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forkProcess :: IO (Maybe ProcessID)
`forkProcess' calls `fork', returning
`Just pid' to the parent, where `pid' is the
ProcessID of the child, and returning `Nothing' to the
executeFile :: FilePath -- Command
-> Bool -- Search PATH?
-> [String] -- Arguments
-> Maybe [(String, String)] -- Environment
-> IO ()
`executeFile cmd args env' calls one of the
`execv*' family, depending on whether or not the current
PATH is to be searched for the command, and whether or not an
environment is provided to supersede the process's current
environment. The basename (leading directory names suppressed) of
the command is passed to `execv*' as `arg[0]';
the argument list passed to `executeFile' therefore begins
with `arg[1]'.
Search PATH? Supersede environ? Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
False False execv
False True execve
True False execvp
True True execvpe*
Note that `execvpe' is not provided by the POSIX standard, and must
be written by hand. Care must be taken to ensure that the search path
is extracted from the original environment, and not from the
environment to be passed on to the new image.
A successful `executeFile' overlays the current process image with
a new one, so it only returns on failure.
runProcess :: FilePath -- Command
-> [String] -- Arguments
-> Maybe [(String, String)] -- Environment (Nothing -> Inherited)
-> Maybe FilePath -- Working directory (Nothing -> inherited)
-> Maybe Handle -- stdin (Nothing -> inherited)
-> Maybe Handle -- stdout (Nothing -> inherited)
-> Maybe Handle -- stderr (Nothing -> inherited)
-> IO ()
`runProcess' is our candidate for the high-level OS-independent
`runProcess cmd args env wd inhdl outhdl errhdl' runs `cmd'
(searching the current `PATH') with arguments `args'. If
`env' is `Just pairs', the command is executed with the
environment specified by `pairs' of variables and values;
otherwise, the command is executed with the current environment. If
`wd' is `Just dir', the command is executed with working
directory `dir'; otherwise, the command is executed in the current
working directory. If `{in,out,err}hdl' is `Just handle', the
command is executed with the `Fd' for `std{in,out,err}'
attached to the specified `handle'; otherwise, the `Fd' for
`std{in,out,err}' is left unchanged.
getProcessStatus :: Bool -- Block?
-> Bool -- Stopped processes?
-> ProcessID
-> IO (Maybe ProcessStatus)
`getProcessStatus blk stopped pid' calls `waitpid', returning
`Just tc', the `ProcessStatus' for process `pid' if it is
available, `Nothing' otherwise. If `blk' is `False', then
`WNOHANG' is set in the options for `waitpid', otherwise not.
If `stopped' is `True', then `WUNTRACED' is set in the
options for `waitpid', otherwise not.
getGroupProcessStatus :: Bool -- Block?
-> Bool -- Stopped processes?
-> ProcessGroupID
-> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus))
`getGroupProcessStatus blk stopped pgid' calls `waitpid',
returning `Just (pid, tc)', the `ProcessID' and
`ProcessStatus' for any process in group `pgid' if one is
available, `Nothing' otherwise. If `blk' is `False', then
`WNOHANG' is set in the options for `waitpid', otherwise not.
If `stopped' is `True', then `WUNTRACED' is set in the
options for `waitpid', otherwise not.
getAnyProcessStatus :: Bool -- Block?
-> Bool -- Stopped processes?
-> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus))
`getAnyProcessStatus blk stopped' calls `waitpid', returning
`Just (pid, tc)', the `ProcessID' and `ProcessStatus' for any
child process if one is available, `Nothing' otherwise. If
`blk' is `False', then `WNOHANG' is set in the options for
`waitpid', otherwise not. If `stopped' is `True', then
`WUNTRACED' is set in the options for `waitpid', otherwise not.
exitImmediately :: ExitCode -> IO ()
`exitImmediately status' calls `_exit' to terminate the process
with the indicated exit `status'.
The operation never returns.
getEnvironment :: IO [(String, String)]
`getEnvironment' parses the environment variable mapping provided by
`environ', returning `(variable, value)' pairs.
The operation never fails.
setEnvironment :: [(String, String)] -> IO ()
`setEnvironment' replaces the process environment with the provided
mapping of `(variable, value)' pairs.
getEnvVar :: String -> IO String
`getEnvVar var' returns the value associated with variable `var'
in the current environment (identical functionality provided through
standard Haskell library function `System.getEnv').
The operation may fail with:
- `NoSuchThing'
The variable has no mapping in the current environment.
setEnvVar :: String -> String -> IO ()
`setEnvVar var val' sets the value associated with variable `var'
in the current environment to be `val'. Any previous mapping is
removeEnvVar :: String -> IO ()
`removeEnvVar var' removes any value associated with variable `var'
in the current environment. Deleting a variable for which there is no mapping
does not generate an error.
nullSignal :: Signal
nullSignal = 0
backgroundRead, sigTTIN :: Signal
backgroundWrite, sigTTOU :: Signal
continueProcess, sigCONT :: Signal
floatingPointException, sigFPE :: Signal
illegalInstruction, sigILL :: Signal
internalAbort, sigABRT :: Signal
keyboardSignal, sigINT :: Signal
keyboardStop, sigTSTP :: Signal
keyboardTermination, sigQUIT :: Signal
killProcess, sigKILL :: Signal
lostConnection, sigHUP :: Signal
openEndedPipe, sigPIPE :: Signal
processStatusChanged, sigCHLD :: Signal
realTimeAlarm, sigALRM :: Signal
segmentationViolation, sigSEGV :: Signal
softwareStop, sigSTOP :: Signal
softwareTermination, sigTERM :: Signal
userDefinedSignal1, sigUSR1 :: Signal
userDefinedSignal2, sigUSR2 :: Signal
signalProcess :: Signal -> ProcessID -> IO ()
`signalProcess int pid' calls `kill' to signal
process `pid' with interrupt signal `int'.
raiseSignal :: Signal -> IO ()
`raiseSignal int' calls `kill' to signal the current process
with interrupt signal `int'.
signalProcessGroup :: Signal -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
`signalProcessGroup int pgid' calls `kill' to signal
all processes in group `pgid' with interrupt signal `int'.
setStoppedChildFlag :: Bool -> IO Bool
`setStoppedChildFlag bool' sets a flag which controls whether or
not the `NOCLDSTOP' option will be used the next time a signal
handler is installed for `SIGCHLD'. If `bool' is `True' (the
default), `NOCLDSTOP' will not be used; otherwise it will be. The
operation never fails.
queryStoppedChildFlag :: IO Bool
`queryStoppedChildFlag' queries the flag which
controls whether or not the `NOCLDSTOP' option will be used
the next time a signal handler is installed for `SIGCHLD'.
If `NOCLDSTOP' will be used, it returns `False';
otherwise (the default) it returns `True'.
The operation never fails.
emptySignalSet :: SignalSet
fullSignalSet :: SignalSet
addSignal :: Signal -> SignalSet -> SignalSet
deleteSignal :: Signal -> SignalSet -> SignalSet
inSignalSet :: Signal -> SignalSet -> Bool
installHandler :: Signal
-> Handler
-> Maybe SignalSet -- other signals to block
-> IO Handler -- old handler
`installHandler int handler iset' calls `sigaction' to install
an interrupt handler for signal `int'. If `handler' is
`Default', `SIG_DFL' is installed; if `handler' is
`Ignore', `SIG_IGN' is installed; if `handler' is
`Catch action', a handler is installed which will invoke `action' as a
replacement for `main'. If `iset' is `Just s', then the
`sa_mask' of the `sigaction' structure is set to `s';
otherwise it is cleared. The previously installed signal handler for
`int' is returned.
getSignalMask :: IO SignalSet
`getSignalMask' calls `sigprocmask' to determine the
set of interrupts which are currently being blocked.
setSignalMask :: SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
`setSignalMask mask' calls `sigprocmask' with
`SIG_SETMASK' to block all interrupts in `mask'. The
previous set of blocked interrupts is returned.
blockSignals :: SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
`setSignalMask mask' calls `sigprocmask' with
`SIG_BLOCK' to add all interrupts in `mask' to the
set of blocked interrupts. The previous set of blocked interrupts is returned.
unBlockSignals :: SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
`setSignalMask mask' calls `sigprocmask' with
`SIG_UNBLOCK' to remove all interrupts in `mask' from the
set of blocked interrupts. The previous set of blocked interrupts is returned.
getPendingSignals :: IO SignalSet
`getPendingSignals' calls `sigpending' to obtain
the set of interrupts which have been received but are currently blocked.
awaitSignal :: Maybe SignalSet -> IO ()
`awaitSignal iset' suspends execution until an interrupt is received.
If `iset' is `Just s', `awaitSignal' calls
`sigsuspend', installing `s' as the new signal mask before
suspending execution; otherwise, it calls `pause'. If successful,
`awaitSignal' does not return.
scheduleAlarm :: Int -> IO Int
`scheduleAlarm i' calls `alarm' to schedule a real time
alarm at least `i' seconds in the future.
sleep :: Int -> IO ()
`sleep i' calls `sleep' to suspend execution of the
program until at least `i' seconds have elapsed or a signal is
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