.. _duplicate-record-fields:

Duplicate record fields

.. extension:: DuplicateRecordFields
    :shortdesc: Allow definition of record types with identically-named fields.

    :implies: :extension:`DisambiguateRecordFields`

    :since: 8.0.1

    Allow definition of record types with identically-named fields.

Going beyond :extension:`DisambiguateRecordFields` (see :ref:`disambiguate-fields`),
the :extension:`DuplicateRecordFields` extension allows multiple datatypes to be
declared using the same field names in a single module. For example, it allows
this: ::

    module M where
      data S = MkS { x :: Int }
      data T = MkT { x :: Bool }

Uses of fields that are always unambiguous because they mention the constructor,
including construction and pattern-matching, may freely use duplicated field
names. For example, the following are permitted (just as with
:extension:`DisambiguateRecordFields`): ::

    s = MkS { x = 3 }

    f (MkT { x = b }) = b

While :extension:`DuplicateRecordFields` permits multiple fields with the same
name in a single module, it does not permit a field and a normal value binding
to have the same name.  For that, use :extension:`NoFieldSelectors`.

As of GHC 9.4.1, selector names have to be entirely unambiguous (under the usual name resolution rules),
while for record updates, there must be at most one datatype that has all the field names being updated.

Import and export of record fields

When :extension:`DuplicateRecordFields` is enabled, an ambiguous field must be exported
as part of its datatype, rather than at the top level. For example, the
following is legal: ::

    module M
      ( S(x)
      , T(..)
      ) where

    data S = MkS { x :: Int }

    data T = MkT { x :: Bool }

However, this would not be permitted, because ``x`` is ambiguous: ::

    module M (x) where ...

For ``import`` statements, it is possible to import multiple fields with the
same name, as well as importing individual fields as part of their datatypes.
For example, the following imports are allowed: ::

    import M (S(x))        -- imports the type S and the 'x' field of S (but not the field of T)
    import M (x)           -- imports both 'x' fields
    import M hiding (S(x)) -- imports everything except the type S and its 'x' field
    import M hiding (x)    -- imports everything except the two 'x' fields