{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2003
-- Access to system tools: gcc, cp, rm etc

module GHC.SysTools (
        -- * Initialisation

        -- * Interface to system tools
        module GHC.SysTools.Tasks,
        module GHC.SysTools.Info,


        -- * General utilities
 ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Settings.Utils

import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Driver.Session

import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import GHC.Linker.ExtraObj
import GHC.SysTools.Info
import GHC.SysTools.Tasks
import GHC.SysTools.BaseDir
import GHC.Settings.IO

Note [How GHC finds toolchain utilities]

GHC.SysTools.initSysProgs figures out exactly where all the auxiliary programs
are, and initialises mutable variables to make it easy to call them.
To do this, it makes use of definitions in Config.hs, which is a Haskell
file containing variables whose value is figured out by the build system.

Config.hs contains two sorts of things

  cGCC,         The *names* of the programs
  cCPP            e.g.  cGCC = gcc
  cUNLIT                cCPP = gcc -E
  etc           They do *not* include paths

  cUNLIT_DIR   The *path* to the directory containing unlit, split etc
  cSPLIT_DIR   *relative* to the root of the build tree,
                   for use when running *in-place* in a build tree (only)

NOTES for an ALTERNATIVE scheme (i.e *not* what is currently implemented):

Another hair-brained scheme for simplifying the current tool location
nightmare in GHC: Simon originally suggested using another
configuration file along the lines of GCC's specs file - which is fine
except that it means adding code to read yet another configuration
file.  What I didn't notice is that the current package.conf is
general enough to do this:

    {name = "tools",    import_dirs = [],  source_dirs = [],
     library_dirs = [], hs_libraries = [], extra_libraries = [],
     include_dirs = [], c_includes = [],   package_deps = [],
     extra_ghc_opts = ["-pgmc/usr/bin/gcc","-pgml${topdir}/bin/unlit", ... etc.],
     extra_cc_opts = [], extra_ld_opts = []}

Which would have the advantage that we get to collect together in one
place the path-specific package stuff with the path-specific tool
                End of NOTES

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

-- Note [LLVM configuration]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- The `llvm-targets` and `llvm-passes` files are shipped with GHC and contain
-- information needed by the LLVM backend to invoke `llc` and `opt`.
-- Specifically:
--  * llvm-targets maps autoconf host triples to the corresponding LLVM
--    `data-layout` declarations. This information is extracted from clang using
--    the script in utils/llvm-targets/gen-data-layout.sh and should be updated
--    whenever we target a new version of LLVM.
--  * llvm-passes maps GHC optimization levels to sets of LLVM optimization
--    flags that GHC should pass to `opt`.
-- This information is contained in files rather the GHC source to allow users
-- to add new targets to GHC without having to recompile the compiler.
-- Since this information is only needed by the LLVM backend we load it lazily
-- with unsafeInterleaveIO. Consequently it is important that we lazily pattern
-- match on LlvmConfig until we actually need its contents.

lazyInitLlvmConfig :: String
               -> IO LlvmConfig
lazyInitLlvmConfig top_dir
  = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do    -- see Note [LLVM configuration]
      targets <- readAndParse "llvm-targets"
      passes <- readAndParse "llvm-passes"
      return $ LlvmConfig { llvmTargets = fmap mkLlvmTarget <$> targets,
                            llvmPasses = passes }
    readAndParse :: Read a => String -> IO a
    readAndParse name =
      do let llvmConfigFile = top_dir </> name
         llvmConfigStr <- readFile llvmConfigFile
         case maybeReadFuzzy llvmConfigStr of
           Just s -> return s
           Nothing -> pgmError ("Can't parse " ++ show llvmConfigFile)

    mkLlvmTarget :: (String, String, String) -> LlvmTarget
    mkLlvmTarget (dl, cpu, attrs) = LlvmTarget dl cpu (words attrs)

initSysTools :: String          -- TopDir path
             -> IO Settings     -- Set all the mutable variables above, holding
                                --      (a) the system programs
                                --      (b) the package-config file
                                --      (c) the GHC usage message
initSysTools top_dir = do
  res <- runExceptT $ initSettings top_dir
  case res of
    Right a -> pure a
    Left (SettingsError_MissingData msg) -> pgmError msg
    Left (SettingsError_BadData msg) -> pgmError msg

{- Note [Windows stack usage]

See: #8870 (and #8834 for related info) and #12186

On Windows, occasionally we need to grow the stack. In order to do
this, we would normally just bump the stack pointer - but there's a
catch on Windows.

If the stack pointer is bumped by more than a single page, then the
pages between the initial pointer and the resulting location must be
properly committed by the Windows virtual memory subsystem. This is
only needed in the event we bump by more than one page (i.e 4097 bytes
or more).

Windows compilers solve this by emitting a call to a special function
called _chkstk, which does this committing of the pages for you.

The reason this was causing a segfault was because due to the fact the
new code generator tends to generate larger functions, we needed more
stack space in GHC itself. In the x86 codegen, we needed approximately
~12kb of stack space in one go, which caused the process to segfault,
as the intervening pages were not committed.

GCC can emit such a check for us automatically but only when the flag
-fstack-check is used.

See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gnat_ugn/Stack-Overflow-Checking.html
for more information.


copy :: Logger -> DynFlags -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copy logger dflags purpose from to = copyWithHeader logger dflags purpose Nothing from to

copyWithHeader :: Logger -> DynFlags -> String -> Maybe String -> FilePath -> FilePath
               -> IO ()
copyWithHeader logger dflags purpose maybe_header from to = do
  showPass logger dflags purpose

  hout <- openBinaryFile to   WriteMode
  hin  <- openBinaryFile from ReadMode
  ls <- hGetContents hin -- inefficient, but it'll do for now. ToDo: speed up
  maybe (return ()) (header hout) maybe_header
  hPutStr hout ls
  hClose hout
  hClose hin
  -- write the header string in UTF-8.  The header is something like
  --   {-# LINE "foo.hs" #-}
  -- and we want to make sure a Unicode filename isn't mangled.
  header h str = do
   hSetEncoding h utf8
   hPutStr h str
   hSetBinaryMode h True