Chapter 2 Installation and Use
Download the compressed tar file and uncompress/untar it in the
location of your choice. It will create a directory called
edison with several subdirectories containing the actual
source code.
Now, cd to the edison directory and type
make all
I recommend using GHC 4.00 or higher (I used GHC 4.00 for testing).
See Section 3.7 for a discussion of portability issues.
To compile a file Foo.hs that uses Edison, type something like
ghc -c -i/usr/local/edison/Import Foo.hs
where /usr/local should be replaced with the correct path
to the edison directory. To compile and link, type something
ghc -i/usr/local/edison/Import -L/usr/local/edison/Lib -ledison Foo.hs