-- | Dynamic linker
module GHC.Linker.Dynamic
   ( linkDynLib
   -- * Platform-specifics
   , libmLinkOpts

#include "HsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Platform.Ways

import GHC.Driver.Session

import GHC.Unit.Env
import GHC.Unit.Types
import GHC.Unit.State
import GHC.Linker.MacOS
import GHC.Linker.Unit
import GHC.SysTools.Tasks
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Utils.TmpFs

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.FilePath

linkDynLib :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> UnitEnv -> [String] -> [UnitId] -> IO ()
linkDynLib logger tmpfs dflags0 unit_env o_files dep_packages
 = do
    let platform   = ue_platform unit_env
        os         = platformOS platform

        -- This is a rather ugly hack to fix dynamically linked
        -- GHC on Windows. If GHC is linked with -threaded, then
        -- it links against libHSrts_thr. But if base is linked
        -- against libHSrts, then both end up getting loaded,
        -- and things go wrong. We therefore link the libraries
        -- with the same RTS flags that we link GHC with.
        dflags | OSMinGW32 <- os
               , hostWays `hasWay` WayDyn
               = dflags0 { targetWays_ = hostWays }
               | otherwise
               = dflags0

        verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
        o_file = outputFile dflags

    pkgs_with_rts <- mayThrowUnitErr (preloadUnitsInfo' unit_env dep_packages)

    let pkg_lib_paths = collectLibraryDirs (ways dflags) pkgs_with_rts
    let pkg_lib_path_opts = concatMap get_pkg_lib_path_opts pkg_lib_paths
        get_pkg_lib_path_opts l
         | osElfTarget os || osMachOTarget os
         , dynLibLoader dflags == SystemDependent
         , -- Only if we want dynamic libraries
           WayDyn `Set.member` ways dflags
           -- Only use RPath if we explicitly asked for it
         , gopt Opt_RPath dflags
            = ["-L" ++ l, "-Xlinker", "-rpath", "-Xlinker", l]
              -- See Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
         | otherwise = ["-L" ++ l]

    let lib_paths = libraryPaths dflags
    let lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) lib_paths

    -- In general we don't want to link our dynamic libs against the RTS
    -- package, because the RTS lib comes in several flavours and we want to be
    -- able to pick the flavour when a binary is linked.
    -- But:
    --   * on Windows we need to link the RTS import lib as Windows does not
    --   allow undefined symbols.
    --   * the RTS library path is still added to the library search path above
    --   in case the RTS is being explicitly linked in (see #3807).
    --   * if -flink-rts is used, we link with the rts.
    let pkgs_without_rts = filter ((/= rtsUnitId) . unitId) pkgs_with_rts
         | OSMinGW32 <- os         = pkgs_with_rts
         | gopt Opt_LinkRts dflags = pkgs_with_rts
         | otherwise               = pkgs_without_rts
        pkg_link_opts = package_hs_libs ++ extra_libs ++ other_flags
          where (package_hs_libs, extra_libs, other_flags) = collectLinkOpts dflags pkgs

        -- probably _stub.o files
        -- and last temporary shared object file
    let extra_ld_inputs = ldInputs dflags

    -- frameworks
    pkg_framework_opts <- getUnitFrameworkOpts unit_env (map unitId pkgs)
    let framework_opts = getFrameworkOpts dflags platform

    case os of
        OSMinGW32 -> do
            -- Making a DLL
            let output_fn = case o_file of
                            Just s -> s
                            Nothing -> "HSdll.dll"

            runLink logger tmpfs dflags (
                    map Option verbFlags
                 ++ [ Option "-o"
                    , FileOption "" output_fn
                    , Option "-shared"
                    ] ++
                    [ FileOption "-Wl,--out-implib=" (output_fn ++ ".a")
                    | gopt Opt_SharedImplib dflags
                 ++ map (FileOption "") o_files

                 -- Permit the linker to auto link _symbol to _imp_symbol
                 -- This lets us link against DLLs without needing an "import library"
                 ++ [Option "-Wl,--enable-auto-import"]

                 ++ extra_ld_inputs
                 ++ map Option (
                 ++ pkg_lib_path_opts
                 ++ pkg_link_opts
        _ | os == OSDarwin -> do
            -- Making a darwin dylib
            -- About the options used for Darwin:
            -- -dynamiclib
            --   Apple's way of saying -shared
            -- -undefined dynamic_lookup:
            --   Without these options, we'd have to specify the correct
            --   dependencies for each of the dylibs. Note that we could
            --   (and should) do without this for all libraries except
            --   the RTS; all we need to do is to pass the correct
            --   HSfoo_dyn.dylib files to the link command.
            --   This feature requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later; there is
            --   a similar feature, -flat_namespace -undefined suppress,
            --   which works on earlier versions, but it has other
            --   disadvantages.
            -- -single_module
            --   Build the dynamic library as a single "module", i.e. no
            --   dynamic binding nonsense when referring to symbols from
            --   within the library. The NCG assumes that this option is
            --   specified (on i386, at least).
            -- -install_name
            --   Mac OS/X stores the path where a dynamic library is (to
            --   be) installed in the library itself.  It's called the
            --   "install name" of the library. Then any library or
            --   executable that links against it before it's installed
            --   will search for it in its ultimate install location.
            --   By default we set the install name to the absolute path
            --   at build time, but it can be overridden by the
            --   -dylib-install-name option passed to ghc. Cabal does
            --   this.

            let output_fn = case o_file of { Just s -> s; Nothing -> "a.out"; }

            instName <- case dylibInstallName dflags of
                Just n -> return n
                Nothing -> return $ "@rpath" `combine` (takeFileName output_fn)
            runLink logger tmpfs dflags (
                    map Option verbFlags
                 ++ [ Option "-dynamiclib"
                    , Option "-o"
                    , FileOption "" output_fn
                 ++ map Option o_files
                 ++ [ Option "-undefined",
                      Option "dynamic_lookup",
                      Option "-single_module" ]
                 ++ (if platformArch platform `elem` [ ArchX86_64, ArchAArch64 ]
                     then [ ]
                     else [ Option "-Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress" ])
                 ++ [ Option "-install_name", Option instName ]
                 ++ map Option lib_path_opts
                 ++ extra_ld_inputs
                 ++ map Option framework_opts
                 ++ map Option pkg_lib_path_opts
                 ++ map Option pkg_link_opts
                 ++ map Option pkg_framework_opts
                 -- dead_strip_dylibs, will remove unused dylibs, and thus save
                 -- space in the load commands. The -headerpad is necessary so
                 -- that we can inject more @rpath's later for the leftover
                 -- libraries in the runInjectRpaths phase below.
                 -- See Note [Dynamic linking on macOS]
                 ++ [ Option "-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs", Option "-Wl,-headerpad,8000" ]
            runInjectRPaths logger dflags pkg_lib_paths output_fn
        _ -> do
            -- Making a DSO

            let output_fn = case o_file of { Just s -> s; Nothing -> "a.out"; }
                unregisterised = platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags)
            let bsymbolicFlag = -- we need symbolic linking to resolve
                                -- non-PIC intra-package-relocations for
                                -- performance (where symbolic linking works)
                                -- See Note [-Bsymbolic assumptions by GHC]
                                ["-Wl,-Bsymbolic" | not unregisterised]

            runLink logger tmpfs dflags (
                    map Option verbFlags
                 ++ libmLinkOpts
                 ++ [ Option "-o"
                    , FileOption "" output_fn
                 ++ map Option o_files
                 ++ [ Option "-shared" ]
                 ++ map Option bsymbolicFlag
                    -- Set the library soname. We use -h rather than -soname as
                    -- Solaris 10 doesn't support the latter:
                 ++ [ Option ("-Wl,-h," ++ takeFileName output_fn) ]
                 ++ extra_ld_inputs
                 ++ map Option lib_path_opts
                 ++ map Option pkg_lib_path_opts
                 ++ map Option pkg_link_opts

-- | Some platforms require that we explicitly link against @libm@ if any
-- math-y things are used (which we assume to include all programs). See #14022.
libmLinkOpts :: [Option]
libmLinkOpts =
#if defined(HAVE_LIBM)
  [Option "-lm"]

Note [-Bsymbolic assumptions by GHC]

GHC has a few assumptions about interaction of relocations in NCG and linker:

1. -Bsymbolic resolves internal references when the shared library is linked,
   which is important for performance.
2. When there is a reference to data in a shared library from the main program,
   the runtime linker relocates the data object into the main program using an
   R_*_COPY relocation.
3. If we used -Bsymbolic, then this results in multiple copies of the data
   object, because some references have already been resolved to point to the
   original instance. This is bad!

We work around [3.] for native compiled code by avoiding the generation of
R_*_COPY relocations.

Unregisterised compiler can't evade R_*_COPY relocations easily thus we disable
-Bsymbolic linking there.

See related tickets: #4210, #15338