6.5.2. Field selectors and TypeApplications

Field selectors can be used in conjunction with TypeApplications, as described in Visible type application. The type of a field selector is constructed by using the surrounding definition as context. This section provides a specification for how this construction works. We will explain it by considering three different forms of field selector, each of which is a minor variation of the same general theme. Field selectors for Haskell98-style data constructors

Consider the following example:

data T a b = MkT { unT :: forall e. Either e a }

This data type uses a Haskell98-style declaration. The only part of this data type that is not Haskell98 code is unT, whose type uses higher-rank polymorphism (Arbitrary-rank polymorphism). To construct the type of the unT field selector, we will assemble the following:

  1. The type variables quantified by the data type head (forall a b. <...>).
  2. The return type of the data constructor (<...> T a b -> <...>). By virtue of this being a Haskell98-style declaration, the order of type variables in the return type will always coincide with the order in which they are quantified.
  3. The type of the field (<...> forall e. Either e a).

The final type of unT is therefore forall a b. T a b -> forall e. Either e a. As a result, one way to use unT with TypeApplications is unT @Int @Bool (MkT (Right 1)) @Char. Field selectors for GADT constructors

Field selectors for GADT constructors (Declaring data types with explicit constructor signatures) are slightly more involved. Consider the following example:

data G a b where
  MkG :: forall x n a. (Eq a, Show n)
      => { unG1 :: forall e. Either e (a, x), unG2 :: n } -> G a (Maybe x)

The MkG GADT constructor has two records, unG1 and unG2. However, only unG1 can be used as a top-level field selector. unG2 cannot because it is a “hidden” selector (see Record Constructors); its type mentions a free variable n that does not appear in the result type G a (Maybe x). On the other hand, the only free type variables in the type of unG1 are a and x, so unG1 is fine to use as a top-level function.

To construct the type of the unG1 field selector, we will assemble the following:

  1. The subset of type variables quantified by the GADT constructor that are mentioned in the return type. Note that the order of these variables follows the same principles as in Ordering of specified variables. If the constructor explicitly quantifies its type variables at the beginning of the type, then the field selector type will quantify them in the same order (modulo any variables that are dropped due to not being mentioned in the return type). If the constructor implicitly quantifies its type variables, then the field selector type will quantify them in the left-to-right order that they appear in the field itself.

    In this example, MkG explicitly quantifies forall x n a., and of those type variables, a and x are mentioned in the return type. Therefore, the type of unG1 starts as forall x a. <...>. If MkG had not used an explicit forall, then they would have instead been ordered as forall a x. <...>, since a appears to the left of x in the field type.

  2. The GADT return type (<...> G a (Maybe x) -> ...).

  3. The type of the field (<...> -> forall e. Either e (a, x)).

The final type of unG1 is therefore forall x a. G a (Maybe x) -> forall e. Either e (a, x). As a result, one way to use unG1 with TypeApplications is unG1 @Int @Bool (MkG (Right (True, 42)) ()) @Char. Field selectors for pattern synonyms

Certain record pattern synonyms (Record Pattern Synonyms) can give rise to top-level field selectors. Consider the following example:

pattern P :: forall a. Read a
          => forall n. (Eq a, Show n)
          => (forall e. Either e (a, Bool)) -> n -> G a (Maybe Bool)
pattern P {unP1, unP2} = MkG unP1 unP2

We can only make field selectors for pattern synonym records that do not mention any existential type variables whatsoever in their types, per Record Pattern Synonyms. (This is a stronger requirement than for GADT records, whose types can mention existential type variables provided that they are also mentioned in the return type.) We can see that unP2 cannot be used as a top-level field selector since its type has a free type variable n, which is existential. unP1 is fine, on the other hand, as its type only has one free variable, the universal type variable a.

To construct the type of the unP1 field selector, we will assemble the following:

  1. The universal type variables (forall a. <...>).
  2. The required constraints (<...> Read a => <...>).
  3. The pattern synonym return type (<...> G a (Maybe Bool) -> <...>).
  4. The type of the field (<...> -> forall e. Either e (a, Bool)).

The final type of unP1 is therefore forall a. Read a => G a (Maybe Bool) -> forall e. Either e (a, Bool). As a result, one way to use unP1 with TypeApplications is unP1 @Double (MkG (Right (4.5, True)) ()) @Char.