module GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings
( Warnings (..)
, WarningTxt (..)
, pprWarningTxtForMsg
, mkIfaceWarnCache
, emptyIfaceWarnCache
, plusWarns
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Types.SourceText
import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Binary
import Data.Data
data WarningTxt
= WarningTxt
(Located SourceText)
[Located StringLiteral]
| DeprecatedTxt
(Located SourceText)
[Located StringLiteral]
deriving (Eq, Data)
instance Outputable WarningTxt where
ppr (WarningTxt lsrc ws)
= case unLoc lsrc of
NoSourceText -> pp_ws ws
SourceText src -> text src <+> pp_ws ws <+> text "#-}"
ppr (DeprecatedTxt lsrc ds)
= case unLoc lsrc of
NoSourceText -> pp_ws ds
SourceText src -> text src <+> pp_ws ds <+> text "#-}"
instance Binary WarningTxt where
put_ bh (WarningTxt s w) = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh s
put_ bh w
put_ bh (DeprecatedTxt s d) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh s
put_ bh d
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> do s <- get bh
w <- get bh
return (WarningTxt s w)
_ -> do s <- get bh
d <- get bh
return (DeprecatedTxt s d)
pp_ws :: [Located StringLiteral] -> SDoc
pp_ws [l] = ppr $ unLoc l
pp_ws ws
= text "["
<+> vcat (punctuate comma (map (ppr . unLoc) ws))
<+> text "]"
pprWarningTxtForMsg :: WarningTxt -> SDoc
pprWarningTxtForMsg (WarningTxt _ ws)
= doubleQuotes (vcat (map (ftext . sl_fs . unLoc) ws))
pprWarningTxtForMsg (DeprecatedTxt _ ds)
= text "Deprecated:" <+>
doubleQuotes (vcat (map (ftext . sl_fs . unLoc) ds))
data Warnings
= NoWarnings
| WarnAll WarningTxt
| WarnSome [(OccName,WarningTxt)]
deriving( Eq )
instance Binary Warnings where
put_ bh NoWarnings = putByte bh 0
put_ bh (WarnAll t) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh t
put_ bh (WarnSome ts) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh ts
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> return NoWarnings
1 -> do aa <- get bh
return (WarnAll aa)
_ -> do aa <- get bh
return (WarnSome aa)
mkIfaceWarnCache :: Warnings -> OccName -> Maybe WarningTxt
mkIfaceWarnCache NoWarnings = \_ -> Nothing
mkIfaceWarnCache (WarnAll t) = \_ -> Just t
mkIfaceWarnCache (WarnSome pairs) = lookupOccEnv (mkOccEnv pairs)
emptyIfaceWarnCache :: OccName -> Maybe WarningTxt
emptyIfaceWarnCache _ = Nothing
plusWarns :: Warnings -> Warnings -> Warnings
plusWarns d NoWarnings = d
plusWarns NoWarnings d = d
plusWarns _ (WarnAll t) = WarnAll t
plusWarns (WarnAll t) _ = WarnAll t
plusWarns (WarnSome v1) (WarnSome v2) = WarnSome (v1 ++ v2)