.. _explicit-namespaces:

Explicit namespaces in import/export

.. extension:: ExplicitNamespaces
    :shortdesc: Enable using the keyword ``type`` to specify the namespace of
        entries in imports and exports (:ref:`explicit-namespaces`).
        Implied by :extension:`TypeOperators` and :extension:`TypeFamilies`.

    :since: 7.6.1

    Enable use of explicit namespaces in module export lists.

In an import or export list, such as ::

      module M( f, (++) ) where ...
        import N( f, (++) )

the entities ``f`` and ``(++)`` are *values*. However, with type
operators (:ref:`type-operators`) it becomes possible to declare
``(++)`` as a *type constructor*. In that case, how would you export or
import it?

The :extension:`ExplicitNamespaces` extension allows you to prefix the name of
a type constructor in an import or export list with "``type``" to
disambiguate this case, thus: ::

      module M( f, type (++) ) where ...
        import N( f, type (++) )
      module N( f, type (++) ) where
        data family a ++ b = L a | R b

The extension :extension:`ExplicitNamespaces` is implied by
:extension:`TypeOperators` and (for some reason) by :extension:`TypeFamilies`.

In addition, with :extension:`PatternSynonyms` you can prefix the name of a
data constructor in an import or export list with the keyword
``pattern``, to allow the import or export of a data constructor without
its parent type constructor (see :ref:`patsyn-impexp`).