module Data.ByteString.Internal (
( BS
, PS
packBytes, packUptoLenBytes, unsafePackLenBytes,
packChars, packUptoLenChars, unsafePackLenChars,
unpackBytes, unpackAppendBytesLazy, unpackAppendBytesStrict,
unpackChars, unpackAppendCharsLazy, unpackAppendCharsStrict,
unsafePackAddress, unsafePackLenAddress,
unsafePackLiteral, unsafePackLenLiteral,
w2c, c2w, isSpaceWord8, isSpaceChar8,
) where
import Prelude hiding (concat, null)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Control.Monad (void)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr, plusPtr, minusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..), CSize(..))
import Foreign.C.String (CString)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (sconcat, stimes))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup ((<>), sconcat, stimes))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Word
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Data (Data(..), mkNoRepType)
import GHC.Base (nullAddr#,realWorld#,unsafeChr)
import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
import GHC.CString (unpackCString#)
import GHC.Prim (Addr#)
import GHC.IO (IO(IO),unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import GHC.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr(ForeignPtr)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 900
, newForeignPtr_
, mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
import GHC.ForeignPtr (plusForeignPtr)
import GHC.Prim (plusAddr#)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811
import GHC.CString (cstringLength#)
import GHC.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtrContents(FinalPtr))
import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..))
#if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 802) || (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811)
import GHC.Types (Int (..))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
import GHC.ForeignPtr (unsafeWithForeignPtr)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Lib as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,15,0)
unsafeWithForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
unsafeWithForeignPtr = withForeignPtr
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
plusForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> Int -> ForeignPtr b
plusForeignPtr (ForeignPtr addr guts) (I# offset) = ForeignPtr (plusAddr# addr offset) guts
data ByteString = BS !(ForeignPtr Word8)
deriving (Typeable)
type StrictByteString = ByteString
pattern PS :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> ByteString
pattern PS fp zero len <- BS fp ((0,) -> (zero, len)) where
PS fp o len = BS (plusForeignPtr fp o) len
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802
instance Eq ByteString where
(==) = eq
instance Ord ByteString where
compare = compareBytes
instance Semigroup ByteString where
(<>) = append
sconcat (b:|bs) = concat (b:bs)
stimes = times
instance Monoid ByteString where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<>)
mconcat = concat
instance NFData ByteString where
rnf BS{} = ()
instance Show ByteString where
showsPrec p ps r = showsPrec p (unpackChars ps) r
instance Read ByteString where
readsPrec p str = [ (packChars x, y) | (x, y) <- readsPrec p str ]
instance IsList ByteString where
type Item ByteString = Word8
fromList = packBytes
toList = unpackBytes
instance IsString ByteString where
fromString = packChars
instance Data ByteString where
gfoldl f z txt = z packBytes `f` unpackBytes txt
toConstr _ = error "Data.ByteString.ByteString.toConstr"
gunfold _ _ = error "Data.ByteString.ByteString.gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Data.ByteString.ByteString"
instance TH.Lift ByteString where
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
lift (BS ptr len) = [| unsafePackLenLiteral |]
`TH.appE` TH.litE (TH.integerL (fromIntegral len))
`TH.appE` TH.litE (TH.BytesPrimL $ TH.Bytes ptr 0 (fromIntegral len))
lift bs@(BS _ len) = [| unsafePackLenLiteral |]
`TH.appE` TH.litE (TH.integerL (fromIntegral len))
`TH.appE` TH.litE (TH.StringPrimL $ unpackBytes bs)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
liftTyped = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce . TH.lift
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
liftTyped = TH.unsafeTExpCoerce . TH.lift
findIndexOrLength :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> ByteString -> Int
findIndexOrLength k (BS x l) =
accursedUnutterablePerformIO $ unsafeWithForeignPtr x g
g ptr = go 0
go !n | n >= l = return l
| otherwise = do w <- peek $ ptr `plusPtr` n
if k w
then return n
else go (n+1)
packBytes :: [Word8] -> ByteString
packBytes ws = unsafePackLenBytes (List.length ws) ws
packChars :: [Char] -> ByteString
packChars cs = unsafePackLenChars (List.length cs) cs
unsafePackLenBytes :: Int -> [Word8] -> ByteString
unsafePackLenBytes len xs0 =
unsafeCreate len $ \p -> go p xs0
go !_ [] = return ()
go !p (x:xs) = poke p x >> go (p `plusPtr` 1) xs
unsafePackLenChars :: Int -> [Char] -> ByteString
unsafePackLenChars len cs0 =
unsafeCreate len $ \p -> go p cs0
go !_ [] = return ()
go !p (c:cs) = poke p (c2w c) >> go (p `plusPtr` 1) cs
unsafePackAddress :: Addr# -> IO ByteString
unsafePackAddress addr# = do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811
unsafePackLenAddress (I# (cstringLength# addr#)) addr#
l <- c_strlen (Ptr addr#)
unsafePackLenAddress (fromIntegral l) addr#
unsafePackLenAddress :: Int -> Addr# -> IO ByteString
unsafePackLenAddress len addr# = do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811
return (BS (ForeignPtr addr# FinalPtr) len)
p <- newForeignPtr_ (Ptr addr#)
return $ BS p len
unsafePackLiteral :: Addr# -> ByteString
unsafePackLiteral addr# =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811
unsafePackLenLiteral (I# (cstringLength# addr#)) addr#
let len = accursedUnutterablePerformIO (c_strlen (Ptr addr#))
in unsafePackLenLiteral (fromIntegral len) addr#
unsafePackLenLiteral :: Int -> Addr# -> ByteString
unsafePackLenLiteral len addr# =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811
BS (ForeignPtr addr# FinalPtr) len
BS (accursedUnutterablePerformIO (newForeignPtr_ (Ptr addr#))) len
packUptoLenBytes :: Int -> [Word8] -> (ByteString, [Word8])
packUptoLenBytes len xs0 =
unsafeCreateUptoN' len $ \p0 ->
let p_end = plusPtr p0 len
go !p [] = return (p `minusPtr` p0, [])
go !p xs | p == p_end = return (len, xs)
go !p (x:xs) = poke p x >> go (p `plusPtr` 1) xs
in go p0 xs0
packUptoLenChars :: Int -> [Char] -> (ByteString, [Char])
packUptoLenChars len cs0 =
unsafeCreateUptoN' len $ \p0 ->
let p_end = plusPtr p0 len
go !p [] = return (p `minusPtr` p0, [])
go !p cs | p == p_end = return (len, cs)
go !p (c:cs) = poke p (c2w c) >> go (p `plusPtr` 1) cs
in go p0 cs0
unpackBytes :: ByteString -> [Word8]
unpackBytes bs = unpackAppendBytesLazy bs []
unpackChars :: ByteString -> [Char]
unpackChars bs = unpackAppendCharsLazy bs []
unpackAppendBytesLazy :: ByteString -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
unpackAppendBytesLazy (BS fp len) xs
| len <= 100 = unpackAppendBytesStrict (BS fp len) xs
| otherwise = unpackAppendBytesStrict (BS fp 100) remainder
remainder = unpackAppendBytesLazy (BS (plusForeignPtr fp 100) (len100)) xs
unpackAppendCharsLazy :: ByteString -> [Char] -> [Char]
unpackAppendCharsLazy (BS fp len) cs
| len <= 100 = unpackAppendCharsStrict (BS fp len) cs
| otherwise = unpackAppendCharsStrict (BS fp 100) remainder
remainder = unpackAppendCharsLazy (BS (plusForeignPtr fp 100) (len100)) cs
unpackAppendBytesStrict :: ByteString -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
unpackAppendBytesStrict (BS fp len) xs =
accursedUnutterablePerformIO $ unsafeWithForeignPtr fp $ \base ->
loop (base `plusPtr` (1)) (base `plusPtr` (1+len)) xs
loop !sentinal !p acc
| p == sentinal = return acc
| otherwise = do x <- peek p
loop sentinal (p `plusPtr` (1)) (x:acc)
unpackAppendCharsStrict :: ByteString -> [Char] -> [Char]
unpackAppendCharsStrict (BS fp len) xs =
accursedUnutterablePerformIO $ unsafeWithForeignPtr fp $ \base ->
loop (base `plusPtr` (1)) (base `plusPtr` (1+len)) xs
loop !sentinal !p acc
| p == sentinal = return acc
| otherwise = do x <- peek p
loop sentinal (p `plusPtr` (1)) (w2c x:acc)
nullForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr Word8
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 811
nullForeignPtr = ForeignPtr nullAddr# FinalPtr
nullForeignPtr = ForeignPtr nullAddr# (error "nullForeignPtr")
fromForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr Word8
-> Int
-> Int
-> ByteString
fromForeignPtr fp o = BS (plusForeignPtr fp o)
fromForeignPtr0 :: ForeignPtr Word8
-> Int
-> ByteString
fromForeignPtr0 = BS
toForeignPtr :: ByteString -> (ForeignPtr Word8, Int, Int)
toForeignPtr (BS ps l) = (ps, 0, l)
toForeignPtr0 :: ByteString -> (ForeignPtr Word8, Int)
toForeignPtr0 (BS ps l) = (ps, l)
unsafeCreate :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> ByteString
unsafeCreate l f = unsafeDupablePerformIO (create l f)
unsafeCreateUptoN :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO Int) -> ByteString
unsafeCreateUptoN l f = unsafeDupablePerformIO (createUptoN l f)
unsafeCreateUptoN' :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO (Int, a)) -> (ByteString, a)
unsafeCreateUptoN' l f = unsafeDupablePerformIO (createUptoN' l f)
create :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) -> IO ByteString
create l action = do
fp <- mallocByteString l
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> action p
return $! BS fp l
createUptoN :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO Int) -> IO ByteString
createUptoN l action = do
fp <- mallocByteString l
l' <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> action p
assert (l' <= l) $ return $! BS fp l'
createUptoN' :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO (Int, a)) -> IO (ByteString, a)
createUptoN' l action = do
fp <- mallocByteString l
(l', res) <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> action p
assert (l' <= l) $ return (BS fp l', res)
createAndTrim :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO Int) -> IO ByteString
createAndTrim l action = do
fp <- mallocByteString l
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
l' <- action p
if assert (l' <= l) $ l' >= l
then return $! BS fp l
else create l' $ \p' -> memcpy p' p l'
createAndTrim' :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO (Int, Int, a)) -> IO (ByteString, a)
createAndTrim' l action = do
fp <- mallocByteString l
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
(off, l', res) <- action p
if assert (l' <= l) $ l' >= l
then return (BS fp l, res)
else do ps <- create l' $ \p' ->
memcpy p' (p `plusPtr` off) l'
return (ps, res)
mallocByteString :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
mallocByteString = mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes
eq :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool
eq a@(BS fp len) b@(BS fp' len')
| len /= len' = False
| fp == fp' = True
| otherwise = compareBytes a b == EQ
compareBytes :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Ordering
compareBytes (BS _ 0) (BS _ 0) = EQ
compareBytes (BS fp1 len1) (BS fp2 len2) =
accursedUnutterablePerformIO $
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp1 $ \p1 ->
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp2 $ \p2 -> do
i <- memcmp p1 p2 (min len1 len2)
return $! case i `compare` 0 of
EQ -> len1 `compare` len2
x -> x
empty :: ByteString
empty = BS nullForeignPtr 0
append :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
append (BS _ 0) b = b
append a (BS _ 0) = a
append (BS fp1 len1) (BS fp2 len2) =
unsafeCreate (len1+len2) $ \destptr1 -> do
let destptr2 = destptr1 `plusPtr` len1
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp1 $ \p1 -> memcpy destptr1 p1 len1
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp2 $ \p2 -> memcpy destptr2 p2 len2
concat :: [ByteString] -> ByteString
concat = \bss0 -> goLen0 bss0 bss0
goLen0 _ [] = empty
goLen0 bss0 (BS _ 0 :bss) = goLen0 bss0 bss
goLen0 bss0 (bs :bss) = goLen1 bss0 bs bss
goLen1 _ bs [] = bs
goLen1 bss0 bs (BS _ 0 :bss) = goLen1 bss0 bs bss
goLen1 bss0 bs (BS _ len:bss) = goLen bss0 (checkedAdd "concat" len' len) bss
where BS _ len' = bs
goLen bss0 !total (BS _ len:bss) = goLen bss0 total' bss
where total' = checkedAdd "concat" total len
goLen bss0 total [] =
unsafeCreate total $ \ptr -> goCopy bss0 ptr
goCopy [] !_ = return ()
goCopy (BS _ 0 :bss) !ptr = goCopy bss ptr
goCopy (BS fp len:bss) !ptr = do
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp $ \p -> memcpy ptr p len
goCopy bss (ptr `plusPtr` len)
times :: Integral a => a -> ByteString -> ByteString
times n (BS fp len)
| n < 0 = error "stimes: non-negative multiplier expected"
| n == 0 = empty
| n == 1 = BS fp len
| len == 0 = empty
| len == 1 = unsafeCreate size $ \destptr ->
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
byte <- peek p
void $ memset destptr byte (fromIntegral size)
| otherwise = unsafeCreate size $ \destptr ->
unsafeWithForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
memcpy destptr p len
fillFrom destptr len
size = len * fromIntegral n
fillFrom :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
fillFrom destptr copied
| 2 * copied < size = do
memcpy (destptr `plusPtr` copied) destptr copied
fillFrom destptr (copied * 2)
| otherwise = memcpy (destptr `plusPtr` copied) destptr (size copied)
checkedAdd :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int
checkedAdd fun x y
| r >= 0 = r
| otherwise = overflowError fun
where r = x + y
w2c :: Word8 -> Char
w2c = unsafeChr . fromIntegral
c2w :: Char -> Word8
c2w = fromIntegral . ord
isSpaceWord8 :: Word8 -> Bool
isSpaceWord8 w8 =
let w :: Word
!w = fromIntegral w8
in w .&. 0x50 == 0
&& w 0x21 > 0x7e
&& ( w == 0x20
|| w == 0xa0
|| w 0x09 < 5)
isSpaceChar8 :: Char -> Bool
isSpaceChar8 = isSpaceWord8 . c2w
overflowError :: String -> a
overflowError fun = error $ "Data.ByteString." ++ fun ++ ": size overflow"
accursedUnutterablePerformIO :: IO a -> a
accursedUnutterablePerformIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of (# _, r #) -> r
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h strlen" c_strlen
:: CString -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe "static stdlib.h &free" c_free_finalizer
:: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memchr" c_memchr
:: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
memchr :: Ptr Word8 -> Word8 -> CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
memchr p w = c_memchr p (fromIntegral w)
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcmp" c_memcmp
:: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CInt
memcmp :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO CInt
memcmp p q s = c_memcmp p q (fromIntegral s)
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy" c_memcpy
:: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
memcpy :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
memcpy p q s = void $ c_memcpy p q (fromIntegral s)
foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memset" c_memset
:: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
memset :: Ptr Word8 -> Word8 -> CSize -> IO (Ptr Word8)
memset p w = c_memset p (fromIntegral w)
foreign import ccall unsafe "static fpstring.h fps_reverse" c_reverse
:: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "static fpstring.h fps_intersperse" c_intersperse
:: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> Word8 -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "static fpstring.h fps_maximum" c_maximum
:: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO Word8
foreign import ccall unsafe "static fpstring.h fps_minimum" c_minimum
:: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO Word8
foreign import ccall unsafe "static fpstring.h fps_count" c_count
:: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> Word8 -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe "static fpstring.h fps_sort" c_sort
:: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO ()