The Hugs-GHC Extension Libraries : LazyST
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1. LazyST

This library provides support for both lazy and strict state threads, as described in the PLDI '94 paper by John Launchbury and Simon Peyton Jones [LazyStateThreads]. In addition to the monad ST, it also provides mutable variables STRef and mutable arrays STArray. As the name suggests, the monad ST instance is lazy.

module LazyST( module LazyST, module Monad ) where
import Monad

data ST s a        -- abstract type
runST              :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
returnST           :: a -> ST s a
thenLazyST         :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b
thenStrictST       :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b
fixST              :: (a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
unsafeInterleaveST :: ST s a -> ST s a
instance Functor (ST s)
instance Monad   (ST s)

data STRef s a     -- mutable variables in state thread s
                   -- containing values of type a.
newSTRef           :: a -> ST s (STRef s a)
readSTRef          :: STRef s a -> ST s a
writeSTRef         :: STRef s a -> a -> ST s ()
instance Eq (STRef s a)

data STArray s ix elt -- mutable arrays in state thread s
                      -- indexed by values of type ix
                      -- containing values of type a.
newSTArray          :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> elt -> ST s (STArray s ix elt)
boundsSTArray       :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> (ix, ix)
readSTArray         :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ix -> ST s elt
writeSTArray        :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ix -> elt -> ST s ()
thawSTArray         :: Ix ix => Array ix elt -> ST s (STArray s ix elt)
freezeSTArray       :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ST s (Array ix elt)
unsafeFreezeSTArray :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ST s (Array ix elt)  
instance Eq (STArray s ix elt)


The Hugs-GHC Extension Libraries : LazyST
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