module GHC.Runtime.Eval (
Resume(..), History(..),
execStmt, execStmt', ExecOptions(..), execOptions, ExecResult(..), resumeExec,
runDecls, runDeclsWithLocation, runParsedDecls,
parseImportDecl, SingleStep(..),
abandon, abandonAll,
back, forward,
setContext, getContext,
parseExpr, compileParsedExpr,
compileExpr, dynCompileExpr,
compileExprRemote, compileParsedExprRemote,
Term(..), obtainTermFromId, obtainTermFromVal, reconstructType
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Driver.Monad
import GHC.Driver.Main
import GHC.Driver.Env
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Driver.Ppr
import GHC.Runtime.Eval.Types
import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter as GHCi
import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect
import GHC.Runtime.Context
import GHCi.Message
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
import GHC.ByteCode.Types
import GHC.Linker.Types
import GHC.Linker.Loader as Loader
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Core.Predicate
import GHC.Core.InstEnv
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInst )
import GHC.Core.FVs ( orphNamesOfFamInst )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.Type hiding( typeKind )
import qualified GHC.Core.Type as Type
import GHC.Iface.Env ( newInteractiveBinder )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
import GHC.Builtin.Names ( toDynName, pretendNameIsInScope )
import GHC.Builtin.Types ( isCTupleTyConName )
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Types.RepType
import GHC.Types.Fixity.Env
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Types.Id as Id
import GHC.Types.Name hiding ( varName )
import GHC.Types.Name.Set
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Unique
import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
import GHC.Types.TyThing
import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
import GHC.Unit.Module.ModSummary
import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo
import System.Directory
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Either
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.List (find,intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch as MC
import Data.Array
import GHC.Utils.Exception
import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
import GHC.Tc.Module ( runTcInteractive, tcRnType, loadUnqualIfaces )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk ( ZonkFlexi (SkolemiseFlexi) )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env (tcGetInstEnvs)
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate (instDFunType)
import GHC.Tc.Solver (simplifyWantedsTcM)
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Core.Class (classTyCon)
getResumeContext :: GhcMonad m => m [Resume]
getResumeContext = withSession (return . ic_resume . hsc_IC)
mkHistory :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> BreakInfo -> History
mkHistory hsc_env hval bi = History hval bi (findEnclosingDecls hsc_env bi)
getHistoryModule :: History -> Module
getHistoryModule = breakInfo_module . historyBreakInfo
getHistorySpan :: HscEnv -> History -> SrcSpan
getHistorySpan hsc_env History{..} =
let BreakInfo{..} = historyBreakInfo in
case lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName breakInfo_module) of
Just hmi -> modBreaks_locs (getModBreaks hmi) ! breakInfo_number
_ -> panic "getHistorySpan"
findEnclosingDecls :: HscEnv -> BreakInfo -> [String]
findEnclosingDecls hsc_env (BreakInfo modl ix) =
let hmi = expectJust "findEnclosingDecls" $
lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName modl)
mb = getModBreaks hmi
in modBreaks_decls mb ! ix
updateFixityEnv :: GhcMonad m => FixityEnv -> m ()
updateFixityEnv fix_env = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
setSession $ hsc_env { hsc_IC = ic { ic_fix_env = fix_env } }
execOptions :: ExecOptions
execOptions = ExecOptions
{ execSingleStep = RunToCompletion
, execSourceFile = "<interactive>"
, execLineNumber = 1
, execWrap = EvalThis
:: GhcMonad m
=> String
-> ExecOptions
-> m ExecResult
execStmt input exec_opts@ExecOptions{..} = do
hsc_env <- getSession
mb_stmt <-
liftIO $
runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $
hscParseStmtWithLocation execSourceFile execLineNumber input
case mb_stmt of
Nothing -> return (ExecComplete (Right []) 0)
Just stmt -> execStmt' stmt input exec_opts
execStmt' :: GhcMonad m => GhciLStmt GhcPs -> String -> ExecOptions -> m ExecResult
execStmt' stmt stmt_text ExecOptions{..} = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
idflags' = ic_dflags ic `wopt_unset` Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds
hsc_env' = mkInteractiveHscEnv (hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic{ ic_dflags = idflags' }})
r <- liftIO $ hscParsedStmt hsc_env' stmt
case r of
Nothing ->
return (ExecComplete (Right []) 0)
Just (ids, hval, fix_env) -> do
updateFixityEnv fix_env
status <-
withVirtualCWD $
liftIO $
evalStmt interp idflags' (isStep execSingleStep) (execWrap hval)
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
bindings = (ic_tythings ic, ic_rn_gbl_env ic)
size = ghciHistSize idflags'
handleRunStatus execSingleStep stmt_text bindings ids
status (emptyHistory size)
runDecls :: GhcMonad m => String -> m [Name]
runDecls = runDeclsWithLocation "<interactive>" 1
runDeclsWithLocation :: GhcMonad m => String -> Int -> String -> m [Name]
runDeclsWithLocation source line_num input = do
hsc_env <- getSession
decls <- liftIO (hscParseDeclsWithLocation hsc_env source line_num input)
runParsedDecls decls
runParsedDecls :: GhcMonad m => [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> m [Name]
runParsedDecls decls = do
hsc_env <- getSession
(tyThings, ic) <- liftIO (hscParsedDecls hsc_env decls)
setSession $ hsc_env { hsc_IC = ic }
hsc_env <- getSession
hsc_env' <- liftIO $ rttiEnvironment hsc_env
setSession hsc_env'
return $ filter (not . isDerivedOccName . nameOccName)
$ map getName tyThings
withVirtualCWD :: GhcMonad m => m a -> m a
withVirtualCWD m = do
hsc_env <- getSession
case interpInstance <$> hsc_interp hsc_env of
Just (ExternalInterp {}) -> m
_ -> do
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
let set_cwd = do
dir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
case ic_cwd ic of
Just dir -> liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory dir
Nothing -> return ()
return dir
reset_cwd orig_dir = do
virt_dir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
hsc_env <- getSession
let old_IC = hsc_IC hsc_env
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_IC{ ic_cwd = Just virt_dir } }
liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory orig_dir
MC.bracket set_cwd reset_cwd $ \_ -> m
parseImportDecl :: GhcMonad m => String -> m (ImportDecl GhcPs)
parseImportDecl expr = withSession $ \hsc_env -> liftIO $ hscImport hsc_env expr
emptyHistory :: Int -> BoundedList History
emptyHistory size = nilBL size
handleRunStatus :: GhcMonad m
=> SingleStep -> String-> ([TyThing],GlobalRdrEnv) -> [Id]
-> EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef]
-> BoundedList History
-> m ExecResult
handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status history
| RunAndLogSteps <- step = tracing
| otherwise = not_tracing
| EvalBreak is_exception apStack_ref ix mod_uniq resume_ctxt _ccs <- status
, not is_exception
= do
hsc_env <- getSession
let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let hmi = expectJust "handleRunStatus" $
lookupHptDirectly (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
(mkUniqueGrimily mod_uniq)
modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi)
breaks = getModBreaks hmi
b <- liftIO $
breakpointStatus interp (modBreaks_flags breaks) ix
if b
then not_tracing
else do
apStack_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp apStack_ref
let bi = BreakInfo modl ix
!history' = mkHistory hsc_env apStack_fhv bi `consBL` history
fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp resume_ctxt
status <- liftIO $ GHCi.resumeStmt interp dflags True fhv
handleRunStatus RunAndLogSteps expr bindings final_ids
status history'
| otherwise
= not_tracing
| EvalBreak is_exception apStack_ref ix mod_uniq resume_ctxt ccs <- status
= do
hsc_env <- getSession
let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
resume_ctxt_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp resume_ctxt
apStack_fhv <- liftIO $ mkFinalizedHValue interp apStack_ref
let hmi = expectJust "handleRunStatus" $
lookupHptDirectly (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
(mkUniqueGrimily mod_uniq)
modl = mi_module (hm_iface hmi)
bp | is_exception = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (BreakInfo modl ix)
(hsc_env1, names, span, decl) <- liftIO $
bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv bp
resume = Resume
{ resumeStmt = expr, resumeContext = resume_ctxt_fhv
, resumeBindings = bindings, resumeFinalIds = final_ids
, resumeApStack = apStack_fhv
, resumeBreakInfo = bp
, resumeSpan = span, resumeHistory = toListBL history
, resumeDecl = decl
, resumeCCS = ccs
, resumeHistoryIx = 0 }
hsc_env2 = pushResume hsc_env1 resume
setSession hsc_env2
return (ExecBreak names bp)
| EvalComplete allocs (EvalSuccess hvals) <- status
= do hsc_env <- getSession
let final_ic = extendInteractiveContextWithIds (hsc_IC hsc_env) final_ids
final_names = map getName final_ids
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
liftIO $ Loader.extendLoadedEnv interp (zip final_names hvals)
hsc_env' <- liftIO $ rttiEnvironment hsc_env{hsc_IC=final_ic}
setSession hsc_env'
return (ExecComplete (Right final_names) allocs)
| EvalComplete alloc (EvalException e) <- status
= return (ExecComplete (Left (fromSerializableException e)) alloc)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 810
| otherwise
= panic "not_tracing"
resumeExec :: GhcMonad m => (SrcSpan->Bool) -> SingleStep -> Maybe Int
-> m ExecResult
resumeExec canLogSpan step mbCnt
= do
hsc_env <- getSession
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
resume = ic_resume ic
case resume of
[] -> liftIO $
throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "not stopped at a breakpoint")
(r:rs) -> do
let (resume_tmp_te,resume_rdr_env) = resumeBindings r
ic' = ic { ic_tythings = resume_tmp_te,
ic_rn_gbl_env = resume_rdr_env,
ic_resume = rs }
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic' }
let old_names = map getName resume_tmp_te
new_names = [ n | thing <- ic_tythings ic
, let n = getName thing
, not (n `elem` old_names) ]
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
liftIO $ Loader.deleteFromLoadedEnv interp new_names
case r of
Resume { resumeStmt = expr, resumeContext = fhv
, resumeBindings = bindings, resumeFinalIds = final_ids
, resumeApStack = apStack, resumeBreakInfo = mb_brkpt
, resumeSpan = span
, resumeHistory = hist } ->
withVirtualCWD $ do
when (isJust mb_brkpt && isJust mbCnt) $ do
setupBreakpoint hsc_env (fromJust mb_brkpt) (fromJust mbCnt)
status <- liftIO $ GHCi.resumeStmt interp dflags (isStep step) fhv
let prevHistoryLst = fromListBL 50 hist
hist' = case mb_brkpt of
Nothing -> prevHistoryLst
Just bi
| not $ canLogSpan span -> prevHistoryLst
| otherwise -> mkHistory hsc_env apStack bi `consBL`
fromListBL 50 hist
handleRunStatus step expr bindings final_ids status hist'
setupBreakpoint :: GhcMonad m => HscEnv -> BreakInfo -> Int -> m ()
setupBreakpoint hsc_env brkInfo cnt = do
let modl :: Module = breakInfo_module brkInfo
breaks hsc_env modl = getModBreaks $ expectJust "setupBreakpoint" $
lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName modl)
ix = breakInfo_number brkInfo
modBreaks = breaks hsc_env modl
breakarray = modBreaks_flags modBreaks
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
_ <- liftIO $ GHCi.storeBreakpoint interp breakarray ix cnt
pure ()
back :: GhcMonad m => Int -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String)
back n = moveHist (+n)
forward :: GhcMonad m => Int -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String)
forward n = moveHist (subtract n)
moveHist :: GhcMonad m => (Int -> Int) -> m ([Name], Int, SrcSpan, String)
moveHist fn = do
hsc_env <- getSession
case ic_resume (hsc_IC hsc_env) of
[] -> liftIO $
throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "not stopped at a breakpoint")
(r:rs) -> do
let ix = resumeHistoryIx r
history = resumeHistory r
new_ix = fn ix
when (history `lengthLessThan` new_ix) $ liftIO $
throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "no more logged breakpoints")
when (new_ix < 0) $ liftIO $
throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "already at the beginning of the history")
update_ic apStack mb_info = do
(hsc_env1, names, span, decl) <-
liftIO $ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack mb_info
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env1
r' = r { resumeHistoryIx = new_ix }
ic' = ic { ic_resume = r':rs }
setSession hsc_env1{ hsc_IC = ic' }
return (names, new_ix, span, decl)
if new_ix == 0
then case r of
Resume { resumeApStack = apStack,
resumeBreakInfo = mb_brkpt } ->
update_ic apStack mb_brkpt
else case history !! (new_ix 1) of
History{..} ->
update_ic historyApStack (Just historyBreakInfo)
result_fs :: FastString
result_fs = fsLit "_result"
:: HscEnv
-> ForeignHValue
-> Maybe BreakInfo
-> IO (HscEnv, [Name], SrcSpan, String)
bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack Nothing = do
let exn_occ = mkVarOccFS (fsLit "_exception")
span = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<unknown>")
exn_name <- newInteractiveBinder hsc_env exn_occ span
let e_fs = fsLit "e"
e_name = mkInternalName (getUnique e_fs) (mkTyVarOccFS e_fs) span
e_tyvar = mkRuntimeUnkTyVar e_name liftedTypeKind
exn_id = Id.mkVanillaGlobal exn_name (mkTyVarTy e_tyvar)
ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env
ictxt1 = extendInteractiveContextWithIds ictxt0 [exn_id]
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
Loader.extendLoadedEnv interp [(exn_name, apStack)]
return (hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ictxt1 }, [exn_name], span, "<exception thrown>")
bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv (Just BreakInfo{..}) = do
hmi = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint" $
lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName breakInfo_module)
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
breaks = getModBreaks hmi
info = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint2" $
IntMap.lookup breakInfo_number (modBreaks_breakInfo breaks)
mbVars = cgb_vars info
result_ty = cgb_resty info
occs = modBreaks_vars breaks ! breakInfo_number
span = modBreaks_locs breaks ! breakInfo_number
decl = intercalate "." $ modBreaks_decls breaks ! breakInfo_number
mbPointers = nullUnboxed <$> mbVars
(ids, offsets, occs') = syncOccs mbPointers occs
free_tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesList (result_ty:map idType ids)
mb_hValues <-
mapM (getBreakpointVar interp apStack_fhv . fromIntegral) offsets
when (any isNothing mb_hValues) $
debugTraceMsg (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 1 $
text "Warning: _result has been evaluated, some bindings have been lost"
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'I'
let tv_subst = newTyVars us free_tvs
(filtered_ids, occs'') = unzip
[ (id, occ) | (id, Just _hv, occ) <- zip3 ids mb_hValues occs' ]
(_,tidy_tys) = tidyOpenTypes emptyTidyEnv $
map (substTy tv_subst . idType) filtered_ids
new_ids <- zipWith3M mkNewId occs'' tidy_tys filtered_ids
result_name <- newInteractiveBinder hsc_env (mkVarOccFS result_fs) span
let result_id = Id.mkVanillaGlobal result_name
(substTy tv_subst result_ty)
result_ok = isPointer result_id
final_ids | result_ok = result_id : new_ids
| otherwise = new_ids
ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env
ictxt1 = extendInteractiveContextWithIds ictxt0 final_ids
names = map idName new_ids
let fhvs = catMaybes mb_hValues
Loader.extendLoadedEnv interp (zip names fhvs)
when result_ok $ Loader.extendLoadedEnv interp [(result_name, apStack_fhv)]
hsc_env1 <- rttiEnvironment hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ictxt1 }
return (hsc_env1, if result_ok then result_name:names else names, span, decl)
mkNewId :: OccName -> Type -> Id -> IO Id
mkNewId occ ty old_id
= do { name <- newInteractiveBinder hsc_env occ (getSrcSpan old_id)
; return (Id.mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo name ty (idInfo old_id)) }
newTyVars :: UniqSupply -> [TcTyVar] -> TCvSubst
newTyVars us tvs
= mkTvSubstPrs [ (tv, mkTyVarTy (mkRuntimeUnkTyVar name (tyVarKind tv)))
| (tv, uniq) <- tvs `zip` uniqsFromSupply us
, let name = setNameUnique (tyVarName tv) uniq ]
isPointer id | [rep] <- typePrimRep (idType id)
, isGcPtrRep rep = True
| otherwise = False
nullUnboxed (Just (fv@(id, _)))
| isPointer id = Just fv
| otherwise = Nothing
nullUnboxed Nothing = Nothing
syncOccs :: [Maybe (a,b)] -> [c] -> ([a], [b], [c])
syncOccs mbVs ocs = unzip3 $ catMaybes $ joinOccs mbVs ocs
joinOccs :: [Maybe (a,b)] -> [c] -> [Maybe (a,b,c)]
joinOccs = zipWithEqual "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint" joinOcc
joinOcc mbV oc = (\(a,b) c -> (a,b,c)) <$> mbV <*> pure oc
rttiEnvironment :: HscEnv -> IO HscEnv
rttiEnvironment hsc_env@HscEnv{hsc_IC=ic} = do
let tmp_ids = [id | AnId id <- ic_tythings ic]
incompletelyTypedIds =
[id | id <- tmp_ids
, not $ noSkolems id
, (occNameFS.nameOccName.idName) id /= result_fs]
foldM improveTypes hsc_env (map idName incompletelyTypedIds)
noSkolems = noFreeVarsOfType . idType
improveTypes hsc_env@HscEnv{hsc_IC=ic} name = do
let tmp_ids = [id | AnId id <- ic_tythings ic]
Just id = find (\i -> idName i == name) tmp_ids
if noSkolems id
then return hsc_env
else do
mb_new_ty <- reconstructType hsc_env 10 id
let old_ty = idType id
case mb_new_ty of
Nothing -> return hsc_env
Just new_ty -> do
case improveRTTIType hsc_env old_ty new_ty of
Nothing -> return $
WARN(True, text (":print failed to calculate the "
++ "improvement for a type")) hsc_env
Just subst -> do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
dumpIfSet_dyn logger dflags Opt_D_dump_rtti "RTTI"
(fsep [text "RTTI Improvement for", ppr id, equals,
ppr subst])
let ic' = substInteractiveContext ic subst
return hsc_env{hsc_IC=ic'}
pushResume :: HscEnv -> Resume -> HscEnv
pushResume hsc_env resume = hsc_env { hsc_IC = ictxt1 }
ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env
ictxt1 = ictxt0 { ic_resume = resume : ic_resume ictxt0 }
abandon :: GhcMonad m => m Bool
abandon = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
resume = ic_resume ic
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
case resume of
[] -> return False
r:rs -> do
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic { ic_resume = rs } }
liftIO $ abandonStmt interp (resumeContext r)
return True
abandonAll :: GhcMonad m => m Bool
abandonAll = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
resume = ic_resume ic
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
case resume of
[] -> return False
rs -> do
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ic { ic_resume = [] } }
liftIO $ mapM_ (abandonStmt interp. resumeContext) rs
return True
data BoundedList a = BL
nilBL :: Int -> BoundedList a
nilBL bound = BL 0 bound [] []
consBL :: a -> BoundedList a -> BoundedList a
consBL a (BL len bound left right)
| len < bound = BL (len+1) bound (a:left) right
| null right = BL len bound [a] $! tail (reverse left)
| otherwise = BL len bound (a:left) $! tail right
toListBL :: BoundedList a -> [a]
toListBL (BL _ _ left right) = left ++ reverse right
fromListBL :: Int -> [a] -> BoundedList a
fromListBL bound l = BL (length l) bound l []
setContext :: GhcMonad m => [InteractiveImport] -> m ()
setContext imports
= do { hsc_env <- getSession
; let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
; all_env_err <- liftIO $ findGlobalRdrEnv hsc_env imports
; case all_env_err of
Left (mod, err) ->
liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO (formatError dflags mod err)
Right all_env -> do {
; let old_ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
!final_rdr_env = all_env `icExtendGblRdrEnv` ic_tythings old_ic
; setSession
hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_ic { ic_imports = imports
, ic_rn_gbl_env = final_rdr_env }}}}
formatError dflags mod err = ProgramError . showSDoc dflags $
text "Cannot add module" <+> ppr mod <+>
text "to context:" <+> text err
findGlobalRdrEnv :: HscEnv -> [InteractiveImport]
-> IO (Either (ModuleName, String) GlobalRdrEnv)
findGlobalRdrEnv hsc_env imports
= do { idecls_env <- hscRnImportDecls hsc_env idecls
; return $ case partitionEithers (map mkEnv imods) of
([], imods_env) -> Right (foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv idecls_env imods_env)
(err : _, _) -> Left err }
idecls :: [LImportDecl GhcPs]
idecls = [noLocA d | IIDecl d <- imports]
imods :: [ModuleName]
imods = [m | IIModule m <- imports]
mkEnv mod = case mkTopLevEnv (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mod of
Left err -> Left (mod, err)
Right env -> Right env
mkTopLevEnv :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> Either String GlobalRdrEnv
mkTopLevEnv hpt modl
= case lookupHpt hpt modl of
Nothing -> Left "not a home module"
Just details ->
case mi_globals (hm_iface details) of
Nothing -> Left "not interpreted"
Just env -> Right env
getContext :: GhcMonad m => m [InteractiveImport]
getContext = withSession $ \HscEnv{ hsc_IC=ic } ->
return (ic_imports ic)
moduleIsInterpreted :: GhcMonad m => Module -> m Bool
moduleIsInterpreted modl = withSession $ \h ->
if notHomeModule (hsc_home_unit h) modl
then return False
else case lookupHpt (hsc_HPT h) (moduleName modl) of
Just details -> return (isJust (mi_globals (hm_iface details)))
_not_a_home_module -> return False
getInfo :: GhcMonad m => Bool -> Name
-> m (Maybe (TyThing,Fixity,[ClsInst],[FamInst], SDoc))
getInfo allInfo name
= withSession $ \hsc_env ->
do mb_stuff <- liftIO $ hscTcRnGetInfo hsc_env name
case mb_stuff of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (thing, fixity, cls_insts, fam_insts, docs) -> do
let rdr_env = ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env)
let cls_insts' = filter (plausible rdr_env . orphNamesOfClsInst) cls_insts
fam_insts' = filter (plausible rdr_env . orphNamesOfFamInst) fam_insts
return (Just (thing, fixity, cls_insts', fam_insts', docs))
plausible rdr_env names
= allInfo
|| nameSetAll ok names
ok n | n == name = True
| pretendNameIsInScope n = True
| isBuiltInSyntax n = True
| isCTupleTyConName n = True
| isExternalName n = isJust (lookupGRE_Name rdr_env n)
| otherwise = True
getNamesInScope :: GhcMonad m => m [Name]
getNamesInScope = withSession $ \hsc_env ->
return (map greMangledName (globalRdrEnvElts (ic_rn_gbl_env (hsc_IC hsc_env))))
getRdrNamesInScope :: GhcMonad m => m [RdrName]
getRdrNamesInScope = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do
ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
gbl_rdrenv = ic_rn_gbl_env ic
gbl_names = concatMap greRdrNames $ globalRdrEnvElts gbl_rdrenv
return (filter (not . isDerivedOccName . rdrNameOcc) gbl_names)
parseName :: GhcMonad m => String -> m [Name]
parseName str = withSession $ \hsc_env -> liftIO $
do { lrdr_name <- hscParseIdentifier hsc_env str
; hscTcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env lrdr_name }
getDocs :: GhcMonad m
=> Name
-> m (Either GetDocsFailure (Maybe HsDocString, IntMap HsDocString))
getDocs name =
withSession $ \hsc_env -> do
case nameModule_maybe name of
Nothing -> pure (Left (NameHasNoModule name))
Just mod -> do
if isInteractiveModule mod
then pure (Left InteractiveName)
else do
ModIface { mi_doc_hdr = mb_doc_hdr
, mi_decl_docs = DeclDocMap dmap
, mi_arg_docs = ArgDocMap amap
} <- liftIO $ hscGetModuleInterface hsc_env mod
if isNothing mb_doc_hdr && Map.null dmap && Map.null amap
then pure (Left (NoDocsInIface mod compiled))
else pure (Right ( Map.lookup name dmap
, Map.findWithDefault mempty name amap))
compiled =
case nameSrcLoc name of
RealSrcLoc {} -> False
UnhelpfulLoc {} -> True
data GetDocsFailure
= NameHasNoModule Name
| NoDocsInIface
| InteractiveName
instance Outputable GetDocsFailure where
ppr (NameHasNoModule name) =
quotes (ppr name) <+> text "has no module where we could look for docs."
ppr (NoDocsInIface mod compiled) = vcat
[ text "Can't find any documentation for" <+> ppr mod <> char '.'
, text "This is probably because the module was"
<+> text (if compiled then "compiled" else "loaded")
<+> text "without '-haddock',"
, text "but it's also possible that the module contains no documentation."
, text ""
, if compiled
then text "Try re-compiling with '-haddock'."
else text "Try running ':set -haddock' and :load the file again."
ppr InteractiveName =
text "Docs are unavailable for interactive declarations."
exprType :: GhcMonad m => TcRnExprMode -> String -> m Type
exprType mode expr = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do
ty <- liftIO $ hscTcExpr hsc_env mode expr
return $ tidyType emptyTidyEnv ty
typeKind :: GhcMonad m => Bool -> String -> m (Type, Kind)
typeKind normalise str = withSession $ \hsc_env ->
liftIO $ hscKcType hsc_env normalise str
getInstancesForType :: GhcMonad m => Type -> m [ClsInst]
getInstancesForType ty = withSession $ \hsc_env ->
liftIO $ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $
ioMsgMaybe $ runTcInteractive hsc_env $ do
loadUnqualIfaces hsc_env (hsc_IC hsc_env)
matches <- findMatchingInstances ty
fmap catMaybes . forM matches $ uncurry checkForExistence
parseInstanceHead :: GhcMonad m => String -> m Type
parseInstanceHead str = withSession $ \hsc_env0 -> do
(ty, _) <- liftIO $ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
ty <- hscParseType str
ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnType hsc_env SkolemiseFlexi True ty
return ty
getDictionaryBindings :: PredType -> TcM CtEvidence
getDictionaryBindings theta = do
dictName <- newName (mkDictOcc (mkVarOcc "magic"))
let dict_var = mkVanillaGlobal dictName theta
loc <- getCtLocM (GivenOrigin UnkSkol) Nothing
return CtWanted {
ctev_pred = varType dict_var,
ctev_dest = EvVarDest dict_var,
ctev_nosh = WDeriv,
ctev_loc = loc
findMatchingInstances :: Type -> TcM [(ClsInst, [DFunInstType])]
findMatchingInstances ty = do
ies@(InstEnvs {ie_global = ie_global, ie_local = ie_local}) <- tcGetInstEnvs
let allClasses = instEnvClasses ie_global ++ instEnvClasses ie_local
return $ concatMap (try_cls ies) allClasses
try_cls ies cls
| Just (_, arg_kind, res_kind) <- splitFunTy_maybe (tyConKind $ classTyCon cls)
, tcIsConstraintKind res_kind
, Type.typeKind ty `eqType` arg_kind
, (matches, _, _) <- lookupInstEnv True ies cls [ty]
= matches
| otherwise
= []
checkForExistence :: ClsInst -> [DFunInstType] -> TcM (Maybe ClsInst)
checkForExistence clsInst mb_inst_tys = do
(tys, thetas) <- instDFunType (is_dfun clsInst) mb_inst_tys
wanteds <- mapM getDictionaryBindings thetas
WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = impls } <- simplifyWantedsTcM wanteds
if allBag allowedSimple simples && solvedImplics impls
then return . Just $ substInstArgs tys (bagToList (mapBag ctPred simples)) clsInst
else return Nothing
allowedSimple :: Ct -> Bool
allowedSimple ct = isSatisfiablePred (ctPred ct)
solvedImplics :: Bag Implication -> Bool
solvedImplics impls = allBag (isSolvedStatus . ic_status) impls
isSatisfiablePred :: PredType -> Bool
isSatisfiablePred ty = case getClassPredTys_maybe ty of
Just (_, tys@(_:_)) -> all isTyVarTy tys
_ -> isTyVarTy ty
empty_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst (mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfType (idType $ is_dfun clsInst)))
substInstArgs :: [Type] -> [PredType] -> ClsInst -> ClsInst
substInstArgs tys thetas inst = let
subst = foldl' (\a b -> uncurry (extendTvSubstAndInScope a) b) empty_subst (zip dfun_tvs tys)
tau = mkClassPred cls (substTheta subst args)
phi = mkPhiTy thetas tau
sigma = mkForAllTys (map (\v -> Bndr v Inferred) dfun_tvs) phi
in inst { is_dfun = (is_dfun inst) { varType = sigma }}
(dfun_tvs, _, cls, args) = instanceSig inst
parseExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs)
parseExpr expr = withSession $ \hsc_env ->
liftIO $ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ hscParseExpr expr
compileExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m HValue
compileExpr expr = do
parsed_expr <- parseExpr expr
compileParsedExpr parsed_expr
compileExprRemote :: GhcMonad m => String -> m ForeignHValue
compileExprRemote expr = do
parsed_expr <- parseExpr expr
compileParsedExprRemote parsed_expr
compileParsedExprRemote :: GhcMonad m => LHsExpr GhcPs -> m ForeignHValue
compileParsedExprRemote expr@(L loc _) = withSession $ \hsc_env -> do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let interp = hscInterp hsc_env
let expr_fs = fsLit "_compileParsedExpr"
loc' = locA loc
expr_name = mkInternalName (getUnique expr_fs) (mkTyVarOccFS expr_fs) loc'
let_stmt = L loc . LetStmt noAnn . (HsValBinds noAnn) $
ValBinds NoAnnSortKey
(unitBag $ mkHsVarBind loc' (getRdrName expr_name) expr) []
pstmt <- liftIO $ hscParsedStmt hsc_env let_stmt
let (hvals_io, fix_env) = case pstmt of
Just ([_id], hvals_io', fix_env') -> (hvals_io', fix_env')
_ -> panic "compileParsedExprRemote"
updateFixityEnv fix_env
status <- liftIO $ evalStmt interp dflags False (EvalThis hvals_io)
case status of
EvalComplete _ (EvalSuccess [hval]) -> return hval
EvalComplete _ (EvalException e) ->
liftIO $ throwIO (fromSerializableException e)
_ -> panic "compileParsedExpr"
compileParsedExpr :: GhcMonad m => LHsExpr GhcPs -> m HValue
compileParsedExpr expr = do
fhv <- compileParsedExprRemote expr
interp <- hscInterp <$> getSession
liftIO $ wormhole interp fhv
dynCompileExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m Dynamic
dynCompileExpr expr = do
parsed_expr <- parseExpr expr
let loc = getLoc parsed_expr
to_dyn_expr = mkHsApp (L loc . HsVar noExtField . L (la2na loc) $ getRdrName toDynName)
hval <- compileParsedExpr to_dyn_expr
return (unsafeCoerce hval :: Dynamic)
showModule :: GhcMonad m => ModSummary -> m String
showModule mod_summary =
withSession $ \hsc_env -> do
interpreted <- moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable mod_summary
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
return (showSDoc dflags $ showModMsg dflags interpreted (ModuleNode (extendModSummaryNoDeps mod_summary)))
moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable :: GhcMonad m => ModSummary -> m Bool
moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable mod_summary = withSession $ \hsc_env ->
case lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (ms_mod_name mod_summary) of
Nothing -> panic "missing linkable"
Just mod_info -> return $ case hm_linkable mod_info of
Nothing -> True
Just linkable -> not (isObjectLinkable linkable)
obtainTermFromVal :: HscEnv -> Int -> Bool -> Type -> a -> IO Term
obtainTermFromVal hsc_env bound force ty x = case interpInstance interp of
InternalInterp -> cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force ty (unsafeCoerce x)
obtainTermFromVal hsc_env _bound _force _ty _x = case interpInstance interp of
ExternalInterp {} -> throwIO (InstallationError
"this operation requires -fno-external-interpreter")
interp = hscInterp hsc_env
obtainTermFromId :: HscEnv -> Int -> Bool -> Id -> IO Term
obtainTermFromId hsc_env bound force id = do
hv <- Loader.loadName (hscInterp hsc_env) hsc_env (varName id)
cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force (idType id) hv
reconstructType :: HscEnv -> Int -> Id -> IO (Maybe Type)
reconstructType hsc_env bound id = do
hv <- Loader.loadName (hscInterp hsc_env) hsc_env (varName id)
cvReconstructType hsc_env bound (idType id) hv
mkRuntimeUnkTyVar :: Name -> Kind -> TyVar
mkRuntimeUnkTyVar name kind = mkTcTyVar name kind RuntimeUnk