.. _using-ghc: Using GHC ========= .. index:: single: GHC, using single: using GHC Getting started: compiling programs ----------------------------------- In this chapter you'll find a complete reference to the GHC command-line syntax, including all 400+ flags. It's a large and complex system, and there are lots of details, so it can be quite hard to figure out how to get started. With that in mind, this introductory section provides a quick introduction to the basic usage of GHC for compiling a Haskell program, before the following sections dive into the full syntax. Let's create a Hello World program, and compile and run it. First, create a file :file:`hello.hs` containing the Haskell code: :: main = putStrLn "Hello, World!" To compile the program, use GHC like this: .. code-block:: sh $ ghc hello.hs (where ``$`` represents the prompt: don't type it). GHC will compile the source file :file:`hello.hs`, producing an object file :file:`hello.o` and an interface file :file:`hello.hi`, and then it will link the object file to the libraries that come with GHC to produce an executable called :file:`hello` on Unix/Linux/Mac, or :file:`hello.exe` on Windows. By default GHC will be very quiet about what it is doing, only printing error messages. If you want to see in more detail what's going on behind the scenes, add :ghc-flag:`-v` to the command line. Then we can run the program like this: .. code-block:: sh $ ./hello Hello World! If your program contains multiple modules, then you only need to tell GHC the name of the source file containing the ``Main`` module, and GHC will examine the ``import`` declarations to find the other modules that make up the program and find their source files. This means that, with the exception of the ``Main`` module, every source file should be named after the module name that it contains (with dots replaced by directory separators). For example, the module ``Data.Person`` would be in the file ``Data/Person.hs`` on Unix/Linux/Mac, or ``Data\Person.hs`` on Windows. Options overview ---------------- GHC's behaviour is controlled by options, which for historical reasons are also sometimes referred to as command-line flags or arguments. Options can be specified in three ways: Command-line arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: structure, command-line single: command-line; arguments single: arguments; command-line An invocation of GHC takes the following form: .. code-block:: none ghc [argument...] Command-line arguments are either options or file names. Command-line options begin with ``-``. They may *not* be grouped: ``-vO`` is different from ``-v -O``. Options need not precede filenames: e.g., ``ghc *.o -o foo``. All options are processed and then applied to all files; you cannot, for example, invoke ``ghc -c -O1 Foo.hs -O2 Bar.hs`` to apply different optimisation levels to the files ``Foo.hs`` and ``Bar.hs``. In addition to passing arguments via the command-line, arguments can be passed via GNU-style response files. For instance, .. code-block:: bash $ cat response-file -O1 Hello.hs -o Hello $ ghc @response-file .. note:: .. index:: single: command-line; order of arguments Note that command-line options are *order-dependent*, with arguments being evaluated from left-to-right. This can have seemingly strange effects in the presence of flag implication. For instance, consider :ghc-flag:`-fno-specialise <-fspecialise>` and :ghc-flag:`-O1` (which implies :ghc-flag:`-fspecialise`). These two command lines mean very different things: ``-fno-specialise -O1`` ``-fspecialise`` will be enabled as the ``-fno-specialise`` is overridden by the ``-O1``. ``-O1 -fno-specialise`` ``-fspecialise`` will not be enabled, since the ``-fno-specialise`` overrides the ``-fspecialise`` implied by ``-O1``. .. _source-file-options: Command line options in source files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: source-file options Sometimes it is useful to make the connection between a source file and the command-line options it requires quite tight. For instance, if a Haskell source file deliberately uses name shadowing, it should be compiled with the ``-Wno-name-shadowing`` option. Rather than maintaining the list of per-file options in a ``Makefile``, it is possible to do this directly in the source file using the ``OPTIONS_GHC`` :ref:`pragma <options-pragma>` :: {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} module X where ... ``OPTIONS_GHC`` is a *file-header pragma* (see :ref:`options-pragma`). Only *dynamic* flags can be used in an ``OPTIONS_GHC`` pragma (see :ref:`mode-dynamic-flags`). Note that your command shell does not get to the source file options, they are just included literally in the array of command-line arguments the compiler maintains internally, so you'll be desperately disappointed if you try to glob etc. inside ``OPTIONS_GHC``. .. note:: The contents of ``OPTIONS_GHC`` are appended to the command-line options, so options given in the source file override those given on the command-line. It is not recommended to move all the contents of your Makefiles into your source files, but in some circumstances, the ``OPTIONS_GHC`` pragma is the Right Thing. (If you use :ghc-flag:`-keep-hc-file` and have ``OPTION`` flags in your module, the ``OPTIONS_GHC`` will get put into the generated ``.hc`` file). Setting options in GHCi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Options may also be modified from within GHCi, using the :ghci-cmd:`:set` command. .. _mode-dynamic-flags: Dynamic and Mode options ------------------------ .. index:: single: dynamic; options single: mode; options Each of GHC's command line options is classified as dynamic or mode: Mode: A mode may be used on the command line only. You can pass only one mode flag. For example, :ghc-flag:`--make` or :ghc-flag:`-E`. The available modes are listed in :ref:`modes`. Dynamic: A dynamic flag may be used on the command line, in a ``OPTIONS_GHC`` pragma in a source file, or set using :ghci-cmd:`:set` in GHCi. The flag reference tables (:ref:`flag-reference`) lists the status of each flag. .. _file-suffixes: Meaningful file suffixes ------------------------ .. index:: single: suffixes, file single: file suffixes for GHC File names with "meaningful" suffixes (e.g., ``.lhs`` or ``.o``) cause the "right thing" to happen to those files. ``.hs`` A Haskell module. ``.lhs`` .. index:: single: lhs file extension A “literate Haskell†module. ``.hspp`` A file created by the preprocessor. ``.hi`` A Haskell interface file, probably compiler-generated. ``.hie`` An extended Haskell interface file, produced by the Haskell compiler. ``.hc`` Intermediate C file produced by the Haskell compiler. ``.c`` A C file not produced by the Haskell compiler. ``.ll`` An llvm-intermediate-language source file, usually produced by the compiler. ``.bc`` An llvm-intermediate-language bitcode file, usually produced by the compiler. ``.s`` An assembly-language source file, usually produced by the compiler. ``.o`` An object file, produced by an assembler. Files with other suffixes (or without suffixes) are passed straight to the linker. .. _modes: Modes of operation ------------------ .. index:: single: help options GHC's behaviour is firstly controlled by a mode flag. Only one of these flags may be given, but it does not necessarily need to be the first option on the command-line. For instance, .. code-block:: none $ ghc Main.hs --make -o my-application If no mode flag is present, then GHC will enter :ghc-flag:`--make` mode (:ref:`make-mode`) if there are any Haskell source files given on the command line, or else it will link the objects named on the command line to produce an executable. The available mode flags are: .. ghc-flag:: --interactive :shortdesc: Interactive mode - normally used by just running ``ghci``; see :ref:`ghci` for details. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: interactive mode single: GHCi Interactive mode, which is also available as :program:`ghci`. Interactive mode is described in more detail in :ref:`ghci`. .. ghc-flag:: --run ⟨file⟩ :shortdesc: Run a Haskell program. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: run mode single: GHCi Run a script's ``main`` entry-point. Similar to ``runghc``/``runhaskell`` this will by default use the bytecode interpreter. If the command-line contains a ``--`` argument then all arguments that follow will be passed to the script. All arguments that precede ``--`` are interpreted as GHC arguments. .. ghc-flag:: --make :shortdesc: Build a multi-module Haskell program, automatically figuring out dependencies. Likely to be much easier, and faster, than using ``make``; see :ref:`make-mode` for details. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: make mode; of GHC In this mode, GHC will build a multi-module Haskell program automatically, figuring out dependencies for itself. If you have a straightforward Haskell program, this is likely to be much easier, and faster, than using :command:`make`. Make mode is described in :ref:`make-mode`. This mode is the default if there are any Haskell source files mentioned on the command line, and in this case the :ghc-flag:`--make` option can be omitted. .. ghc-flag:: -e ⟨expr⟩ :shortdesc: Evaluate ``expr``; see :ref:`eval-mode` for details. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: eval mode; of GHC Expression-evaluation mode. This is very similar to interactive mode, except that there is a single expression to evaluate (⟨expr⟩) which is given on the command line. This flag may be given multiple times, in which case each expression is evaluated sequentially. See :ref:`eval-mode` for more details. .. ghc-flag:: -E :shortdesc: Stop after preprocessing (``.hspp`` file) :type: mode :category: phases Stop after preprocessing (``.hspp`` file) .. ghc-flag:: -C :shortdesc: Stop after generating C (``.hc`` file) :type: mode :category: phases Stop after generating C (``.hc`` file) .. ghc-flag:: -S :shortdesc: Stop after generating assembly (``.s`` file) :type: mode :category: phases Stop after generating assembly (``.s`` file) .. ghc-flag:: -c :shortdesc: Stop after generating object (``.o``) file :type: mode :category: phases Stop after generating object (``.o``) file This is the traditional batch-compiler mode, in which GHC can compile source files one at a time, or link objects together into an executable. See :ref:`options-order`. .. ghc-flag:: --merge-objs :shortdesc: Merge a set of objects into a GHCi library. :type: mode :category: phases Merge a set of static object files into a library optimised for loading in GHCi. See :ref:`building-ghci-libraries`. .. ghc-flag:: -M :shortdesc: generate dependency information suitable for use in a ``Makefile``; see :ref:`makefile-dependencies` for details. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: dependency-generation mode; of GHC Dependency-generation mode. In this mode, GHC can be used to generate dependency information suitable for use in a ``Makefile``. See :ref:`makefile-dependencies`. .. ghc-flag:: --frontend ⟨module⟩ :shortdesc: run GHC with the given frontend plugin; see :ref:`frontend_plugins` for details. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: frontend plugins; using Run GHC using the given frontend plugin. See :ref:`frontend_plugins` for details. .. ghc-flag:: -shared :shortdesc: Create a shared object. :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: DLL-creation mode single: Shared-object creation mode Create a shared object (or, on Windows, DLL). See :ref:`win32-dlls-create`. .. ghc-flag:: --help -? :shortdesc: Display help :type: mode :category: modes Cause GHC to spew a long usage message to standard output and then exit. .. ghc-flag:: --show-iface ⟨file⟩ :shortdesc: display the contents of an interface file. :type: mode :category: modes Read the interface in ⟨file⟩ and dump it as text to ``stdout``. For example ``ghc --show-iface M.hi``. .. ghc-flag:: --supported-extensions --supported-languages :shortdesc: display the supported language extensions :type: mode :category: modes Print the supported language extensions. .. ghc-flag:: --show-options :shortdesc: display the supported command line options :type: mode :category: modes Print the supported command line options. This flag can be used for autocompletion in a shell. .. ghc-flag:: --info :shortdesc: display information about the compiler :type: mode :category: modes Print information about the compiler. .. ghc-flag:: --version -V :shortdesc: display GHC version :type: mode :category: modes Print a one-line string including GHC's version number. .. ghc-flag:: --numeric-version :shortdesc: display GHC version (numeric only) :type: mode :category: modes Print GHC's numeric version number only. .. ghc-flag:: --print-booter-version :shortdesc: display bootstrap compiler version :type: mode :category: modes Print the numeric version of the GHC binary used to bootstrap the build of this compiler. .. ghc-flag:: --print-build-platform :shortdesc: display platform on which GHC was built :type: mode :category: modes Print the target string of the build platform, on which GHC was built, as generated by GNU Autotools. The format is ``cpu-manufacturer-operating_system-(kernel)``, e.g., ``x86_64-unknown-linux``. .. ghc-flag:: --print-c-compiler-flags :shortdesc: C compiler flags used to build GHC :type: mode :category: modes List the flags passed to the C compiler during GHC build. .. ghc-flag:: --print-c-compiler-link-flags :shortdesc: C linker flags used to build GHC :type: mode :category: modes List the flags passed to the C compiler for the linking step during GHC build. .. ghc-flag:: --print-debug-on :shortdesc: print whether GHC was built with ``-DDEBUG`` :type: mode :category: modes Print ``True`` if GHC was built with ``-DDebug`` flag. This enables assertions and extra debug code. The flag can be set in ``GhcStage1HcOpts`` and/or ``GhcStage2HcOpts`` and is automatically set for ``devel1`` and ``devel2`` build flavors. .. ghc-flag:: --print-global-package-db :shortdesc: display GHC's global package database directory :type: mode :category: modes Print the path to GHC's global package database directory. A package database stores details about installed packages as a directory containing a file for each package. This flag prints the path to the global database shipped with GHC, and looks something like ``/usr/lib/ghc/package.conf.d`` on Unix. There may be other package databases, e.g., the user package databse. For more details see :ref:`package-databases`. .. ghc-flag:: --print-have-interpreter :shortdesc: display whether GHC was built with interactive support :type: mode :category: modes Print ``YES`` if GHC was compiled to include the interpreter, ``NO`` otherwise. If this GHC does not have the interpreter included, running it in interactive mode (see :ghc-flag:`--interactive`) will throw an error. This only pertains the use of GHC interactively, not any separate GHCi binaries (see :ref:`ghci`). .. ghc-flag:: --print-have-native-code-generator :shortdesc: display whether target platform has NCG support :type: mode :category: modes Print ``YES`` if native code generator supports the target platform, ``NO`` otherwise. (See :ref:`native-code-gen`) .. ghc-flag:: --print-host-platform :shortdesc: display host platform of GHC :type: mode :category: modes Print the target string of the host platform, i.e., the one on which GHC is supposed to run, as generated by GNU Autotools. The format is ``cpu-manufacturer-operating_system-(kernel)``, e.g., ``x86_64-unknown-linux``. .. ghc-flag:: --print-leading-underscore :shortdesc: display use of leading underscores on symbol names :type: mode :category: modes Print ``YES`` if GHC was compiled to use symbols with leading underscores in object files, ``NO`` otherwise. This is usually atarget platform dependent. .. ghc-flag:: --print-libdir :shortdesc: display GHC library directory :type: mode :category: modes .. index:: single: libdir Print the path to GHC's library directory. This is the top of the directory tree containing GHC's libraries, interfaces, and include files (usually something like ``/usr/local/lib/ghc-5.04`` on Unix). This is the value of ``$libdir`` in the package configuration file (see :ref:`packages`). .. ghc-flag:: --print-ld-flags :shortdesc: display linker flags used to compile GHC :type: mode :category: modes Print linke flags used to compile GHC. .. ghc-flag:: --print-object-splitting-supported :shortdesc: display whether GHC supports object splitting :type: mode :category: modes Prints ``NO`` as object splitting is no longer supported. See :ghc-flag:`-split-sections` for a more portable and reliable alternative. .. ghc-flag:: --print-project-git-commit-id :shortdesc: display Git commit id GHC is built from :type: mode :category: modes Print the Git commit id from which this GHC was built. This can be used to trace the current binary back to a specific revision, which is especially useful during development on GHC itself. It is set by the configure script. .. ghc-flag:: --print-project-version :shortdesc: display GHC version :type: mode :category: modes Print the version set in the configure script during build. This is simply the GHC version. .. ghc-flag:: --print-rts-ways :shortdesc: display which way RTS was built :type: mode :category: modes Packages, like the Runtime System, can be built in a number of ways: - profiling - with profiling support - dynamic - with dynamic linking - logging - RTS event logging - threaded - mulithreaded RTS - debug - RTS with debug information Various combinations of these flavours are possible. .. ghc-flag:: --print-stage :shortdesc: display ``stage`` number of GHC :type: mode :category: modes GHC is built using GHC itself and this build happens in stages, which are numbered. - Stage 0 is the GHC you have installed. The "GHC you have installed" is also called "the bootstrap compiler". - Stage 1 is the first GHC we build, using stage 0. Stage 1 is then used to build the packages. - Stage 2 is the second GHC we build, using stage 1. This is the one we normally install when you say make install. - Stage 3 is optional, but is sometimes built to test stage 2. Stage 1 does not support interactive execution (GHCi) and Template Haskell. .. ghc-flag:: --print-support-smp :shortdesc: display whether GHC was compiled with SMP support :type: mode :category: modes Print ``YES`` if GHC was built with multiporcessor support, ``NO`` otherwise. .. ghc-flag:: --print-tables-next-to-code :shortdesc: display whether GHC was compiled with ``--enable-tables-next-to-code`` :type: mode :category: modes Print ``YES`` if GHC was built with the flag ``--enable-tables-next-to-code``, ``NO`` otherwise. This option is on by default, as it generates a more efficient code layout. .. ghc-flag:: --print-target-platform :shortdesc: display target platform of GHC :type: mode :category: modes Print the target string of the target platform, i.e., the one on which generated binaries will run, as generated by GNU Autotools. The format is ``cpu-manufacturer-operating_system-(kernel)``, e.g., ``x86_64-unknown-linux``. .. ghc-flag:: --print-unregisterised :shortdesc: display whether this GHC was built in unregisterised mode :type: mode :category: modes Print ``YES`` if this GHC was built in unregisterised mode, ``NO`` otherwise. "Unregisterised" means that GHC will disable most platform-specific tricks and optimisations. Only the LLVM and C code generators will be available. See :ref:`unreg` for more details. .. _make-mode: Using ``ghc`` ``--make`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: --make; mode of GHC single: separate compilation In this mode, GHC will build a multi-module Haskell program by following dependencies from one or more root modules (usually just ``Main``). For example, if your ``Main`` module is in a file called :file:`Main.hs`, you could compile and link the program like this: .. code-block:: none ghc --make Main.hs In fact, GHC enters make mode automatically if there are any Haskell source files on the command line and no other mode is specified, so in this case we could just type .. code-block:: none ghc Main.hs Any number of source file names or module names may be specified; GHC will figure out all the modules in the program by following the imports from these initial modules. It will then attempt to compile each module which is out of date, and finally, if there is a ``Main`` module, the program will also be linked into an executable. The main advantages to using ``ghc --make`` over traditional ``Makefile``\s are: - GHC doesn't have to be restarted for each compilation, which means it can cache information between compilations. Compiling a multi-module program with ``ghc --make`` can be up to twice as fast as running ``ghc`` individually on each source file. - You don't have to write a ``Makefile``. .. index:: single: Makefiles; avoiding - GHC re-calculates the dependencies each time it is invoked, so the dependencies never get out of sync with the source. - Using the :ghc-flag:`-j[⟨n⟩]` flag, you can compile modules in parallel. Specify ``-j ⟨n⟩`` to compile ⟨n⟩ jobs in parallel. If ⟨n⟩ is omitted, then it defaults to the number of processors. Any of the command-line options described in the rest of this chapter can be used with ``--make``, but note that any options you give on the command line will apply to all the source files compiled, so if you want any options to apply to a single source file only, you'll need to use an ``OPTIONS_GHC`` pragma (see :ref:`source-file-options`). If the program needs to be linked with additional objects (say, some auxiliary C code), then the object files can be given on the command line and GHC will include them when linking the executable. For backward compatibility with existing make scripts, when used in combination with :ghc-flag:`-c`, the linking phase is omitted (same as ``--make -no-link``). Note that GHC can only follow dependencies if it has the source file available, so if your program includes a module for which there is no source file, even if you have an object and an interface file for the module, then GHC will complain. The exception to this rule is for package modules, which may or may not have source files. The source files for the program don't all need to be in the same directory; the :ghc-flag:`-i` option can be used to add directories to the search path (see :ref:`search-path`). .. ghc-flag:: -j[⟨n⟩] :shortdesc: When compiling with :ghc-flag:`--make`, compile ⟨n⟩ modules in parallel. :type: dynamic :category: misc Perform compilation in parallel when possible. GHC will use up to ⟨N⟩ threads during compilation. If N is omitted, then it defaults to the number of processors. Note that compilation of a module may not begin until its dependencies have been built. GHC Jobserver Protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GHC Jobserver Protocol was specified in `GHC proposal #540 <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0540-jsem.rst>`__. This protocol allows a server to dynamically invoke many instances of a client process, while restricting all of those instances to use no more than <n> capabilities. This is achieved by coordination over a system semaphore (either a POSIX semaphore in the case of Linux and Darwin, or a Win32 semaphore in the case of Windows platforms). There are two kinds of participants in the GHC Jobserver protocol: - The *jobserver* creates a system semaphore with a certain number of available tokens. Each time the jobserver wants to spawn a new jobclient subprocess, it **must** first acquire a single token from the semaphore, before spawning the subprocess. This token **must** be released once the subprocess terminates. Once work is finished, the jobserver **must** destroy the semaphore it created. - A *jobclient* is a subprocess spawned by the jobserver or another jobclient. Each jobclient starts with one available token (its *implicit token*, which was acquired by the parent which spawned it), and can request more tokens through the Jobserver Protocol by waiting on the semaphore. Each time a jobclient wants to spawn a new jobclient subprocess, it **must** pass on a single token to the child jobclient. This token can either be the jobclient's implicit token, or another token which the jobclient acquired from the semaphore. Each jobclient **must** release exactly as many tokens as it has acquired from the semaphore (this does not include the implicit tokens). GHC itself acts as a jobclient which can be enabled by using the flag ``-jsem``. .. ghc-flag:: -jsem :shortdesc: When compiling with :ghc-flag:`--make`, coordinate with other processes through the semaphore ⟨sem⟩ to compile modules in parallel. :type: dynamic :category: misc Perform compilation in parallel when possible, coordinating with other processes through the semaphore ⟨sem⟩ (specified as a string). Error if the semaphore doesn't exist. Use of ``-jsem`` will override use of :ghc-flag:``-j[⟨n⟩]``, and vice-versa. .. _multi-home-units: Multiple Home Units ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The compiler also has support for building multiple units in a single compiler invocation. In modern projects it is common to work on multiple interdependent packages at once, using the support for multiple home units you can load all these local packages into one ghc session and quickly get feedback about how changes affect other dependent packages. In order to specify multiple units, the `-unit @⟨filename⟩`:ghc-flag: is given multiple times with a response file containing the arguments for each unit. The response file contains a newline separated list of arguments. .. code-block:: none ghc -unit @unitA -unit @unitB where the ``unitA`` response file contains the normal arguments that you would pass to ``--make`` mode. .. code-block:: none -this-unit-id a- -i -isrc A1 A2 ... Then when the compiler starts in ``--make`` mode it will compile both units ``a`` and ``b``. There is also very basic support for multiple home units in GHCi, at the moment you can start a GHCi session with multiple units but only the `:reload`:ghci-cmd: is supported. .. ghc-flag:: -unit @⟨filename⟩ :shortdesc: Specify the options to build a specific unit. :type: dynamic :category: misc This option is passed multiple times to inform the compiler about all the home units which it will compile. The options for each unit are supplied in a response file which contains a newline separated list of normal arguments. There are a few extra flags which have been introduced to make working with multiple units easier. .. ghc-flag:: -working-dir ⟨dir⟩ :shortdesc: Specify the directory a unit is expected to be compiled in. :type: dynamic :category: It is common to assume that a package is compiled in the directory where its cabal file resides. Thus, all paths used in the compiler are assumed to be relative to this directory. When there are multiple home units the compiler is often not operating in the standard directory and instead where the cabal.project file is located. In this case the `-working-dir` option can be passed which specifies the path from the current directory to the directory the unit assumes to be its root, normally the directory which contains the cabal file. When the flag is passed, any relative paths used by the compiler are offset by the working directory. Notably this includes `-i`:ghc-flag: and `-I⟨dir⟩`:ghc-flag: flags. This option can also be queried by the ``getPackageRoot`` Template Haskell function. It is intended to be used with helper functions such as ``makeRelativeToProject`` which make relative filepaths relative to the compilation directory rather than the directory which contains the .cabal file. .. ghc-flag:: -this-package-name ⟨unit-id⟩ :shortdesc: The name of the package which this module would be part of when installed. :type: dynamic :category: This flag papers over the awkward interaction of the `PackageImports`:extension: and multiple home units. When using ``PackageImports`` you can specify the name of the package in an import to disambiguate between modules which appear in multiple packages with the same name. This flag allows a home unit to be given a package name so that you can also disambiguate between multiple home units which provide modules with the same name. .. ghc-flag:: -hidden-module ⟨module name⟩ :shortdesc: A module which should not be visible outside its unit. :type: dynamic :category: This flag can be supplied multiple times in order to specify which modules in a home unit should not be visible outside of the unit it belongs to. The main use of this flag is to be able to recreate the difference between an exposed and hidden module for installed packages. .. ghc-flag:: -reexported-module ⟨module name⟩ :shortdesc: A module which should be reexported from this unit. :type: dynamic :category: This flag can be supplied multiple times in order to specify which modules are not defined in a unit but should be reexported. The effect is that other units will see this module as if it was defined in this unit. The use of this flag is to be able to replicate the reexported modules feature of packages with multiple home units. The home unit closure requirement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is one very important closure property which you must ensure when using multiple home units. Any external unit must not depend on any home unit. This closure property is checked by the compiler but it's up to the tool invoking GHC to ensure that the supplied list of home units obeys this invariant. For example, if we have three units, ``p``, ``q`` and ``r``, where ``p`` depends on ``q`` and ``q`` depends on ``r``, then the closure property states that if we load ``p`` and ``r`` as home units then we must also load ``q``, because ``q`` depends on the home unit ``r`` and we need ``q`` because ``p`` depends on it. .. _eval-mode: Expression evaluation mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mode is very similar to interactive mode, except that there is a single expression to evaluate which is specified on the command line as an argument to the ``-e`` option: .. code-block:: none ghc -e expr Haskell source files may be named on the command line, and they will be loaded exactly as in interactive mode. The expression is evaluated in the context of the loaded modules. For example, to load and run a Haskell program containing a module ``Main``, we might say: .. code-block:: none ghc -e Main.main Main.hs or we can just use this mode to evaluate expressions in the context of the ``Prelude``: .. code-block:: none $ ghc -e "interact (unlines.map reverse.lines)" hello olleh .. _options-order: Batch compiler mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In *batch mode*, GHC will compile one or more source files given on the command line. The first phase to run is determined by each input-file suffix, and the last phase is determined by a flag. If no relevant flag is present, then go all the way through to linking. This table summarises: +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | Phase of the compilation system | Suffix saying “start here†| Flag saying “stop after†| (suffix of) output file | +===================================+==============================+============================+===========================+ | literate pre-processor | ``.lhs`` | | ``.hs`` | +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | C pre-processor (opt.) | ``.hs`` (with ``-cpp``) | ``-E`` | ``.hspp`` | +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | Haskell compiler | ``.hs`` | ``-C``, ``-S`` | ``.hc``, ``.s`` | +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | C compiler (opt.) | ``.hc`` or ``.c`` | ``-S`` | ``.s`` | +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | assembler | ``.s`` | ``-c`` | ``.o`` | +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | linker | ⟨other⟩ | | ``a.out`` | +-----------------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ .. index:: single: -C single: -E single: -S single: -c Thus, a common invocation would be: .. code-block:: none ghc -c Foo.hs to compile the Haskell source file ``Foo.hs`` to an object file ``Foo.o``. .. note:: What the Haskell compiler proper produces depends on what backend code generator is used. See :ref:`code-generators` for more details. .. note:: Pre-processing is optional, the :ghc-flag:`-cpp` flag turns it on. See :ref:`c-pre-processor` for more details. .. note:: The option :ghc-flag:`-E` runs just the pre-processing passes of the compiler, dumping the result in a file. .. note:: The option :ghc-flag:`-C` is only available when GHC is built in unregisterised mode. See :ref:`unreg` for more details. .. _overriding-suffixes: Overriding the default behaviour for a file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As described above, the way in which a file is processed by GHC depends on its suffix. This behaviour can be overridden using the :ghc-flag:`-x ⟨suffix⟩` option: .. ghc-flag:: -x ⟨suffix⟩ :shortdesc: Override default behaviour for source files :type: dynamic :category: phases Causes all files following this option on the command line to be processed as if they had the suffix ⟨suffix⟩. For example, to compile a Haskell module in the file ``M.my-hs``, use ``ghc -c -x hs M.my-hs``. .. _options-help: Verbosity options ----------------- .. index:: single: verbosity options See also the ``--help``, ``--version``, ``--numeric-version``, and ``--print-libdir`` modes in :ref:`modes`. .. ghc-flag:: -v :shortdesc: verbose mode (equivalent to ``-v3``) :type: dynamic :category: verbosity The :ghc-flag:`-v` option makes GHC *verbose*: it reports its version number and shows (on stderr) exactly how it invokes each phase of the compilation system. Moreover, it passes the ``-v`` flag to most phases; each reports its version number (and possibly some other information). Please, oh please, use the ``-v`` option when reporting bugs! Knowing that you ran the right bits in the right order is always the first thing we want to verify. .. ghc-flag:: -v⟨n⟩ :shortdesc: set verbosity level :type: dynamic :category: verbosity To provide more control over the compiler's verbosity, the ``-v`` flag takes an optional numeric argument. Specifying ``-v`` on its own is equivalent to ``-v3``, and the other levels have the following meanings: ``-v0`` Disable all non-essential messages (this is the default). ``-v1`` Minimal verbosity: print one line per compilation (this is the default when :ghc-flag:`--make` or :ghc-flag:`--interactive` is on). ``-v2`` Print the name of each compilation phase as it is executed. (equivalent to :ghc-flag:`-dshow-passes`). ``-v3`` The same as ``-v2``, except that in addition the full command line (if appropriate) for each compilation phase is also printed. ``-v4`` The same as ``-v3`` except that the intermediate program representation after each compilation phase is also printed (excluding preprocessed and C/assembly files). .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-potential-instances :shortdesc: display all available instances in type error messages :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-potential-instances :category: verbosity When GHC can't find an instance for a class, it displays a short list of some of the instances it knows about. With this flag it prints *all* the instances it knows about. .. ghc-flag:: -fhide-source-paths :shortdesc: hide module source and object paths :type: dynamic :category: verbosity Starting with minimal verbosity (``-v1``, see :ghc-flag:`-v`), GHC displays the name, the source path and the target path of each compiled module. This flag can be used to reduce GHC's output by hiding source paths and target paths. The following flags control the way in which GHC displays types in error messages and in GHCi: .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-unicode-syntax :shortdesc: Use unicode syntax when printing expressions, types and kinds. See also :extension:`UnicodeSyntax` :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-unicode-syntax :category: verbosity When enabled GHC prints type signatures using the unicode symbols from the :extension:`UnicodeSyntax` extension. For instance, .. code-block:: none ghci> :set -fprint-unicode-syntax ghci> :t +v (>>) (>>) ∷ Monad m ⇒ ∀ a b. m a → m b → m b .. _pretty-printing-types: .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-explicit-foralls :shortdesc: Print explicit ``forall`` quantification in types. See also :extension:`ExplicitForAll` :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-explicit-foralls :category: verbosity Using :ghc-flag:`-fprint-explicit-foralls` makes GHC print explicit ``forall`` quantification at the top level of a type; normally this is suppressed. For example, in GHCi: .. code-block:: none ghci> let f x = x ghci> :t f f :: a -> a ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls ghci> :t f f :: forall a. a -> a However, regardless of the flag setting, the quantifiers are printed under these circumstances: - For nested ``foralls``, e.g. .. code-block:: none ghci> :t GHC.ST.runST GHC.ST.runST :: (forall s. GHC.ST.ST s a) -> a - If any of the quantified type variables has a kind that mentions a kind variable, e.g. .. code-block:: none ghci> :i Data.Type.Equality.sym Data.Type.Equality.sym :: forall k (a :: k) (b :: k). (a Data.Type.Equality.:~: b) -> b Data.Type.Equality.:~: a -- Defined in Data.Type.Equality .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-explicit-kinds :shortdesc: Print explicit kind foralls and kind arguments in types. See also :extension:`KindSignatures` :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-explicit-kinds :category: verbosity Using :ghc-flag:`-fprint-explicit-kinds` makes GHC print kind arguments in types, which are normally suppressed. This can be important when you are using kind polymorphism. For example: .. code-block:: none ghci> :set -XPolyKinds ghci> data T a (b :: l) = MkT ghci> :t MkT MkT :: forall k l (a :: k) (b :: l). T a b ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-kinds ghci> :t MkT MkT :: forall k l (a :: k) (b :: l). T @{k} @l a b ghci> :set -XNoPolyKinds ghci> :t MkT MkT :: T @{*} @* a b In the output above, observe that ``T`` has two kind variables (``k`` and ``l``) and two type variables (``a`` and ``b``). Note that ``k`` is an *inferred* variable and ``l`` is a *specified* variable (see :ref:`inferred-vs-specified`), so as a result, they are displayed using slightly different syntax in the type ``T @{k} @l a b``. The application of ``l`` (with ``@l``) is the standard syntax for visible type application (see :ref:`visible-type-application`). The application of ``k`` (with ``@{k}``), however, uses a hypothetical syntax for visible type application of inferred type variables. This syntax is not currently exposed to the programmer, but it is nevertheless displayed when :ghc-flag:`-fprint-explicit-kinds` is enabled. .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-explicit-coercions :shortdesc: Print coercions in types :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-explicit-coercions :category: verbosity Using :ghc-flag:`-fprint-explicit-coercions` makes GHC print coercions in types. When trying to prove the equality between types of different kinds, GHC uses type-level coercions. Users will rarely need to see these, as they are meant to be internal. .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-axiom-incomps :shortdesc: Display equation incompatibilities in closed type families :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-axiom-incomps :category: verbosity Using :ghc-flag:`-fprint-axiom-incomps` tells GHC to display incompatibilities between closed type families' equations, whenever they are printed by :ghci-cmd:`:info` or :ghc-flag:`--show-iface ⟨file⟩`. .. code-block:: none ghci> :i Data.Type.Equality.== type family (==) (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Bool where (==) (f a) (g b) = (f == g) && (a == b) (==) a a = 'True (==) _1 _2 = 'False ghci> :set -fprint-axiom-incomps ghci> :i Data.Type.Equality.== type family (==) (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Bool where {- #0 -} (==) (f a) (g b) = (f == g) && (a == b) {- #1 -} (==) a a = 'True -- incompatible with: #0 {- #2 -} (==) _1 _2 = 'False -- incompatible with: #1, #0 The equations are numbered starting from 0, and the comment after each equation refers to all preceding equations it is incompatible with. .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-equality-relations :shortdesc: Distinguish between equality relations when printing :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-equality-relations :category: verbosity Using :ghc-flag:`-fprint-equality-relations` tells GHC to distinguish between its equality relations when printing. For example, ``~`` is homogeneous lifted equality (the kinds of its arguments are the same) while ``~~`` is heterogeneous lifted equality (the kinds of its arguments might be different) and ``~#`` is heterogeneous unlifted equality, the internal equality relation used in GHC's solver. Generally, users should not need to worry about the subtleties here; ``~`` is probably what you want. Without :ghc-flag:`-fprint-equality-relations`, GHC prints all of these as ``~``. See also :ref:`equality-constraints`. .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-expanded-synonyms :shortdesc: In type errors, also print type-synonym-expanded types. :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-expanded-synonyms :category: verbosity When enabled, GHC also prints type-synonym-expanded types in type errors. For example, with this type synonyms: :: type Foo = Int type Bar = Bool type MyBarST s = ST s Bar This error message: .. code-block:: none Couldn't match type 'Int' with 'Bool' Expected type: ST s Foo Actual type: MyBarST s Becomes this: .. code-block:: none Couldn't match type 'Int' with 'Bool' Expected type: ST s Foo Actual type: MyBarST s Type synonyms expanded: Expected type: ST s Int Actual type: ST s Bool .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-redundant-promotion-ticks :shortdesc: Print redundant :extension:`DataKinds` promotion ticks :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-redundant-promotion-ticks :category: verbosity The :extension:`DataKinds` extension allows us to use data constructors at the type level:: type B = True -- refers to the data constructor True (of type Bool) When there is a type constructor of the same name, it takes precedence during name resolution:: data True = MkT type B = True -- now refers to the type constructor (of kind Type) We can tell GHC to prefer the data constructor over the type constructor using special namespace disambiguation syntax that we call a *promotion tick*:: data True = MkT type B = 'True -- refers to the data constructor True (of type Bool) -- even in the presence of a type constructor of the same name Note that the promotion tick is not a promotion operator. Its only purpose is to instruct GHC to prefer the promoted data constructor over a type constructor in case of a name conflict. Therefore, GHC will not print the tick when the name conflict is absent: .. code-block:: none ghci> type B = False ghci> :kind! B B :: Bool = False -- no promotion tick here ghci> data False -- introduce a name conflict ghci> :kind! B B :: Bool = 'False -- promotion tick resolves the name conflict The :ghc-flag:`-fprint-redundant-promotion-ticks` instructs GHC to print the promotion tick unconditionally. .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-typechecker-elaboration :shortdesc: Print extra information from typechecker. :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-print-typechecker-elaboration :category: verbosity When enabled, GHC also prints extra information from the typechecker in warnings. For example: :: main :: IO () main = do return $ let a = "hello" in a return () This warning message: .. code-block:: none A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ‘[Char]’ Suppress this warning by saying ‘_ <- ($) return let a = "hello" in a’ or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind Becomes this: .. code-block:: none A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ‘[Char]’ Suppress this warning by saying ‘_ <- ($) return let AbsBinds [] [] {Exports: [a <= a <>] Exported types: a :: [Char] [LclId, Str=DmdType] Binds: a = "hello"} in a’ or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind .. ghc-flag:: -fdefer-diagnostics :shortdesc: Defer and group diagnostic messages by severity :type: dynamic :category: verbosity Causes GHC to group diagnostic messages by severity and output them after other messages when building a multi-module Haskell program. This flag can make diagnostic messages more visible when used in conjunction with :ghc-flag:`--make` and :ghc-flag:`-j[⟨n⟩]`. Otherwise, it can be hard to find the relevant errors or likely to ignore the warnings when they are mixed with many other messages. .. ghc-flag:: -fdiagnostics-as-json :shortdesc: Output diagnostics in Json format specified by JSON schema :type: dynamic :category: verbosity Causes GHC to emit diagnostic messages in a standardized JSON format, and output them directly to ``stderr``. The format follows the `JSON Lines <https://jsonlines.org>`_ convention, where each diagnostic is its own JSON object separated by a new line. The structure of the output is described by a `JSON Schema <https://json-schema.org/>`_. The schema can be downloaded :download:`here <diagnostics-as-json-schema-1_0.json>`. .. ghc-flag:: -fdiagnostics-color=⟨always|auto|never⟩ :shortdesc: Use colors in error messages :type: dynamic :category: verbosity Causes GHC to display error messages with colors. To do this, the terminal must have support for ANSI color codes, or else garbled text will appear. The default value is ``auto``, which means GHC will make an attempt to detect whether terminal supports colors and choose accordingly. The precise color scheme is controlled by the environment variable ``GHC_COLORS`` (or ``GHC_COLOURS``). This can be set to colon-separated list of ``key=value`` pairs. These are the default settings: .. code-block:: none header=:message=1:warning=1;35:error=1;31:fatal=1;31:margin=1;34 Each value is expected to be a `Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) substring <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR>`_. The formatting of each element can inherit from parent elements. For example, if ``header`` is left empty, it will inherit the formatting of ``message``. Alternatively if ``header`` is set to ``1`` (bold), it will be bolded but still inherits the color of ``message``. Currently, in the primary message, the following inheritance tree is in place: - ``message`` - ``header`` - ``warning`` - ``error`` - ``fatal`` In the caret diagnostics, there is currently no inheritance at all between ``margin``, ``warning``, ``error``, and ``fatal``. The environment variable can also be set to the magical values ``never`` or ``always``, which is equivalent to setting the corresponding ``-fdiagnostics-color`` flag but with lower precedence. .. ghc-flag:: -fdiagnostics-show-caret :shortdesc: Whether to show snippets of original source code :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-diagnostics-show-caret :category: verbosity :default: on Controls whether GHC displays a line of the original source code where the error was detected. This also affects the associated caret symbol that points at the region of code at fault. .. ghc-flag:: -fshow-error-context :shortdesc: Whether to show textual information about error context :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-show-error-context :category: verbosity :default: on Controls whether GHC displays information about the context in which an error occurred. This controls whether the part of the error message which says "In the equation..", "In the pattern.." etc is displayed or not. .. ghc-flag:: -fprint-error-index-links=⟨always|auto|never⟩ :shortdesc: Whether to emit diagnostic codes as ANSI hyperlinks to the Haskell Error Index. :type: dynamic :category: verbosity :default: auto Controls whether GHC will emit error indices as ANSI hyperlinks to the `Haskell Error Index <https://errors.haskell.org/>`_. When set to auto, this flag will render hyperlinks if the terminal is capable; when set to always, this flag will render the hyperlinks regardless of the capabilities of the terminal. .. ghc-flag:: -ferror-spans :shortdesc: Output full span in error messages :type: dynamic :category: verbosity Causes GHC to emit the full source span of the syntactic entity relating to an error message. Normally, GHC emits the source location of the start of the syntactic entity only. For example: .. code-block:: none test.hs:3:6: parse error on input `where' becomes: .. code-block:: none test296.hs:3:6-10: parse error on input `where' And multi-line spans are possible too: .. code-block:: none test.hs:(5,4)-(6,7): Conflicting definitions for `a' Bound at: test.hs:5:4 test.hs:6:7 In the binding group for: a, b, a Note that line numbers start counting at one, but column numbers start at zero. This choice was made to follow existing convention (i.e. this is how Emacs does it). .. ghc-flag:: -fkeep-going :shortdesc: Continue compilation as far as possible on errors :type: dynamic :category: verbosity :since: 8.10.1 Causes GHC to continue the compilation if a module has an error. Any reverse dependencies are pruned immediately and the whole compilation is still flagged as an error. This option has no effect if parallel compilation (:ghc-flag:`-j[⟨n⟩]`) is in use. .. ghc-flag:: -freverse-errors :shortdesc: Output errors in reverse order :type: dynamic :reverse: -fno-reverse-errors :category: verbosity Causes GHC to output errors in reverse line-number order, so that the errors and warnings that originate later in the file are displayed first. .. ghc-flag:: -Rghc-timing :shortdesc: Summarise timing stats for GHC (same as ``+RTS -tstderr``). :type: dynamic :category: verbosity Prints a one-line summary of timing statistics for the GHC run. This option is equivalent to ``+RTS -tstderr``, see :ref:`rts-options-gc`. .. _options-platform: Platform-specific Flags ----------------------- .. index:: single: -m\* options single: platform-specific options single: machine-specific options Some flags only make sense for particular target platforms. .. ghc-flag:: -mavx :shortdesc: (x86 only) Enable support for AVX SIMD extensions :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) These SIMD instructions are currently not supported by the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Enabling this flag has no effect and is only present for future extensions. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` may use AVX if your processor supports it, but detects this automatically, so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -mavx2 :shortdesc: (x86 only) Enable support for AVX2 SIMD extensions :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) These SIMD instructions are currently not supported by the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Enabling this flag has no effect and is only present for future extensions. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` may use AVX2 if your processor supports it, but detects this automatically, so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -mavx512cd :shortdesc: (x86 only) Enable support for AVX512-CD SIMD extensions :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) These SIMD instructions are currently not supported by the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Enabling this flag has no effect and is only present for future extensions. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` may use AVX512 if your processor supports it, but detects this automatically, so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -mavx512er :shortdesc: (x86 only) Enable support for AVX512-ER SIMD extensions :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) These SIMD instructions are currently not supported by the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Enabling this flag has no effect and is only present for future extensions. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` may use AVX512 if your processor supports it, but detects this automatically, so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -mavx512f :shortdesc: (x86 only) Enable support for AVX512-F SIMD extensions :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) These SIMD instructions are currently not supported by the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Enabling this flag has no effect and is only present for future extensions. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` may use AVX512 if your processor supports it, but detects this automatically, so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -mavx512pf :shortdesc: (x86 only) Enable support for AVX512-PF SIMD extensions :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) These SIMD instructions are currently not supported by the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Enabling this flag has no effect and is only present for future extensions. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` may use AVX512 if your processor supports it, but detects this automatically, so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -msse :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use SSE for floating-point operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) Use the SSE registers and instruction set to implement floating point operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. This gives a substantial performance improvement for floating point, but the resulting compiled code will only run on processors that support SSE (Intel Pentium 3 and later, or AMD Athlon XP and later). The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` will also use SSE if your processor supports it but detects this automatically so no flag is required. Since GHC 8.10, SSE2 is assumed to be present on both x86 and x86-64 platforms and will be used by default. Even when setting this flag, SSE2 will be used instead. .. ghc-flag:: -msse2 :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use SSE2 for floating-point operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only, added in GHC 7.0.1) Use the SSE2 registers and instruction set to implement floating point operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. This gives a substantial performance improvement for floating point, but the resulting compiled code will only run on processors that support SSE2 (Intel Pentium 4 and later, or AMD Athlon 64 and later). The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` will also use SSE2 if your processor supports it but detects this automatically so no flag is required. Since GHC 8.10, SSE2 is assumed to be present on both x86 and x86-64 platforms and will be used by default. .. ghc-flag:: -msse3 :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use SSE3 for floating-point operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) Use the SSE3 instruction set to implement some floating point and bit operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Note that the current version does not use SSE3 specific instructions and only requires SSE2 processor support. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` will also use SSE3 if your processor supports it but detects this automatically so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -msse4 :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use SSE4 for floating-point operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) Use the SSE4 instruction set to implement some floating point and bit operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Note that the current version does not use SSE4 specific instructions and only requires SSE2 processor support. The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` will also use SSE4 if your processor supports it but detects this automatically so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -msse4.2 :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use SSE4.2 for floating-point operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only, added in GHC 7.4.1) Use the SSE4.2 instruction set to implement some floating point and bit operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. The resulting compiled code will only run on processors that support SSE4.2 (Intel Core i7 and later). The :ref:`LLVM backend <llvm-code-gen>` will also use SSE4.2 if your processor supports it but detects this automatically so no flag is required. .. ghc-flag:: -mbmi :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use BMI1 for bit manipulation operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only) Use the BMI1 instruction set to implement some bit operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. Note that the current version does not use BMI specific instructions, so using this flag has no effect. .. ghc-flag:: -mbmi2 :shortdesc: (x86 only) Use BMI2 for bit manipulation operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options (x86 only, added in GHC 7.4.1) Use the BMI2 instruction set to implement some bit operations when using the :ref:`native code generator <native-code-gen>`. The resulting compiled code will only run on processors that support BMI2 (Intel Haswell and newer, AMD Excavator, Zen and newer). .. ghc-flag:: -mfma :shortdesc: Use native FMA instructions for fused multiply-add floating-point operations :type: dynamic :category: platform-options :default: off by default, except for Aarch64 where it's on by default. :since: 9.8.1 Use native FMA instructions to implement the fused multiply-add floating-point operations of the form ``x * y + z``. This allows computing a multiplication and addition in a single instruction, without an intermediate rounding step. Supported architectures: X86 with the FMA3 instruction set (this includes most consumer processors since 2013), PowerPC and AArch64. When this flag is disabled, GHC falls back to the C implementation of fused multiply-add, which might perform non-IEEE-compliant software emulation on some platforms (depending on the implementation of the C standard library). Haddock ------- .. index:: single: haddock .. ghc-flag:: -haddock :shortdesc: With this flag GHC will parse Haddock comments and include them in the interface file it produces. :type: dynamic :reverse: -no-haddock :category: haddock By default, GHC ignores Haddock comments (``-- | ...`` and ``-- ^ ...``) and does not check that they're associated with a valid term, such as a top-level type-signature. With this flag GHC will parse Haddock comments and include them in the interface file it produces. Consider using :ghc-flag:`-Winvalid-haddock` to be informed about discarded documentation comments. Miscellaneous flags ------------------- .. index:: single: miscellaneous flags Some flags only make sense for a particular use case. .. ghc-flag:: -ghcversion-file ⟨path to ghcversion.h⟩ :shortdesc: (GHC as a C compiler only) Use this ``ghcversion.h`` file :type: dynamic :category: misc When GHC is used to compile C files, GHC adds package include paths and includes ``ghcversion.h`` directly. The compiler will lookup the path for the ``ghcversion.h`` file from the ``rts`` package in the package database. In some cases, the compiler's package database does not contain the ``rts`` package, or one wants to specify a specific ``ghcversions.h`` to be included. This option can be used to specify the path to the ``ghcversions.h`` file to be included. This is primarily intended to be used by GHC's build system. .. ghc-flag:: -H ⟨size⟩ :shortdesc: Set the minimum size of the heap to ⟨size⟩ :type: dynamic :category: misc Set the minimum size of the heap to ⟨size⟩. This option is equivalent to ``+RTS -Hsize``, see :ref:`rts-options-gc`. Other environment variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: environment variables GHC can also be configured using various environment variables. .. envvar:: GHC_NO_UNICODE When non-empty, disables Unicode diagnostics output regardless of locale settings. GHC can usually determine that locale is not Unicode-capable and fallback to ASCII automatically, but in some corner cases (e. g., when GHC output is redirected) you might hit ``invalid argument (cannot encode character '\8216')``, in which case do set ``GHC_NO_UNICODE``. .. envvar:: GHC_CHARENC When set to ``UTF-8`` the compiler will always print UTF-8-encoded output, regardless of the current locale.