module GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.RegInfo (


#include "HsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
import GHC.Platform.Reg

import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Types.Unique

import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.CmmToAsm.X86.Regs

mkVirtualReg :: Unique -> Format -> VirtualReg
mkVirtualReg u format
   = case format of
        FF32    -> VirtualRegD u
        -- for scalar F32, we use the same xmm as F64!
        -- this is a hack that needs some improvement.
        -- For now we map both to being allocated as "Double" Registers
        -- on X86/X86_64
        FF64    -> VirtualRegD u
        _other  -> VirtualRegI u

regDotColor :: Platform -> RealReg -> SDoc
regDotColor platform reg
 = case (lookupUFM (regColors platform) reg) of
        Just str -> text str
        _        -> panic "Register not assigned a color"

regColors :: Platform -> UniqFM RealReg [Char]
regColors platform = listToUFM (normalRegColors platform)

normalRegColors :: Platform -> [(RealReg,String)]
normalRegColors platform =
    zip (map realRegSingle [0..lastint platform]) colors
        ++ zip (map realRegSingle [firstxmm..lastxmm platform]) greys
    -- 16 colors - enough for amd64 gp regs
    colors = ["#800000","#ff0000","#808000","#ffff00","#008000"

    -- 16 shades of grey, enough for the currently supported
    -- SSE extensions.
    greys = ["#0e0e0e","#1c1c1c","#2a2a2a","#383838","#464646"

--     32 shades of grey - use for avx 512 if we ever need it
--     greys = ["#070707","#0e0e0e","#151515","#1c1c1c"
--             ,"#232323","#2a2a2a","#313131","#383838","#3f3f3f"
--             ,"#464646","#4d4d4d","#545454","#5b5b5b","#626262"
--             ,"#696969","#707070","#777777","#7e7e7e","#858585"
--             ,"#8c8c8c","#939393","#9a9a9a","#a1a1a1","#a8a8a8"
--             ,"#afafaf","#b6b6b6","#bdbdbd","#c4c4c4","#cbcbcb"
--             ,"#d2d2d2","#d9d9d9","#e0e0e0"]