-- | Module location
module GHC.Unit.Module.Location
   ( ModLocation(..)
   , addBootSuffix
   , addBootSuffix_maybe
   , addBootSuffixLocn
   , addBootSuffixLocnOut
   , removeBootSuffix

import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Unit.Types
import GHC.Utils.Outputable

-- | Module Location
-- Where a module lives on the file system: the actual locations
-- of the .hs, .hi and .o files, if we have them.
-- For a module in another unit, the ml_hs_file and ml_obj_file components of
-- ModLocation are undefined.
-- The locations specified by a ModLocation may or may not
-- correspond to actual files yet: for example, even if the object
-- file doesn't exist, the ModLocation still contains the path to
-- where the object file will reside if/when it is created.

data ModLocation
   = ModLocation {
        ml_hs_file   :: Maybe FilePath,
                -- ^ The source file, if we have one.  Package modules
                -- probably don't have source files.

        ml_hi_file   :: FilePath,
                -- ^ Where the .hi file is, whether or not it exists
                -- yet.  Always of form foo.hi, even if there is an
                -- hi-boot file (we add the -boot suffix later)

        ml_obj_file  :: FilePath,
                -- ^ Where the .o file is, whether or not it exists yet.
                -- (might not exist either because the module hasn't
                -- been compiled yet, or because it is part of a
                -- unit with a .a file)

        ml_hie_file  :: FilePath
                -- ^ Where the .hie file is, whether or not it exists
                -- yet.
  } deriving Show

instance Outputable ModLocation where
   ppr = text . show

-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix to .hs, .hi and .o files
addBootSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
addBootSuffix path = path ++ "-boot"

-- | Remove the @-boot@ suffix to .hs, .hi and .o files
removeBootSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
removeBootSuffix "-boot" = []
removeBootSuffix (x:xs)  = x : removeBootSuffix xs
removeBootSuffix []      = error "removeBootSuffix: no -boot suffix"

-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix if the @Bool@ argument is @True@
addBootSuffix_maybe :: IsBootInterface -> FilePath -> FilePath
addBootSuffix_maybe is_boot path = case is_boot of
  IsBoot -> addBootSuffix path
  NotBoot -> path

-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix to all file paths associated with the module
addBootSuffixLocn :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
addBootSuffixLocn locn
  = locn { ml_hs_file  = fmap addBootSuffix (ml_hs_file locn)
         , ml_hi_file  = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
         , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn)
         , ml_hie_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hie_file locn) }

-- | Add the @-boot@ suffix to all output file paths associated with the
-- module, not including the input file itself
addBootSuffixLocnOut :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
addBootSuffixLocnOut locn
  = locn { ml_hi_file  = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
         , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn)
         , ml_hie_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hie_file locn) }