{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
   ( ModIface
   , ModIface_ (..)
   , PartialModIface
   , ModIfaceBackend (..)
   , IfaceDeclExts
   , IfaceBackendExts
   , IfaceExport
   , WhetherHasOrphans
   , WhetherHasFamInst
   , mi_boot
   , mi_fix
   , mi_semantic_module
   , mi_free_holes
   , renameFreeHoles
   , emptyPartialModIface
   , emptyFullModIface
   , mkIfaceHashCache
   , emptyIfaceHashCache

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Hs

import GHC.Iface.Syntax
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Fields

import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Unit.Module.Deps
import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings

import GHC.Types.Avail
import GHC.Types.Fixity
import GHC.Types.Fixity.Env
import GHC.Types.HpcInfo
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell
import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM

import GHC.Data.Maybe

import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
import GHC.Utils.Binary

import Control.DeepSeq

{- Note [Interface file stages]

Interface files have two possible stages.

* A partial stage built from the result of the core pipeline.
* A fully instantiated form. Which also includes fingerprints and
  potentially information provided by backends.

We can build a full interface file two ways:
* Directly from a partial one:
  Then we omit backend information and mostly compute fingerprints.
* From a partial one + information produced by a backend.
  Then we store the provided information and fingerprint both.

type PartialModIface = ModIface_ 'ModIfaceCore
type ModIface = ModIface_ 'ModIfaceFinal

-- | Extends a PartialModIface with information which is either:
-- * Computed after codegen
-- * Or computed just before writing the iface to disk. (Hashes)
-- In order to fully instantiate it.
data ModIfaceBackend = ModIfaceBackend
  { mi_iface_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of the whole interface
  , mi_mod_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of the ABI only
  , mi_flag_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of the important flags used when compiling the module, excluding
    -- optimisation flags
  , mi_opt_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of optimisation flags
  , mi_hpc_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of hpc flags
  , mi_plugin_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of plugins
  , mi_orphan :: !WhetherHasOrphans
    -- ^ Whether this module has orphans
  , mi_finsts :: !WhetherHasFamInst
    -- ^ Whether this module has family instances. See Note [The type family
    -- instance consistency story].
  , mi_exp_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash of export list
  , mi_orphan_hash :: !Fingerprint
    -- ^ Hash for orphan rules, class and family instances combined

    -- Cached environments for easy lookup. These are computed (lazily) from
    -- other fields and are not put into the interface file.
    -- Not really produced by the backend but there is no need to create them
    -- any earlier.
  , mi_warn_fn :: !(OccName -> Maybe WarningTxt)
    -- ^ Cached lookup for 'mi_warns'
  , mi_fix_fn :: !(OccName -> Maybe Fixity)
    -- ^ Cached lookup for 'mi_fixities'
  , mi_hash_fn :: !(OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
    -- ^ Cached lookup for 'mi_decls'. The @Nothing@ in 'mi_hash_fn' means that
    -- the thing isn't in decls. It's useful to know that when seeing if we are
    -- up to date wrt. the old interface. The 'OccName' is the parent of the
    -- name, if it has one.

data ModIfacePhase
  = ModIfaceCore
  -- ^ Partial interface built based on output of core pipeline.
  | ModIfaceFinal

-- | Selects a IfaceDecl representation.
-- For fully instantiated interfaces we also maintain
-- a fingerprint, which is used for recompilation checks.
type family IfaceDeclExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase) where
  IfaceDeclExts 'ModIfaceCore = IfaceDecl
  IfaceDeclExts 'ModIfaceFinal = (Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)

type family IfaceBackendExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase) where
  IfaceBackendExts 'ModIfaceCore = ()
  IfaceBackendExts 'ModIfaceFinal = ModIfaceBackend

-- | A 'ModIface' plus a 'ModDetails' summarises everything we know
-- about a compiled module.  The 'ModIface' is the stuff *before* linking,
-- and can be written out to an interface file. The 'ModDetails is after
-- linking and can be completely recovered from just the 'ModIface'.
-- When we read an interface file, we also construct a 'ModIface' from it,
-- except that we explicitly make the 'mi_decls' and a few other fields empty;
-- as when reading we consolidate the declarations etc. into a number of indexed
-- maps and environments in the 'ExternalPackageState'.
data ModIface_ (phase :: ModIfacePhase)
  = ModIface {
        mi_module     :: !Module,             -- ^ Name of the module we are for
        mi_sig_of     :: !(Maybe Module),     -- ^ Are we a sig of another mod?

        mi_hsc_src    :: !HscSource,          -- ^ Boot? Signature?

        mi_deps     :: Dependencies,
                -- ^ The dependencies of the module.  This is
                -- consulted for directly-imported modules, but not
                -- for anything else (hence lazy)

        mi_usages   :: [Usage],
                -- ^ Usages; kept sorted so that it's easy to decide
                -- whether to write a new iface file (changing usages
                -- doesn't affect the hash of this module)
                -- NOT STRICT!  we read this field lazily from the interface file
                -- It is *only* consulted by the recompilation checker

        mi_exports  :: ![IfaceExport],
                -- ^ Exports
                -- Kept sorted by (mod,occ), to make version comparisons easier
                -- Records the modules that are the declaration points for things
                -- exported by this module, and the 'OccName's of those things

        mi_used_th  :: !Bool,
                -- ^ Module required TH splices when it was compiled.
                -- This disables recompilation avoidance (see #481).

        mi_fixities :: [(OccName,Fixity)],
                -- ^ Fixities
                -- NOT STRICT!  we read this field lazily from the interface file

        mi_warns    :: Warnings,
                -- ^ Warnings
                -- NOT STRICT!  we read this field lazily from the interface file

        mi_anns     :: [IfaceAnnotation],
                -- ^ Annotations
                -- NOT STRICT!  we read this field lazily from the interface file

        mi_decls    :: [IfaceDeclExts phase],
                -- ^ Type, class and variable declarations
                -- The hash of an Id changes if its fixity or deprecations change
                --      (as well as its type of course)
                -- Ditto data constructors, class operations, except that
                -- the hash of the parent class/tycon changes

        mi_globals  :: !(Maybe GlobalRdrEnv),
                -- ^ Binds all the things defined at the top level in
                -- the /original source/ code for this module. which
                -- is NOT the same as mi_exports, nor mi_decls (which
                -- may contains declarations for things not actually
                -- defined by the user).  Used for GHCi and for inspecting
                -- the contents of modules via the GHC API only.
                -- (We need the source file to figure out the
                -- top-level environment, if we didn't compile this module
                -- from source then this field contains @Nothing@).
                -- Strictly speaking this field should live in the
                -- 'HomeModInfo', but that leads to more plumbing.

                -- Instance declarations and rules
        mi_insts       :: [IfaceClsInst],     -- ^ Sorted class instance
        mi_fam_insts   :: [IfaceFamInst],  -- ^ Sorted family instances
        mi_rules       :: [IfaceRule],     -- ^ Sorted rules

        mi_hpc       :: !AnyHpcUsage,
                -- ^ True if this program uses Hpc at any point in the program.

        mi_trust     :: !IfaceTrustInfo,
                -- ^ Safe Haskell Trust information for this module.

        mi_trust_pkg :: !Bool,
                -- ^ Do we require the package this module resides in be trusted
                -- to trust this module? This is used for the situation where a
                -- module is Safe (so doesn't require the package be trusted
                -- itself) but imports some trustworthy modules from its own
                -- package (which does require its own package be trusted).
                -- See Note [Trust Own Package] in GHC.Rename.Names
        mi_complete_matches :: [IfaceCompleteMatch],

        mi_doc_hdr :: Maybe HsDocString,
                -- ^ Module header.

        mi_decl_docs :: DeclDocMap,
                -- ^ Docs on declarations.

        mi_arg_docs :: ArgDocMap,
                -- ^ Docs on arguments.

        mi_final_exts :: !(IfaceBackendExts phase),
                -- ^ Either `()` or `ModIfaceBackend` for
                -- a fully instantiated interface.

        mi_ext_fields :: ExtensibleFields
                -- ^ Additional optional fields, where the Map key represents
                -- the field name, resulting in a (size, serialized data) pair.
                -- Because the data is intended to be serialized through the
                -- internal `Binary` class (increasing compatibility with types
                -- using `Name` and `FastString`, such as HIE), this format is
                -- chosen over `ByteString`s.

-- | Old-style accessor for whether or not the ModIface came from an hs-boot
-- file.
mi_boot :: ModIface -> IsBootInterface
mi_boot iface = if mi_hsc_src iface == HsBootFile
    then IsBoot
    else NotBoot

-- | Lookups up a (possibly cached) fixity from a 'ModIface'. If one cannot be
-- found, 'defaultFixity' is returned instead.
mi_fix :: ModIface -> OccName -> Fixity
mi_fix iface name = mi_fix_fn (mi_final_exts iface) name `orElse` defaultFixity

-- | The semantic module for this interface; e.g., if it's a interface
-- for a signature, if 'mi_module' is @p[A=<A>]:A@, 'mi_semantic_module'
-- will be @<A>@.
mi_semantic_module :: ModIface_ a -> Module
mi_semantic_module iface = case mi_sig_of iface of
                            Nothing -> mi_module iface
                            Just mod -> mod

-- | The "precise" free holes, e.g., the signatures that this
-- 'ModIface' depends on.
mi_free_holes :: ModIface -> UniqDSet ModuleName
mi_free_holes iface =
  case getModuleInstantiation (mi_module iface) of
    (_, Just indef)
        -- A mini-hack: we rely on the fact that 'renameFreeHoles'
        -- drops things that aren't holes.
        -> renameFreeHoles (mkUniqDSet cands) (instUnitInsts (moduleUnit indef))
    _   -> emptyUniqDSet
    cands = map gwib_mod $ dep_mods $ mi_deps iface

-- | Given a set of free holes, and a unit identifier, rename
-- the free holes according to the instantiation of the unit
-- identifier.  For example, if we have A and B free, and
-- our unit identity is @p[A=<C>,B=impl:B]@, the renamed free
-- holes are just C.
renameFreeHoles :: UniqDSet ModuleName -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> UniqDSet ModuleName
renameFreeHoles fhs insts =
    unionManyUniqDSets (map lookup_impl (uniqDSetToList fhs))
    hmap = listToUFM insts
    lookup_impl mod_name
        | Just mod <- lookupUFM hmap mod_name = moduleFreeHoles mod
        -- It wasn't actually a hole
        | otherwise                           = emptyUniqDSet

instance Binary ModIface where
   put_ bh (ModIface {
                 mi_module    = mod,
                 mi_sig_of    = sig_of,
                 mi_hsc_src   = hsc_src,
                 mi_deps      = deps,
                 mi_usages    = usages,
                 mi_exports   = exports,
                 mi_used_th   = used_th,
                 mi_fixities  = fixities,
                 mi_warns     = warns,
                 mi_anns      = anns,
                 mi_decls     = decls,
                 mi_insts     = insts,
                 mi_fam_insts = fam_insts,
                 mi_rules     = rules,
                 mi_hpc       = hpc_info,
                 mi_trust     = trust,
                 mi_trust_pkg = trust_pkg,
                 mi_complete_matches = complete_matches,
                 mi_doc_hdr   = doc_hdr,
                 mi_decl_docs = decl_docs,
                 mi_arg_docs  = arg_docs,
                 mi_ext_fields = _ext_fields, -- Don't `put_` this in the instance so we
                                              -- can deal with it's pointer in the header
                                              -- when we write the actual file
                 mi_final_exts = ModIfaceBackend {
                   mi_iface_hash = iface_hash,
                   mi_mod_hash = mod_hash,
                   mi_flag_hash = flag_hash,
                   mi_opt_hash = opt_hash,
                   mi_hpc_hash = hpc_hash,
                   mi_plugin_hash = plugin_hash,
                   mi_orphan = orphan,
                   mi_finsts = hasFamInsts,
                   mi_exp_hash = exp_hash,
                   mi_orphan_hash = orphan_hash
                 }}) = do
        put_ bh mod
        put_ bh sig_of
        put_ bh hsc_src
        put_ bh iface_hash
        put_ bh mod_hash
        put_ bh flag_hash
        put_ bh opt_hash
        put_ bh hpc_hash
        put_ bh plugin_hash
        put_ bh orphan
        put_ bh hasFamInsts
        lazyPut bh deps
        lazyPut bh usages
        put_ bh exports
        put_ bh exp_hash
        put_ bh used_th
        put_ bh fixities
        lazyPut bh warns
        lazyPut bh anns
        put_ bh decls
        put_ bh insts
        put_ bh fam_insts
        lazyPut bh rules
        put_ bh orphan_hash
        put_ bh hpc_info
        put_ bh trust
        put_ bh trust_pkg
        put_ bh complete_matches
        lazyPut bh doc_hdr
        lazyPut bh decl_docs
        lazyPut bh arg_docs

   get bh = do
        mod         <- get bh
        sig_of      <- get bh
        hsc_src     <- get bh
        iface_hash  <- get bh
        mod_hash    <- get bh
        flag_hash   <- get bh
        opt_hash    <- get bh
        hpc_hash    <- get bh
        plugin_hash <- get bh
        orphan      <- get bh
        hasFamInsts <- get bh
        deps        <- lazyGet bh
        usages      <- {-# SCC "bin_usages" #-} lazyGet bh
        exports     <- {-# SCC "bin_exports" #-} get bh
        exp_hash    <- get bh
        used_th     <- get bh
        fixities    <- {-# SCC "bin_fixities" #-} get bh
        warns       <- {-# SCC "bin_warns" #-} lazyGet bh
        anns        <- {-# SCC "bin_anns" #-} lazyGet bh
        decls       <- {-# SCC "bin_tycldecls" #-} get bh
        insts       <- {-# SCC "bin_insts" #-} get bh
        fam_insts   <- {-# SCC "bin_fam_insts" #-} get bh
        rules       <- {-# SCC "bin_rules" #-} lazyGet bh
        orphan_hash <- get bh
        hpc_info    <- get bh
        trust       <- get bh
        trust_pkg   <- get bh
        complete_matches <- get bh
        doc_hdr     <- lazyGet bh
        decl_docs   <- lazyGet bh
        arg_docs    <- lazyGet bh
        return (ModIface {
                 mi_module      = mod,
                 mi_sig_of      = sig_of,
                 mi_hsc_src     = hsc_src,
                 mi_deps        = deps,
                 mi_usages      = usages,
                 mi_exports     = exports,
                 mi_used_th     = used_th,
                 mi_anns        = anns,
                 mi_fixities    = fixities,
                 mi_warns       = warns,
                 mi_decls       = decls,
                 mi_globals     = Nothing,
                 mi_insts       = insts,
                 mi_fam_insts   = fam_insts,
                 mi_rules       = rules,
                 mi_hpc         = hpc_info,
                 mi_trust       = trust,
                 mi_trust_pkg   = trust_pkg,
                        -- And build the cached values
                 mi_complete_matches = complete_matches,
                 mi_doc_hdr     = doc_hdr,
                 mi_decl_docs   = decl_docs,
                 mi_arg_docs    = arg_docs,
                 mi_ext_fields  = emptyExtensibleFields, -- placeholder because this is dealt
                                                         -- with specially when the file is read
                 mi_final_exts = ModIfaceBackend {
                   mi_iface_hash = iface_hash,
                   mi_mod_hash = mod_hash,
                   mi_flag_hash = flag_hash,
                   mi_opt_hash = opt_hash,
                   mi_hpc_hash = hpc_hash,
                   mi_plugin_hash = plugin_hash,
                   mi_orphan = orphan,
                   mi_finsts = hasFamInsts,
                   mi_exp_hash = exp_hash,
                   mi_orphan_hash = orphan_hash,
                   mi_warn_fn = mkIfaceWarnCache warns,
                   mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities,
                   mi_hash_fn = mkIfaceHashCache decls

-- | The original names declared of a certain module that are exported
type IfaceExport = AvailInfo

emptyPartialModIface :: Module -> PartialModIface
emptyPartialModIface mod
  = ModIface { mi_module      = mod,
               mi_sig_of      = Nothing,
               mi_hsc_src     = HsSrcFile,
               mi_deps        = noDependencies,
               mi_usages      = [],
               mi_exports     = [],
               mi_used_th     = False,
               mi_fixities    = [],
               mi_warns       = NoWarnings,
               mi_anns        = [],
               mi_insts       = [],
               mi_fam_insts   = [],
               mi_rules       = [],
               mi_decls       = [],
               mi_globals     = Nothing,
               mi_hpc         = False,
               mi_trust       = noIfaceTrustInfo,
               mi_trust_pkg   = False,
               mi_complete_matches = [],
               mi_doc_hdr     = Nothing,
               mi_decl_docs   = emptyDeclDocMap,
               mi_arg_docs    = emptyArgDocMap,
               mi_final_exts  = (),
               mi_ext_fields  = emptyExtensibleFields

emptyFullModIface :: Module -> ModIface
emptyFullModIface mod =
    (emptyPartialModIface mod)
      { mi_decls = []
      , mi_final_exts = ModIfaceBackend
        { mi_iface_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_mod_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_flag_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_opt_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_hpc_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_plugin_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_orphan = False,
          mi_finsts = False,
          mi_exp_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_orphan_hash = fingerprint0,
          mi_warn_fn = emptyIfaceWarnCache,
          mi_fix_fn = emptyIfaceFixCache,
          mi_hash_fn = emptyIfaceHashCache } }

-- | Constructs cache for the 'mi_hash_fn' field of a 'ModIface'
mkIfaceHashCache :: [(Fingerprint,IfaceDecl)]
                 -> (OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
mkIfaceHashCache pairs
  = \occ -> lookupOccEnv env occ
    env = foldl' add_decl emptyOccEnv pairs
    add_decl env0 (v,d) = foldl' add env0 (ifaceDeclFingerprints v d)
        add env0 (occ,hash) = extendOccEnv env0 occ (occ,hash)

emptyIfaceHashCache :: OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint)
emptyIfaceHashCache _occ = Nothing

-- Take care, this instance only forces to the degree necessary to
-- avoid major space leaks.
instance (NFData (IfaceBackendExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase)), NFData (IfaceDeclExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase))) => NFData (ModIface_ phase) where
  rnf (ModIface f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12
                f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 f19 f20 f21 f22 f23 f24) =
    rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` f3 `seq` f4 `seq` f5 `seq` f6 `seq` rnf f7 `seq` f8 `seq`
    f9 `seq` rnf f10 `seq` rnf f11 `seq` f12 `seq` rnf f13 `seq` rnf f14 `seq` rnf f15 `seq`
    rnf f16 `seq` f17 `seq` rnf f18 `seq` rnf f19 `seq` f20 `seq` f21 `seq` f22 `seq` rnf f23
    `seq` rnf f24

-- | Records whether a module has orphans. An \"orphan\" is one of:
-- * An instance declaration in a module other than the definition
--   module for one of the type constructors or classes in the instance head
-- * A rewrite rule in a module other than the one defining
--   the function in the head of the rule
type WhetherHasOrphans   = Bool

-- | Does this module define family instances?
type WhetherHasFamInst = Bool