6.2.3. The recursive do-notation



Allow the use of recursive do notation.

The do-notation of Haskell 98 does not allow recursive bindings, that is, the variables bound in a do-expression are visible only in the textually following code block. Compare this to a let-expression, where bound variables are visible in the entire binding group.

It turns out that such recursive bindings do indeed make sense for a variety of monads, but not all. In particular, recursion in this sense requires a fixed-point operator for the underlying monad, captured by the mfix method of the MonadFix class, defined in Control.Monad.Fix as follows:

class Monad m => MonadFix m where
   mfix :: (a -> m a) -> m a

Haskell’s Maybe, [] (list), ST (both strict and lazy versions), IO, and many other monads have MonadFix instances. On the negative side, the continuation monad, with the signature (a -> r) -> r, does not.

For monads that do belong to the MonadFix class, GHC provides an extended version of the do-notation that allows recursive bindings. The RecursiveDo (language pragma: RecursiveDo) provides the necessary syntactic support, introducing the keywords mdo and rec for higher and lower levels of the notation respectively. Unlike bindings in a do expression, those introduced by mdo and rec are recursively defined, much like in an ordinary let-expression. Due to the new keyword mdo, we also call this notation the mdo-notation.

Here is a simple (albeit contrived) example:

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
justOnes = mdo { xs <- Just (1:xs)
               ; return (map negate xs) }

or equivalently

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
justOnes = do { rec { xs <- Just (1:xs) }
              ; return (map negate xs) }

As you can guess justOnes will evaluate to Just [-1,-1,-1,....

GHC’s implementation the mdo-notation closely follows the original translation as described in the paper A recursive do for Haskell, which in turn is based on the work Value Recursion in Monadic Computations. Furthermore, GHC extends the syntax described in the former paper with a lower level syntax flagged by the rec keyword, as we describe next. Recursive binding groups

The extension RecursiveDo also introduces a new keyword rec, which wraps a mutually-recursive group of monadic statements inside a do expression, producing a single statement. Similar to a let statement inside a do, variables bound in the rec are visible throughout the rec group, and below it. For example, compare

do { a <- getChar            do { a <- getChar
   ; let { r1 = f a r2          ; rec { r1 <- f a r2
   ;     ; r2 = g r1 }          ;     ; r2 <- g r1 }
   ; return (r1 ++ r2) }        ; return (r1 ++ r2) }

In both cases, r1 and r2 are available both throughout the let or rec block, and in the statements that follow it. The difference is that let is non-monadic, while rec is monadic. (In Haskell let is really letrec, of course.)

The semantics of rec is fairly straightforward. Whenever GHC finds a rec group, it will compute its set of bound variables, and will introduce an appropriate call to the underlying monadic value-recursion operator mfix, belonging to the MonadFix class. Here is an example:

rec { b <- f a c     ===>    (b,c) <- mfix (\ ~(b,c) -> do { b <- f a c
    ; c <- f b a }                                         ; c <- f b a
                                                           ; return (b,c) })

As usual, the meta-variables b, c etc., can be arbitrary patterns. In general, the statement rec ss is desugared to the statement

vs <- mfix (\ ~vs -> do { ss; return vs })

where vs is a tuple of the variables bound by ss.

Note in particular that the translation for a rec block only involves wrapping a call to mfix: it performs no other analysis on the bindings. The latter is the task for the mdo notation, which is described next. The mdo notation

A rec-block tells the compiler where precisely the recursive knot should be tied. It turns out that the placement of the recursive knots can be rather delicate: in particular, we would like the knots to be wrapped around as minimal groups as possible. This process is known as segmentation, and is described in detail in Section 3.2 of A recursive do for Haskell. Segmentation improves polymorphism and reduces the size of the recursive knot. Most importantly, it avoids unnecessary interference caused by a fundamental issue with the so-called right-shrinking axiom for monadic recursion. In brief, most monads of interest (IO, strict state, etc.) do not have recursion operators that satisfy this axiom, and thus not performing segmentation can cause unnecessary interference, changing the termination behavior of the resulting translation. (Details can be found in Sections 3.1 and 7.2.2 of Value Recursion in Monadic Computations.)

The mdo notation removes the burden of placing explicit rec blocks in the code. Unlike an ordinary do expression, in which variables bound by statements are only in scope for later statements, variables bound in an mdo expression are in scope for all statements of the expression. The compiler then automatically identifies minimal mutually recursively dependent segments of statements, treating them as if the user had wrapped a rec qualifier around them.

The definition is syntactic:

  • A generator ⟨g⟩ depends on a textually following generator ⟨g’⟩, if

    • ⟨g’⟩ defines a variable that is used by ⟨g⟩, or

    • ⟨g’⟩ textually appears between ⟨g⟩ and ⟨g’’⟩, where ⟨g⟩ depends on ⟨g’’⟩.

  • A segment of a given mdo-expression is a minimal sequence of generators such that no generator of the sequence depends on an outside generator. As a special case, although it is not a generator, the final expression in an mdo-expression is considered to form a segment by itself.

Segments in this sense are related to strongly-connected components analysis, with the exception that bindings in a segment cannot be reordered and must be contiguous.

Here is an example mdo-expression, and its translation to rec blocks:

mdo { a <- getChar      ===> do { a <- getChar
    ; b <- f a c                ; rec { b <- f a c
    ; c <- f b a                ;     ; c <- f b a }
    ; z <- h a b                ; z <- h a b
    ; d <- g d e                ; rec { d <- g d e
    ; e <- g a z                ;     ; e <- g a z }
    ; putChar c }               ; putChar c }

Note that a given mdo expression can cause the creation of multiple rec blocks. If there are no recursive dependencies, mdo will introduce no rec blocks. In this latter case an mdo expression is precisely the same as a do expression, as one would expect.

In summary, given an mdo expression, GHC first performs segmentation, introducing rec blocks to wrap over minimal recursive groups. Then, each resulting rec is desugared, using a call to Control.Monad.Fix.mfix as described in the previous section. The original mdo-expression typechecks exactly when the desugared version would do so.

Here are some other important points in using the recursive-do notation:

  • It is enabled with the extension RecursiveDo, or the LANGUAGE RecursiveDo pragma. (The same extension enables both mdo-notation, and the use of rec blocks inside do expressions.)

  • rec blocks can also be used inside mdo-expressions, which will be treated as a single statement. However, it is good style to either use mdo or rec blocks in a single expression.

  • If recursive bindings are required for a monad, then that monad must be declared an instance of the MonadFix class.

  • The following instances of MonadFix are automatically provided: List, Maybe, IO. Furthermore, the Control.Monad.ST and Control.Monad.ST.Lazy modules provide the instances of the MonadFix class for Haskell’s internal state monad (strict and lazy, respectively).

  • Like let and where bindings, name shadowing is not allowed within an mdo-expression or a rec-block; that is, all the names bound in a single rec must be distinct. (GHC will complain if this is not the case.)