An installation problem.
  | InstallationError String

  -- | An error in the user's code, probably.
  | ProgramError    String
  | PprProgramError String SDoc

instance Exception GhcException where
  fromException (SomeException e)
    | Just ge <- cast e = Just ge
    | Just pge <- cast e = Just $
        case pge of
          PlainSignal n -> Signal n
          PlainUsageError str -> UsageError str
          PlainCmdLineError str -> CmdLineError str
          PlainPanic str -> Panic str
          PlainSorry str -> Sorry str
          PlainInstallationError str -> InstallationError str
          PlainProgramError str -> ProgramError str
    | otherwise = Nothing

instance Show GhcException where
  showsPrec _ e@(ProgramError _) = showGhcException e
  showsPrec _ e@(CmdLineError _) = showString "<command line>: " . showGhcException e
  showsPrec _ e = showString progName . showString ": " . showGhcException e

-- | Show an exception as a string.
showException :: Exception e => e -> String
showException = show

-- | Show an exception which can possibly throw other exceptions.
-- Used when displaying exception thrown within TH code.
safeShowException :: Exception e => e -> IO String
safeShowException e = do
    -- ensure the whole error message is evaluated inside try
    r <- try (return $! forceList (showException e))
    case r of
        Right msg -> return msg
        Left e' -> safeShowException (e' :: SomeException)
        forceList [] = []
        forceList xs@(x : xt) = x `seq` forceList xt `seq` xs

-- | Append a description of the given exception to this string.
-- Note that this uses 'GHC.Driver.Session.unsafeGlobalDynFlags', which may have some
-- uninitialized fields if invoked before 'GHC.initGhcMonad' has been called.
-- If the error message to be printed includes a pretty-printer document
-- which forces one of these fields this call may bottom.
showGhcException :: GhcException -> ShowS
showGhcException = showPlainGhcException . \case
  Signal n -> PlainSignal n
  UsageError str -> PlainUsageError str
  CmdLineError str -> PlainCmdLineError str
  Panic str -> PlainPanic str
  Sorry str -> PlainSorry str
  InstallationError str -> PlainInstallationError str
  ProgramError str -> PlainProgramError str

  PprPanic str sdoc -> PlainPanic $
      concat [str, "\n\n", showSDocUnsafe sdoc]
  PprSorry str sdoc -> PlainProgramError $
      concat [str, "\n\n", showSDocUnsafe sdoc]
  PprProgramError str sdoc -> PlainProgramError $
      concat [str, "\n\n", showSDocUnsafe sdoc]

throwGhcException :: GhcException -> a
throwGhcException = Exception.throw

throwGhcExceptionIO :: GhcException -> IO a
throwGhcExceptionIO = Exception.throwIO

handleGhcException :: ExceptionMonad m => (GhcException -> m a) -> m a -> m a
handleGhcException = MC.handle

panicDoc, sorryDoc, pgmErrorDoc :: String -> SDoc -> a
panicDoc    x doc = throwGhcException (PprPanic        x doc)
sorryDoc    x doc = throwGhcException (PprSorry        x doc)
pgmErrorDoc x doc = throwGhcException (PprProgramError x doc)

-- | Like try, but pass through UserInterrupt and Panic exceptions.
--   Used when we want soft failures when reading interface files, for example.
--   TODO: I'm not entirely sure if this is catching what we really want to catch
tryMost :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
tryMost action = do r <- try action
                    case r of
                        Left se ->
                            case fromException se of
                                -- Some GhcException's we rethrow,
                                Just (Signal _)  -> throwIO se
                                Just (Panic _)   -> throwIO se
                                -- others we return
                                Just _           -> return (Left se)
                                Nothing ->
                                    case fromException se of
                                        -- All IOExceptions are returned
                                        Just (_ :: IOException) ->
                                            return (Left se)
                                        -- Anything else is rethrown
                                        Nothing -> throwIO se
                        Right v -> return (Right v)

-- | We use reference counting for signal handlers
{-# NOINLINE signalHandlersRefCount #-}
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
signalHandlersRefCount :: MVar (Word, Maybe (S.Handler,S.Handler
signalHandlersRefCount :: MVar (Word, Maybe S.Handler)
signalHandlersRefCount = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar (0,Nothing)

-- | Temporarily install standard signal handlers for catching ^C, which just
-- throw an exception in the current thread.
withSignalHandlers :: ExceptionMonad m => m a -> m a
withSignalHandlers act = do
  main_thread <- liftIO myThreadId
  wtid <- liftIO (mkWeakThreadId main_thread)

      interrupt = do
        r <- deRefWeak wtid
        case r of
          Nothing -> return ()
          Just t  -> throwTo t UserInterrupt

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
  let installHandlers = do
        let installHandler' a b = installHandler a b Nothing
        hdlQUIT <- installHandler' sigQUIT  (Catch interrupt)
        hdlINT  <- installHandler' sigINT   (Catch interrupt)
        -- see #3656; in the future we should install these automatically for
        -- all Haskell programs in the same way that we install a ^C handler.
        let fatal_signal n = throwTo main_thread (Signal (fromIntegral n))
        hdlHUP  <- installHandler' sigHUP   (Catch (fatal_signal sigHUP))
        hdlTERM <- installHandler' sigTERM  (Catch (fatal_signal sigTERM))
        return (hdlQUIT,hdlINT,hdlHUP,hdlTERM)

  let uninstallHandlers (hdlQUIT,hdlINT,hdlHUP,hdlTERM) = do
        _ <- installHandler sigQUIT  hdlQUIT Nothing
        _ <- installHandler sigINT   hdlINT  Nothing
        _ <- installHandler sigHUP   hdlHUP  Nothing
        _ <- installHandler sigTERM  hdlTERM Nothing
        return ()
  -- GHC 6.3+ has support for console events on Windows
  -- NOTE: running GHCi under a bash shell for some reason requires
  -- you to press Ctrl-Break rather than Ctrl-C to provoke
  -- an interrupt.  Ctrl-C is getting blocked somewhere, I don't know
  -- why --SDM 17/12/2004
  let sig_handler ControlC = interrupt
      sig_handler Break    = interrupt
      sig_handler _        = return ()

  let installHandlers   = installHandler (Catch sig_handler)
  let uninstallHandlers = installHandler -- directly install the old handler

  -- install signal handlers if necessary
  let mayInstallHandlers = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ signalHandlersRefCount $ \case
        (0,Nothing)     -> do
          hdls <- installHandlers
          return (1,Just hdls)
        (c,oldHandlers) -> return (c+1,oldHandlers)

  -- uninstall handlers if necessary
  let mayUninstallHandlers = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ signalHandlersRefCount $ \case
        (1,Just hdls)   -> do
          _ <- uninstallHandlers hdls
          return (0,Nothing)
        (c,oldHandlers) -> return (c-1,oldHandlers)

  act `MC.finally` mayUninstallHandlers